

  1. 24.09.17   Gruinard Island aka Anthrax Island 
  2. 03.12.15 human experimentation declassified, porton down, sarin, pyrexal & vx vapour 
  3.    UK Government ADMITS Deadly Spraying 
  4. 01.12.15  British Government subjected thousands to chemical & biological warfare trials
  6. MI6 pay outs: LSD mind control tests, Torture & Guantanamo 


  1. PROJECT SUNSHINE: Radiation, CIA, Military, Human Experimentation {part 1} 
  2. PROJECT SUNSHINE: Radiation, CIA, Military, Human Experimentation {part2}
  1. Gartnavel Psychiatric Hospital  01.08.16
  2. Dr Henderson {Sir David Kennedy} & Gartnavel    

  3. Dr Ewen Cameron ~  Gartnavel ~ LSD, CIA, Brainwashing, LSD, Torture, Mind Control & Human Experimentation 
  4. Dr Angus MacNiven ~ Gartnavel ~ FILES LOCKED FOR 75 YEARS 
  5. Dr RD Laing ~ Gartnaval, LSD, Sean Connery & Tavistock 
  6. Dr Ewen Cameron, The Douglas-Hamilton’s, Hess & Hobgoblins 
  2. “Depressed” women put to sleep for months in notorious Sleep Rooms 29.05.16
  3. ASTON HALL, Dr Kenneth Milner, CSA & HUMAN EXPERIMENT 20.04.17 
  1. RENDITION PROJECT. Scotland & the #CIA torture flights 
  2. Llanddewi Brefi, The Krays, LSD, Litvinoff & Tara. 
  3. Cathy O’Brien, Andy Peron, Dave Marrow, James Casbolt, Cathi Morgan, Brice Taylor

02.10.17       CIA Experiments       via       

  1. LENNOX CASTLE: Disabled children given grotesque drug tests  {part 2} 
  2. Lennox Castle Hospital  {part 1} 


  3. TUAM: Mass grave of 800 BABIES found at Irish orphanage 
  4. 20.04.17 ASTON HALL, Dr Kenneth Milner, CHILD SEX ABUSE & HUMAN EXPERIMENT 


  1. Dementia leading cause of death: Air Pollution Particles & Alzheimers  25.11.16 
  2. Air Pollution Particles Linked To Alzheimers   #Chemtrails 


  2. Expert Says “We could stop almost all psychotropic drugs without causing harm”


  1. WATCH   (1 hr 45 mins)
  3. #ECT #Scotland: Scots get electric brain shocks against their will 
  4. Perhaps you should watch these Part 7: Simple Truth of #Psychiatry by Peter Breggin MD 
  5. Former FBI Chief Ted Gunderson: Chemtrail Death Dumps Must Be Stopped
  6. Dr Russell L Blaylock: Neurosurgeon Exposes Nazi Healthcare System, Vaccines, Aspartame


  1. PROJECT SUNSHINE: Human Experimentation 


published 1st Apr 2016 12:41 am   |   last update 20th Sept 2017   11.04pm


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W I L D C A T 🐱💋❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤


In no particular order…..



What the politicians don’t say


Democracy Raised from the Dead







A Diary of Injustice in Scotland



Henry Makow

Stop Child Abuse 

Educate Yourself

Forbidden Knowledge




Bits Of Books Mostly Biographies


Free Library



























Un Técnico Preocupado

The Silence Of Our Lambs






GeorgieBC’s Blog












Vigilant Citizen



Satanic Scotland {Part 2}



MIND CONTROL PROGRAMING Dave Marrow, Cathy O’Brien, Andy Peron, James Casbolt, Cathi Morgan, Brice Taylor


Scottish Paedophilia: Institutions, Children’s Homes & Schools

Child Sexual Abuse Scotland










  • PHIL GORMLEY. Scotland’s Latest TOTALLY CORRUPT Police Chief.
  • Who should be policing who? Can Police Scotland be anymore corrupt?
  • Cop Shops go 9-5, Police told NOT to Police & #Gormless says Counter Corruption Unit is total corrupt – Just another day in Scotland
  • Police Scotland & ACC John Mauger {updated 29.09.16}
  • Police Scotland’s ‘standards chief’ caught up in ‘sex spy’ unit row
  • Spy Scandal #Sco: Controversial Police Scotland internal affair unit CCU to be shut down
  • Illegal Police Scotland spying linked with the murder of sex worker Emma Caldwell
  • Crown Office refuses to investigate Police Scotland after spy scandal reveals cops hunted journalist’s sources instead of Emma Caldwell killer
  • Police Scotland deputy chief constable Neil Richardson to step down
  • Working Undercover wi Police Scotland & the Burka??
  • Police Scotland: Getting Away With MURDER #Sco
  • ScotCops STILL Gettin Away Wi Murder: 13months & STILL NO CAUSE OF DEATH #Justice4Sheku
  • Sheku, Mikaeel & Liam & GOD DAMN FIFE
  • #NicolaSturgeon’s spy charter created huge dossiers on kids vulnerable to criminals
  • Nicola Sturgeon loans press chief to Police Scotland




Wed 24th MAY 2017

The investigation into the terrorist attack in Manchester is large scale, fast moving and making good progress. There has been an arrest and there are currently multiple searches and other activity taking place. At this stage however, it is still not possible to be certain whether or not a wider group was involved in the attack; 24 hours in we have a number of investigative leads that we are pursuing to manage the ongoing threat.
This concern led, last night, to the independent Joint Terrorism Analysis Centre to raise the threat level to “critical”. This means that their assessment is, not only that an attack remains highly likely, but a further attack may be imminent.

Businesses would expect the police to do everything possible to prevent further attacks and keep them safe. Police Scotland are flexing their resources to increase police presence at key sites (such as transport and other crowded places) and they are reviewing key events over the coming weeks.

Police Scotland We need businesses to continue to support this effort by ensuring your own staff and buildings are prepared to deal with an attack.

  • We continue to offer support through Project Griffin and Project Argus.
  • Where you have them, we encourage your security staff to be vigilant and proactive in monitoring your business areas for suspicious activity.
  • Where businesses are co-located, we recommend that you work together to ensure your shared areas are protected.
  • Try and minimise crowds at your business and make sure you are aware of who is coming in and out of your premises.
  • Keep buildings secure where appropriate.
  • Pay attention to areas around exits, especially when large numbers of staff and customers are due to leave

PDF icon Protect Scotland 24 May.pdf



Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) Threats

  •  349 Bath Street, Glasgow, G2 4AA

  • Date and Time   Wed 28 June 2017,  10:00 – 13:00 BST
  • Location   Harte and Garter Hotel Ballroom.  High Street,  Windsor, SL4 1PH

Project Griffin is an internationally acclaimed development tool for businesses to help protect their staff and local communities from terrorism. This awareness day has been organised in your area, it is free to attend and will last up to 3 hours. The following will be discussed: The terrorist threat; current terrorist tactics; firearms and weapons attacks; IED reporting and evacuation procedures; terrorist hostile reconnaissance.

“Anyone can be a terrorist, forget the image you may have,” declared Detective Sergeant Nev Hay, a specialist firearms officer at the Counter Terrorism Intelligence Unit (CTIU).

Hay was welcoming around 35 people to a Project Griffin Awareness Day, a police-led initiative that calls on security guards and others to report people behaving suspiciously, to help fight terrorism and crime.

The Special Branch officer’s words would later take on an air of tragic poignancy, coming just hours before a terrorist slaughtered scores of people in Norway, the story dominating the world’s news on the evening of 22 July 2011.

When first introduced by City of London Police seven years ago Project Griffin’s remit was to advise and familiarise managers, security officers and employees of large public and private sector organisations on security, counter-terrorism and crime prevention issues.

In short, it aims to gather and share intelligence and information and provide police with more eyes and ears on the ground, explained Hay.

The courses are police funded and attendance is voluntary. Gatwick Airport adopted the scheme in 2008 and runs an awareness day every other month.

The audience at this particular session – hosted by Sussex Police – primarily comprised airport employees, such as immigration staff and shop workers.

The rest were Gatwick-based private security guards, seated – school classroom-like – in a featureless conference room on the ground floor of a hotel close to the airport.

Joining them as a guest,  was Amateur Photographer (AP)s news editor Chris Cheesman, there on the exclusive invitation of Superintendent Brian Bracher, Gatwick Airport Operations commander, a keen photographer and reader of the magazine.

Why it matters to photographers

As it turned out, AP’s attendance was a timely one. Though Project Griffin has already been adopted by more than 20 UK police forces, that figure may soon double as the scheme is extended to all forces.

Here’s why Project Griffin and projects like it matter to photographers.

A key plank of the UK’s national counter-terrorism strategy is the reporting of ‘hostile reconnaissance’. Crucially, as far as amateur and professional photographers are concerned, this is based on the rationale that terrorists can use photography when planning an attack. Innocent photographers have been caught in the front line of anti-terror policy for years. Despite years of campaigning, photographers continue to clash with security personel, in publicly accessible areas such as shopping centres. Campaigners – including Amateur Photographer – recently brought the issue to Westminster, in talks with counter-terrorism officials following the Government’s recent counter-terrorism policy overhaul.

Among the Project Griffin players is DC Ben Sendall, an intelligence officer at CTIU, who presents a slide showing the group how a mobile phone can be used to photograph a building.

“All terrorist attacks will be preceded by a period of hostile reconnaissance, We need to deal with terrorists at the planning stage,” 

he said, explaining that the UK’s iconic targets and infrastructure are at the forefront of a terrorist’s thinking.

He drew on the example of a man he said was suspected of conducting a recce in shopping areas around Bristol and Bath. “It’s not about being a card-carrying member of al-Qaeda,” he explained.

‘Engage in conversation’

Hostile reconnaissance forms part of Operation Lightning which is, in turn, part of Operation Fairway – an umbrella name for the UK’s anti-terror operations.

“Any time that a police officer deals with hostile reconnaissance, this gets fed into the Operation Fairway office at New Scotland Yard,” said DC John Fish Eley, another Project Griffin trainer.

The police database records suspicious sightings at crowded or vulnerable places around the UK.

Eley talks the audience through an al-Qaeda training video that shows how filming was used to record “traffic flow” before an attack on two hotels in Baghdad in 2005.

In another example, he said filming was used in a plot to blow up the Israeli Embassy in Canberra, Australia in 2000.

“The more intelligence they can gather the more chance [there is] of an attack being a success,” said Eley, who told the group they should observe and question suspicious behaviour. “Engage the individual in conversation, assess their response.”

Evidence of potential hostile reconnaissance, he said, can include [still] cameras, video cameras, plans, sketches and maps, the possession of which should be assessed in the context of any suspect behaviour already noted.

“If you are not happy we [the police] must be informed.”

Eley told the audience they should “be courteous” when approaching someone, before assessing suspicious signs such as a rehearsed response to questioning, sweating, or pauses in the person’s answers.

‘Remain alert, not alarmed’

Project Griffin’s trainers – who work with the MI5 and MI6 Security Services

say they want to drive home the message that “if you feel something is wrong, you are normally right”

Hay recounted the experience of a previous attendee who asked whether he should have reported a person he saw “filming” inside Bluewater shopping centre in Kent. “You need to report this,” the Gatwick group was told.

The message is loud and clear: “Remain alert, not alarmed. Never be complacent.”

The Gatwick group was given a detailed history of terrorism tactics before they were subjected to a series of graphic videos, depicting actual terrorist atrocities.

And, if the audience were not already jumpy, they may have had plenty of reason to be when Sergeant Tony Hendon calmly unwrapped a surface-to-air missile from its protective bag.

Hendon showed how it could be launched from a man’s shoulder, before treating the group to a history of such projectiles – confusingly dubbed MANPADS (Man Portable Air Defence Systems).

Participants were assured that the risk of one of these being launched at a plane is “low”, but the group was advised to report any suspicious activity around the airport as it could signal hostile reconnaissance.

Further reassurance was delivered when Hendon explained that Gatwick’s resident band of plane spotters are the airport’s “greatest assets”.

He said these enthusiasts have the potential to provide security officials with details of any strangers seen wandering around the airport’s perimeter. “They know who the real spotters are and who aren’t”.

In a video summarising the day, photography’s apparent role in terrorism planning was further emphasised. The short movie told the fictional tale of a terrorist “scoping” a shopping centre, using an SLR to take pictures inside and outside the building. A police officer is seen quizzing the man – who claims he is a student taking pictures for a project – before filing his report back at the station.

Later the officer tells a colleague: “It was just a feeling, nothing concrete. Even if nothing comes of it, I know I have filed my report. I did my job.”

Later, it emerges that the man seen taking pictures played a key role in the planning of this made-up plot. This final message was doubtlessly ringing in the ears of each attendee as they headed for the door at the end of their training day, as were DS Hay’s parting words:

“Your [Project Griffin] certificates and badges are outside… spread the word.”


 Anti-terrorist policies of the Metropolitan police

25th May 2017

Operation Temperer: Army called in to support police in bid to prevent second terror attack

Operation Temperer: Army called in to support police in bid to prevent second terror attack

ARMED troops are to guard nuclear power plants in Scotland and other sensitive sites across the UK as the police said they were now investigating a “network” linked to the Manchester bomber.

More of the 22 murder victims have been named. Their number includes an off-duty female police officer. Meantime, fears grow for 14-year-old Eilidh MacLeod, from Barra, who, three days on, remains unaccounted for.

As many of the young victims of the terror attack continue to receive hospital treatment, it emerged how one, Freya Lewis, also 14, underwent 10 and a half hours of surgery to her wounds. It is thought her life was saved by a couple who gave her CPR. She is in a stable condition.

READ IN FULL heraldscotland


  1. Armed police as far north as Inverness & Aberdeen
  3. Mull Of Kintyre Chinook Crash. 25 CounterInsurgency Personnel DEAD  How come they ALL had bullet wounds??
  4. Secret Service & Ex SDS ~ PHIL GORMLEY  Scotland’s TOTALLY CORRUPT Top Cop
  5. In 1987, Special Branch Raided BBC Glasgow & STOLE 6 Episodes Of SECRET SOCIETY
  6. Police Scotland’s ‘standards chief’ caught up in ‘sex spy’ unit row


Claims of VIP paedophile ring at Scots boarding school aired at abuse inquiry

QVS is at the centre of extraordinary allegations

Sun, Apr 30, 2017

SENSATIONAL claims about a VIP paedophile ring at a prestigious Scots boarding school are to be aired at Holyrood’s child abuse inquiry.

The evidence will include claims that Dunblane killer Thomas Hamilton was connected to the network, which is also said to have included leading members of the Scottish establishment.

Queen Victoria School (QVS), which is funded by the Ministry of Defence and has Prince Philip as its patron, is at the centre of the extraordinary allegations.

It was not included in the first round of boarding schools and other establishments identified by the inquiry team, sparking fears of a cover-up.

However, a former teacher at the Dunblane school who has spent decades attempting to unmask the abusers has now been invited to tell his story.


A former teacher spent decades attempting to unmask the abusers

After almost 27 years of being ignored, someone is listening and wants to know what really happened to me at QVS

Glenn Harrison

Glenn Harrison was a housemaster at QVS when he began to suspect that a shadowy cabal of powerful individuals was preying on the pupils.

However, when he tried to raise the alarm in 1991 the police responded by breaking down the door to his flat, seizing his personal papers and hauling him in to be interviewed.

Yesterday, Mr Harrison said: “After almost 27 years of being ignored, someone is listening and wants to know what really happened to me at QVS. I am pleased and eager to share the experience and emphasise the need for authorities to listen to children when they complain as well as teachers and carers especially in institutions. I hope my experience will help to create a more caring and safer environment for young people in the future.” 

After leaving QVS, Mr Harrison and his family relocated to Orkney and he made numerous attempts to have his allegations investigated over the years. 

Police Scotland detectives are investigating at least two cases of historical abuse

The case was finally referred to the Scottish Government’s historical child abuse inquiry in 2015, as revealed exclusively by this newspaper.

Earlier this month, it also emerged that Police Scotland detectives are investigating at least two cases of historical abuse linked to QVS. One of them involves former teacher Ben Philip, who died after falling from a ladder at the school in 1993.

Children of Scottish service personnel are eligible to attend QVS, which is now mixed but was an all-boys school at the time of the allegations. It is governed by a Board of Her Majesty’s Commissioners appointed by the Queen, the Scottish Secretary and the Defence Secretary.

Fife campaigner Tom Minogue, a long-time supporter of Mr Harrison, has also been invited to give evidence by the inquiry’s witness support team. He said: “I never thought we’d get to this point because of the cast of characters involved with QVS, starting with the Duke of Edinburgh as patron and running down through some of the most powerful people in the land as Her Majesty’s Commissioners.

“The great and the good don’t want us to speak about any of this, starting with the fact that Thomas Hamilton was running about the place.”

Mr Harrison’s allegations centre on a group of men who would allegedly take pupils away for weekends and return them “distressed but flush with cash”.Five years after the claims were first reported to the police, 16 children and one teacher were shot at Dunblane Primary School by evil Hamilton. To his horror, Mr Harrison recognised the fiend as a frequent visitor to QVS.In evidence submitted to the inquiry, Mr Harrison states: “When I enquired about him (as well as other unknown visitors), I was told they were ‘friends of Queen Victoria School’; I have never to this day been able to find out who these ’friends’ were.”The Cullen Inquiry later heard that Hamilton took youth clubs camping in the QVS grounds, that he arranged for an acquaintance to get a summer job at the school and that he took another man shooting at the school’s firing range.

Mr Minogue said the implications of this evidence had never been properly explored and added: “These references quite clearly corroborate Glenn’s story and show that Her Majesty’s Commissioners either didn’t know what was going on at the school they were charged with governing, or they have been less than truthful.”

An MoD spokeswoman said: “We take any allegations of this nature very seriously and any claims of historical abuse involving Queen Victoria School have been passed to the police. We will fully co-operate with their inquiries.”

Scottish Paedophilia: Institutions, Care Homes, Schools & PaedoRings 02.11.2015 {last update 20.04.17}

DUNBLANE MASSACRE #VIPaedo & MoD funded Q.V.S (Queen Victoria School)

THE KING RAT: The Godfather, The Krays, Massey, Domenyk & Paedophiles


Paul ‘King Rat’ Ferris (an “author” according to wiki!! That’s a beauty!! I near fell off my seat laughing!) Anyhoo,  Ferris worked as an enforcer & was right hand man to the Glasgow Godfather ARTHUR THOMPSON


Thompson was a “WORK MATE” of  THE KRAY TWINS

Related image

The Kray Twins were child procurers for the “elite” 

Behind the Legend: The Krays Cover Up Involving Elite Paedophile Ring Jimmy Savile, Tories, Haut de la Garenne & more   24th Sept 2015

The following is quoted from Aangirfan

‘Moors Murderer’ Ian Brady worked as an ‘enforcer’ for top Glasgow crime boss Arthur Thompson.  ()

‘Glasgow godfather’ Thompson reportedly was selling guns to the UVF (Ulster Volunteer Force).

He worked for MI5.

“They then told him he could pretty much start the drugs trade in Glasgow.”(Donal MacIntyre – erutufonnofuture)

Arthur Thompson was an associate of the Kray twins. The Kray twins reportedly ran a pedophile ring for top people.


Brady and Hindley’s child killings took place in the North of England, near Manchester. But, Ian Brady “implies he may have … buried bodies at the Campsie Fells near Glasgow.”

In his letters, Ian Brady “drops in the names of the Kray twins, Ronnie and Reggie, who terrorised London’s east end in the 1950s and 60s.”




Ferris attended the funeral of long time friend, Salford gangster PAUL MASSEY who had been shot dead by masked gunman

Image result for PAUL MASSEY

And they were VERY close.  According to the following quote from the Telegraph So close Ferris “mingled with Massey’s grandchildren” while at the funeral service

“Hundreds of mourners flocked to Salford today to attend the funeral of Paul Massey, a notorious gangster turned security businessman dubbed ‘Mr Big’ by local authorities.

Gangland criminals like Glaswegian gun-runner Paul Ferris mingled with Massey’s grandchildren at the service”

Massey was on twitter!! But as you can see  was a wee bit of a twitter loner,  he only has  (28.04.17 @  5.31pm)

LOW & BEHOLD,  (you cannot even begin to imagine my surprise)  1 discovered 1 of the 27 is PAUL FERRIS aka  Not a surprise, as they were pals! They tweeted each other

      times at the very least.  

Ferris was infact the VERY FIRST person Massey followed!  They were bestestest pals..  Aww aint that so lovely?!



SHOCK UPON SHOCK I then discovered Massey also followed none other than DOMINIC NOONAN! aka 


But I’m struggling to understand why Massey followed Noonan, cause he was very impolite to him on twitter!!       

I think perhaps they were what my daughter would call “frienemies”

Enemies, but secretly friends!!

Noonan’s facebook  

 I found the pics below & took screen shots.  I’m confused.. I d’no what to make o this at all.

The Ferris pics & the wee man film pics are all right beside the Kray pics..   I don’t “get it”

Is there a link between the Krays & Ferris? (other than Thompson. which to me, isnt a particularly strong link) 

The 2 pics on right, the search bar, it says  Wee Man G…….

I would LOVE to know what the word beginning wi G is!  It is likely to be Gary as that is the name of Charlie Kray’s boy  according to the telegraph,

What has that got to do wuith wee man ? & Ferris? Could the G stand for Glasgow? or Gangster? 


When you search for Paul Ferris & go to . Look at the 1st line. The Krays! I’d have expected them to be there somewhere but the 5th pic? Really? It is linked to this sun article dated 4th Dec 2016 archived

Anyhoo, back to Dominic Noonan wiki, For those who don’t know, he is openly gay

According to my Mancunian source, Noonan is a child rapist. The writer of the following QUOTE also agrees

“from what ppl who live in the area that i know have told me when dessie noonan wanted to hurt someone bad they would beat the crap out of them and then dominic would rape them. I have heard that the guy who killed dessie was the brother of one of the lads who had been raped.”

“Noonan was one of the leaders of the prison revolt at Strangeways in the early nineties. A member of ‘Prisoners Liberation Army,” here

WATCH A VERY BRITISH GANGSTER Documentary about one of Britain’s most dangerous crime families and introduces us to its magnetic, larger-than-life leader, Dominic Noonan

  1.   21 Oct 2013
  2.  21 May 2014
  3. Trial told Domenyk Noonan intimidated ‘vulnerable’ man into sex act 6 Jul 2015
  4.   6 Feb 2016
  5. Jailed gangster Domenyk Noonan says ‘I’ll clear my name 11 Mar 2016
  6. Jailed gangster Domenyk Noonan vows to sue former right-hand 22 Jun 2016
  7.  16 Feb 2017

FUNNILY ENOUGH, in March (2017) Nonnan was up in court AGAIN.  This time..  




Domenyk Lattlay-Fottfoy, also known as Dominic Noonan, is to go on trial later this year accused of historic sex offences against boys as young as nine.

The 53-year-old from Moston appeared at Manchester Crown Court where he denied nine sex charges relating to three male victims.

He denies nine charges relating to three male victims 

The offences span a 30-year period, with the earliest complainant alleging he was nine or 10 when he was indecently assaulted. The most recent complainant says he was a teenage boy when he was molested. The age of the second complainant, who says he was indecently assaulted in the nineties, was not revealed in court.

Mr Lattlay-Fottfoy appeared at court on videolink and answered all of the charges with the reply ‘not guilty’ when they were put to him by the clerk.

While he goes by the name of Domenyk Lattlay-Fottfoy, he will be tried as ‘aka Dominic Noonan’. The trial is expected to last ten days and is scheduled to begin in the autumn.

Mr Lattlay-Fottfoy denies four charges of indecent assault, two charges of inciting a child to engage in sexual activity, two sexual assaults, and a single charge of engaging in sexual activity in the presence of a child.

Judge David Hernandez told Mr Lattlay-Fottfoy that his trial would go ahead in his absence if he failed to show up.

Then there is this… NONCE JAILED: HARRY YOUNG Ex-Enforcer for Glasgow gangster PAUL ‘The Rat’ FERRIS gets 2years for abusing girls

There’s ONEHELLEVALOT OF CHILD RAPISTS surrounding Ferris. Add to that the whole FETESGATE story & the Rats involvement…. 

  • Cathy Fox    
  • Ian Pace     Part 1   Part 2
  • Aangirfan   


READ MORE   ~   KING RAT  via Daily Record


PLEASE do yersel a favour, DON’T WATCH IT. Here’s a very brief summary. It goes like this…

Growing up, Ferris was a good boy, He was bullied so he HAD to learn to fight back

He was a protector of women & did so endangering his own life.

He fell into the wrong crowd & he just wanted to be with his girlfriend, but bad men, they wouldnt let him.

He was wrongfully arrested time after time, the police hated him for nothing, they clearly had a vendetta. He was wrongfully jailed (bein in the jail is barely mentioned)

He was a good man, a good friend & tried his best to be a good dad

But the world conspired against him.


That just so happened to ALWAYS be accidentally, unbeknown to him, in wrong place at wrong time. But he NEVER EVER wanted or tried to hurt anyone…

He broke away from the bad men & now he is free to be the great man he always wanted & tried to be


                                THE END

(I’m not even kidding. That is an accurate review of the film!)



Is *SIR* Mick Jagger a paedophile?!



Jerry Hall calls ex-husband Mick Jagger “a sexual deviant” in new book




One Day At A Time actress Mackenzie Phillips, 57, reveals that members of her own family still blame HER for exposing her 10-year incestuous relationship with her father

Mackenzie Phillips Says Revealing Incest with Her Father Ruined Family Relationships: ‘They’re Devaluing the Victim’

INTERVIEW: One-On-One with Mackenzie Phillips


‘I had sex with Mick Jagger in Jerry Hall’s bed,’ says daughter of singer John Phillips.  sept 2009

Mackenzie: Papa’s pal Jagger bedded me Sept 25, 2009
















MARIANNE FAITHFULL – Daughter of MI6 agent MAJOR ROBERT GLYNN FAITHFULL who was the interrogation officer that CAPT THOMAS SELVESTER handed Himmler over to. Funnily enough Marianne’s great grand uncle was LEOPOLD VON SACHER-MASOCH author of Venus in Furs & the word MASOCHISM comes from him!! & if that wasn’t enough, Marianne’s paternal grandfather invented a sexual device called the Frigidity Machine that allegedly was designed to give women orgasms. But sounds more like a sexual torture device to me! 

According to Marianne, he tried it out on her mother, HIS SON’S NEW WIFE?!! Eva, Baroness Erisso, who was descended from the Sacher-Masoch long line of Austro-Hungarian aristocrats.

All of which & more can be found here….

Anyhoo, i wandered slightly off track there!! Back to the point…

Mick Jagger and Tony Blair’s link to Prince Andrew ‘sex slave’   THE billionaire paedophile who allegedly lent his “sex slave” to Prince Andrew had links to some of the world’s most famous and powerful


Yip, Jagger is there…nn.png


 18 Mar 2014




Image result for rolling stones satanic ritual

RICHARD WHITELEY WAS AN MI5 SPY. The Security Services Funded Countdown



The Royle Family star has accused the broadcaster of being an Mi5 spy who helped put him and other striking workers behind bars in the 70s

Richard Whiteley is best remembered as the jovial host of Countdown, but Ricky Tomlinson has claimed there was a darker side to the popular presenter.

The Royle Family star has accused the broadcaster of being an Mi5 spy who helped put him and other striking workers behind bars in the 70s.

And he said had he know of his alleged involvement in the plot when he appeared on Countdown he would have throttled him.

Whiteley fronted a documentary called Red Under The Bed that showed unions in a bad light and was screened as the jury in Ricky’s trial was out deliberating. The presenter’s partner Kathryn Apanowicz laughed off suggestions her husband was a spy as “nonsense”.

Ricky Tomlinson claims late Countdown host Richard Whiteley was a government SPY 

But Ricky claimed: “Richard was a member of the security services, people didn’t know that, obviously.”The security services paid to have the programme made, so they had to use someone of their own ilk to be the chairperson. It was common knowledge. “The security services use media people as part of the intelligence services. I must have done Countdown four or five times.

“I didn’t know at the time, I wish I had known, I’d have strangled him. There’s all sorts of people involved. It was a carve up right from the go.”

Ricky, 77, claims he has leaked, confidential documents which link then-PM Ted Heath and politician Woodrow Wyatt to the documentary, which he believes swayed the jury into convicting him of conspiracy to intimidate, unlawful assembly and affray 

But asked where the papers came from, he added: “I can’t reveal my sources, we’d be hung, drawn and quartered. People would lose their jobs.”

Ricky took part in a 12 week building workers’ walkout in 1972, demanding better wages and safety regimes.

Months after the dispute ended, he was one of 24 strikers held over picket line clashes. Six went on trial the following year at Shrewsbury crown court and he was jailed for two years, serving 16 months.

Ricky believes the documentary prompted two jurors to change their original verdicts to guilty.

The hour-long film was followed by a 30-minute studio discussion, chaired by Whiteley.

But radio presenter Kathryn, who was his partner from 1994 until his death at the age of 61, branded the claims a “load of tripe”.

She added: “He couldn’t even keep a secret, how would he be good in MI5?

“I knew everything about Richard and this is nonsense. He could hardly work his mobile phone, never mind gadgets, he’d have been hopeless.

“I’m slightly annoyed because it’s easy to cast aspersions on somebody who has died, because you can’t libel the dead.

“It’s nice that Ricky is managing to get a lot of publicity from somebody who can’t defend himself.”

But she insisted Whiteley had a sense of humour and would be “looking down, laughing his head off” at the claims

Kathryn added: “A friend said, ‘Did you realise you were a spy’s mole?’ Maybe I could have a new career? Please tell Daniel Craig I’m available.”

Ricky has for many years been trying to clear the names of the strikers, known as the Shrewsbury 24. In 2002, it was revealed Mi5 had been monitoring him.

Ricky said he plans to reveal the small amount of documents he has. He added: “There will be a few more things coming to light in the next few weeks.”

Meanwhile Countdown co-host Carol Vorderman reveals she’s undecided about Ricky’s claims.

She told the Mirror: “Whiters was a mystery and he was amazing and charming and very bright – which he managed to hide well a lot of the time on Countdown! Ha.

I’d be fascinated to see Ricky’s evidence. However, if he was a spy then he never mentioned it to me or gave any of us reason to believe he was one.

“But then again, if he was a spook, he wouldn’t exactly shout about it.

“He was, as I would often call him, a complete cult. Now, perhaps, he has become an enigma of a certain variation…With love, Mata Hari.”   

Richard Whiteley’s wife denies claims Countdown host worked for MI5

Actor Ricky Tomlinson claims he has evidence that the presenter collaborated in a secret plot to get him jailed.

Kathryn Apanowicz says Tomlinson’s claims about her husband are nonsense


The wife of late broadcaster Richard Whiteley has denied “ridiculous” claims that her husband worked for MI5.

Kathryn Apanowicz said Whiteley’s asthma and poor grasp of technology and maths meant there was no chance he could have coped with a secret career in espionage.

It comes after actor and union activist Ricky Tomlinson accused the former Countdown host of conspiring with the Government and orchestrating a plot to have him and a group known as the Shrewsbury 24 jailed.

Tomlinson said a documentary presented by Whiteley, entitled Red Under The Bed, was propaganda designed to influence a jury that went on to convict him for offences linked to the 1972 builders’ strike.

The Royle Family star said he has classified documents which show the then prime minister, Sir Edward Heath, and Labour MP Woodrow Wyatt were involved in the conspiracy.

Tomlinson was convicted for offences linked to the 1972 builders’ strike

“We found out this week that the film was designed, written, made and paid for by the security services,” Tomlinson told the Chester Chronicle.

“Woodrow Wyatt was a member of the security services and, unbelievably, so was Richard Whiteley, who hosted the show.”

Apanowicz, who was married to Whiteley for 11 years, branded the claims “ridiculous” and said the family had been in “hysterics”.

Whiteley died in 2005 aged 61 after undergoing heart surgery

“Really and truly, Ricky Tomlinson should take a long, hard look at himself and stop casting such stupid aspersions because it’s nonsense, he’s made himself look a bloody fool,” she said.

The actress said Whiteley, who died in 2005 after undergoing heart surgery, “was the most indiscreet person” she knew, and “could not keep a secret for toffee”.

“Number one, he had an asthma inhaler so running around and escaping from whoever was chasing after him, he wouldn’t be able to do that,” she said.

“He couldn’t work technology, it’s nonsense. In those days, he didn’t have an Aston Martin, he had a brown Ford Escort,” she added.

“He couldn’t do maths – he used to struggle with the Conundrum.”

The mystery over Richard Whiteley’s alleged links to MI5 has taken a new twist after it emerged the Countdown star went to Moscow at the height of the Cold War.

Mr Whiteley was part of a group of space enthusiasts visiting the Soviet Union in 1974 under the guidance of eccentric astronomer Patrick Moore.

The news will fuel rumours of the presenter’s links to the world of spycraft, which were started by actor Ricky Tomlinson but dismissed as ‘nonsense’ by former friends.

Mr Whiteley was one of ’20 or 30′ people on the trip who were ‘all space geeks’, a woman who took part told Sean O’Neill of The Times

She said of Mr Whiteley, who presented a current affairs show for Yorkshire Television at the time: ‘I don’t know why he was on tour, no idea where he was there.’

However, the lady – now an academic – said that ‘not at one moment’ did she think he was a spy. 

Mr Tomlinson, 77, made the startling claim that Whiteley worked for MI5 in an interview as he opened a relaunched Wetherspoons pub in Chester.

But Whiteley’s girlfriend when he died, Kathryn Apanowicz, 56, a presenter with BBC Radio York, said: ‘It is absolute bloody nonsense, there is no truth in it whatsoever.

Royle Family actor Ricky Tomlinson (pictured opening the pub in Chester, where trade union meetings used to be held) claims Richard Whiteley was a spy

Royle Family actor Ricky Tomlinson (pictured opening the pub in Chester, where trade union meetings used to be held) claims Richard Whiteley was a spy

  Richard Whiteley with Carol Vorderman

 The 77-year-old actor (left, on Who Do You Think You Are) believes the late Countdown presenter (right, with Carol Vorderman) was an undercover agent for MI5

Sir Patrick Moore, the astronomer and Sky at Night presenter who inspired a generation of stargazers, pictured in a photo released after his death in October 2012

Sir Patrick Moore, the astronomer and Sky at Night presenter who inspired a generation of stargazers, pictured in a photo released after his death in October 2012

‘If Richard was a member of the secret service then maybe Ken Dodd was in charge of MI5.

‘He couldn’t keep a secret to save his life and he certainly wasn’t a spy; in the Seventies he was driving around in a Ford Escort.’ 

Mr Whiteley was a student at Cambridge University between 1962 and 1965, graduating with a third-class degree in English from Christ’s College.

The university is known to be a recruiting ground for the secret services and was attended by the notorious double agents Kim Philby and Anthony Blunt.

But Gyles Brandreth, who was a regular on Countdown’s Dictionary Corner, said he had known Whiteley for 40 years and never got any hint he was a spy.  

And former Conservative MP Jonathan Aitken, who knew Whiteley, called the claims ‘pretty good baloney’.  

Mr Tomlinson, a socialist activist, claims Mr Whiteley influenced the jury when he was jailed in 1973 for conspiracy to intimidate, unlawful assembly and affray.

Along with his ‘Shrewsbury Two’ partner Des Warren, the actor had helped to organise the first national building workers’ strike in the upstairs room of the same Wetherspoons pub where he first aired the claims, The Bull & Stirrup.

He believes that the jury’s decision to convict him may have been swayed by an ITV documentary which featured the defendants that was aired on the day they retired to deliver their verdict – and which was fronted by Mr Whiteley.

He alleges the secret services wrote, produced and funded the documentary.

The 77-year-old actor is pictured with Caroline Ahern as Denise in the sitcom

The 77-year-old actor is pictured with Caroline Ahern as Denise in the sitcom

A woman who was part of the visit to Moscow said of Mr Whiteley, who presented a current affairs show for Yorkshire Television at the time: 'I don't know why he was on tour'

A woman who was part of the visit to Moscow said of Mr Whiteley, who presented a current affairs show for Yorkshire Television at the time: ‘I don’t know why he was on tour’

He told the Chester Chronicle: ‘I’ve got documents at home, which are printed “confidential”, “strictly confidential”, “not to be seen”, but it involves the likes of Ted Heath, Woodrow Wyatt.

‘And we’ve just discovered that they made a film which went out on television the night the jury were out considering the verdict called Red Under the Bed and it was so anti-trade union that two of the jury changed their mind and brought a majority verdict in of 10-2 guilty.’

He added: ‘We found out this week that the film was designed, written, made and paid for by the security services.

‘Woodrow Wyatt was a member of the security services and unbelievably so was Richard Whiteley who hosted the show.’

The 12-week strike took place after UK building contractors imposed what trade unionists called ‘bogus self-employment’ rules on their workforce. 

The 1973 trial was seen at the time as an attempt to shackle militant, rank-and-file trade unionism.

Actress and radio presenter Kathryn Apanowicz, who was Whiteley's partner for 11 years. They are pictured together in 2004 at Buckingham Palace when Whiteley received an OBE 

Actress and radio presenter Kathryn Apanowicz, who was Whiteley’s partner for 11 years. They are pictured together in 2004 at Buckingham Palace when Whiteley received an OBE 

Whiteley, pictured with Carol Vorderman, fronted Countdown for 23 years 

Whiteley, pictured with Carol Vorderman, fronted Countdown for 23 years 

Mr Tomlinson, who appeared alongside Caroline Aherne in Royle Family, said the union meetings were held in The Bull & Stirrup where all the decisions were made.

In December 2015, former shadow home secretary Andy Burnham released documents showing that former prime minister Edward Heath’s cabinet and the security services influenced the Red Under the Bed documentary.

The Shrewsbury 24 campaign is calling for the convictions to be overturned by the Criminal Cases Review Commission.

Mr Tomlinson, who also played Bobby Grant in Brookside, claimed his friend Warren, who died aged 66 in 2004, had effectively served a life sentence, because drugs given to him in prison brought on Parkinson’s Disease.

He said: ‘It killed him, didn’t it? We know of four sedatives that were used on him. We also have certain evidence about a doctor that followed him into jail giving him injections.’ 


Ricky Tomlinson was born as Eric Tomlinson in Blackpool, Lancashire, after his mother Peggy was evacuated there during the Liverpool Blitz in World War II.

A qualified plasterer by trade, he worked on various building sites for many years becoming actively involved in politics – firstly with the far-right, then more predominantly with the far-left.

Along with his 'Shrewsbury Two' partner Des Warren, Mr Tomlinson had helped to organise the first national building workers' strike. He is pictured with his wife Marlene after being freed from Leicester prison

Along with his ‘Shrewsbury Two’ partner Des Warren, Mr Tomlinson had helped to organise the first national building workers’ strike. He is pictured with his wife Marlene after being freed from Leicester prison


Mr Tomlinson (right), a trade unionist, is pictured left leaving a Trade Union Conference in tears 

In 1968, Mr Tomlinson joined the National Front in support of less immigration after Enoch Powell’s Rivers of Blood speech.

His views gradually changed over time and, in 1972, he joined the flying pickets in a building workers’ dispute in Shrewsbury.

The following year, Mr Tomlinson was sentenced to two years in prison after being found guilty of ‘conspiracy to intimidate’ as one of the so-called Shrewsbury Two, alongside his partner Des Warren.

He was released in 1975, he disrupted the TUC conference by shouting from the wings after he had been prevented from speaking from the stage. It was revealed in 2002 that MI5 had monitored him during the 1970s.

The 12-week strike took place after UK building contractors imposed what trade unionists called 'bogus self-employment' rules on their workforce. Mr Tomlinson played an active role in the protests and was later convicted 

The 12-week strike took place after UK building contractors imposed what trade unionists called ‘bogus self-employment’ rules on their workforce. Mr Tomlinson played an active role in the protests and was later convicted 

 Whiteley died in 2005. Before Cambridge, he had attended the prestigious Giggleswick School in Yorkshire, where he was taught by TV presenter Russell Harty.

He joined Yorkshire Television in July 1968. In 1982, the channel started to produce Countdown and Whiteley was chosen as host. He remained on the show for 23 years. 

For 11 years, he was in a relationship with actress and radio presenter Kathryn Apanowicz until 2005. 

Whiteley had a son, James, with fashion journalist and television presenter Lesley Ebbetts who born in 1987. 

He also dated Jeni Cropper for 15 years to him in the 1970s and 80s. He also had a brief relationship with Carry On film actress Angela Grant.

Child Sexual Abuse inquiry judge urged to investigate #Dunblane boarding school #CSA #QVS


Abuse inquiry judge urged to investigate Dunblane boarding school

March 5 2017, 12:01am

The Sunday Times

 Anne Smith is chairwoman of the Scottish child abuse inquiryl

The judge at the helm of an historic child abuse review in Scotland is being urged to investigate a top private school with links to the royal family.

Glenn Harrison, a former housemaster at Dunblane’s Queen Victoria School (QVS), has raised fresh concern that pupils were sexually abused by a paedophile ring during the 1980s and 1990s. He first blew the whistle 26 years ago but has written to Lady Anne Smith, chairwoman of the Scottish child abuse inquiry, making a new case for its inclusion in her review.

The prestigious school, attended by children of Scottish servicemen and women, did not feature on a list published in January that detailed more than 60 establishments under investigation.

The omission has raised eyebrows in legal circles and among child abuse campaigners who believe that there is a prima facie case for fresh examination of Harrison’s claims.

The Sunday Times understands that discussions about the school’s inclusion arose shortly after ministers announced the inquiry in October 2015. It was argued that as the independent boarding school is funded by the Ministry of Defence (MoD), it might fall within the remit of a mirror inquiry running in England and Wales.

On Friday, a spokesman for the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse said its remit was to consider institutional failure to protect children from sexual abuse and exploitation in England and Wales. Although the inquiry can consider failures by English and Welsh institutions outside those two countries, it said there are “no current plans to investigate issues” relating to Queen Victoria School.

The admission has prompted fresh calls for Lady Smith to include the Dunblane school in her abuse inquiry, particularly in light of Harrison’s approach. Simon Collins, a lawyer representing the charity In Care Abuse Survivors, said: “My view is that if abuse is alleged to have taken place in Scotland, then it should be considered as part of the Scottish inquiry.”

One lawyer, who asked not to be named, said it was “disgraceful” that QVS was not among the institutions named in January, which included leading private schools such as Gordonstoun and Fettes. However, a spokeswoman for the inquiry said more establishments in Scotland could yet be investigated.

Queen Victoria School, which counts the Duke of Edinburgh as its patron, has been dogged by claims that pupils were abused by high-ranking government officials since Harrison raised concern in a letter to parents in 1991.

At the time, he was convinced that young boys were in danger and claimed that a group known as Friends of QVS would often take boys away for the weekend, with the pupils returning “distressed but flush with cash”.

It was later claimed that Thomas Hamilton, the man who carried out the Dunblane massacre in 1996, was a paedophile who had close ties to the school. Several investigations, by the police and the now-defunct Scottish Schools Inspectorate, failed to find evidence to support Harrison’s concerns.

A spokeswoman from the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry, said: “We are currently undertaking over 60 investigations into individual establishments. We will announce further investigations in due course. The fact that a particular establishment was not mentioned at the preliminary hearing does not mean that it will not be investigated. We would encourage anyone with relevant evidence to come forward and share their experience.”

The MoD and QVS declined to comment.



Group of women who say they were abused by Sir Edward Heath also claim their parents ran a satanic sex cult that was involved in 16 murders


  • They say that the cult regularly slaughtered children as ritual sacrifices in church
  • The woman claim that the former prime minister was part of a paedophile ring
  • If the allegations are true it would make the cult the worst child murderers in British history

A Group of women who say they were abused by Sir Edward Heath also claim their parents ran a satanic sex cult that was involved in 16 murders  01:15, 20 Feb 2017

They say that the cult regularly slaughtered children as ritual sacrifices in church

The woman claim that the former prime minister was part of a paedophile ring

If the allegations are true it would make the cult the worst child murderers in British history

A group of women who say Sir Edward Heath abused them as children have also accused their parents of being involved in up to 16 murders.

The farce came as police probe incredible claims that the former prime minister was linked to a paedophile ring that killed as many as 16 children – which would make them the worst child murderers in British history.

The seemingly far-fetched allegations have been made by a family who allege that the politician was part of a satanic sex cult run by their own parents.

A group of women who say Sir Edward Heath abused them as children have also accused their parents of being involved in up to 16 murders

Police are probing incredible claims that the former prime minister was linked to a paedophile ring that killed as many as 16 children

They say that the cult regularly slaughtered children as ritual sacrifices in churches and forests around southern England and also participated in similar ceremonies in Africa.

They claim their mother and father – who is said to have known the former Conservative leader – were responsible for slaughtering children ranging from babies to teenagers – yet they evaded justice.

The paedophile ring – which they say Sir Edward was part of – stabbed, tortured and maimed youngsters in churches and burnt babies in satanic orgies before men, women and children gorged themselves on blood and body parts, police have been told.

 If the bizarre allegations were to be proved, the parents who allegedly led the killings would be responsible for murdering more children than Fred and Rose West.

They would also be on a par with Thomas Hamilton, who shot dead 16 children in the 1996 Dunblane school massacre.

The women’s lurid claims were dismissed by police in 1989 when they came forward. Sir Edward’s name was never mentioned to police at the time. It was only last year that he was named for the first time after one of the claimants said she had ‘remembered’ a man called ‘Ed’ was a prime mover in a network of paedophile abusers.

But there is no suggestion that Sir Edward killed any children himself in the women’s accounts.

Wiltshire Police have spent more than a year investigating the allegations as part of an inquiry that has cost taxpayers over £883,431 and irretrievably tarnished the reputation of the unmarried politician, who died in 2005, aged 89.

Last night Sir Edward’s godson, Lincoln Seligman, said: ‘I understand that these claims from the 1980s were at the time dismissed as complete fantasy by police. It is disappointing that these wild allegations have been reheated and randomly attached to Edward Heath’s name.’

A Wiltshire Police spokesman said: ‘We are not prepared to discuss this as this is an on-going investigation.’


The godson of Sir Edward Heath reacted angrily yesterday after it was claimed that a police chief is ‘120 per cent’ sure that sex abuse allegations against the former prime minister are genuine.

Wiltshire Chief Constable Mike Veale was reported to believe child abuse allegations against the late politician – which include lurid tales of satanic child slaughter – are ‘totally convincing’.

Mr Veale, whose force has been investigating the claims for 18 months, is also said to believe that Sir Edward was a paedophile whose crimes were covered up.

Police have established that, contrary to claims that Sir Edward could not have committed the crimes because he never drove a car and always had a police driver with him, he did drive and once had a car.

But the claims have infuriated Sir Edward’s godson, who dismissed it as a ‘PR hustle of some sort’ by the Wiltshire force ahead of an official report into the investigation. Lincoln Seligman, who has described the probe as a ‘witch-hunt’, has questioned how police can say the allegations are true, just on the basis that he may have driven a car.

Yesterday Mr Veale said: ‘The legal role of the police service is to, on behalf of the public, impartially investigate allegations without fear or favour, and go where the evidence takes us


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Police ‘120 per cent sure Sir Edward Heath was a paedophile’

More than 30 people have claimed the ex-Prime Minister sexually abused them, says a source

Police are “120 per cent sure” Sir Edward Heath was a paedophile, it was ­reported last night.

More than 30 people have claimed the ex-Prime Minister sexually abused them, says a source

The individuals are not knn to each other but are said to have given “strikingly similar” accounts of incidents to Wiltshire cops.

Police have established that, contrary to claims, Sir Edward did have a car and could have driven himself after being deposed as Tory leader in 1975, aged 58.

Wiltshire Chief Constable Mike Veale is also understood to support claims alleged crimes by Sir Edward, who died in 2005 aged 89, were reported to cops years ago but covered up by the Establishment.

Some of those who said Sir Edward abused them are believed to have told police they went on to commit sexual abuse crimes themselves as a result.

A probe into Sir Edward, called Operation Conifer, was set up in 2005. 

Mr Veale, who aims to publish a report in June, was pressured to abandon the inquiry last year after separate claims of a paedo ring at Westminster involving ex Home Secretary the late Lord Brittan and ex defence chief Lord Bramall, were groundless.

Claims Sir Edward was involved in Satanic orgies have been dismissed as “fantasy” by an expert asked to review the case.

Sir Edward Heath WAS a paedophile, says police chief: Astonishing claim is made that the former PM is guilty of vile crimes ‘covered up by the Establishment’ 

  • More than 30 people have come forward with claims about the former PM 
  • And they are said to have given ‘strikingly similar’ accounts to Wiltshire Police 
  • The county’s chief constable has said that the allegations are ‘totally convincing’
  • Pictures have emerged of Heath driving – despite it being claimed he didn’t have a car 

Edward Heath with his piano at his home Arundells in Salisbury, Wiltshire

Edward Heath with his piano at his home Arundells in Salisbury, Wiltshire

The police chief investigating claims that Sir Edward Heath was a paedophile is convinced the allegations are ‘120 per cent’ genuine, The Mail on Sunday can reveal.

More than 30 people have come forward with claims of sexual abuse by the former Conservative Prime Minister, according to well-placed sources. 

And they are said to have given ‘strikingly similar’ accounts of incidents to Wiltshire Police – even though the individuals are not known to each other.

The Mail on Sunday has been told that Wiltshire Chief Constable Mike Veale regards the allegations as ‘totally convincing’, and plans to publish a report in June.

Detectives have established that, contrary to claims that Sir Edward could not have committed the crimes as he ‘never drove a car’ and ‘always’ had a police driver with him, he did drive – and did have a car.

They have photographic evidence that shows he is a driver, and have established that he had a driving licence. He also bought a Rover 2000 after being deposed as Tory leader by Margaret Thatcher in 1975, when he was 58.

Astonishingly, Mr Veale is also understood to support claims that Sir Edward’s alleged crimes were reported to police years ago but covered up by the Establishment.

Some of those who said Sir Edward abused them are believed to have told police they went on to commit sexual abuse crimes themselves as a result.

The investigation into Sir Edward, called Operation Conifer, was set up in 2015 in the wake of the Jimmy Savile scandal.

Mr Veale came under pressure to abandon the inquiry last year after separate claims of a paedophile ring at Westminster involving former Home Secretary, the late Lord Brittan, and former Defence chief, Lord Bramall, were found to be groundless.

Wiltshire Chief Constable Mike Veale regards the allegations as ‘totally convincing’, and plans to publish a report in June

Allegations that Sir Edward was involved in satanic orgies have been dismissed as fantasy by an expert asked to review the case.

However, The Mail on Sunday has been told that Mr Veale believes the paedophile allegations are genuine. A source said: ‘Mr Veale believes in them 120 per cent and thinks they are totally convincing.

‘There are very close similarities in the accounts given by those who have come forward. The same names used for him, the same places and same type of incidents keep coming up.

‘What stands out is that the people giving these accounts are not connected but the stories and the details dovetail.

‘It contains disturbing stuff. Investigators have been shocked by what they have learned.’

Another source said: ‘The police were initially sceptical about the allegations, but now believe them. And they have come round to the view that they were covered up in the past because of who Heath was.


Sir Edward Heath seen with his car in Weymouth, despite claims he never drove

These are the photographs that appear to disprove the notion that the allegations against Sir Edward cannot be true because he ‘never drove a car’ and was always accompanied by police.

Both were taken in October 1975. In the main picture on the right, Heath is standing by the driver’s door of the Rover 2000 he bought after Margaret Thatcher ousted him as Tory leader in February that year. In the picture on the left, he is seen arriving at the Tory Party conference in Blackpool – in the driver’s seat.

The Mail on Sunday has learned that Wiltshire Police has also obtained photographic evidence of him driving.

The issue was first raised by former Cabinet Secretary Lord Armstrong, who worked with Sir Edward in No 10. Lord Armstrong said Sir Edward – whom he described as ‘asexual’ – had a 24-hour police guard and driver from the day he became PM in 1970 to his death in 2005, and did not have his own car.

‘When he was at home he had two policemen on the gate, he had the personal protection officer from Scotland Yard in the house, he never drove a car himself, he always had an official driver,’ said Lord Armstrong. ‘It seems highly unlikely he could have escaped all that to do the kind of thing that is described.’

Sir Edward Heath again pictured driving, this time leaving leaves the conference for the sea breezes of Weymouth

Sir Edward Heath again pictured driving, this time leaving leaves the conference for the sea breezes of Weymouth

Sir Edward bought the Rover after losing the chauffeur-driven car he was entitled to as Prime Minister, then Opposition leader.

A confidant of the former PM said: ‘He definitely could and did drive, though was a notoriously bad one. When he went to music concerts in Salzburg and hired a car, he was meant to drive it because his British police guards weren’t officially allowed to.

‘But they insisted as they were frightened he was going to crash.’

‘They will not be deflected by the rich and powerful trying to do the same now. Mike Veale is doing a great job and should be congratulated for his courage.’

The disclosures come after several senior politicians dismissed the allegations against Heath as absurd and unfounded. Former Tory Foreign Secretary Sir Malcolm Rifkind complained Heath’s reputation was being ‘besmirched’. Heath’s sexuality has been the source of much speculation over the years. Some believed he was gay, others said he was ‘asexual.’ At one point, he was being investigated by no fewer than five police forces – the Met, Wiltshire, Hampshire, Kent and Jersey.

The claims, some of which have been proved false, include alleged links to a convicted brothel keeper known as Madame Ling-Ling. A paedophile dossier compiled by Labour peer Baroness Castle said he offered young boys trips on his yacht, and in a separate incident one man claimed Sir Edward picked him up hitchhiking in Kent as a 12-year-old in the 1960s and lured him to his Mayfair flat.

Labour MP Tom Watson also said he had received allegations about Sir Edward. However the claims Mr Veale is investigating, which date from the 1960s to 1990s, are not linked to the discredited evidence of the man known as ‘Nick’, who alleged a high-level paedophile ring.

One of the key counter-claims made when the allegations first surfaced came from former Cabinet Secretary Lord Armstrong, who worked with Heath when he was Prime Minister. He said Heath ‘never drove a car’ and always had at least one policeman with him from 1970 until his death in 2005.

Labour MP Tom Watson also said he had received allegations about Sir Edward

Labour MP Tom Watson also said he had received allegations about Sir Edward

The fact that Sir Edward could drive was confirmed last night by a friend, who said the former Prime Minister bought a car in 1975, although Sir Edward was later given a chauffeur-driven car and police guard after IRA death threats. 

Asked if Mr Veale believed the allegations against Sir Edward were ‘totally convincing’, a police spokesman said the Chief Constable was determined to ‘ensure the investigation is proportionate, measured and legal’ and that the job of the police was to ‘impartially investigate allegations without fear or favour and go where the evidence takes us. It is not the role of the police to judge the guilt or innocence of people in our criminal justice system.’

Further asked if Mr Veale had ‘120 per cent’ faith in the allegations, the spokesman declined to comment.

Police refuse to call off the dogs after VIP child sex ring fiasco

Launched in 2015 to investigate allegations against Sir Edward Heath, Operation Conifer has been dogged by claims that it traduces the reputation of a Prime Minister who died more than a decade ago and could not be put on trial.

The operation, which has a staff of 17 and has run up a bill approaching £1 million, did not get off to a good start when Wiltshire Chief Constable Mike Veale had to apologise for launching it in front of cameras outside Sir Edward’s former house, Arundells, in Salisbury.

Demands to call it off grew last November when Scotland Yard was forced to abandon its Operation Midland investigation into similar claims of a VIP paedophile ring in Westminster. 

After a flurry of false accusations, Commissioner Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe apologised to former Defence chief Lord Bramall, ex-Tory MP Harvey Proctor, DJ Paul Gambaccini and Lady Brittan, widow of the late Lord Brittan.

A police officer stands at the gate of Arundells, the former home of  Heath when the probe was launched

Pressure on Operation Conifer mounted after this newspaper revealed how an expert, brought in by police to assess claims that Heath was linked to paedophiles who held satanic orgies, dismissed them as fantasy.

Days after The Mail on Sunday report, Mr Veale came out fighting and insisted Operation Conifer was not a ‘witch-hunt’. 

In a surprise statement released on December 2, he said he refused to ‘buckle’ to demands to abandon the inquiry, and stressed his officers had not spoken to ‘Nick’, the man at the root of Operation Midland.

The Heath investigation was not a ‘fishing trip’, he said, adding that he was ‘duty-bound’ to go ahead with it ‘without fear or favour and go where the evidence takes us’.

He accused his critics of ignorance, and rebuked them for using ‘inappropriate and unacceptable pressure’ in an attempt to halt the inquiry.

Mr Veale said a ‘significant number of individuals’ had alleged abuse, but refused to say how many or give details of the only two people to be arrested.

He even said the findings of the investigation may never be made public, stating: ‘A confidential closing report will be written… and at that time I will take advice as to what I can legally put in the public domain.’ 

Police were ‘testing, checking and challenging the evidence and ensuring our approach is proportionate and justified’, he said.

Mr Veale argues that although Sir Edward died in 2005, other offenders may still be alive and victims could require support. 

‘If the force had received allegations of non-recent child abuse against a former Prime Minister and done nothing, what would the reaction have been?’

Margaret Thatcher and Edward Heath at the Conservative Party Conference in Blackpool

Margaret Thatcher and Edward Heath at the Conservative Party Conference in Blackpool

Lincoln Seligman, Sir Edward’s godson, responded to Mr Veale’s December statement by saying: ‘If they have uncovered no evidence after 18 months they should say so. 

And if Conifer is wound up, [Sir Edward] deserves to be exonerated as publicly as he was initially smeared. Shuffling the inquiry’s findings off into the night is not acceptable.’

Other aspects of Operation Conifer have also come under fire. Wiltshire Police interviewed key figures at Private Eye because the satirical magazine joked about unmarried Sir Edward’s sexuality 40 years ago.

They wanted to know if its nickname for him, ‘Sailor Ted’, in his days as PM from 1970 to 1974, was a reference to rumours that he was gay.

Police even asked current editor Ian Hislop what he knew about Heath, despite Hislop being a teenager during the period under investigation.

Officers have also tracked down former Downing Street staff to ask them if young men were ever sneaked into No 10.

Times writer and ex-Tory MP Matthew Parris dismissed the allegations, saying: ‘If Heath was a child abuser, I’m an aardvark.’


  1. Findings of Sir Edward Heath sex abuse investigation ‘may never be made public’
  2. Mother claims a child vanished after going on Sir Edward Heath’s yacht – Daily Mail  Aug 7th 2015
  3. Eleven boys went on Edward Heath’s yacht but I counted only 10 who left
  4. A satanic injustice: Police were warned that Edward Heath ritual child abuse claims were ‘fantasy’ but are ploughing on with £700,000 probe 
  5. Daily Mail
  6. Sir Edward Heath accuser is a ‘satanic sex fantasist’: Police warned by OWN expert that ritual abuse claims are false – including how the former PM ‘went to candlelit forest for paedophile parties’


watch the original sun sea & satan here





Secret Service Keywords 2016

(Might have a little fun later!!)


 JAN 25TH, 2016

I researched all of the legit searched for Keywords and mashed them all together and added some personal ones my self. This is a list of the most common frequently searched keywords that the FBI, NSA, and CIA search for. If any of these are in a Skype call, Email, etc, it will be monitored by the NSA or even CIA, FBI,  GCHQ etc


I forewarn you all tho, for the sake of your safety,  If you wanna fuck with these keywords in Skype calls etc, I suggest stacking up on proxies and vpns because this shit is crazy.


It’s a big ass list so I hope you all enjoy!




Flashbangs, HRT, DIA, USCOI, CID, BOP, FINCEN, FLETC, NIJ, ACC, AFSPC, BMDO, NAVWAN, NRL, RL, NAVWCWPNS, NSWC, USAFA, AHPCRC, ARPA, LABLINK, USACIL, USCG, NRC, ~, CDC, DOE, FMS, HPCC, NTIS, SEL, USCODE, CISE, SIRC, CIM, ISN, DJC, SGC, UNCPCJ, CFC, DREO, CDA, DRA, SHAPE, SACLANT, BECCA, DCJFTF, HALO, HAHO, FKS, 868, GCHQ, DITSA, SORT, AMEMB, NSG, HIC, EDI, SAS, SBS, UDT, GOE, DOE, GEO, Masuda, Forte, AT, GIGN, Exon Shell, CQB, CONUS, CTU, RCMP, GRU, SASR, GSG-9, 22nd SAS, GEOS, EADA, BBE, STEP, Echelon, Dictionary, MD2, MD4, MDA, MYK, 747,777, 767, MI5, 737, MI6, 757, Kh-11, Shayet-13, SADMS, Spetznaz, Recce, 707, CIO, NOCS, Halcon, Duress, RAID, Psyops, grom, D-11, SERT, VIP, ARC, S.E.T. Team, MP5k, DREC, DEVGRP, DF, DSD, FDM, GRU, LRTS, SIGDEV, NACSI, PSAC, PTT, RFI, SIGDASYS, TDM. SUKLO, SUSLO, TELINT, TEXTA. ELF, LF, MF, VHF, UHF, SHF, SASP, WANK, Colonel, domestic disruption, smuggle, 15kg, nitrate, Pretoria, M-14, enigma, Bletchley Park, Clandestine, nkvd, argus, afsatcom, CQB, NVD, Counter Terrorism Security, Rapid Reaction, Corporate Security, Police, sniper, PPS, ASIS, ASLET, TSCM, Security Consulting, High Security, Security Evaluation, Electronic Surveillance, MI-17, Counterterrorism, spies, eavesdropping, debugging, interception, COCOT, rhost, rhosts, SETA, Amherst, Broadside, Capricorn, Gamma, Gorizont, Guppy, Ionosphere, Mole, Keyhole, Kilderkin, Artichoke, Badger, Cornflower, Daisy, Egret, Iris, Hollyhock, Jasmine, Juile, Vinnell, B.D.M.,Sphinx, Stephanie, Reflection, Spoke, Talent, Trump, FX, FXR, IMF, POCSAG, Covert Video, Intiso, r00t, lock picking, Beyond Hope, csystems, passwd, 2600 Magazine, Competitor, EO, Chan, Alouette,executive, Event Security, Mace, Cap-Stun, stakeout, ninja, ASIS, ISA, EOD, Oscor, Merlin, NTT, SL-1, Rolm, TIE, Tie-fighter, PBX, SLI, NTT, MSCJ, MIT, 69, RIT, Time, MSEE, Cable & Wireless, CSE, Embassy, ETA, Porno, Fax, finks, Fax encryption, white noise, pink noise, CRA, M.P.R.I., top secret, Mossberg, 50BMG, Macintosh Security, Macintosh Internet Security, Macintosh Firewalls, Unix Security, VIP Protection, SIG, sweep, Medco, TRD, TDR, sweeping, TELINT, Audiotel, Harvard, 1080H, SWS, Asset, Satellite imagery, force, Cypherpunks, Coderpunks, TRW, remailers, replay, redheads, RX-7, explicit, FLAME, Pornstars, AVN, Playboy, Anonymous, Sex, chaining, codes, Nuclear, 20, subversives, SLIP, toad, fish, data havens, unix, c, a, b, d, the, Elvis, quiche, DES, 1*, NATIA, NATOA, sneakers, counterintelligence, industrial espionage, PI, TSCI, industrial intelligence, H.N.P., Juiliett Class Submarine, Locks, loch, Ingram Mac-10, sigvoice, ssa, E.O.D., SEMTEX, penrep, racal, OTP, OSS, Blowpipe, CCS, GSA, Kilo Class, squib, primacord, RSP, Becker, Nerd, fangs, Austin, Comirex, GPMG, Speakeasy, humint, GEODSS, SORO, M5, ANC, zone, SBI, DSS, S.A.I.C., Minox, Keyhole, SAR, Rand Corporation, Wackenhutt, EO, Wackendude, mol, Hillal, GGL, CTU, botux, Virii, CCC, Blacklisted 411, Internet Underground, XS4ALL, Retinal Fetish, Fetish, Yobie, CTP, CATO, Phon-e, Chicago Posse, l0ck, spook keywords, PLA, TDYC, W3, CUD, CdC, Weekly World News, Zen, World Domination, Dead, GRU, M72750, Salsa, 7, Blowfish, Gorelick, Glock, Ft. Meade, press-release, Indigo, wire transfer, e-cash, Bubba the Love Sponge, Digicash, zip, SWAT, Ortega, PPP, crypto-anarchy, AT&T, SGI, SUN, MCI, Blacknet, Middleman, KLM, Blackbird, plutonium, Texas, jihad, SDI, Uzi, Fort Meade, supercomputer, bullion, 3, Blackmednet, Propaganda, ABC, Satellite phones, Planet-1, cryptanalysis, nuclear, FBI, Panama, fissionable, Sears Tower, NORAD, Delta Force, SEAL, virtual, Dolch, secure shell, screws, Black-Ops, Area51, SABC, basement, data-haven, black-bag, TEMPSET, Goodwin, rebels, ID, MD5, IDEA, garbage, market, beef, Stego, unclassified, utopia, orthodox, Alica, SHA, Global, gorilla, Bob, Pseudonyms, MITM, Gray Data, VLSI, mega, Leitrim, Yakima, Sugar Grove, Cowboy, Gist, 8182, Gatt, Platform, 1911, Geraldton, UKUSA, veggie, 3848, Morwenstow, Consul, Oratory, Pine Gap, Menwith, Mantis, DSD, BVD, 1984, Flintlock, cybercash, government, hate, speedbump, illuminati, president, freedom, cocaine, $, Roswell, ESN, COS, E.T., credit card, b9, fraud, assasinate, virus, anarchy, rogue, mailbomb, 888, Chelsea, 1997, Whitewater, MOD, York, plutonium, William Gates, clone, BATF, SGDN, Nike, Atlas, Delta, TWA, Kiwi, PGP 2.6.2., PGP 5.0i, PGP 5.1, siliconpimp, Lynch, 414, Face, Pixar, IRIDF, eternity server, Skytel, Yukon, Templeton, LUK, Cohiba, Soros, Standford, niche, 51, H&K, USP, ^, sardine, bank, EUB, USP, PCS, NRO, Red Cell, Glock 26, snuffle, Patel, package, ISI, INR, INS, IRS, GRU, RUOP, GSS, NSP, SRI, Ronco, Armani, BOSS, Chobetsu, FBIS, BND, SISDE, FSB, BfV, IB, froglegs, JITEM, SADF, advise, TUSA, HoHoCon, SISMI, FIS, MSW, Spyderco, UOP, SSCI, NIMA, MOIS, SVR, SIN, advisors, SAP, OAU, PFS, Aladdin, chameleon man, Hutsul, CESID, Bess, rail gun, Peering, 17, 312, NB, CBM, CTP, Sardine, SBIRS, SGDN, ADIU, DEADBEEF, IDP, IDF, Halibut, SONANGOL, Flu, &, Loin, PGP 5.53, EG&G, AIEWS, AMW, WORM, MP5K-SD, 1071, WINGS, cdi, DynCorp, UXO, Ti, THAAD, package, chosen, PRIME, SURVIAC, Child porn, cp, porn child, drugs, drugz, hitmen, tor, redroom, fishing, virus, trojan, swatting, nuclear bomb, killing, murdering, wireshark, Hijack, credit card theft, DDos, dos, dox, dox theft, ip, ip dox, ip information, ip private, meth, cocaine dick, lizard squad, lulzsec, creditcard, 666, isis, kkk, bomb, iran bomb, iraq, killing kids, fbi ids, anoymous vpn, vpn hack, cosmothegod, cooldox, joshthegod, terroist, Explosives, guns, assassination, conspiracy, primers, detonators, initiators, main charge, nuclear charges, ambush, sniping, motorcade, IRS, BATF, jtf-6, mjtf, hrt, srt, hostages, munitions, weapons, TNT, rdx, amfo, hmtd, picric acid, silver nitrite, mercury fulminate, presidential motorcade, salt peter, charcoal, sulfur, c4, composition b, amatol, petn, lead azide, lead styphante, ddnp, tetryl, nitrocellulose, nitrostarch, mines, grenades, rockets, fuses, delay mechanism, mortars, rpg7, propellants, incendiaries, incendiary device, thermite, security forces, intelligence, agencies, hrt, resistance, psyops, infiltration, assault team, defensive elements, evasion, detection, mission, communications, the football, platter charge, shaped charges, m118, claymore, body armor, charges, shrapnel, timers, timing devices, boobytraps, detcord, pmk 40, silencers, Uzi, HK-MP5, AK-47, FAL, Jatti, Skorpion MP, teflon bullets, cordite, napalm, law, Stingers, RPK, SOCIMI 821 SMG, STEN, BAR, MP40, HK-G3,FN-MAG, RPD,PzB39, Air Force One, M60, RPK74, SG530, SG540, Galil arm, Walther WA2000, HK33KE, Parker-Hale MOD. 82, AKR, Ingram MAC10, M3, L34A1, Walther MPL, AKS-74, HK-GR6, subsonic rounds, ballistic media, special forces, JFKSWC, SFOD-D! , SRT, Rewson, SAFE, Waihopai, INFOSEC, ASPIC, Information Security, SAI, Information Warfare, IW, IS, Privacy, Information Terrorism, Kenya, Terrorism Defensive Information, Defense Information Warfare, Offensive Information, Offensive Information Warfare, NAIA, SAPM, ASU, ECHELON ASTS, National Information Infrastructure, InfoSec, SAO, Reno, Compsec, JICS, Computer Terrorism, Firewalls, Secure Internet Connections, RSP, ISS, JDF, Passwords, NAAP, DefCon V, RSO, Hackers, Encryption, ASWS, Espionage, USDOJ, NSA, CIA, S/Key, SSL, FBI, Secret Service, USSS, Defcon, Military, White House, Undercover, NCCS, Mayfly, PGP, SALDV, PEM, resta, RSA, Perl-RSA, MSNBC, bet, AOL, AOL TOS, CIS, CBOT, AIMSX, STARLAN, 3B2, BITNET, Tanzania, SAMU, COSMOS, DATTA, E911, FCIC, HTCIA, IACIS, UT/RUS, JANET, ram, JICC, ReMOB, LEETAC, UTU, VNET, BRLO, SADCC, NSLEP, SACLANTCEN, FALN, 877, NAVELEXSYSSECENGCEN, BZ, CANSLO, CBNRC, CIDA, JAVA, rsta, Awarehouse, Active X, Compsec 97, RENS, LLC, DERA, JIC, ri! p, rb, Wu, RDI, Mavricks, BIOL, Meta-hackers, ^?, SADT, Steve Case, Tools, RECCEX, Telex, OTAN, monarchist, NMIC, NIOG, IDB, MID/KL, NADIS, NMI, SEIDM, BNC, CNCIS, STEEPLEBUSH, RG, BSS, DDIS, mixmaster, BCCI, BRGE, SARL, Military Intelligence, JICA, Scully, recondo, Flame, Infowar, Bubba, Freeh, Donaldson, Archives, ISADC, CISSP, Sundevil, jack, Investigation, JOTS, ISACA, NCSA, ASVC, spook words, RRF, 1071, Bugs Bunny, Verisign, Secure, ASIO, Lebed, ICE, NRO, Lexis-Nexis, NSCT, SCIF, FLiR, JIC, bce, Lacrosse, Bunker, Flashbangs, HRT, IRA, EODG, DIA, USCOI, CID, BOP, FINCEN, FLETC, NIJ, ACC, AFSPC, BMDO, site, SASSTIXS, NAVWAN, NRL, RL, NAVWCWPNS, NSWC, USAFA, AHPCRC, ARPA, SARD, LABLINK, USACIL, SAPT, USCG, NRC, ~, O, NSA/CSS, CDC, DOE, SAAM, FMS, HPCC, NTIS, SEL, USCODE, CISE, SIRC, CIM, ISN, DJC, bemd, SGC, UNCPCJ, CFC, SABENA, DREO, CDA, SADRS, DRA, SHAPE, bird dog, SACLANT, BECCA, DCJFTF, HALO, SC, TA SAS, Lander, GSM, T Branch, AST, SAMCOMM, HAHO, FKS, 868, GCHQ, DITSA, S! ORT, AMEMB, NSG, HIC, EDI, benelux, SAS, SBS, SAW, UDT, EODC, GOE, DOE, SAMF, GEO, JRB, 3P-HV, Masuda, Forte, AT, GIGN, Exon Shell, radint, MB, CQB, CONUS, CTU, RCMP, GRU, SASR, GSG-9, 22nd SAS, GEOS, EADA, SART, BBE, STEP, Echelon, Dictionary, MD2, MD4, MDA, diwn, 747, ASIC, 777, RDI, 767, MI5, 737, MI6, 757, Kh-11, EODN, SHS, ^X, Shayet-13, SADMS, Spetznaz, Recce, 707, CIO, NOCS, Halcon, NSS, Duress, RAID, Uziel, wojo, Psyops, SASCOM, grom, NSIRL, D-11, SERT, VIP, ARC, S.E.T. Team, NSWG, MP5k, SATKA, DREC, DEVGRP, DF, DSD, FDM, GRU, LRTS, SIGDEV, NACSI, MEU/SOC,PSAC, PTT, RFI, ZL31, SIGDASYS, TDM, SUKLO, SUSLO, TELINT, fake, TEXTA, ELF, LF, MF, SIGS, VHF, Recon, peapod, PA598D28, Spall, dort, 50MZ, 11Emc Choe, SATCOMA, UHF, SHF, ASIO, SASP, WANK, Colonel, domestic disruption, 5ESS, smuggle, Z- 200, 15kg, UVDEVAN, RFX, nitrate, OIR, Pretoria, M-14, enigma, Bletchley Park, Clandestine, NSO, nkvd, argus, afsatcom, CQB, NVD, Counter Terrorism Security, SARA, Rapid Reaction, JSOF! C3IP, Corporate Security, Police, sniper, PPS, ASIS, ASLET, TSCM, Security Consulting, M-x spook, Z-150T, High Security, Security Evaluation, Electronic Surveillance, MI-17, ISR, NSAS, Counterterrorism, real, spies, IWO, eavesdropping, debugging, CCSS, interception, COCOT, NACSI, rhost, rhosts, ASO, SETA, Amherst, Broadside, Capricorn, NAVCM, Gamma, Gorizont, Guppy, NSS, rita, ISSO, submiss, ASDIC, .tc, 2EME REP, FID, 7NL SBS, tekka, captain, 226, .45, nonac, .li, Ionosphere, Mole, Keyhole, NABS, Kilderkin, Artichoke, Badger, Emerson, Tzvrif, SDIS, T2S2, STTC, DNR, NADDIS, NFLIS, CFD, quarter, Cornflower, Daisy, Egret, Iris, JSOTF, Hollyhock, Jasmine, Juile, Vinnell, B.D.M., Sphinx, Stephanie, Reflection, Spoke, Talent, Trump, FX, FXR, IMF, POCSAG, rusers, Covert Video, Intiso, r00t, lock picking, Beyond Hope, LASINT, csystems, .tm, passwd, 2600 Magazine, JUWTF, Competitor, EO, Chan, Pathfinders, SEAL Team 3, JTF, Nash, ISSAA, B61-11, Alouette, executive, Event Security,! Mace, Cap-Stun, stakeout, ninja, ASIS, ISA, EOD, Oscor, Merlin, NTT, SL-1, Rolm, TIE, Tie-fighter, PBX, SLI, NTT, MSCJ, MIT, 69, RIT, Time, MSEE, Cable & Wireless, CSE, SUW, J2, Embassy, ETA, Fax, finks, Fax encryption, white noise, Fernspah, MYK, GAFE, forcast, import, rain, tiger, buzzer, N9, pink noise, CRA, M.P.R.I., top secret, Mossberg, 50BMG, Macintosh Security, Macintosh Internet Security, OC3, Macintosh Firewalls, Unix Security, VIP Protection, SIG, sweep, Medco, TRD, TDR, Z, sweeping, SURSAT, 5926, TELINT, Audiotel, Harvard, 1080H, SWS, Asset, Satellite imagery, force, NAIAG, Cypherpunks, NARF, 127, Coderpunks, TRW, remailers, replay, redheads, RX-7, explicit, FLAME, JTF-6, AVN, ISSSP, Anonymous, W, Sex, chaining, codes, Nuclear, 20, subversives, SLIP, toad, fish, data havens, unix, c, a, b, d, SUBACS, the, Elvis, quiche, DES, 1*, NATIA, NATOA, sneakers, UXO, (), OC-12, counterintelligence, Shaldag, sport, NASA, TWA, DT, gtegsc, owhere, .ch, hope, emc, industr! ial espionage, SUPIR, PI, TSCI, spookwords, industrial intelligence, H.N.P., SUAEWICS, Juiliett Class Submarine, Locks, qrss, loch, 64 Vauxhall Cross, Ingram Mac-10, wwics, sigvoice, ssa, E.O.D., SEMTEX, penrep, racal, OTP, OSS, Siemens, RPC, Met, CIA-DST, INI, watchers, keebler, contacts, Blowpipe, BTM, CCS, GSA, Kilo Class, squib, primacord, RSP, Z7, Becker, Nerd, fangs, Austin, no|d, Comirex, GPMG, Speakeasy, humint, GEODSS, SORO, M5, BROMURE, ANC, zone, SBI, DSS, S.A.I.C., Minox, Keyhole, SAR, Rand Corporation, Starr, Wackenhutt, EO, burhop, Wackendude, mol, Shelton, 2E781, F-22, 2010, JCET, cocaine, Vale, IG, Kosovo, Dake, 36,800, Hillal, Pesec, Hindawi, GGL, NAICC, CTU, botux, Virii, CCC, ISPE, CCSC, Scud, SecDef, Magdeyev, VOA, Kosiura, Small Pox, Tajik, +=, Blacklisted 411, TRDL, Internet Underground, BX, XS4ALL, wetsu, muezzin, Retinal Fetish, WIR, Fetish, FCA, Yobie, forschung, emm, ANZUS, Reprieve, NZC-332, edition, cards, mania, 701, CTP, CATO, Phon- e, Chicago! Posse, NSDM, l0ck, spook, keywords, QRR, PLA, TDYC, W3, CUD, CdC, Weekly World News, Zen, World Domination, Dead, GRU, M72750, Salsa, 7, Blowfish, Gorelick, Glock, Ft. Meade, NSWT, press- release, WISDIM, burned, Indigo, wire transfer, e-cash, Bubba the Love Sponge, Enforcers, Digicash, zip, SWAT, Ortega, PPP, NACSE, crypto-anarchy, AT&T, SGI, SUN, MCI, Blacknet, SM, JCE, Middleman, KLM, Blackbird, NSV, GQ360, X400, Texas, jihad, SDI, BRIGAND, Uzi, Fort Meade, *&,, supercomputer, bullion, 3, NTTC, Blackmednet, :, Propaganda, ABC, Satellite phones, IWIS, Planet-1, ISTA, rs9512c, South Africa, Sergeyev, Montenegro, Toeffler, Rebollo, sorot, cryptanalysis, nuclear, 52 52 N – 03 03 W, Morgan, Canine, GEBA, INSCOM, MEMEX, Stanley, FBI, Panama, fissionable, Sears Tower, NORAD, Delta Force, SEAL, virtual, WASS, WID, Dolch, secure shell, screws, Black-Ops, O/S, Area51, SABC, basement, ISWG, $ @, data-haven, NSDD, black-bag, rack, TEMPEST, Goodwin, rebels, ID, MD5, ID! EA, garbage, market, beef, Stego, ISAF, unclassified, Sayeret Tzanhanim, PARASAR, Gripan, pirg, curly, Taiwan, guest, utopia, NSG, orthodox, CCSQ, Alica, SHA, Global, gorilla, Bob, UNSCOM, Fukuyama, Manfurov, Kvashnin, Marx, Abdurahmon, snullen, Pseudonyms, MITM, NARF, Gray Data, VLSI, mega, Leitrim, Yakima, NSES, Sugar Grove, WAS, Cowboy, Gist, 8182, Gatt, Platform, 1911, Geraldton, UKUSA, veggie, XM, Parvus, NAVSVS, 3848, Morwenstow, Consul, Oratory, Pine Gap, Menwith, Mantis, DSD, BVD, 1984, blow out, BUDS, WQC, Flintlock, PABX, Electron, Chicago Crust, e95, DDR&E, 3M, KEDO, iButton, R1, erco, Toffler, FAS, RHL, K3, Visa/BCC, SNT, Ceridian, STE, condor, CipherTAC-2000, Etacs, Shipiro, ssor, piz, fritz, KY, 32, Edens, Kiwis, Kamumaruha, DODIG, Firefly, HRM, Albright, Bellcore, rail, csim, ISSC, cybercash, NAWAS, government, NSY, hate, speedbump, joe, illuminati, BOSS, Kourou, Misawa, Morse, HF, P415, ladylove, fi! lofax, Gulf, lamma, Unit 5707, Sayeret Mat’Kal, Unit 669, Sayeret Golani, Lanceros, Summercon, NSADS, president, ISFR, freedom, ISSO, walburn, Defcon VI, DC6, Larson, P99, HERF pipe-bomb, 2.3 Oz., cocaine, $, impact, Roswell, ESN, COS, E.T., credit card, b9, fraud, ST1, assassinate, virus, ISCS, ISPR, anarchy, rogue, mailbomb, 888, Chelsea, 1997, Whitewater, MOD, York, plutonium, William Gates, clone, BATF, SGDN, Nike, WWSV, Atlas, IWWSVCS, Delta, TWA, Kiwi, PGP 2.6.2., PGP 5.0i, PGP 5.1, siliconpimp, SASSTIXS, IWG, Lynch, 414, Face, Pixar, IRIDF, NSRB, eternity server, Skytel, Yukon, Templeton, Johohonbu, LUK, Cohiba, Soros, Standford, niche, ISEP, ISEC, 51, H&K, USP, ^, sardine, bank, EUB, USP, PCS, NRO, Red Cell, NSOF, Glock 26, snuffle, Patel, package, ISI, INR, INS, IRS, GRU, RUOP, GSS, NSP, SRI, Ronco, Armani, BOSS, Chobetsu, FBIS, BND, SISDE, FSB, BfV, IB, froglegs, JITEM, SADF, advise, TUSA, LITE, PKK, HoHoCon, SISMI, ISG, FIS, MSW, Spyderco, UOP, SSCI, NIMA, HAMASMOIS, SVR, SIN, advisors, SAP, Monica, OAU, PFS, Aladdin, AG, chameleon man, Hutsul, CESID, Bess, rail gun, .375, Peering, CSC, Tangimoana Beach, Commecen, Vanuatu, Kwajalein, LHI, DRM, GSGI, DST, MITI, JERTO, SDF, Koancho, Blenheim, Rivera, Kyudanki, varon, 310, 17, 312, NB, CBM, CTP, Sardine, SBIRS, jaws, SGDN, ADIU, DEADBEEF, IDP, IDF, Halibut, SONANGOL, Flu, &, Loin, PGP 5.53, meta, Faber, SFPD, EG&G, ISEP, blackjack, Fox, Aum, AIEWS, AMW, RHL, Baranyi, WORM, MP5K-SD, 1071, WINGS, cdi, VIA, DynCorp, UXO, Ti, WWSP, WID, osco, Mary, honor, Templar, THAAD, package, CISD, ISG, BIOLWPN, JRA, ISB, ISDS, chosen, LBSD, van, schloss, secops, DCSS, DPSD, LIF, PRIME, SURVIAC, telex, SP4, Analyzer, embassy, Golf, B61-7, Maple, Tokyo, ERR, SBU, Threat, JPL, Tess, SE, EPL, SPINTCOM, ISS-ADP, Merv, Mexico, SUR, SO13, Rojdykarna, airframe, 510, Skype IP, Skype Resolve, Skype Hack, NSA Skype Hack, EuroFed, Avi, shelter, Crypto AG, Waihopai, INFOSEC, Information Security, Information Warfare, IW, IS, Priavacy, Information Terrorism, Terrorism Defensive Information, Defense Information Warfare, Offensive Information, Offensive Information Warfare, National Information Infrastructure, InfoSec, Reno, Compsec, Computer Terrorism, Firewalls, Secure Internet Connections, ISS, Passwords, DefCon V, Hackers, Encryption, Espionage, USDOJ, NSA, CIA, S/Key, SSL, FBI, Secert Service, USSS, Defcon, Military, White House, Undercover, NCCS, Mayfly, PGP, PEM, RSA, Perl-RSA, MSNBC, bet, AOL, AOL TOS, CIS, CBOT, AIMSX, STARLAN, 3B2, BITNET, COSMOS, DATTA, E911, FCIC, HTCIA, IACIS, UT/RUS, JANET, JICC, ReMOB, LEETAC, UTU, VNET, BRLO, BZ, CANSLO, CBNRC, CIDA, JAVA, Active X, Compsec 97, LLC, DERA, Mavricks, Meta-hackers, ^?, Steve Case, Tools, Telex, Military Intelligence, Scully, Flame, Infowar, Bubba, Freeh, Archives, Sundevil, jack, Investigation, ISACA, NCSA, spook words, Verisign, Secure, ASIO, Lebed, ICE, NRO, Lexis-Nexis, NSCT, SCIF, FLiR, Lacrosse, NMS, 2c, FIPS140-1, CAVE, E-Bomb, CDMA, Fortezza, 355ml, Skype SWEEP, Sweep DNS, N.S.A HACK,,,,, TOR, ONION DARKNET, Media Net, Darkweb, Deepweb, KEK, G0D, RIUGOD, GC92, LM4R, SDSE, LA440, 0S-D-3D, Gollow Hollow, Hollow, Weed Drug4, #Hash, Hash, MD5-HASH, Decrypt, Nsa DB, Nsa database, cia DB, LoLHacK, IDSYS, ARMYTOR, IDS, Intrusion Army Spyware, Spyware NSA, MURDER NSA, Isis Murder, WEBCAM, redroom tor, tor redroom, RD10, R16, RTG, RPG9, RPG, PO BOX, TOR Configuration, NSA.GOV LEAK,, 9200, TOR NODE, NSA NODE, N.S.A ip address, information, INFO LEAK, IPSEC, 1JEN, KSI3M, KILLER, Holding, IP TRANSIT, Data transit, VPN Server, Proxy LEAK, DNS dysfunction, EI, E.T, LSP, LAPD, SWATTEAM, Yemen Shot, xanax bars, L200, Jog

Kincora Cover-Up Complete..  FOR NOW

7th Jan 2017

So, is that it, then? There will be no more inquiries, or investigations, into the Kincora scandal following Sir Anthony Hart’s final report for the Historical Institutional Abuse (HIA) inquiry. Yes, the under-pressure Royal Ulster Constabulary was “inept”, according to Sir Anthony, in relation to the force investigating claims of child sexual abuse at the east Belfast care home in the 1970s. In addition, the RUC and the authorities were guilty of a “catalogue of failures” in dealing with the allegations swirling around about Kincora, the report found.

Crucially, however, the report did not find any evidence that the intelligence services, both MI5 and the Army, were aware of a paedophile ring operating at the home; or that the “spooks” were blackmailing the abusers to spy on fellow hardline Ulster loyalists in the first decade of the Troubles.

Sir Anthony said the idea that Kincora was a homosexual “brothel”, used by the security services as a “honeypot” to extract information about leading loyalists was without foundation.

In his report, the judge said: “There is no credible evidence to support any of these allegations.” He also insisted that the abuse did not extend beyond the three guilty staff members.

Finally, Sir Anthony was bitterly critical of the original Kincora whistleblowers – in particular, former Army intelligence officer Colin Wallace – for refusing to give evidence to the inquiry, held at Banbridge Courthouse.

‘Iceland knows how to stop teen substance abuse but the rest of the world isn’t listening’

Lorry filmed going around Northern Ireland roundabout in wrong direction
The judge did not mention that Wallace and others with alleged information about Kincora refused to take part in the inquiry because they believed the inquiry’s remit was too restricted.

Moreover, in the case of Wallace, in particular, he was outraged that Kincora was not also included into the national Westminster inquiry into allegations of paedophile rings at the heart of the British Establishment.

It is worth mentioning that Wallace did provide the Banbridge-based inquiry with 265 pages of comment, including documents supporting the claims made by former residents of Kincora.

In his statement released after the report, Wallace made the point that key intelligence files relating to Kincora housemaster and child abuser William McGrath have gone missing.

Wallace has emphasised that he was authorised as far back as 1973 by Army intelligence to brief the Ulster Press corps about McGrath’s activities. The former Army intelligence officer (who doubled as a Press officer at military headquarters in Lisburn) has made the point that an MI5 officer who tried to rubbish his claims was the same operative who allegedly ordered his colleague, Captain Brian Gemmell, to stop investigating McGrath and his perverted activities.

Most disturbing of all among Wallace’s allegations contained in the HIA final report is that there were documents in the hands of the Ministry of Defence and other governments for many years. He claims that this material was kept from the inquiry and that all of the information he supplied to the ‘Clockwork Orange’ military intelligence operations in the 1970s (designed to discredit major figures within Ulster loyalism) have not been handed over, either.

He is not on his own in terms of cynicism about the report’s analysis of the Kincora scandal. Former loyalist activist and writer Roy Garland, who was a former disciple of William McGrath, later broke with him in 1971 and sided, instead, with the Ulster Volunteer Force, which had originally infiltrated the weird Tara group McGrath founded.

Garland has made the point previously that Tara and McGrath were used by British intelligence to spread black propaganda against the likes of the UVF, accusing the terror group of being crypto-communist and in league with the likes of the Marxist Official IRA in the early to mid-1970s.

Most observers of the Kincora scandal, including the journalist Chris Moore, who wrote a book on the controversial care home, agree that there was no paedophile prostitution ring there. It was not a “honeypot”, providing young victims for sexually depraved members of the British Establishment, which some more lurid accounts of Kincora have claimed.

The smear tactics, however, of McGrath and Tara were very real and the brainchild of different sections of British intelligence.

To suggest that MI5 and military intelligence operatives did not know what “assets” like McGrath were up to in the home appears incredible.

In a sense, the allegations concerning a prostitution racket emanating from Kincora is an example of how far-out conspiracy theories can eclipse the true nature at the heart of a scandal.

The central question, which is raised by, among others, the loyalist blog ‘Balaclava Street’, is: did MI5 tip off William McGrath that Roy Garland had been telling people, including the Belfast UVF leadership, about the Tara founder’s sexual habits? This question was not properly investigated during the HIA inquiry and raises the possibility of a new investigation into Kincora.

When it comes to Ulster loyalism, in particular, there are more unfounded conspiracy theories than actual real scenarios. Republicans, of late, have been good at spinning the line that loyalist violence was never autonomous, or organic; that all the major pro-Union terror groups were controlled and directed by various branches of the security forces.

Such blanket theories can be contradicted by facts, such as the high rate of convictions for loyalist activists, or the fact that, if the UVF and UDA were so centrally controlled by an all seeing, semi-omnipotent British intelligence operation, then why were there not more members of the IRA killed, compared to the actual majority of the loyalist paramilitaries’ victims – politically uninvolved Catholic civilians?

Yet none of the above is to suggest that there weren’t individual acts of collusion between police officers, or Army intelligence agents, and the loyalist terror groups. (Although collusion itself is much more complicated than first imagined).

Take, for example, the scandal over Brian Nelson, the Army’s Force Research Unit (FRU) agent inside the UDA, who steered killers to murder an old IRA veteran in Ballymurphy in order to deflect them from their original target, an active IRA member, who, unknown to the UDA, was also an important British agent.

Kincora may not have been a “meat market” for Establishment paedophiles on both sides of the Irish Sea, yet the claims of Wallace, Garland and others that MI5 and others knew about what McGrath and his cohorts were up to remains a scandal without a just end.

Kincora: it hasn’t gone away, you know.

Belfast Telegraph

Kincora a ‘TOTAL TRAVESTY’ Colin Wallace’s statement in full. 

Spies not blamed over Kincora in a ‘travesty’ of a child abuse inquiry

Children suffered decades of sexual, physical and emotional abuse in homes run by the state, charities and churches in Northern Ireland, an inquiry found last week.

Sir Anthony Hart chaired the four-year Historical Institutional Abuse inquiry. He said payouts of up to £100,000 should be made to those who suffered the worst abuse or were sent to Australia.

Hart found “systemic failings” at 20 of the 22 institutions probed over allegations from 1922 to 1995.

But he rejected claims that a paedophile ring involving British establishment figures abused boys at the Kincora home in Belfast.

There have long been suspicions that security services protected William McGrath—who ran the home and did abuse children—because of his links to Loyalist paramilitaries.

Among the first to voice concerns was former Army information officer Colin Wallace in 1975. He was swiftly moved from his post.

Colin said, “The astonishing claim by the authorities, including the Intelligence Services, that they knew nothing about the allegations surrounding McGrath’s sexual activities until 1980 is a total travesty.”

Security services refused to give evidence. It emerged in the inquiry that files about Kincora have been “lost”.

Colin Wallace’s statement in full

Although I initially offered to give evidence to the Hart Inquiry, I later decided not to mainly on the grounds that the Government repeatedly refused to give it the same legal powers as the corresponding Inquiry in London. I believe that both the perception and the reality of the Government’s decision is one of unfairness to the victims.

Despite my decision, I did, however, provide the Hart Inquiry with 265 pages of comment and supporting documents, drawing attention to false or misleading information contained in the transcripts of the public hearings. My reason for doing so was to enable the Inquiry to investigate and corroborate the accuracy of my past comments about Kincora and related matters, and to provide the Inquiry with the opportunity to correct the relevant errors in the its published transcripts.

None of the information I provided to the Inquiry is new. Although some of it has not previously been in the public domain, it has been in the possession of the Ministry of Defence and other Government agencies for many years and should have been made available by those authorities to the Inquiry. It should also have been made available by the authorities to previous Inquiries and the Government needs to explain why that did not happen.

Even more worrying, is the acknowledged fact that key Army Intelligence files relating to Tara and William McGrath appear to have gone missing after they were handed over by the Army to MI5 in 1989, prior to Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher’s admission to Parliament (30 January 1990) that Ministers had “inadvertently misled” Parliament about my case. There also appears to be no record whatsoever of what became of all the ‘Clockwork Orange’ project files which I handed over to my superiors when I left Army Headquarters in Lisburn in February 1975. Some of those files related to William McGrath. To make matters worse, it is now clear from the Inquiry’s transcripts that a senior MI5 officer, Ian Cameron, falsely accused me of ‘leaking’ information to the press about William McGrath. His claim was that I did so without authority.

The MI5 claim is bizarre because, as my army superior at the time has confirmed in the press, I was officially instructed by my superiors in Psy Ops, at the behest of Major General Peter Leng, to brief the press about McGrath as early as 1973, in a bid to draw media attention to his activities. I have no doubts whatsoever that because General Leng wanted the press to investigate McGrath, he had very good reasons for doing so and deserves credit for what he did.

It is also significant that the MI5 officer who accused me of ‘leaking’ information about McGrath to the press later refused to be interviewed by the Terry Inquiry investigators about why he ordered Army Intelligence officer, Captain Brian Gemmell, to stop investigating William McGrath. Clearly, the Army and MI5 had very different agendas regarding McGrath and his activities.

The astonishing claim by the authorities, including the Intelligence Services, that they knew nothing about the allegations surrounding McGrath’s sexual activities until 1980 is a total travesty. As my documents clearly show, it is simply not credible that I knew more about McGrath and his activities than the combined Intelligence community did in 1973/74. One must conclude, therefore, that the Intelligence Services did not tell the Inquiry all they knew about McGrath during the 1970s. Indeed, most of the information I possessed about McGrath in 1973/74 came from within the Intelligence community and was quite substantial. Moreover, my 1973 press briefing document clearly contains more information about McGrath than the Intelligence Services have claimed to the Inquiry that they possessed at that time! Finally, to suggest that because I gave the press the exact postal address (including the street number of the property) and telephone number of the Kincora home, but did not actually include the name, ‘Kincora’, that somehow invalidates my evidence, is an unacceptable attempt to avoid facing up to what I have been saying over the years. That information also shows that the claim made by the Intelligence Services to the Inquiry that they were not aware until 1980 of where McGrath worked is demonstrably false.

Overall, I believe the Inquiry has been a wasted opportunity to establish the full facts relating to this matter and I feel the victims have been let down yet again, as they were by previous inquiries.

Findhorn Foundation, Teens & Toddlers, Psychiatry, Global Sustainability & Eugenics

Previously.. []

Findhorn Press

4 x FindPress Children’s Books

Findhorn on ISSUU

Findhorn Foundation College

St Leonard’s Rd Forres IV36 2RD  


The programme was originally conceived by Laura Huxley, widow of the writer Aldous Huxley, in the late 1970s in California, USA. Laura developed deep concerns for disadvantaged children, their capacity to fulfill their human potential and their earliest relationship experiences.   

Huxley ‘preventing the sub normal from breeding’:

more info

Whilst the original Teens and Toddlers programme was the brainchild of Laura Huxley, it was her friend and mentor, Lady Diana Whitmore, who brought the programme to the UK and has been the driving force behind the its growth ever since.

Diana founded the Psychosynthesis Trust over 25 years ago and has served as President ever since. With this experience, Diana has been able to draw upon a deep understanding of positive psychology and the flourishing effect it can have upon young people.

After moving to the UK and seeing the social exclusion of young people in London, Diana realised that the Teens and Toddlers programme could address this issue.

children our ultimate investment was founded by Lady Diana Whitmore in 2001 to address the social exclusion of disadvantaged young people in London. In 2011, we changed the name to Teens and Toddlers in line with our flagship programme. We now run a range of programmes, which inspire disadvantaged young people to achieve the life skills, qualifications and self belief they need to succeed in school, work and life.

Our ultimate aim is for all young people to feel valued, included and inspired to contribute to their communities. Since our launch we have reached over 16,000 children and young people, with plans to reach many more.


Charity Number: 1099782.  92-94 Tooley Street SE1 2TH

Teens & Toddlers Sustainability Replication Programme eugenics supporters


(click on images)

                 Henry Smith Charity

    The Monument Trust             



Masonic Charitable Foundation



Sigillum Commune Su Salvatoris means COMMON SEAL, IT’S SAVIOUR.

Common Seal? Is that a wee bit like Common Porpoise? {i know! i’m sorry!}

Children Our Ultimate Investment

    1. Children: Our Ultimate Investment: home page, Laura Huxley: 
    2. Teens & Tods report PDF
    3. Teens and Toddlers & ‘The Dream Mill’
    4. Teens & Toddlers Sustainability Replication Programme
    6. Project Caressing in the US
    7. T & T  Accounts for 29 Feb 2016
    8. Charity Commission
    9. ARK funds Children: Our Ultimate Investment:

T & T address is given as  92-94 Tooley Street. But on Google  you see its the



Roberto Assagioli (27 Feb 1888 – Aug 1974) an Italian psychiatrist and pioneer in the fields of humanistic and transpersonal psychology. in 1965 he founded of the psychological movement known as Psychosynthesis, which is currently being run by President Lady Diana Whitmore. The Trust is affiliated with Humanistic and Integrative Psychology Section of the United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP), and European Association for Psychotherapy (EAP), and is a founding member of the European Federation of Psychosynthesis Psychotherapy (EFPP). At present time, the group consists of a large group of Psychosynthesis practitioners who mediate students.which is still being developed today by therapists and psychologists, who practice the psychological methods and techniques he developed. His work, expounded in two books and many monographs published as pamphlets, emphasized the possibility of progressive integration, or synthesis, of the personality

  1. Assagioli a trustee of Alice Bailey’s Lucis Trust
  2. Alice Bailey on Aryan’s and involvement with Lucis Trust:
  3. Lucis trust renamed from the Lucifer Trust:
  4. Lucis Trust

European Federation for Psychosynthesis Psychotherapy

Assagioli was not the first to use the term “psychosynthesis”. The earliest was by James Jackson Putnam, who used it as the name of his electroconvulsive therapy.


The essentials of psychosynthesis


The Association for the Advancement of Psychosynthesis (AAP) was formed in August 1995, as a non-profit organization in the United States, with approximately two-hundred members across the country. Members of the AAP run programs, workshops, and conferences to discuss Assagioli and Psychosynthesis, and publish a newsletter to discuss new topics related to the field. 

The Will Project Wiki[7] was created in 2007, and was based on the Will Project proposed by Assagioli when he was alive.

The Will Project consists of over 63 articles based on Assagioli’s published book The Act Of Will

Lady Diana Whitmore (aka Di Witless)

Diana is the Chief Executive and a founding Director of Teens and Toddlers UK, a charity founded in 2001 to address the social exclusion of young people and, in doing so, reduce the number of young people not in employment, education or training (NEET), as well as reducing teen pregnancies.

Teens and Toddlers runs a range of early intervention programmes focused on inspiring young people to achieve the skills, qualifications and self-belief they need to succeed in school, work and life. The original vision for the programmes was conceived in the US in the late 1970’s by Diana’s friend and mentor Laura Huxley, widow of Aldous Huxley–TheUltimateRevolution–ABlueprintToEnslaveTheMasses


Lady Di Witless has her fingers in A LOT of pies..

  1. Patron, Wyse International
  2. CEO of Children our Ultimate Investment UK (COUI)
  3. Founder, President and Co-chair of the Psychosynthesis & Education Trust
  4. Founder children our ultimate investment
  5. On the trustee board of Findhorn Foundation
  6. Chief Exec & a founding Director of Teens & Todds
  7. British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy Accredited Supervisor
  8. Accredited member of UK Council for Psychotherapists
  9. She teaches positive psychology and transpersonal coaching for Performance Coach MSc in Coaching and Development ()
  10. She has a PhD in Education from the University of Surrey
  11. is the author of two books, Psychosynthesis Counselling in Action and Psychosynthesis in Education: A Guide to the Joy of Learning  

{click on images}

  Logo  m.PNG  14682057_1320074824678196_5162311831578948383_o.jpg

LGBT Health & Wellbeing logo    4a.jpg     download.png


2nd logo is very hippy trippy mind control like & is very like the LGBT logo. the 3rd logo (AAP) reminds me of  the MK Ultra survivors drawing of the pendant worn by Antony Kidman the 2nd last pic… the  Order of the Eastern Star

STEM three parent babies

& then I stumbled upon this THIS WEE GEM…

ECOLOGIA   Charity No SC023976  

child protection policy



It’s Teens & Toddlers just by another name! & they have roll it out as of January 2017. IN THE SCOTTISH HIGHLANDS?!  wtf?


The Early Years Taskforce – Vision and Priorities



& OF COURSE Witless is pals with the Royals (we knew they were gonna pop up sooner or later!)

Enter a caption

Randy Pandy meets Di Witless  12 Jan 2016

Diana advised the Cabinet Office’s Behavioural Insight Team for a paper on interventions in 2009 and presented at the ‘Behavioural Change in Public Health’ conference in February 2012. She is a member of the trustee board of the Findhorn Foundation. source

Funnily enough Richard Lochhead MSP – (who was Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs, Food & Environment  2007~2016 & has been SNP Member of the Scottish Parliament for Moray since 2006) – made this speech the very same year (Sep 17, 2012)

Health, Wealth & Innovation: An International Conference on Digital Health Scotland & Digital Health: Moray Leading the World  a.PNG

The James Hutton Institute

3rd Digital Behaviour Change Conference 2017  

22-23 Feb 2017  Mary Ward House  Tavistock Place, London


2nd Behaviour Change Conference 

Mary Ward House


At the bottom of the findhorncollege web page you get thiskn.PNGFollowing is from partnerships & links page

(Please note Heriot Watt is first on the list, as it will pop up again!)

ORIGIN research partners

Findhorn College is currently developing courses in partnership with:

We are in dialogue and seeking collaboration with:

We have taken inspiration from the work of the following friends

Findhorn Gaia Search on Linkedin 

The company was founded in 2003 by and now operates in over fifty countries worldwide with a group of twenty-five consultants. The headquarters are in North East Scotland near to the village of Cummingston,   In 2012, Gaia Earth Sciences was awarded the Queen’s Award for Enterprise in International Trade. This is the United Kingdom’s most prestigious award for business performance.

The HQ, It’s called Phayrelands so, that will be FAIRYLANDS then?! Its also a wee bit Egyptian like,  PHAYR~PHAROAH


According to  STUART LINDSAY HUYTON was born in 1957 & went to Gordonstoun between 1974 & 1976 & then on to Heriot-Watt!

,m.PNGlk.PNGRotary Club of Elgin 

 Jan 13, 2017

Highland Council Planning PDF Trust – Highland Council


International Association for the Advancement of Ethnology and Eugenics

IAAEE was founded in 1959 and has headquarters in Edinburgh, Scotland. According to Russ Bellant, it was later also incorporated in the United States through the personal agency of Lord Malcolm Douglas-Hamilton, a member of the British Cliveden Set which supported appeasement of Adolf Hitler prior to World War II.[1][2] Other historians, including Bruce Minton, give differing evidence.[3]

READ MORE Dr Ewen Cameron, Hess, The Douglas-Hamilton’s & Hobgoblins

A. James Gregor was a founding director of the IAAEE which was, according to Gregor, established to restore “an intellectual climate in the U.S., and throughout the Western World, which would permit a free and open discussion of racial … problems.”[4] Gregor would later assert that his association with the organization was based on his concerns about congenital birth defects and the reproduction of the mentally retarded, as opposed to racial matters. Other members included Senator Jesse Helms and the oil billionaires William Herbert and Nelson Bunker Hunt.

The IAAEE’s main benefactor was Colonel Wickliffe Draper, a segregationist who opposed the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s and sought to fund research that would provide scientific justification for segregation and revive the concept of racial hygiene which had been discredited as a result of the Nazis. In the 1970s Gregor was criticised for accepting grants from the Pioneer Fund which had been established by Draper to advance his views. IAAEE received $82,000 in grants from the Pioneer Fund between 1971 and 1996.

In the 1960s, Stanley Porteus served on the Executive Committee of the IAAEE.[5] Henry E. Garrett, professor emeritus of psychology from Columbia University, was president of the IAAEE and one of the editors of Mankind Quarterly. Other key figures included Robert E. Kuttner and Donald A. Swan.


The shaming of big, poor families smacks of eugenics   11 Jul 2015

Social Darwinism, eugenics & Lennox Castle

Nineteenth century reformers combined their new medical diagnoses with a concern to tackle what they saw as the social causes of cruelty and incapacity. Two theories dominated: social Darwinism and eugenics.

Social Darwinism drew on Darwin’s ideas of natural selection and emphasised the contribution of the fittest and most superior individuals to the survival of the human species. The social Darwinists, who included some of the most prominent thinkers of their time, believed that social ‘engineering’ or the control or manipulation and improvement of social conditions would do away with, or weaken, the effect of nature’s shaping forces. The result would be uncontrolled breeding and weakening of the genetic pool and hence the deterioration of the race and swamping of the higher types within society. Eugenicists took these ideas further, arguing that those who were weaker, ‘degenerate’ or ‘defective’ in some way should not be allowed to breed or interbreed at all as their offspring would inevitably degrade the quality of the race. Poverty, ignorance, mental defectiveness as well as lack of moral values were seen as evidence that British society needed to purify its genetic stock and deal with what were seen as poisonous environments in the slums and factories. Great emphasis was placed on parenthood and procreation.

The influence of the eugenics movement in this country was strong and had a particularly pernicious effect on the care of children with learning difficulties. Ideas based on notions of racial purity led to demands for compulsory sterilisation of young people with learning difficulties and the application of a condemnatory morality which saw unmarried mothers locked away in mental handicap institutions. Their custodial care came largely to be accepted by the medical and educational establishments and their situation largely invisible to wider society (Hendrick, 1994, p. 92).

These ideas sustained segregation as a form of provision of care: segregation from society and segregation of the sexes within institutions (Williams, 1989, pp. 160–1).

Eugenicist ideas flourished well into the twentieth century and, some argue, are still alive today, with concern about reproduction a persistent thread as these quotes and the cuttings opposite demonstrate:

The unnatural and increasingly rapid growth of the feeble-minded classes, coupled with a steady restriction among all the thrifty, energetic and superior stocks constitutes a race danger. I feel that the source from which the stream of madness is fed should be cut off and sealed up before another year has passed.

– (Churchill, a proponent of forcible sterilisation, in a private letter to Prime Minister Asquith at the time of the Royal Commission on the Care and Control of the Feeble-Minded, 1904, quoted in Ponting, 1992, p. 23)

[It is] not the very severe cases which are the most dangerous: it is the mild cases, which are capable of being well veneered, so as to look, for a time at any rate, almost normal, against which there is most need to protect society.

– (Mary Dendy, proponent of segregation, writing in 1910, quoted in Jackson, 1996, p. 166)

Let us assume that we could segregate as a separate community all the families in the country containing mental defectives of the primary amentia type. We should find that we had collected among them a most interesting social group. It would include everyone who has extensive practical experience of social service would readily admit, a much larger proportion of insane persons, epileptics, paupers, criminals (especially recidivists), unemployables, habitual slum dwellers, prostitutes, inebriates and other social inefficients than would a group of families not containing mental defectives. The overwhelming majority of the families thus collected will belong to a section of the community which we propose to term the ‘social problem’ or ‘subnormal group’ … If we are to prevent the racial disaster of mental deficiency we must deal not only with the mentally defective persons but with the whole subnormal group from which the majority of them come … The relative fertility of this (subnormal) group is greater than that of normal persons.



Wise Goose Brochure – Wise Goose School of Coaching 2017/2018


Cathy O’Brien, Andy Peron, Dave Marrow, James Casbolt, Cathi Morgan, Brice Taylor

The Andy Pero Story Project Superman – Mind Control Experiments 

Cathy O’Brien Trance formation America

Fritz Springmeier

Be Wise as serpents..

Dave Marrow

James Casbolt MI6 Buried Alive

Bases 24 Background to James Casbolt

Part 1 |  |  |  |  |  |  | 

Cathi Morgan MK Ultra in Britain

Part One | 

 |  | 

Brice Taylor



TIMELINE: (Satanic) Paedo’s and Cover-Ups Everywhere #pizzagate #pgww Last Update 28-12-2016

This list is created to show the magnitude and presence of (un)related (satanistic) child abuse cases and their possible cover up’s around the world. I will update this list, please revise and contribute.

One of the most important excisting lists of these things is provided by Lori Handrahan . This article offers an extensive insight in political elites involved and/or convicted of child abuse. I might include all of these examples, but not now :-p

The format

  • Period – Timeframe of case
  • Name / Case
  • Location – World, Continent, Country, City
  • Title of MSM article MSM (Main Stream Media) for obvious reason that people trust these
  • ARCHV – Archive of MSM article
  • VID – video, either documentary or news article
  • ALT – alternative – well sourced non-MSM article
  • VOAT – Link to VOAT thread about case which provides further info and show links to PG



STOLEN: FOUR SCOTTISH CHILDREN. Docherty Interviews & Transcript

  1. WORLDWIDE #Satanism #Pedophilia & #ChildTrafficking: #Clinton #Royals & #VIPaedo {Part 1}
  2. WORLDWIDE #Pedophilia & #ChildTrafficking: #UK #US #Govt #EU #Royals & #VIPaedo {Part 2}
  4. TIMELINE: (Satanic) Paedo’s and Cover-Ups Everywhere 
  5. #Pizzagate for Dummies
  6. #pizzagate: The Magestic Apes, Katy Perry, Miley Cyrus & George Michael? #pgww
  7. Cannibalism, Baby Eaters, Blood Drinking, Satanic Rituals & The Genome Project
  8. LISTEN TO THE CHILDREN! #pizzagate #WhistleblowerKids
  9. *PLEASE WATCH* #pizzagate & the #UK connection. #WhistleblowerKids
  10. #Whistleblower Kids are telling the truth: #UK is run by #Satanists #pizzagate
  13. Joining The Dots

Findhorn Foundation & Scotland

  2. FINDHORN FOUNDATION  Survivor Speaks Out {part 5}
  3. Raddery for “emotionally disturbed” children, Findhorn, Orkney, Savile, Military & Kitezh #pizzagate
  4. Argyle & Bute: Oban, Lunga & Erraid
  5. Findhorn Foundation UNITAR & CIFAL
  6. Findhorn: Moray Paedophiles #pizzagate
  7. What is Scotland’s Problem?
  8. Aquino, Paedophila, Satanism, PsyOps, Nukes & Scotland
  9. Satanic Scotland
  10. Sculptor’s Cave near Gordonstoun. Evidence of VERY RECENT satanic ritual. {17.10.16}

Survivor Speaks Out Series

  1. Perhaps You Should Watch These? {Part 1}
  2. Perhaps You Should Watch These? {Part 2}
  3. Perhaps You Should Watch These? {Part 3}
  4. Perhaps You Should Watch These? {Part 4} Disney, Hollywood & Music
  5. Perhaps You Should Watch These? {Part 5} Holographic Disclosure
  6. Perhaps You Should Watch These? {Part 6}
  7. Perhaps You Should Watch These? {Part 7} Simple Truth of #Psychiatry by P.Breggin MD
  8. Perhaps You Should Watch These? {Part 8} 
  9. Perhaps You Should Watch These? {Part 9} #VIPaedo. UK MP’s, Pop Stars, Royals etc
  10. Perhaps You Should Watch These? {Part 10} Esoteric Agenda  
  11. Perhaps You Should Watch These? {part 11} #ChildrenOfGod Cult aka #TheFamily aka #GreatWhiteBrotherhood
  12. Perhaps You Should Watch These? {part 12} SATANIC RITUAL ABUSE #pizzagate
  13. Perhaps You Should Watch These? {Part 13} The 9th Circle
  14. Perhaps You Should Watch These? {Part 14} Bill Cooper’s Mystery Babylon






Perhaps You Should Watch These? {part 12} SATANIC RITUAL ABUSE #pizzagate


18+ ONLY


  2. Ritual child abuse in France: German documentary              
  3. Ritual Abuse Survivors’ Scotland – Laurie Matthew    
  4. Fiona Barnett Candy Girl Documentary      



  3. British Royal Family: Paedophilia, Satanism & Murder
  4. CSA Inquiry Probes Charity Linked To Prince Charles.
  6. Joining The Dots
  8. Satanic Scotland
  9. What is Scotland’s Problem?
  10. STOLEN: FOUR SCOTTISH CHILDREN. Docherty Interview & Transcript
  11. Perhaps You Should Watch These?? {part 12} SATANIC RITUAL ABUSE #pizzagate
  12. LISTEN TO THE CHILDREN! #WhistleblowerKids #pizzagate
  13. THE BEGINNING Survivor Speaks Out #pizzagate
  14. Cannibalism, Baby Eaters, Blood Drinking, Satanic Rituals & The Genome Project #pizzagate
  15. Satanic Ritual Abuse #SRA
  16. Satanic Cover Up: Fred & Rose West – Occult connection?
  17. Satanic Symbols & Logos
  19. Satanic Scotland {updated 28.11.16}
  20. The Devils in Devon (& Cornwall!)
  22. What’s going on with young men in the North of Scotland?
  23. Celebrity Bloodbaths: Milo, Gaga, Kim Kardashian & Cliff Richard?!
  24. WORLDWIDE #Satanism #Pedophilia & #ChildTrafficking: #Clinton #Royals & #VIPaedo {Part 1}
  25. WORLDWIDE #Pedophilia & #ChildTrafficking: #UK #US #Govt #EU #Royals & #VIPaedo {Part 2}


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  1. Perhaps You Should Watch These? {Part 1}
  2. Perhaps You Should Watch These? {Part 2}
  3. Perhaps You Should Watch These? {Part 3}
  4. Perhaps You Should Watch These? {Part 4} Disney, Hollywood & Music
  5. Perhaps You Should Watch These? {Part 5} Holographic Disclosure
  6. Perhaps You Should Watch These? {Part 6}
  7. Perhaps you should watch these {Part 7} Simple Truth of #Psychiatry. P.Breggin MD
  8. Perhaps you should watch these? {Part 8} 
  9. Perhaps You Should Watch These? {Part 9} #VIPaedo. UK MP’s, Pop Stars, Royals etc
  10. Perhaps You Should Watch These? {Part 10} Esoteric Agenda  
  11. Perhaps you should watch these?? {part 11} #ChildrenOfGod Cult aka #TheFamily 
  12. Perhaps You Should Watch These? {part 12} SATANIC RITUAL ABUSE
  13. Perhaps you should watch these? {Part 13} The 9th Circle
  14. Perhaps you should watch these? {Part 14} Bill Cooper’s Mystery Babylon
  15. Perhaps you should watch these? (Part 15) THE TRUTH ABOUT SNUFF 18+
  16. Perhaps you should watch these? (part 16) Cliff Richard aka KITTY
  17. Perhaps you should watch these? (part 17)  Out of Darkness Into the Light
  18. Perhaps you should watch these? (part 18) THE BABY TRADE #ForcedAdoption #BabyFarming #ChildTrafficking
  19. Perhaps You Should Watch These (part 19) BEFORE YOU VACCINATE YOUR BABIES #Cancer #Virus #HPV #SIDS



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