

  1. 24.09.17   Gruinard Island aka Anthrax Island 
  2. 03.12.15 human experimentation declassified, porton down, sarin, pyrexal & vx vapour 
  3.    UK Government ADMITS Deadly Spraying 
  4. 01.12.15  British Government subjected thousands to chemical & biological warfare trials
  6. MI6 pay outs: LSD mind control tests, Torture & Guantanamo 


  1. PROJECT SUNSHINE: Radiation, CIA, Military, Human Experimentation {part 1} 
  2. PROJECT SUNSHINE: Radiation, CIA, Military, Human Experimentation {part2}
  1. Gartnavel Psychiatric Hospital  01.08.16
  2. Dr Henderson {Sir David Kennedy} & Gartnavel    

  3. Dr Ewen Cameron ~  Gartnavel ~ LSD, CIA, Brainwashing, LSD, Torture, Mind Control & Human Experimentation 
  4. Dr Angus MacNiven ~ Gartnavel ~ FILES LOCKED FOR 75 YEARS 
  5. Dr RD Laing ~ Gartnaval, LSD, Sean Connery & Tavistock 
  6. Dr Ewen Cameron, The Douglas-Hamilton’s, Hess & Hobgoblins 
  2. “Depressed” women put to sleep for months in notorious Sleep Rooms 29.05.16
  3. ASTON HALL, Dr Kenneth Milner, CSA & HUMAN EXPERIMENT 20.04.17 
  1. RENDITION PROJECT. Scotland & the #CIA torture flights 
  2. Llanddewi Brefi, The Krays, LSD, Litvinoff & Tara. 
  3. Cathy O’Brien, Andy Peron, Dave Marrow, James Casbolt, Cathi Morgan, Brice Taylor

02.10.17       CIA Experiments       via       

  1. LENNOX CASTLE: Disabled children given grotesque drug tests  {part 2} 
  2. Lennox Castle Hospital  {part 1} 


  3. TUAM: Mass grave of 800 BABIES found at Irish orphanage 
  4. 20.04.17 ASTON HALL, Dr Kenneth Milner, CHILD SEX ABUSE & HUMAN EXPERIMENT 


  1. Dementia leading cause of death: Air Pollution Particles & Alzheimers  25.11.16 
  2. Air Pollution Particles Linked To Alzheimers   #Chemtrails 


  2. Expert Says “We could stop almost all psychotropic drugs without causing harm”


  1. WATCH   (1 hr 45 mins)
  3. #ECT #Scotland: Scots get electric brain shocks against their will 
  4. Perhaps you should watch these Part 7: Simple Truth of #Psychiatry by Peter Breggin MD 
  5. Former FBI Chief Ted Gunderson: Chemtrail Death Dumps Must Be Stopped
  6. Dr Russell L Blaylock: Neurosurgeon Exposes Nazi Healthcare System, Vaccines, Aspartame


  1. PROJECT SUNSHINE: Human Experimentation 


published 1st Apr 2016 12:41 am   |   last update 20th Sept 2017   11.04pm


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What the politicians don’t say


Democracy Raised from the Dead







A Diary of Injustice in Scotland



Henry Makow

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Forbidden Knowledge




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Un Técnico Preocupado

The Silence Of Our Lambs






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Vigilant Citizen



CIA Release Disturbing MK-Ultra Mind Control Docs For First Time Ever

20,000 documents of illegal human experiments

Project MK-Ultra, which was the name given to an illegal program implemented by the CIA, ran human experiments focusing on mind control.

Since the 1975 Church Committee hearings exposed the operation, a freedom of information act request has now uncovered as a cache of 20,000 documents relating the disturbing mind control experiments.

MK-ULTRA’s origins lie in operation Paperclip which was the top secret transfer of NAZI scientist to the US.

The scientists possessed documentation on unethical Nazi human experimentation which also includes research into mind control and mental manipulation.

The Central Intelligence Agency wanted to create an optimal truth drug they could use in interrogations and research uses for mind controlled subjects as well as control of foreign leaders including assassinations.

SputnikNews reports: For the next 20 years, the CIA — in conjunction with the Special Operations Division of the US Army Chemical Corps — engaged in a panoply of illegal activities.Most controversially, unwitting test subjects were subject to a number of techniques to manipulate their mental state and brain functions, including the administration of drugs such as LSD, hypnosis, sensory deprivation, isolation, verbal and sexual abuse, as well as a variety of torture techniques.

1955 document describing the substances used in the experiments gives some indication of the sheer scope of the project.

MK-ULTRA’s origins lie in operation Paperclip which was the top secret transfer of NAZI scientist to the US.

This includes drugs that will; “promote illogical thinking and impulsiveness to the point where the recipient would be discredited in public”; cause victims to age faster; recreate the effects of alcohol; emulate the symptoms of recognized diseases; induce temporary/permanent brain damage and loss of memory; produce amnesia of particular events; provoke shock and confusion over extended periods of time; create physical disablement (such as paralysis); alter personality structure; cause mental confusion; promote weakness or distortion of eyesight and hearing.However, LSD came to dominate the program. Typically administered without informed consent to mental patients — a violation of the Nuremberg Code — prisoners, drug addicts and prostitutes (“people who could not fight back” one CIA officer said) in order to study their reactions.

LSD was also administered to CIA employees, military personnel, doctors and other government agents.

In one case, the hallucinogenic drug was administered to a mental patient in Kentucky for 174 straight days.

Handout shows the brains of subjects lying awake with their eyes closed, under a placebo and the drug LSD, when being examined using functional MRI.

In another, the CIA set up several brothels in San Francisco, California, dosed customers, and watched and filmed proceedings via one-way mirrors. Brothels were chosen as a surefire means of ensuring victims would not discuss their experience with others.

Most commonly however, test subjects were interrogated under bright lights while doctors took notes. It has been said being spiked with LSD became an “occupational hazard” for CIA agents during this time.Several deaths reportedly resulted from these actions — most infamously, army scientist Dr. Frank Olson went into deep depression after being unwittingly dosed, later falling to his death from the thirteenth story window of New York City’s Hotel Pennsylvania.

While officially ruled a suicide, a 1994 autopsy concluded the circumstances of his death and state prior to the plunge were “rankly and starkly” suggestive of homicide.

Despite such travesties, Dr. Gottlieb continued on with LSD experiments, convinced its volatile nature in fact made it ideal for use in covert operations. As its effects were temporary, he theorized it could be given to high-ranking officials to affect the course of important meetings, speeches and the like.

LSD was eventually jettisoned by MKUltra’s research team for being too unpredictable — an alleged turning point was the secret dosing of an agent that sent the individual running across Washington, seeing monsters in every car he passed.

In any event, by 1962 the CIA and the army had developed a series of superhallucinogens, such as BZ — said to be 100 times more powerful than LSD.

The operation continued on until 1973, when CIA Director Richard Helms abruptly ordered all experiments halted, and all relevant files destroyed.

He was motivated by the Watergate scandal — fearing subsequent scrutiny of the US secret state’s activities, he wished to ensure any subsequent investigation of such clandestine CIA operations would be impossible.

Helms subsequently admitted to the existence of the program during the 1975 Church Committee investigation — although due to the bonfire of relevant documentation, the Committee could only base their investigation on the sworn testimony of participants.

Nonetheless, a 1977 a Freedom of Information Act request unearthed a cache of 20,000 documents relating to the project, which had been mistakenly filed in a financial records building. These documents were fully investigated in Senate Hearings later that year.

While the remaining documents largely recorded the program’s catastrophic failure, Miles Copeland — former CIA agent and father of Police drummer Stewart Copeland — subsequently suggested the tranche was but a “smokescreen” that offered “the barest glimpse” of the scope of the project.

Moreover, he suspected the project wasn’t genuinely terminated in 1973. It may well persist, in even more covert forms, to this very day


Vets Sue CIA Over Mind Control Tests.  01.07.09


For two decades or more during the Cold War, the CIA and the military allegedly plied the unwitting with acid, weed, and dozens of psychoactive drugs, in a series of zany (and sometimes dangerous) mind-control experiments. Now, the Vietnam Veterans of America are suing the agency and the Pentagon for perceived abuses suffered under the so-called “MK-ULTRA” and other projects.

Six veterans are suffering from all kinds of ailments tied to this”diabolical and secret testing program,” according to a statement from the vets’ lawyers, passed on to SpyTalk’s Jeff Stein.

The experiments allegedly included “the use of troops to test nerve gas, psychochemicals, and thousands of other toxic chemical or biological substances, and … the insertion of septal implants in the brains of subjects in … mind control experiments that went awry, leaving many civilian and military subjects with permanent disabilities.” Subjects were tested without their consent, the veterans say. And when the trials were over, the government failed to “provide health care or compensation.” In a book published last year, former military psychiatrist James Ketchum describes an Army project — separate from the CIA’s efforts — that took place at Edgewood Arsenal in Maryland. There, he saw test subjects “carry on conversations with various invisible people for as long as 2-3 days.” Others “salute latrines” and attempt to “revive a gas mask” that they mistake for a woman.

The feds insist that MK-ULTRA ended, when it was exposed duringCongressional hearings. But interest in chemical mind-control lives along, in some corners of the military-intelligence community. In a 2003 memo, then-Justice Department lawyer John C. Yoo suggesting that interrogation drugs could be used if their effects were not permanent or profound. Since then, evidence has accumulated that some detainees may have been drugged. “It’s coming back,” retired Colonel John Alexander told Sharon.



Satanic Scotland {Part 2}



MIND CONTROL PROGRAMING Dave Marrow, Cathy O’Brien, Andy Peron, James Casbolt, Cathi Morgan, Brice Taylor


Scottish Paedophilia: Institutions, Children’s Homes & Schools

Child Sexual Abuse Scotland




Mind Control: Programmers, Handlers, Abusers & Satanists. ALLEGEDLY!!

Links are in BLUE archived in ORANGE

The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave Fritz Springmeier and Cisco Wheeler

List of ‘Alleged’ Programmers


  1. AC/DC satanic Rock Band, 11 Leonminster Rd., Morden, Surrey SM4, England
  2. Ade, Henry. CIA & drug dealer & Monarch slave abuser, 1663 County Rd. 13, Waterloo, IN 46793
  3. Aga Khan IV, H.H. Prince Karim. Satanist & leader of Ismaili Muslims, Aiglemont, 60270 Gouvieux. France
  4. Alabama Country Music Band satanists and Monarch slave handlers, Box 529, Ft. Payne, AL 35967
  5. Baily, John, slave abuser, 1525 Pine St., Office 10. Redding, CA 96001
  6. Barnes, Don, slave abuser & in co. sherriff office, 7309 Grove Rd., Frederick, MD 21701 ; 1513 Cedarcrest Ln, Frederick, MD 21702
  7. Benson, Ezra Taft, satanist/leader of LDS church. Church of Jesus Christ, Administration Bldg., 47 E. S. Temple. Salt Lake City, UT 84415
  8. Bowers, Wilbur D., Ipsimus in Illum. & Monarch programmer & CIA drug dealer. 1735 NE 11th, Bend, OR 97701 ph. 503-EV2-5162 (EV for ‘evergreen’)
  9. Brown, Edmund G. (Jerry). Jr., Illum. satanist & CA politician & slave abuser. 700 S. Flower St., #600, Los Angeles, CA 90017 (phns , )
  10. Brown, Charlie. Air Force Intell. & murderer & Monarch slave abuser, Box 8. Greenbrier, TN
  11. Bundy, McGeorge, Illum., 133 East 18th St., NY, NY 10021 Bus.
  12. Byrd, Robert C.. Satanist and mind-control programmer & Sen. from W.VA, 311 Senate Hart Office Bldg., Washington. D.C. 20501
  13. Clinton, Hillary. Illuminati witch & mind-control slave handler, Rose Law Firm, 120 E. 4tn St., Little Rock. Ark. 72201
  14. Cochran, Hank CIA drug kingpin. Hendersonville. TN,
  15. Cox, Wayne, Satanic High Priest & Monarch handler & dangerous serial killer, Rt. l. Box 84, Chatham, LA 71226
  16. Dante, Michael (Michael Vitti)Monarch slave abuser and porn maker, 3485 Canon Drive. Beverly Hills, CA 90212 ; Orange, CA 92665, 714637-0590
  17. Day, Brad, slave abuser & coke pusher. 5300 Las Pablanos NW. Albuquerque, NM 87107
  18. Drake, Jim (and son), slave abuser & porn/drug dist., 11173 N. Kendall Dr. #F105, Miami, FL 33176
  19. Fonda, Peter. RR #38, Livingston, MT 59047
  20. Fonda, Jane, c/o Fonda Films, P.O. Box 1198, Santa Monica, CA 90406
  21. Gavoruhk, John, Police chief working for Illum. protects Monarch programmers/handlers. 121 Partridge Circle. Wintersprings, FL 32708
  22. Grace, J. Peter, business leader & illuminati. CCAGW, 1301 Connecticut Ave., NW. #400, Washington, DC 20036
  23. Grateful Dead, satanic cult rock band and Illuminati cocaine distributors. P.O. Box 1566, Main Office St., Montclair, N.J. 07043
  24. Greene, Jack, CIA & white slavery & Monarch slave abuser & country entertainer, Box 485A Goodlettsviiie, TN
  25. Haggard, Merle, slave abuser & country singer. P.O. Box 536, Palo Cedro, CA 96073
  26. Hestbeck, Vaughn. Monarch abuser & Danish cocaine distr., 515 Rhapsody Paquet Cruises. 1007 N. American Way, Miami, FL 33176
  27. Hope, Bob, slave owner and slave handler w/ intelligence agencies, 3808 Riverside Dr., Burbank, CA 91505
  28. Houston, Alex, satanist & Monarch programmer & CIA, 1155 Ridge Hill Rd., Goodlettsville, TN 37072
  29. Hummell, Ed, Monarch programmer, Cattleman’s Steak & Seafood Co., 10260 S.W. Nimbus Ave. Suite M-3, Tigard, OR 97223 (also Las Vegas?)
  30. Humperdink, Englebert, Castro Valley. CA 94546
  31. King Juan Carlos I, King of Spain and Illuminati, Palacio de la Zarzuela, Madrid. Spain
  32. KISS, satanic rock band, 6363 Sunset Blvd., #417, Los Angeles, CA 90028
  33. Kissinger, Henry, Illuminat & P2 Freemason, 1800 K. St., NW. #400. Washington. D.C. 20006
  34. Kreskin, occultist, P.O. Box 1383, West Caldwell, NJ 07006
  35. Lang, Velton, white slavery & drug running, 264 Bluegrass Dr., Hendersonville, TN 37075 (also at Twitty City )
  36. Lewis, Jerry Lee, Monarch slave programmer & musician, P.O. Box 3864. Memphis, TN 37173; 3324 Lynchburg St. Memphis, TN 38134
  37. MacLaine, Shirley, actress/author/New Age occultist, 8899 Beverly Blvd., Los Angeles. CA 90048
  38. Madonna, satanist & monarch slave, 75 Rockefeler Plaza, New York, NY 10019
  39. Manson, Charles, satanist & monarch slave and monarch slave handler, Corcoran Prison, 1002 Diary Ave., Corcoran, CA 93212
  40. Martin, Diane, CIA drug dealer & Monarch slave abuser, 45-641 F. Apapane St., Keneoke, HA 96744
  41. McKee, Lloyd, drug dealer & Monarch slave abuser, 6501 Meoqui, Albuquerque, NM, 87107; 3000 Colonnade Ct. NW. Albuquerqe, NM 87107
  42. McOuinn, Mike, slave handler & money launderer, Miami, FL &
  43. Meadows, Hal, dir. of the CIA near death mind-control programming center. Swiss Villa Ampetheater, Box 27, Lampe, MO 65681
  44. Merritt, Jeff, CIA drug runner & slave abuser, St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands,
  45. Mitterrand, Francois Maurice Marie, Illuminati & close friend to Rothschilds & Pres. of France, Palais de l‘Elysée. 55-57 rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré. 75008 Paris, France
  46. Nelson, Willie, singer & monarch slave handler. P.O. Box 33280, Austin. TX 78784
  47. Nunn, Sam. IlIuminati, 303 Senate Dirksen Office Bldg., Washington. D.C. 20510
  48. O’Brien, Earl. CIA Monarch abuser, 12614 Lakeshore, Grand Haven, Ml 49417
  49.  Overstreet, Tommy, CIA & white slaveryP.C. Box 41103, Nashville, TN 37204
  50.  Parton, Dolly, satanist. Crockett Road, Rt. #1. Brentwood, TN 37027
  51. Pope John Paul II (aka Karol Wojtyla), Illuminati & Freemason. Apostolic Palace, Vatican City
  52. Pride, Charley, slave abuser & white slavery & country singer & CIA. c/o Chardon Inc., 3198 Royal Ln., #204, Dallas, TX 75229
  53. Prophet, Ronnie, Satanist & Monarch slave runner, 1030 17th Ave. N., Nashville, TN 37208
  54. Queen Beatrix (Wilhelmina Armgard). Illuminati & Queen, of the Netherlands, Binnen Huf 19. The Hague 2513 AA. The Netherlands
  55. Reynolds, Dr. Herbert H., Illuminati & Univ. CEO, Baylor Univ., Waco TX 76798; 336 Guittard Ave. Waco, TX 76706
  56. Riley, Ken, CIA & Neo-nazi & Loretta Lynn’s handler/road manager, Rt. 3, Rosebrook Ct., Gallatin, TN 37066
  57. Rockefeller, Winthrop Illumnati kingpin & porn dealer. Winrock Farms, MorriIton, AR 72110
  58. Rorick, David (a.k.a. Dave Roe), satanist & white slavery, 1211 Mallard, Franklin, TN, 37064
  59. Rose, Ivan, CIA & White slavery & Monarch abuser, RR 2, Mt. Pleasant Rd., Spartansburg, PA 16434
  60. Ryan, Dr. Michael N., one of Illum.’s coverup doctor who patches up slaves, 353 New Shackle Is. Rd., Hendersonville. TN 37075, ,
  61. Smith, Dan, car & drug dealer & slave abuser, P.O. Box 262. New Martinsville, W. VA 26155
  62. Stevens, Jim, Monarch slave abuser & drug runner, 1726 N. Magnolia, Ocala, FL 32670
  63. Tanis, Bob, CIA & Air Force Intell., Monarch abuser & Mafia & pornographer, 7278 N. Lakeshore, West Olive. MI 49460
  64. Train, Russell, Club of Rome, 1803 Kalorma Sq., Washington, D.C., 20008-4021
  65. Trump, Donald. Illuminati, 725 Fifth Ave. New York, NY 10022
  66. Vanderpool, Darcy, Monarch programmer, 2620 Regatta Dr. # – 116, Las Vegas, NV 891
  67. Walker, Jimmy, Monarch save abuser/pornographer, 904 Carswell Waycroos, GA 31501
  68. Warlock, Billy, actor, 9200 Sunset Blvd., #625, Los Angeles, CA 90069
  69. Westberry, Kent, songwriter, satanist & white slavery. 359 Lee Road, CottonTown, TN 37048




  1. Morse Allen
  2. Lt. Col. John Alexander
  3. Richard Dabney Anderson
  4. Michael  Aquino (program cover name Malcolm, also known to some children as Mickey, Betty Ford is his mother, Illum, bloodline, married to Lilith Sinclair)
  5. Astor
  6. Armstrong
  7. Bill Bennett
  8. Wilbur Bowers (program cover name Billy Boy, a Rothschild)
  9. Dr. William Jennings Bryan
  10. Burcham
  11. Burnell-Hightower
  12. Sen. Robert C. Byrd
  13. Dr D Ewen Cameron (program cover name Dr. White)
  14. Sue Carper
  15. Joe Circo
  16. Mark Circo
  17. Wayne Cox
  18. Dr. Bernard Diamond
  19. Michael Delaney (prog. covr name Robin Hood
  20. Russell G. Frazier
  21. Gaston
  22. Beth George (a Rothschild)
  23. Clair George
  24. Dr Sydney Gottlieb
  25. Col. Wilson Green
  26. John Gunter (program cover name Little John)
  27. Haggin
  28. Harrick in Denver, Co.
  29. Col. Height (sp.?)
  30. Lawrence Hinkle
  31. Alex Houston
  32. Ed Hummel
  33. Dr. Harris Isbell
  34. Dr. Jensen
  35. Johnson
  36. Steve Kilgore
  37. Kris Kristopherson
  38. Helga LaRouche
  39. Hank Levine
  40. Jerry Lee Lewis
  41. Dr. John Lilly
  42. Col. Manassah
  43. Irby Mandrell
  44. Hal Meadows
  45. Dr. Meiers (program cover name The Jolly Green Giant)
  46. Seward Prosser Mellon (program cover name Governor)
  47. Dr. Josef Mengele (program cover name Dr. Green)
  48. Dr. Joseph A. Meyer
  49. Ted V. Mikels
  50. Dr. James Monroe
  51. Heinrich Mueller (program cover name Dr. Blue)
  52. Theodore son of Heinrich Mueller (program cover name Teddy Bear)
  53. Nathan
  54. Lt. Comdr. Thomas Narut
  55. Dr. Martin T. Orange
  56. Owens
  57. Col. Tom Parker
  58. Patterson
  59. Pete Peterson
  60. Ken Riley
  61. Rockefeller
  62. David Long Rothschild
  63. Guy de Rothschild
  64. Savor
  65. Alden Sears
  66. Dr. Star
  67. Maj. Strange
  68. Strong
  69. Suttenfuss
  70. Col. Taylor
  71. Leo Taylor
  72. Darcy Vanderpool
  73. Weir
  74. Kent Westberry
  75. Leo Wheeler (program cover name Dr. Black, a Collins)
  76. Robert Whitlow
  77. Harold Wolff




  1. Fritz Springmeier’s Newsletters Oct. 15, 1993; Dec. 1, ‘93; Feb, ‘94; Jan., 1995; March-April, 1995; 
  2. Perpetrators” (Monograph), 1993 by Cathy O’Brien,
  3. Fritz Springmeier’s own list of people from Survivors, In Search For the Manchurian Candidate

COUNTRY MUSIC INDUSTRY PERPETRATORS involved and knowledgeable of Monarch Mind Control   (Most are involved with the CIA’s drug running network.)

  1. Henry Ade
  2. Alabama band
  3. Atlanta
  4. Bandana
  5. Lynn Anderson
  6.  Jerry Barlow
  7. Boxcar Willie
  8. Ray Burdette
  9. Glen Campbell
  10. Ace Canon
  11. Dee Clark
  12. Roy Clark
  13. David Allen Coe
  14. Pat Corn
  15. Helen Cornelious
  16. Wayne Cox
  17. Dave DeBolt
  18. Penny Dehaven
  19. Charlie Dick
  20. The Drifters
  21. Roy Drusky
  22. Narvel Felts
  23. The Four Guys
  24. Randy and Rudy Gatlin
  25. Jim Glaser
  26. Vern Gosdin
  27.  Jack Greene
  28. Merle Haggard
  29. Alex Houston (and Elmer)
  30. Englebert Humperdink
  31. Waylon Jennings
  32. George Jones
  33. The Judds
  34. Merle Kilgore
  35. Buddy Killen
  36. Velton Lang
  37. Hank Levine
  38. Jerry Lee Lewis
  39. Ernest Ray Lynn
  40. Ronnie Lutric
  41. Jack MacFadden
  42. Reggie Maclaughlin
  43. Brent Magor
  44. Marty Martell
  45. George Moffet
  46.  Lorrie Morgan
  47. Bonnie Nelson
  48. Willie Nelson
  49. Oakridge Boys
  50. Merril Osmund
  51. Tommy Overstreet
  52. Jerry and Arlene Petty
  53. Ray Pillow
  54. Charlie Pride
  55. Ronnie Prophet
  56. Jeannie Pruett
  57. Giles Reeves
  58. Dave Roe (Rorick)
  59. Dave Roland (and Sugar)
  60. TG Sheppard
  61. Hank Snow
  62. Ronnie Stoneman
  63. Jimmy Sturr
  64. Jimmy Swaggart
  65. Mel Tillis
  66. Buck Trent
  67. Leroy VanDyke
  68. Jim Vest
  69. Mack Vickory
  70. Billy Walker
  71. Charlie Walker
  72. Jim Webb
  73. Dottie West
  74. Shelly West
  75. Kent Westberry
  76. Bobby Whitton


Michael McArthur, a recent convert from Satanism who helped abduct children provided first hand testimony that the following are involved in abductions of children:

  1. “Chucky” (aka ,,Mike,” aka “Peters”’) –FBI hit man in Div. 5 of FBI, involved also with Inslaw Case
  2. Nichol Harrah – FBI agent who abducts children for sacrifice
  3. Linda Krieg – Satanist working for FBI
  4. Ken Lanning – FBI agent who abducts children for sacrifice while claiming SRA doesn’t exist
  5. Nick O’Hara – FBI hit man, satanist, who has covered FBI child kidnapping by murdering witnesses
  6. Kepe Richardson – CIA agent who abducts children for sacrifice

In addition to all this, the following are a few of the CIA people who are both SLAVE HANDLERS and DRUG DEALERS, who haven’t gotten their names mentioned yet:

  1. Pat Bowlin
  2. George Bush & son
  3. Sue Carper (not known if she deals drugs). She does direct CIA operations and the
  4. Norwegian Caribbean Lines.
  5. Hank Cochran, a drug overlord
  6. Alan Dulles
  7. Diane Martin of Hawaii
  8. Irby Mandrell who controls other family members who are slaves such as Barbara, Louise, & Iriene.
  9. Jim Maynard, CIA covert ops Belize
  10. Jeff Meritt, St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Is.
  11. Carl Misel
  12. Jim Mitchell
  13. Earl O’Brien
  14. Linda Scale
  15. Bob Tannis w/ Air Force Intell. in Ml



Pages to read

  1. A list of ‘alleged’ Illuminati Programmers
  2. As Rapture of the Christian Church Draws Near the Illuminati Awaits It Breathlessly!
  3. Birthplace of the Illuminati
  4. Does a Satanic Cult Rule the World?
  5. Freemasonry
  6. Glimpse into Illuminati Sex Practices
  7. History of the Illuminati
  8. How the Illuminati Programs People
  9. Illuminati Conspiracy Archive
  10. Illuministic Conspiracy on the East River
  11. Illuminati IMAGES
  12. illuminati occult symbols
  13. Illuminati: The Illumined ‘Wise Men’
  14. Mass Mind Control: Calculated Victim Mentality
  15. Secret Societies
  16. Targets of the Illuminati and Committee of 300
  17. The Illuminati and the Church
  18. The Illuminati Assassination List
  19. The Illuminati-Freemason Connection
  20. The Illuminati in America
  21. The Illuminati/Freemason Signature
  22. The Illuminati in America
  23. The Link Between the Vatican, Italian Mafia, and the Illuminati
  24. The New World Order
  25. The Secret Covenant of the Illuminati
  26. The Secret Worship of the Illuminati: The Statue of Liberty is Anunnaki Goddess Inanna
  27. What is the illuminati


  1. Illuminati Captured Our Holy Churches
  2. Illuminati goes PUBLIC with NWO
  3. Illuminati Exposed: The Invisible War with Satan
  4. Illuminati Gay Agenda Exposed
  5. New World Order Rising
  6. The Illuminati Documentary – Luciferian Conspiracy



More on Dr Cameron

How Fritz Springmeier Was Framed   Henry Makow Ph.D.

Fritz Springmeier

PDF bloodlines of the illuminati 2002 fritz springmeier
audiobook on youtube
Be Wise as serpents..

Cathy O’Brien, Andy Peron, Dave Marrow, James Casbolt, Cathi Morgan, Brice Taylor


many thanks to the pure genius that is   

  1. Charlotte Iserbyt on education
  2. Every Child Matters, globally:   seminar_report_2006.pdf
  3. More on schools here:…
  4. ARK’s employment of Schillings law firm to remove information from the internet and related discussion here:…
  1. Brave New Schools

  1. New Beliefs for a Global Village
  2. The International Agenda
  3. A New Way of Thinking
  4. Establishing a Global Spirituality
  5. Saving the Earth
  6. Serving a Greater Whole
  7. Silencing the Opposition
  8. What can parents do?
  9. CHRONOLOGY of Steps Toward International Education

DOWNLOAD A/RES/70/1 – Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development 

Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (Publication)

FOLLOW-UP    The High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development is the central UN platform for the follow-up and review of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted at the United Nations Sustainable Development Summit on 25 September 2015.

High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development

Preamble    This Agenda is a plan of action for people, planet and prosperity. It also seeks to strengthen universal peace in larger freedom. We recognise that eradicating poverty in all its forms and dimensions, including extreme poverty, is the greatest global challenge and an indispensable requirement for sustainable development. All countries and all stakeholders, acting in collaborative partnership, will implement this plan. We are resolved to free the human race from the tyranny of poverty and want and to heal and secure our planet. We are determined to take the bold and transformative steps which are urgently needed to shift the world onto a sustainable and resilient path. As we embark on this collective journey, we pledge that no one will be left behind. The 17 Sustainable Development Goals and 169 targets which we are announcing today demonstrate the scale and ambition of this new universal Agenda. They seek to build on the Millennium Development Goals and complete what these did not achieve. They seek to realize the human rights of all and to achieve gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls. They are integrated and indivisible and balance the three dimensions of sustainable development: the economic, social and environmental. The Goals and targets will stimulate action over the next fifteen years in areas of critical importance for humanity and the planet:

People    We are determined to end poverty and hunger, in all their forms and dimensions, and to ensure that all human beings can fulfil their potential in dignity and equality and in a healthy environment.

Planet    We are determined to protect the planet from degradation, including through sustainable consumption and production, sustainably managing its natural resources and taking urgent action on climate change, so that it can support the needs of the present and future generations.

Prosperity   We are determined to ensure that all human beings can enjoy prosperous and fulfilling lives and that economic, social and technological progress occurs in harmony with nature.

Peace    We are determined to foster peaceful, just and inclusive societies which are free from fear and violence. There can be no sustainable development without peace and no peace without sustainable development.

Partnership    We are determined to mobilize the means required to implement this Agenda through a revitalised Global Partnership for Sustainable Development, based on a spirit of strengthened global solidarity, focussed in particular on the needs of the poorest and most vulnerable and with the participation of all countries, all stakeholders and all people.

The interlinkages and integrated nature of the Sustainable Development Goals are of crucial importance in ensuring that the purpose of the new Agenda is realised. If we realize our ambitions across the full extent of the Agenda, the lives of all will be profoundly improved and our world will be transformed for the better.

PDF The United Nations Environment Programme and the 2030 AgendaTransforming our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development




Dorothy Maclean (born Jan 7, 1920 in Guelph, Ontario) is a writer and educator on spiritual subjects who was one of the original three adults at what is now the Findhorn Foundation in northeast Scotland.[1]

She obtained a degree from University of Western Ontario. From 1941 on she worked for the British Security Coordination in New York City. After being posted to Panama, she met and married John Wood, though the couple would divorce in 1951.

On her way to New York City in 1941, Maclean had met Sheena Govan, through Sheena  later meet Peter Caddy. Living in England in the 1950s, Dorothy became involved in the spiritual practices of Sheena Govan and Peter and eventually Eileen Caddy. When the Caddys were appointed to manage a hotel in Scotland, Maclean joined them as the hotel’s secretary.

After the Caddys became unemployed in 1962 they moved into a travel trailer near the village of Findhorn. In 1963 an annex was built so that Dorothy Maclean could continue to work with them. A community eventually grew up around the Caddys and Dorothy Maclean, and this community has since 1972 been known as the Findhorn Foundation.

Maclean is known for her work with devas, the intelligences overseeing the natural world. Her book To Hear the Angels Sing gives an overview of this work and also provides autobiographical materials. A full-length biography, Memoirs of an Ordinary Mystic was published in 2010.

Dorothy Maclean left Findhorn in 1973 and subsequently founded an educational organization in North America with David Spangler.

Her childhood home, Woodside, at 40 Spring Street, Guelph has since been designated a heritage property under theOntario Heritage Act.

Dorothy retired from public life in 2010 and is now living again at Findhorn.[2] Dorothy turned 92 years old during Findhorn Foundation’s 50 Year Anniversary celebration in 2012.

(BSC) was a covert organisation set up in New York City by the British Secret Intelligence Service (MI6) in May 1940 upon the authorisation of Prime Minister Winston Churchill

CAMP X  is said to have been home to Roald Dahl & Ian Fleming at the time



  • Wisdoms (1971)
  • The Living Silence (1977)
  • The Soul of Canada (1977)
  • To Hear the Angels Sing (1980)
  • To Honour the Earth (1991) (with Kathleen Thormod Carr)
  • Choice of Love (1998)
  • Seeds of Inspiration (2004)
  • Call of the Trees (2006)
  • Come Closer (2007)
  • Memoirs of an Ordinary Mystic (2010)

Eileen Caddy

Caddy’s father, Albert Jessop, was Irish & the director of Barclays Bank DCO (Dominion, Colonial and Overseas),

A year on, Eileen and her brother Paddy bought a pub near an RAF base in Oxfordshire and in 1939 Eileen married an RAF officer, Andrew Combe, months before the outbreak of the Second World War.

Over the next decade, Eileen Combe produced a son and four daughters and the airforce family was posted to America and Iraq. So far, so very conventional, but in 1952, when she was 35, her personal and spiritual life was turned upside down. That was the year Andrew Combe introduced his wife to a fellow officer, Peter Caddy, a man fascinated by the occult and the spirit world, and a man who fascinated Eileen.

Peter Caddy had already decided that his second wife, Sheena Govan, to whom he was still married, was a mystic and visionary. Soon Eileen Combe left her husband to be with Caddy, and she became a visionary too. Within a decade, they were destined to become the favourite loony-tunes couple of the popular press.

It was shortly after she left Andrew Combe for Peter Caddy that Eileen – distraught that Andrew had forbidden her from seeing their five children – first heard her “inner voice”, saying, “Be still and know that I am God.” The voice reassured her that, despite her turmoil, all would be well and that her adultery was just part of God’s plan. She and Peter had been brought together to do God’s work “as one”.

The psychological view would be that a woman who had given up five young children and everything she knew for a charismatic, twice-married stranger would have such a deep need for reassurance that she might create a comforting inner voice. But Eileen came to believe – with some persuasion from Peter – that it was God indeed who spoke to her that day at Glastonbury. Her followers believe that still.

God proved quite a taskmaster. He told Eileen that Sheena, still Peter’s spiritual teacher, had to be her teacher too. Understandably, she found that a touch problematic but, by 1956, Eileen and Peter, by then parents to two sons, had moved to Scotland to be part of a little community in which Sheena was spiritual queen. They soon found themselves in the newspapers as members of the Nameless Ones, followers of Sheena, who was by then dubbed “the woman Messiah”.

Eventually, Peter and Eileen (who were married in 1957), along with another Nameless One, Dorothy Maclean, left Sheena to become hotel managers at the Cluny Hill Hotel, in Forres, on the Moray Firth. Some current members of the Findhorn Community, just down the road from the Cluny Hill, gloss over the details of the Caddys’ management of the hotel, back in 1961. Then again, perhaps a neat body-swerve is all you can do when faced with one of the nuttiest episodes in the lives of the Caddys.







Findhorn Hinterland Ownership Map  PDFlklk.PNG

The land to the north was gifted by Duneland Ltd to the local area in 2000 and is owned and managed by a charity, the Findhorn Dunes Trust (FDT) with Trustees from the village and Park community. The area in the middle is the land purchased from Duneland Ltd and now owned by the Findhorn Foundation. It is the shape that it is as the FDT did not want at the time to take on responsibility of a lot of management such as the woodland area and large areas of gorse, Duneland wished to retain the turbines with their revenue on their land and the area to the west was enlarged as there had been talk about the green burial being out there as a joint resource between the village and Park community. Duneland Ltd now owns three pockets of land, that north of East Whins was retained to allow access to further development up to the high dune ridge and fire protection, that to the east of the Foundation land as it was the most contaminated and the Foundation did not want to take on that potential liability and a small area in the north east that was retained as there was at one time talk of a potential retreat space being created out on the edge of the firth. The land to the west of the map, where ‘Findhorn” is, is at present owned by Novar Estates although a group from the village have set up the Findhorn Village Conservation Company and are involved in trying to bring about a community buy out. The Findhorn Hinterland Group is a community group that does not own land but was set up nine years ago to manage land on the Findhorn Peninsula for conservation and educational purposes working with landowners to provide help and support as wished and/or needed. At present the FHG has a written management agreement with Duneland Ltd and soon there will be one with the Foundation. It works with the Dunes Trust on a project-by-project basis. At present it gains revenue from the green burial site it runs, pony grazing in the fields, some wood from Wilkies Wood, grants for specific projects and donations from the public. It is looking to change its management structure to a charity in the near future and, after further public consultation, to put together a new management plan for the area that tries to integrate good management of a fabulous local resource with a complicated land ownership structure.

Suspected postwar radioactive contamination

Post WW2, Kinloss was used as one of the sites to break-up the excess of aircraft that the RAF now had, and recover what ever was recyclable. The site was chosen due to its remote location, and hence easy access to potential landfill sites which would be undisturbed by the majority of the public. The aircraft broken up included various components which had carried chemical weapons (including Sulphur mustard), and were all painted with fluorescent paint containing radium to allow the planes to be more easily operated at night. On removal, these contaminated items were buried in landfill sites either on the base or close to it.[21]

In 2004, with the development of a new water pipeline, a land quality assessment warned that sulphur mustard chemical weapons may be present within landfill and waste areas accessible to the public. The report stated that RAF Kinloss authorities believed there was a potential for chemical weapons agents and radiological contamination to be present in the ground:[21]

“Any personnel involved in the ground investigation have the potential to be at risk from these contaminants. There are a number of anomalies present on the investigation area the have not been investigated, and in some areas it was not possible to conduct the geophysical survey due to heavy gorse cover”

However, no trace of chemical weapons agents was found during the land quality assessment, although material contaminated with radium was removed from land near the base in 2004.[21]

After the 2004 documents became public in May 2012, it emerged that the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) was investigating radioactive contamination at the site linked to the use of “glow in the dark paint” in WW2 aircraft. Moray MP Angus Robertson and Dunfermline and West Fife MP Thomas Docherty are both making representations to the Defence Secretary, Philip Hammond.[21]

Dealing with the Legacy of Land Contamination

Findhorn Bay Rifle Range

 Range (left) and target butts
Findhorn Bay rifle range lies on an area of saltmarsh to the south of Findhorn Bay, and is marked as Disused on current OS maps.

The range can be found on survey maps of the area dating back to 1873, at which time it is marked as a Volunteer’s Rifle Range, and records show it to have been for the use of the Elginshire Volunteers, described then as the property of Colonel Grant Peterkin, Grange Hall.

The target and range butts lie extant at the northwest end of the extensive range, together with the shooting platforms at distances of 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 400, and 500 yards along a track running southeast from the butts.



coordinates 57.6329737   -3.5989130

Just had a look in the book I mentioned, , to see what it has on that area.  A few snippets that might be useful but I have found some errors in the book so treat with caution.

Pinefield camp was occupied by the RE until 1943.  They trained in bridging around Gilston Loch, pontoon bridging and rafting at Findhorn and explosives at Woodside (North of Elgin).  5 Assault Regiment RE with Churchill tanks was at Fort George and did seven full scale exercises on the beaches West of Burghead in the Winter 1943/4 with the 3rd British Infantry Division.

There was a Battle School at Dunphail House. There is said to be a DD tank near Burghead pier and a DUKW in Burghead Bay.

The area Westward from Netherton on the Findhorn estuary to Maviston Farm was cleared of civilians in October 1943 at three week’s notice.  Italian POWs from Camp 67 at Sandyhillock, Craigellichie were brought in to lift potatoes.

There is a memorial stone by five oak trees planted at Pitgaveny House commemorating the local Home Guard commander.

There is a roll call of Moray AUs in an appendix of the book.  Local units came under a major with HQ at Blairmore House near Huntly.  There are NGR of several of their OBs but I think these are listed by the RCAHMS.  Home Guard HQ in Elgin was “Rotha” There used to be a Spigot Mortar base (less concrete) at NJ 205617 but it had gone last time I looked.

Mind Control & Radiation  

Mind Control Victim Testimony A Child radiation experiment

Mind Control Victim Testimony B Child radiation experiment

Mind Control Victim Testimony C Child radiation experiment

U.S. Mind Control Child Ritual Abuse Victims Public Testimony

Eleventh in a Series  by Harry V. Martin and David Caul   Fri, Nov 8th 1991

The American public was never informed that the military had planned to develop electromagnetic weapons until 1982, when the revelation appeared in a technical Air Force magazine.

The magazine article stated, “….specifically generated radio-frequency radiation (RFR) fields may pose powerful and revolutionary anti-personnel military trends.” The article indicated that that it would be very easy to use electromagnetic fields to disrupt the human brain because the brain, itself, was an electrically mediated organ. Iftfurther indicated that a rapidly scanning RFR system would have a stunning or killing capability over a large area. The system was developable.

Navy Captain Dr. Paul E. Taylor read a paper at the Air University Center for Aerospace Doctrine, Research and Education, at Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama. Dr. Taylor was responsible for the Navy’s Radiation Laboratory and had been studying radiation effects on humans. In his paper, Dr. Taylor stated, “The ability of individuals to function (as soldiers) could be degraded to such a point that would be combat ineffective.” The system was so sophisticated that it employed microwaves and millimeter waves and was transportable by a large truck.

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in the South Bay, are working on the development of a “brain bomb”. A bomb could be dropped in the middle of a battlefield which would produce microwaves, incapacitating the minds of soldiers within a circumscribed area.

Applications of microwave technology in espionage were available for over 25 years. In a meeting in Berkeley of the American Association for the Advancement of Science as early as 1965, Professor J. Anthony Deutsch of New York University, provided an important segment of research in the field of memory control. In layman terms, Professor Deutsch indicated that the mind is a transmitter and if too much information is received, like too many vehicles on a crowded freeway, the brain ceases to transmit. The Professor indicated that an excess of acetyl choline in the brain can interfere with the memory process and control. He indicated excess amounts of acetyl choline can be artificially produced, through both the administration of drugs or through the use of radio waves. The process is called Electronic Dissolution of Memory (EDOM). The memory transmission can be stopped for as long as the radio signal continues.

As a result, the awareness of the person skips over those minutes during which he is subjected to the radio signal. Memory is distorted, and time-orientation is destroyed.

According to Lincoln Lawrence, author of Were We Controlled, EDOM is now operational. “There is already in use a small EDOM generator/transmitter which can be concealed on the body of the person. Contact with this person, a casual handshake or even just a touch, transmits a tiny electronic charge plus an ultra-sonic signal tone which for a short period will disturb the time-orientation of the person affected….it can be a potent weapon for hopelessly confusing evidence in the investigation of a crime.”

Thirty years ago, Allen Frey discovered that microwaves of 300 to 3000 megahertz could be “heard” by people, even if they were deaf, if pulsed at a certain rate. Appearing to be originating just in back of the head, the sound boomed, clicked, hissed or buzzed, depending upon the frequency. Later research has shown that the perception of the waves take place just in front of the ears. The microwaves causes pressure waves in the brain tissue, and this phenomenon vibrates the sound receptors in the inner ear through the bone structure. Some microwaves are capable of directly stimulating the nerve cells of the auditory pathways. This has been confirmed with experiments with rats, in which the sound registers 120 decibels, which is equal to the volume of a nearby jet during takeoff. Aside from having the capability of causing pain and preventing auditory communication, a more subtle effect was demonstrated at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research by Dr. Joseph C. Sharp. Dr. Sharp, himself, was the subject of an experiment in which pulsed microwave audiograms, or the microwave analog of the sound vibrations of spoken words, were delivered to his brain in such a way that he was able to understand the words that were spoken. Military and undercover uses of such a device might include driving a subject crazy with inner voices in order to discredit him, or conveying undetectable instructions to a programmed assassin.

But the technology has been carried even a step further. It has been demonstrated by Dr. Ross Adey that microwaves can be used to directly bring about changes in the electrical patterns of different parts of the brain. His experiments showed that he could achieve the same mind control over animals as Dr. Delgado did in the bull incident. Dr. Delgado used brain implants in his animals, Dr. Adey used microwave devices without preconditioning. He made animals act and look like electronic toys.  (Conclusion next week.)

Mind Control Survivors’ Testimony at the Human Radiation Experiments Hearings: Valerie Wolf – Claudia Mullen – Christine deNicola

Wayne Morris – Introduction

Claudia Mullen – On Testifying
The Testimony
Valerie Wolf
Chris deNicola
Claudia Mullen
Testimony:  Questions
Wayne Morris – Closing Comments


Radiation Experiment Committee Letters

TO: Presidential Commission on Radiation Committee
FROM: Valerie B. Wolf, BCSW, ACSW, BCD

RE: Connection between Radiation and Mind Control Experiments  

March 12, 1995

My name is Valerie Wolf. I am here to talk about a possible link between radiation and mind control experimentation that began in the late 1940’s. The main reason that mind control research is being mentioned is because people are alleging that they were exposed to mind control, radiation, drugs and chemical experimentation which were administered by the same doctors who are known to have been involved in conducting radiation and mind control research. Because these people were children and were easily controlled, they appear to have been used in more than one research project. I have provided written documentation revealing the names of people involved in the research and the names of the research projects, with statements from people across the country who allege that mind control and radiation research was conducted on well children. It is also important to understand that mind control techniques and follow ups into adulthood may have been used to intimidate these particular research subjects into not talking about their victimization in government research.

As a clinical social worker for the past 22 years, I have specialized in treating victims and perpetrators of trauma and their families. This population has included victims of disasters, Vietnam veterans and sexual, physical and emotional abuse.

In preparation for my testimony at these hearings, I called nearly 40 therapists across the country to find out what they knew about the link between radiation and mind control and to get what other therapists were seeing in clients who had been used in mind control experiments.

In the January 24, 1994 issue of U.S. News and World Report, there is an article on “The Cold War Experiments.” The basic conclusion of the article is that “radiation tests were only one small part of a vast research program that used thousands of Americans as guinea pigs.” The research programs included radiation, drugs, mind control and chemicals. My clients and others have reported all of these as being used on them, although technically they were considered to be part of the mind control experiments.

Generally, it appears that therapists across the country are finding clients who have been subjected to mind control techniques. The consistency of their stories about the purpose of the mind control and torture techniques such as electric shock, use of hallucinogens, sensory deprivation, spinning, hypnosis, dislocation of limbs and sexual abuse is remarkable. There is almost nothing published on this aspect of mind control used with children and these clients come from all over the country, having had no contact with each other. From the small sample of therapists to whom I talked, it appears that about 25% of the clients report memories of being used in radiation experiments. It is possible that more people were exposed to radiation, but that the memories have not yet emerged because our awareness of this experimentation is so new.

What was startling was that therapists reported many of these clients were also physically ill with multiple sclerosis and other muscle and connective tissue diseases as well as mysterious ailments for which a diagnosis cannot be found. While Somatic Disorder is commonly found in these clients, many of the clients who have been involved in the human experimentation with the government have multiple medically documented physical ailments. It is unclear if these physical disorders and symptoms were caused by radiation or drugs used in the experiments.

I have a client, who appears to be typical of these clients, who has a myriad of symptoms which her doctors cannot diagnose. She has autoimmune problems, problems with healing, thyroid problems that just appeared for no apparent reason, weight gain, edema, constant low grade fever and generally does not feel well. She has three sisters who also have mysterious ailments, including one sister who has a rare adrenal cancer. She has been asked several times by different doctors if she could have been exposed to radiation, but she does not remember. A major part of the mind control experimentation was involved in wiping out the memory of the subject through electric shock, trauma and drugs. She is afraid to tell her doctors about her history as a mind control subject for fear that they will think she is crazy.

These clients have named the same people, particularly a Dr. Greene. I had heard Dr. Greene’s name for several years associated with clients’ reports of childhood torture, mind control techniques and childhood sexual abuse. One of my clients, who had seen him with a name tag, identified him as Dr. L. Wilson Greene. I made inquiries and to my surprise found out that a person with this same name was the Scientific Director of the Chemical and Radiological Laboratories at the Army Chemical Center and that he was engaged in doing research for the Army and the CIA.

It needs to be made clear that these clients have remembered these names and events spontaneously with free recall and without the use of any memory retrieval techniques such as hypnosis. As much as possible, we have tried to verify the memories. I have sent information from one of my clients to Alan Schefflin, Professor of Law at Santa Clara University Law School. He has been able to confirm that the information that she has supplied is absolutely true and that her memories could not have been derived from any published source. This client simply came into my office one day with MKULTRA written on a piece of paper after about 9 months of therapy. Another client’s memories about the CIA connection to Dr. Greene appeared spontaneously several months ago. She has memories of being exposed to radiation. I had never mentioned anything about government research or the CIA to either of them prior to the time that their memories emerged spontaneously.

With the proper knowledge of mind control techniques, these clients can be helped. I have been amazed at the progress these clients have made since I began understanding about how the mind control techniques work. Many attempts have been made through Freedom of Information Act filings to gain access to the mind control research documentation. These requests have generally been slowed down or denied, although some information has been obtained. It is very important that we have information to confirm or deny the thing being remembered.

Furthermore, if, as the evidence suggests, some of these people were used in radiation experiments, there might be information in the mind control experiment files on radiation experiments, especially since Dr. L. Wilson Greene, Dr. Sidney Gottleib, and Dr. Martin Orne among others, have been reported by people to have been associated with both. If there are radiation files within the mind control files, then people across the country may then possibly have the documentation to take to their doctors to assist in their medical treatment.

There is some suggestion that this research is continuing to the present day and people and their therapists are being harassed by associates of the mind control projects who were assigned to monitor the subjects so that they never talk and so that they can continue to be used as needed.

Finally, I urge you to recommend an investigation into these. Although there was a commission on mind control, it did not include the children because most of them were too young or still involved in the research in the late 1970’s to come forward.

The only way to end the harassment and suffering of these people is to make public what has happened to them in the mind control experiments. Please recommend that there be an investigation on the Mind Control experiments as they related to children. We need more information to help our clients. We need the glare of publicity to stop the continuing harassment of people who were subjects in mind control experiments.
Thank you for listening to us.

Statement to:  Presidential report on radiation  Claudia S. Mullen  March 15,1995

Between the years of 1957 and 1984, I became a pawn in a government scheme, whose ultimate goal was mind control and to create the “perfect spy” all through the use of: chemicals, radiation, drugs, hypnosis, electric shock, isolation in tubs of water; sleep deprivation; brainwashing and verbal, physical, emotional & sexual abuse.

I was exploited unwittingly for nearly three decades of my life and the only explanations given to me were: “that the end justifies the means” and “I was serving my country in their bold effort to fight communism.”

I can only summarize my circumstances by saying, they took an already abused 7 year old child and compounded my suffering beyond belief the saddest part is — I know for a fact: that I was not alone! There were countless other children in my same situation and there was no one to help us… Until now.

I have already submitted as much information as possible; including conversations overheard of the people and agencies responsible. I am able to report this to you in such graphic detail because of both my photographic memory and the arrogance of the doctors involved ,who were certain they would always control my mind and behavior. Although, the process of recalling these atrocities is certainly not an easy task; nor is it without some danger to my self and my family. But, I feel the risk is worth taking.

Dr. L. Wilson Greene, who claimed to have received 50 million dollars for his army chemicial and radiological corporation, as part of the tsd (technical science division) of the cia, once described to a Dr. Charles L. Brown Jr.; “that children were used as subjects because they were more fun to work with and cheaper too. They needed lower profile subjects than soldiers or government people, so only young willing females will do…. Besides,” he said, “I like scaring them… They and the agency think I’m a god… Creating subjects and experiments for whatever deviant purposes Sid (Dr. Sidney Gottlieb) and James (Dr. James Hamilton) can think up!”

In 1958, I was to be tested they told me by some important doctors coming from a place called the “society” (the Human Ecology Society). I was told to cooperate; answer any of their questions. Then, since the test “might hurt, I would be given shots, x-rays and a few jolts of electricity.” I was also instructed, “not to look at anyones face too hard and to ignore names, as this was a very secret project, …. but to be brave and all those things would help me forget.” Naturally, as most children do, I did the opposite; and remembered as much as I could!

A Dr. John Gittinger tested me and Dr. Cameron gave me the shocks and Dr. Greene the X-rays. Then, I was told by Sid Gottlieb “I was ripe for the big A — meaning Artichoke.”

By the time I left to go home — just like every time from then on, I would recall nothing of my tests or the different doctors. I would only remember whatever explanations Dr. Robert G. Heath (of Tulane Medical School) gave me for the odd bruises, needle marks, burns on my head and fingers and even the genital soreness. I had no reason to believe otherwise. Already, they had begun to control my mind! The next year, I was sent to a place in Maryland called Deep Creek Cabins to learn how “to sexually please men.” Also, I was taught how to coerce them into talking about themselves. It was Richard Helms (Deputy Director of the CIA), Dr. Gottlieb, Captain George White and Morse Allen, who all planned on filming as many high government and agency officials and heads of academic institutions and foundations as possible; so later, when the funding for mind control and radiation started to dwindle: then the projects would continue — at any cost!

I was to become a regular little “spy” for them after that summer Eventually, entrapping many unwitting men, including themselves, all with the use of a hidden camera. I was only 9 when this kind of sexual humiliation began.

I overheard conversations about a part of the agency called ORD (Office of Research and Development) run by Dr. Geeene, Dr. Stephen Aldrich, Martin Orne and Morse Allen. Once, a crude remark was made by Dr. Gottlieb about a possible leak over in New Orleans East, involving a large group of retarded chlldren, who were being given massive doses of radiation. He asked “why Wilson was so worried about a few retatrded kids? After all, they would be the least likely to spill the beans!”

Another time, I heard Dr. Martin Orne, who was the “Director of the Scientific Office” and later the Institute for Experimental Research, stated that in order to keep more funding coming from different sources for the radiation and mind control projects, he suggested stepping up the amounts of all the “stressors used” and also, the blackmail portion of the experiments. He said, “It needed to be done faster, then get rid of the subjects, as it was asking for “us” to come back and haunt them, by remembering.”

There is much more I could tell you about government sponsored research, including project names; subproject numbers and the people involved; the facilities used; humiliating tests & other forms of torture and abuse; but, I think I have given more than enough information to recommend further investigation of all mind control projects… especially as they involve so much use of radiation.

I would love nothing more than to say I had dreamed all this up; and need to just forget it…. But that would be a tragic mistake. Not only that — it would be a lie. All these atrocities did occur to me and countless other children; and all under the guise of “defending our country”!

It is because of the cummulative effect of exposure to the radiation, chemicals, drugs, torture and subsequent mental & physical distress that I have been robbed of the ability to work and even to bear children of my own! It is blatantly obvious that none of this was needed — nor should have ever been allowed to take place at all!

The only means we have to seek out the awful truth; and bring it to light (no matter how disgusting) is by opening whatever files remain on all the projects; through another presidential commision on mind control. I believe that every citizen of this great nation of ours has a right to know just what is fact and what is fiction. It is our greatest protection against the possibility of this ever happening again!
Therefore — now I leave this matter in your capable hands. I can offer no more than what I have given you today. The truth.
Thank you for your time.   Catherine Michelle (Claudia S. Mullen)

TO: Presidential Commission on Radiation Committee
FROM: Valerie B. Wolf, BCSW, ACSW, BCD   March 10, 1995

As Claudia S. Mullen’s therapist, I would like to document her memory recovery process. She was referred to me after being sexually assaulted, but did not respond to treatment initially. She was constantly remembering being abused and became dysfunctional and suicidal. After about 9 months of therapy, she came to therapy one day with MKULTRA written with other words on a piece of paper. From that point on, she began to work on the mind control issues and began to improve. All of her memories have emerged spontaneously without the use of memory enhancement techniques such as hypnosis or godium amytal. I had told her nothing about government and CIA research projects.

To the best of my knowledge, she has read nothing about mind control or CIA covert operations. Since she decided to listen carefully and remember as much as she could about conversations among the researchers, her memories are extraordinarily complete. I have sent written copies of memories to Dr. Alan Schefflin for validation and he has confirmed that she has knowledge of events and people that are not published anywhere, that some of her memories contain new information and that some are already known and published. Some of her memories have been confirmed by family members. She has also shown me old scrapbooks where she wrote notes to remember what was happening to her and hid the notes under the pictures in the scrapbook.




Collection of over 100 resources covering post 16 genetics and genomics. The resources are organised into the following sections:

  1. DNA, genes and chromosomes
  2. DNA replication
  3. Transcription, translation and gene expression
  4. Mutation, evolution and disease
  5. Genetics and biotechnology 
  6. STEM Cells 
  7. Ethics

  1. The phoenix Arch?!
  3. The Farm Revealed, eugenics and Galton:
  1. Human species may split in two:
  2. Euthenics is ‘especially to increase efficiency’
  4. Lee Silver on genetic engineering:


  1. Raddery for “emotionally disturbed” children, Findhorn, Orkney, Savile, Military & Kitezh 
  2. FINDHORN FOUNDATION  Survivor Speaks Out {part 5}
  3. Findhorn Foundation: Verity Linn, Breatharianism, Sting, Phil Kay & the Waterboys
  4. Findhorn Foundation UNITAR & CIFAL 
  5. Findhorn: Moray Paedophiles #pizzagate
  6. Argyle & Bute: Oban, Lunga & Erraid


Findhorn Foundation, Teens & Toddlers, Psychiatry, Global Sustainability & Eugenics

Previously.. []

Findhorn Press

4 x FindPress Children’s Books

Findhorn on ISSUU

Findhorn Foundation College

St Leonard’s Rd Forres IV36 2RD  


The programme was originally conceived by Laura Huxley, widow of the writer Aldous Huxley, in the late 1970s in California, USA. Laura developed deep concerns for disadvantaged children, their capacity to fulfill their human potential and their earliest relationship experiences.   

Huxley ‘preventing the sub normal from breeding’:

more info

Whilst the original Teens and Toddlers programme was the brainchild of Laura Huxley, it was her friend and mentor, Lady Diana Whitmore, who brought the programme to the UK and has been the driving force behind the its growth ever since.

Diana founded the Psychosynthesis Trust over 25 years ago and has served as President ever since. With this experience, Diana has been able to draw upon a deep understanding of positive psychology and the flourishing effect it can have upon young people.

After moving to the UK and seeing the social exclusion of young people in London, Diana realised that the Teens and Toddlers programme could address this issue.

children our ultimate investment was founded by Lady Diana Whitmore in 2001 to address the social exclusion of disadvantaged young people in London. In 2011, we changed the name to Teens and Toddlers in line with our flagship programme. We now run a range of programmes, which inspire disadvantaged young people to achieve the life skills, qualifications and self belief they need to succeed in school, work and life.

Our ultimate aim is for all young people to feel valued, included and inspired to contribute to their communities. Since our launch we have reached over 16,000 children and young people, with plans to reach many more.


Charity Number: 1099782.  92-94 Tooley Street SE1 2TH

Teens & Toddlers Sustainability Replication Programme eugenics supporters


(click on images)

                 Henry Smith Charity

    The Monument Trust             



Masonic Charitable Foundation



Sigillum Commune Su Salvatoris means COMMON SEAL, IT’S SAVIOUR.

Common Seal? Is that a wee bit like Common Porpoise? {i know! i’m sorry!}

Children Our Ultimate Investment

    1. Children: Our Ultimate Investment: home page, Laura Huxley: 
    2. Teens & Tods report PDF
    3. Teens and Toddlers & ‘The Dream Mill’
    4. Teens & Toddlers Sustainability Replication Programme
    6. Project Caressing in the US
    7. T & T  Accounts for 29 Feb 2016
    8. Charity Commission
    9. ARK funds Children: Our Ultimate Investment:

T & T address is given as  92-94 Tooley Street. But on Google  you see its the



Roberto Assagioli (27 Feb 1888 – Aug 1974) an Italian psychiatrist and pioneer in the fields of humanistic and transpersonal psychology. in 1965 he founded of the psychological movement known as Psychosynthesis, which is currently being run by President Lady Diana Whitmore. The Trust is affiliated with Humanistic and Integrative Psychology Section of the United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP), and European Association for Psychotherapy (EAP), and is a founding member of the European Federation of Psychosynthesis Psychotherapy (EFPP). At present time, the group consists of a large group of Psychosynthesis practitioners who mediate students.which is still being developed today by therapists and psychologists, who practice the psychological methods and techniques he developed. His work, expounded in two books and many monographs published as pamphlets, emphasized the possibility of progressive integration, or synthesis, of the personality

  1. Assagioli a trustee of Alice Bailey’s Lucis Trust
  2. Alice Bailey on Aryan’s and involvement with Lucis Trust:
  3. Lucis trust renamed from the Lucifer Trust:
  4. Lucis Trust

European Federation for Psychosynthesis Psychotherapy

Assagioli was not the first to use the term “psychosynthesis”. The earliest was by James Jackson Putnam, who used it as the name of his electroconvulsive therapy.


The essentials of psychosynthesis


The Association for the Advancement of Psychosynthesis (AAP) was formed in August 1995, as a non-profit organization in the United States, with approximately two-hundred members across the country. Members of the AAP run programs, workshops, and conferences to discuss Assagioli and Psychosynthesis, and publish a newsletter to discuss new topics related to the field. 

The Will Project Wiki[7] was created in 2007, and was based on the Will Project proposed by Assagioli when he was alive.

The Will Project consists of over 63 articles based on Assagioli’s published book The Act Of Will

Lady Diana Whitmore (aka Di Witless)

Diana is the Chief Executive and a founding Director of Teens and Toddlers UK, a charity founded in 2001 to address the social exclusion of young people and, in doing so, reduce the number of young people not in employment, education or training (NEET), as well as reducing teen pregnancies.

Teens and Toddlers runs a range of early intervention programmes focused on inspiring young people to achieve the skills, qualifications and self-belief they need to succeed in school, work and life. The original vision for the programmes was conceived in the US in the late 1970’s by Diana’s friend and mentor Laura Huxley, widow of Aldous Huxley–TheUltimateRevolution–ABlueprintToEnslaveTheMasses


Lady Di Witless has her fingers in A LOT of pies..

  1. Patron, Wyse International
  2. CEO of Children our Ultimate Investment UK (COUI)
  3. Founder, President and Co-chair of the Psychosynthesis & Education Trust
  4. Founder children our ultimate investment
  5. On the trustee board of Findhorn Foundation
  6. Chief Exec & a founding Director of Teens & Todds
  7. British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy Accredited Supervisor
  8. Accredited member of UK Council for Psychotherapists
  9. She teaches positive psychology and transpersonal coaching for Performance Coach MSc in Coaching and Development ()
  10. She has a PhD in Education from the University of Surrey
  11. is the author of two books, Psychosynthesis Counselling in Action and Psychosynthesis in Education: A Guide to the Joy of Learning  

{click on images}

  Logo  m.PNG  14682057_1320074824678196_5162311831578948383_o.jpg

LGBT Health & Wellbeing logo    4a.jpg     download.png


2nd logo is very hippy trippy mind control like & is very like the LGBT logo. the 3rd logo (AAP) reminds me of  the MK Ultra survivors drawing of the pendant worn by Antony Kidman the 2nd last pic… the  Order of the Eastern Star

STEM three parent babies

& then I stumbled upon this THIS WEE GEM…

ECOLOGIA   Charity No SC023976  

child protection policy



It’s Teens & Toddlers just by another name! & they have roll it out as of January 2017. IN THE SCOTTISH HIGHLANDS?!  wtf?


The Early Years Taskforce – Vision and Priorities



& OF COURSE Witless is pals with the Royals (we knew they were gonna pop up sooner or later!)

Enter a caption

Randy Pandy meets Di Witless  12 Jan 2016

Diana advised the Cabinet Office’s Behavioural Insight Team for a paper on interventions in 2009 and presented at the ‘Behavioural Change in Public Health’ conference in February 2012. She is a member of the trustee board of the Findhorn Foundation. source

Funnily enough Richard Lochhead MSP – (who was Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs, Food & Environment  2007~2016 & has been SNP Member of the Scottish Parliament for Moray since 2006) – made this speech the very same year (Sep 17, 2012)

Health, Wealth & Innovation: An International Conference on Digital Health Scotland & Digital Health: Moray Leading the World  a.PNG

The James Hutton Institute

3rd Digital Behaviour Change Conference 2017  

22-23 Feb 2017  Mary Ward House  Tavistock Place, London


2nd Behaviour Change Conference 

Mary Ward House


At the bottom of the findhorncollege web page you get thiskn.PNGFollowing is from partnerships & links page

(Please note Heriot Watt is first on the list, as it will pop up again!)

ORIGIN research partners

Findhorn College is currently developing courses in partnership with:

We are in dialogue and seeking collaboration with:

We have taken inspiration from the work of the following friends

Findhorn Gaia Search on Linkedin 

The company was founded in 2003 by and now operates in over fifty countries worldwide with a group of twenty-five consultants. The headquarters are in North East Scotland near to the village of Cummingston,   In 2012, Gaia Earth Sciences was awarded the Queen’s Award for Enterprise in International Trade. This is the United Kingdom’s most prestigious award for business performance.

The HQ, It’s called Phayrelands so, that will be FAIRYLANDS then?! Its also a wee bit Egyptian like,  PHAYR~PHAROAH


According to  STUART LINDSAY HUYTON was born in 1957 & went to Gordonstoun between 1974 & 1976 & then on to Heriot-Watt!

,m.PNGlk.PNGRotary Club of Elgin 

 Jan 13, 2017

Highland Council Planning PDF Trust – Highland Council


International Association for the Advancement of Ethnology and Eugenics

IAAEE was founded in 1959 and has headquarters in Edinburgh, Scotland. According to Russ Bellant, it was later also incorporated in the United States through the personal agency of Lord Malcolm Douglas-Hamilton, a member of the British Cliveden Set which supported appeasement of Adolf Hitler prior to World War II.[1][2] Other historians, including Bruce Minton, give differing evidence.[3]

READ MORE Dr Ewen Cameron, Hess, The Douglas-Hamilton’s & Hobgoblins

A. James Gregor was a founding director of the IAAEE which was, according to Gregor, established to restore “an intellectual climate in the U.S., and throughout the Western World, which would permit a free and open discussion of racial … problems.”[4] Gregor would later assert that his association with the organization was based on his concerns about congenital birth defects and the reproduction of the mentally retarded, as opposed to racial matters. Other members included Senator Jesse Helms and the oil billionaires William Herbert and Nelson Bunker Hunt.

The IAAEE’s main benefactor was Colonel Wickliffe Draper, a segregationist who opposed the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s and sought to fund research that would provide scientific justification for segregation and revive the concept of racial hygiene which had been discredited as a result of the Nazis. In the 1970s Gregor was criticised for accepting grants from the Pioneer Fund which had been established by Draper to advance his views. IAAEE received $82,000 in grants from the Pioneer Fund between 1971 and 1996.

In the 1960s, Stanley Porteus served on the Executive Committee of the IAAEE.[5] Henry E. Garrett, professor emeritus of psychology from Columbia University, was president of the IAAEE and one of the editors of Mankind Quarterly. Other key figures included Robert E. Kuttner and Donald A. Swan.


The shaming of big, poor families smacks of eugenics   11 Jul 2015

Social Darwinism, eugenics & Lennox Castle

Nineteenth century reformers combined their new medical diagnoses with a concern to tackle what they saw as the social causes of cruelty and incapacity. Two theories dominated: social Darwinism and eugenics.

Social Darwinism drew on Darwin’s ideas of natural selection and emphasised the contribution of the fittest and most superior individuals to the survival of the human species. The social Darwinists, who included some of the most prominent thinkers of their time, believed that social ‘engineering’ or the control or manipulation and improvement of social conditions would do away with, or weaken, the effect of nature’s shaping forces. The result would be uncontrolled breeding and weakening of the genetic pool and hence the deterioration of the race and swamping of the higher types within society. Eugenicists took these ideas further, arguing that those who were weaker, ‘degenerate’ or ‘defective’ in some way should not be allowed to breed or interbreed at all as their offspring would inevitably degrade the quality of the race. Poverty, ignorance, mental defectiveness as well as lack of moral values were seen as evidence that British society needed to purify its genetic stock and deal with what were seen as poisonous environments in the slums and factories. Great emphasis was placed on parenthood and procreation.

The influence of the eugenics movement in this country was strong and had a particularly pernicious effect on the care of children with learning difficulties. Ideas based on notions of racial purity led to demands for compulsory sterilisation of young people with learning difficulties and the application of a condemnatory morality which saw unmarried mothers locked away in mental handicap institutions. Their custodial care came largely to be accepted by the medical and educational establishments and their situation largely invisible to wider society (Hendrick, 1994, p. 92).

These ideas sustained segregation as a form of provision of care: segregation from society and segregation of the sexes within institutions (Williams, 1989, pp. 160–1).

Eugenicist ideas flourished well into the twentieth century and, some argue, are still alive today, with concern about reproduction a persistent thread as these quotes and the cuttings opposite demonstrate:

The unnatural and increasingly rapid growth of the feeble-minded classes, coupled with a steady restriction among all the thrifty, energetic and superior stocks constitutes a race danger. I feel that the source from which the stream of madness is fed should be cut off and sealed up before another year has passed.

– (Churchill, a proponent of forcible sterilisation, in a private letter to Prime Minister Asquith at the time of the Royal Commission on the Care and Control of the Feeble-Minded, 1904, quoted in Ponting, 1992, p. 23)

[It is] not the very severe cases which are the most dangerous: it is the mild cases, which are capable of being well veneered, so as to look, for a time at any rate, almost normal, against which there is most need to protect society.

– (Mary Dendy, proponent of segregation, writing in 1910, quoted in Jackson, 1996, p. 166)

Let us assume that we could segregate as a separate community all the families in the country containing mental defectives of the primary amentia type. We should find that we had collected among them a most interesting social group. It would include everyone who has extensive practical experience of social service would readily admit, a much larger proportion of insane persons, epileptics, paupers, criminals (especially recidivists), unemployables, habitual slum dwellers, prostitutes, inebriates and other social inefficients than would a group of families not containing mental defectives. The overwhelming majority of the families thus collected will belong to a section of the community which we propose to term the ‘social problem’ or ‘subnormal group’ … If we are to prevent the racial disaster of mental deficiency we must deal not only with the mentally defective persons but with the whole subnormal group from which the majority of them come … The relative fertility of this (subnormal) group is greater than that of normal persons.



Wise Goose Brochure – Wise Goose School of Coaching 2017/2018


Cathy O’Brien, Andy Peron, Dave Marrow, James Casbolt, Cathi Morgan, Brice Taylor

The Andy Pero Story Project Superman – Mind Control Experiments 

Cathy O’Brien Trance formation America

Fritz Springmeier

Be Wise as serpents..

Dave Marrow

James Casbolt MI6 Buried Alive

Bases 24 Background to James Casbolt

Part 1 |  |  |  |  |  |  | 

Cathi Morgan MK Ultra in Britain

Part One | 

 |  | 

Brice Taylor



Dr Ewen Cameron, The Douglas-Hamilton’s, Hess & Hobgoblins

Gartnavel, Cameron, Hess the Douglas-Hamilton’s & Hobgoblins

Dr. D. Ewen Cameron with his memory “expertise” was brought in to assist Dr. Nolan D. C. Lewis who headed the American medical & psychiatric team. Cameron examined Hess. Hess claimed selective amnesia, brought about after his parachuting into Scotland on May 10, 1941 and being arrested.. SOURCE  He later claimed to have faked the amnesia & therefore made Cameron look like either a total fraud, a fool or a downright liar…  

Cameron began his training in psychiatry at the Glasgow Royal Mental Hospital in 1925.. {Gartnavel}  In 1926, Cameron served as Assistant Medical Officer there and was introduced to psychiatrist Sir David Henderson, a student of psychiatrist Adolf Meyer.

He continued his training in America under Meyer at the Phipps Clinic, Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland from 1926 to 1928 with a Henderson Research Scholarship.

Cameron focused primarily on biological descriptive psychiatry and applied the British and European schools and models of the practice. Cameron followed these schools in demanding that mental disturbances are diseases and somatic in nature; all psychological illness would therefore be hardwired, a product of the body and the direct result of a patient’s biological structure rather than caused by social environments. Characteristics were thus diagnosed as syndromes emerging from the brain. It is at this juncture that Cameron became interested with how he could effectively manipulate the brain to control and understand the processes of memory. Cameron furthermore wanted to understand the problems of memory caused by aging, believing that the aged brain suffered from psychosis.

Cameron believed that mental illness was literally contagious – that if one came into contact with someone suffering from mental illness, one would begin to produce the symptoms of a mental disease. For example, something like rock music could be created by mentally ill people and would produce mentally ill people through infection, which in turn would be transmitted to the genes. Thus, this group would have to be studied and controlled as a contagious social disease. Police, hospitals, government, and schools would need to use the correct psychiatric authority to stop mental contagions from spreading. Cameron also hoped to generate families capable of using authority and techniques to take measures against mental illness, which would later be apparent in Cameron’s MKULTRA and MKDELTA experiments. Cameron had been hoping to correct schizophrenia by erasing existing memories and reprogramming the psyche. He commuted from Albany to Montreal every week to work at McGill’s Allan Memorial Institute and was paid $69,000 from 1957 to 1964 to carry out MKUltra experiments there. In addition to LSD, he experimented with various paralytic drugs and electroconvulsive therapy at thirty to forty times the normal power.[24] His “driving” experiments consisted of putting a subject into a drug-induced coma for weeks at a time (up to three months in one case) while playing tape loops of noise or simple statements. These experiments were typically carried out on patients who had entered the institute for minor problems such as anxiety disorders anpostnatal depression; many suffered permanent debilitation after these treatments.[25] Such consequences included incontinence, amnesia, forgetting how to talk, forgetting their parents, and thinking their interrogators were their parents.[26] His work was inspired and paralleled by the psychiatrist William Sargant, who was also involved with the Intelligence Services and experimented extensively on his patients without their consent, causing similar long-term damage.[27]

Hess claimed selective amnesia, brought about after his parachuting into Scotland on May 10, 1941 and being arrested.

According to a Nov. 20, 1945 memorandum addressed to Brigidar-General Wm. L. Mitchell, General Secretary for the International Military Tribunal, Cameron examined Rudolph Hess on Nov. 15 and 19, 1945 (Rees 1947, p. 218).  The four signatories to the memorandum were Cameron, Dr. Jean Delay, Col. Paul L. Schroeder, M.D and Dr. Nolan D. C. Lewis of Columbia University.  Lewis was an early supporter of both Sakel’s insulin coma therapy (ICT) and Kalinowsky’s electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) treatments. The April 27, 1945 article in The New York Times alludes to “irreconcilables” and their “permanent internment,” but no mention is made of giving ECT to 12-year-old Nazis.  Maybe such a suggestion was put forth by Cameron, the 1944-1945 Columbia meetings likely produced many different ideas and approaches to the problem of reintegration, but without an exact citation further speculation would be counter-productive.  As that memorandum was introduced into evidence Nov. 24, 1945 at Nuremberg (the signatories were not required to be present and, indeed, had already begun to return to their respective home countries), it stands as significant that in the official commission appointment, the list names three Russians, three Brits, then introduces “Dr. Nolan D. C. Lewis, assisted by Dr. D. Ewen Cameron and Col. Paul Schroeder, M.D.”  The tenth and final name is “Professor Jean Delay,” a French psychiatrist from the School of Medicine at the University of Paris.  By this account, Lewis headed the American medical and psychiatric team and brought Cameron along for his expertise in memory.

Hess claimed selective amnesia, brought about after his parachuting into Scotland on May 10, 1941 and being arrested.SOURCE 

According to historian David Irving  “Rudolph Hess was almost certainly murdered”

Quoted from YouTube vid – David Irving, The faking of Adolf Hitler for History {time set for 1 hour 04 mins}

The British actually welded Hess’s body into a steal casket and they turned it over to the family, implying strongly that they would be very grateful if the Hess family then buried him without any further ado. But instead of turning left they turned right. The family took it down to Munich and the family then had the casket then cut open, and had the body then properly autopsied. The autopsy in particular refers to the fact that the scar on Hess’s neck…. Eh, Hess was meant to have hanged himself, well, there were various medical reasons why he couldn’t have. He had eh, he was so old and senile that he couldn’t tie his own shoe laces. He couldn’t raise his arms above his shoulder level. Em, he couldn’t tie the noose and put it over the hook which is what the… the allied version said. Em, but quite apart from that, the scar around his neck was horizontal, where as the scar of a hanged man is usually diagonal. {demonstrates, puts his hands under each ear pointing back and upwards} And I’ve.. I’ve got I think, links on my website to photographs showing the actual neck with the scar marks and the pathologist said that in his opinion it was a suici.. {Irving corrects himself} eh, it was a case of strangulation by a third party rather than suicide. Em the British government actually stopped the German police investigation – because we had control of that sector of Berlin at that time

The Hess Mess & Duke number 13

On 10 May 1941, Hess parachuted into Scotland; to meet with  The  13th Duke of Hamilton, Alfred Douglas and plot a secret peace treaty that would lead to the supremacy of Germany within Europe and the reinforcement of the British Empire without. ALLEGEDLY.

Daily Record Front Page 13/5/41 1941 World War 2

But as you can read here, perhaps all is not what it seems. It is also alleged that Duke number 13 was sympathetic to neo-fascist groups like the Nordic League and the Right Club. This activity was monitored by MI5 and it was reported that he had “many Nazi contacts in this country”. This included Archibald Ramsay, Lord Redesdale, 5th Duke of Wellington, Duke of Westminster and the Marquess of Graham.

Anyhoo, Hess crash landed at Floors Farm near Eaglesham & gave his name as “Alfred Horn”. Hess was injured in the crash & taken to hospital. He was imprisoned until the end of the war and the subsequent Nuremberg trials.

Hamilton came under pressure to explain his role in the affair, with suspicions being raised that he might have been in prior contact with Hess. Questions were asked in the House of Commons. On 22 May, Sir Archie gave a statement on his behalf,  which to cut a long story short, went something kinda like this…

Hess who? Well, it’s nothing to do wi the Duke! He didn’t do it, it wasnae him! Okay, he once visited Germany but that was only for ice cream. Oh yeah, & he MAY have gone to the Olympic games which MAY have been attended German ministers & possibly Hess. Did the deputy Führer see him there? Maybe, maybe not. He & his 3 brothers are serving in the Royal Air Force ya know, so it is clearly ridiculous to question his integrity & hound a respectable, honourable & decent man. You can read the long-winded claptrap here

According to wiki  IAAEE was founded in 1959 and has headquarters in Edinburgh, Scotland. According to Russ Bellant, it was later also incorporated in the United States through the personal agency of Lord Malcolm Douglas-Hamilton, a member of the British Cliveden Set which supported appeasement of Adolf Hitler prior to World War II.[1][2] Other historians, including Bruce Minton, give differing evidence.[3]

A. James Gregor was a founding director of the IAAEE which was, according to Gregor, established to restore “an intellectual climate in the U.S., and throughout the Western World, which would permit a free and open discussion of racial … problems.”[4] Gregor would later assert that his association with the organization was based on his concerns about congenital birth defects and the reproduction of the mentally retarded, as opposed to racial matters. Other members included Senator Jesse Helms and the oil billionaires William Herbert and Nelson Bunker Hunt.

The IAAEE’s main benefactor was Colonel Wickliffe Draper, a segregationist who opposed the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s and sought to fund research that would provide scientific justification for segregation and revive the concept of racial hygiene which had been discredited as a result of the Nazis. In the 1970s Gregor was criticised for accepting grants from the Pioneer Fund which had been established by Draper to advance his views. IAAEE received $82,000 in grants from the Pioneer Fund between 1971 and 1996.

The Douglas Hamilton family history is INCREDIBLE. Never a dull moment!

Anyone who is anyone has been married to a Douglas Hamilton!

Duke Number 15

15th Duke of Hamilton Allan Warren.jpg

Angus Alan Douglas Douglas-Hamilton was premier peer of Scotland {I assume that has nothing to do with walls!!} He was the son of the Number 14 & Lady Liz {daughter of 8th Duke of Northumberland}  One of Angus’s wee brothers is James the Tory & Unionist politician. The seat of the Dukes of Hamilton is Lennoxlove House, replacing the now-demolished Hamilton Palace.

Number 15 was a Flight Lieutenant with the RAF & by all accounts, a wee bit of a posh boy racer & adrenalin junkie! He was a member of both Air Squadron & Queen’s Bodyguard for Scotlandwas a Knight of St John & Hereditary Keeper of the Palace of HolyroodhouseHe was also hereditary bearer of the Crown of Scotland to the Scottish Parliament & he fulfilled that duty by carrying the Crown in front of Queen Elizabeth at the ScotParl opening ceremony.

He was very friendly with the Royal Family, so friendly in fact, that Queen Lizzy mourned, when number 15 died.  Duke of Hamilton Dies After Battle with Dementia

Number 15‘s first wife,  Sarah Jane Scott, was the daughter of Major Sir Walter Scott, Sarah & Number 15 had four children, the second youngest being Alexander Douglas-Hamilton who is the current Duke Number 16

Duke Number 16

The Duke and Duchess of Hamilton cropped.jpgAlexander Douglas Douglas-Hamilton (DOB 31 March 1978)

Upon the death of his father on 5 June 2010, he became the 16th Duke of HamiltonNumber 16 inherited the following titles: Duke of Hamilton, Marquess of Douglas, Marquess of Clydesdale, Earl of Angus, Earl of Lanark, Earl of Arran and Cambridge, Lord Abernethy and Jedburgh Forest, Lord Machanshyre and Polmont and Lord Aven and Innerdale in the Peerage of Scotland, and Duke of Brandon and Baron Dutton, in the Peerage of Great Britain.

Number 16 was educated at Keil School & Gordonstoun. Oddly, both schools had major paedophile issues.  Keil here, herehere  Gordonstoun  here & here.

Also educated at Gordonstoun was Ian Douglas-Hamilton, son of Lord David Douglas-Hamilton. Ian’s grandfather was Duke Number 13Other Royals who also attended include Prince Phil,  Big Ears,  Never Ready Eddy,  Andy Pandy Pal of Paedo & Norton Knatchbull. More Gordonston VIP here

On 7 May 2011, he married Sophie Ann Rutherford (DOB 8 Dec 1976) Who’s an interior designer.  Best man at their wedding was the Duke’s wee brother, Lord John Douglas-Hamilton, who was his heir presumptive at the time. The Duke and Duchess went on to have 3 children.

Duke Number 11

William Alexander Anthony Archibald 11TH DUKE OF HAMILTON Stock Photo

William Alexander Archibald Hamilton Son of Number 10 & Susan Euphemia Beckford. Susan’s dad was novelist William BeckfordIn 1843 Number 11 married Princess Marie Amélie of Baden, daughter of the Grand Duke Charles of Baden and Stéphanie de BeauharnaisStephanie was the adopted daughter of Napoleon I

Duke Number 10  is by far my favourite. What a total FRUIT  LOOP


Alexander Hamilton 

Number 10 believed himself to be the true heir to the Scottish throne. Where as the rest of the population of Britain believed him to be the most pompous, arrogant, self-absorbed man that ever walked the earth!

In recognition of his own magnificence, Number 10 -when making his own funeral arrangements -commissioned a mausoleum for his final resting-place! here

His intention being to build “the eighth wonder of world” as he saw that to be fitting tribute to just how far up his own arse his head was!

Number 10 had a strong interest in Ancient Egyptian mummies, and was so impressed with the work of mummy expert Thomas Pettigrew that he arranged for Pettigrew to mummify him after his death.

But the piece de resistance was his coffin. This was the sarcophagus of an EGYPTIAN PRINCESS!! which he had purchased for £11,000, which was an absolute bloody fortune at the time & still is now!! 

Pitifully, this is where ego and sanity part company {Yip the above is normal in comparison to what’s coming next!}

Once the old crackpot popped his clogs, it became apparent that there was a considerable difference in height between the Duke & the poor unfortunate princess, who was being forcibly evicted from her coffin so as to make way for Number 10.. 

The only way that they could cram the old dingbat into the pokey cramped space was to cut his legs off at the knees.

So they did!!

The final irony however occurred later. In 1927, during a re-examination of the “Egyptian Princess” coffin. They  discovered that it had in fact originally been constructed for use by an Egyptian court jester.  Guess you could say that was the final nail in the coffin!  Source

Duke Number 1

The 1st Lord Hamilton was Sir James Hamilton In early 1474, he married Princess Mary, Countess of Arran, who was the eldest daughter of King James II Number 1 was succeeded by his only legitimate son Number 2, James

Duke Number 2

James, 2nd Lord Hamilton aged only 15 he was married firstly, c.1490, to 13-year-old Elizabeth Home, daughter of Alexander Home, 2nd Lord Home. The marriage was dissolved in 1506, when it was discovered that Elizabeth’s first husband was still alive at the time of the wedding and the marriage was annulled & then…..

She turned 14!!

Elizabeth’s first NON DEAD husband was Thomas Hay, son of John Hay, 1st Lord Hay of YesterYester also has has a very interesting history.. 


Yester Castle is now a ruin, the only remaining structure is the subterranean Goblin Ha’ or Hobgoblin Ha’ {pic on the left is the entrance to hobgoblin hall which is on the right}

It was begun in the 13th century by Hugo de Giffard, the “Wizard of Yester”, who was reputed to be a warlock or “necromancer” {ye olde Savile springs to mind} The wizard is said to have made a pact with the Devil and raised an army of goblins who built him a subterranean chamber where he could practice his dark arts. – There is a lot more information & fantastic pictures found here & here 

Oddly enough, Hobgoblin Hall featured in Sir Walter Scott‘s Marmion..  Guess it really is a small world eh?!


#pizzagate: The Magestic Apes, Katy Perry, Miley Cyrus & George Michael? #pgww

Some screenshots from the video below, taken from the Magestic Apes Neutered Noel. There are other images that are a lot more disturbing. You can see for yourself in the video, but i am not willing to publish them..



Other Evidence & Connections

Heavy Breathers & Goathill Pizzagate

George Michael #pizzagate connection

The Katy Perry connection

Miley Cyrus Katy Perry & Pizzagate

Miley Cyrus Exposes Pizzagate



TIMELINE: (Satanic) Paedo’s and Cover-Ups Everywhere #pizzagate #pgww Last Update 28-12-2016

This list is created to show the magnitude and presence of (un)related (satanistic) child abuse cases and their possible cover up’s around the world. I will update this list, please revise and contribute.

One of the most important excisting lists of these things is provided by Lori Handrahan . This article offers an extensive insight in political elites involved and/or convicted of child abuse. I might include all of these examples, but not now :-p

The format

  • Period – Timeframe of case
  • Name / Case
  • Location – World, Continent, Country, City
  • Title of MSM article MSM (Main Stream Media) for obvious reason that people trust these
  • ARCHV – Archive of MSM article
  • VID – video, either documentary or news article
  • ALT – alternative – well sourced non-MSM article
  • VOAT – Link to VOAT thread about case which provides further info and show links to PG



STOLEN: FOUR SCOTTISH CHILDREN. Docherty Interviews & Transcript

  1. WORLDWIDE #Satanism #Pedophilia & #ChildTrafficking: #Clinton #Royals & #VIPaedo {Part 1}
  2. WORLDWIDE #Pedophilia & #ChildTrafficking: #UK #US #Govt #EU #Royals & #VIPaedo {Part 2}
  4. TIMELINE: (Satanic) Paedo’s and Cover-Ups Everywhere 
  5. #Pizzagate for Dummies
  6. #pizzagate: The Magestic Apes, Katy Perry, Miley Cyrus & George Michael? #pgww
  7. Cannibalism, Baby Eaters, Blood Drinking, Satanic Rituals & The Genome Project
  8. LISTEN TO THE CHILDREN! #pizzagate #WhistleblowerKids
  9. *PLEASE WATCH* #pizzagate & the #UK connection. #WhistleblowerKids
  10. #Whistleblower Kids are telling the truth: #UK is run by #Satanists #pizzagate
  13. Joining The Dots

Findhorn Foundation & Scotland

  2. FINDHORN FOUNDATION  Survivor Speaks Out {part 5}
  3. Raddery for “emotionally disturbed” children, Findhorn, Orkney, Savile, Military & Kitezh #pizzagate
  4. Argyle & Bute: Oban, Lunga & Erraid
  5. Findhorn Foundation UNITAR & CIFAL
  6. Findhorn: Moray Paedophiles #pizzagate
  7. What is Scotland’s Problem?
  8. Aquino, Paedophila, Satanism, PsyOps, Nukes & Scotland
  9. Satanic Scotland
  10. Sculptor’s Cave near Gordonstoun. Evidence of VERY RECENT satanic ritual. {17.10.16}

Survivor Speaks Out Series

  1. Perhaps You Should Watch These? {Part 1}
  2. Perhaps You Should Watch These? {Part 2}
  3. Perhaps You Should Watch These? {Part 3}
  4. Perhaps You Should Watch These? {Part 4} Disney, Hollywood & Music
  5. Perhaps You Should Watch These? {Part 5} Holographic Disclosure
  6. Perhaps You Should Watch These? {Part 6}
  7. Perhaps You Should Watch These? {Part 7} Simple Truth of #Psychiatry by P.Breggin MD
  8. Perhaps You Should Watch These? {Part 8} 
  9. Perhaps You Should Watch These? {Part 9} #VIPaedo. UK MP’s, Pop Stars, Royals etc
  10. Perhaps You Should Watch These? {Part 10} Esoteric Agenda  
  11. Perhaps You Should Watch These? {part 11} #ChildrenOfGod Cult aka #TheFamily aka #GreatWhiteBrotherhood
  12. Perhaps You Should Watch These? {part 12} SATANIC RITUAL ABUSE #pizzagate
  13. Perhaps You Should Watch These? {Part 13} The 9th Circle
  14. Perhaps You Should Watch These? {Part 14} Bill Cooper’s Mystery Babylon






Perhaps You Should Watch These? {part 12} SATANIC RITUAL ABUSE #pizzagate


18+ ONLY


  2. Ritual child abuse in France: German documentary              
  3. Ritual Abuse Survivors’ Scotland – Laurie Matthew    
  4. Fiona Barnett Candy Girl Documentary      



  3. British Royal Family: Paedophilia, Satanism & Murder
  4. CSA Inquiry Probes Charity Linked To Prince Charles.
  6. Joining The Dots
  8. Satanic Scotland
  9. What is Scotland’s Problem?
  10. STOLEN: FOUR SCOTTISH CHILDREN. Docherty Interview & Transcript
  11. Perhaps You Should Watch These?? {part 12} SATANIC RITUAL ABUSE #pizzagate
  12. LISTEN TO THE CHILDREN! #WhistleblowerKids #pizzagate
  13. THE BEGINNING Survivor Speaks Out #pizzagate
  14. Cannibalism, Baby Eaters, Blood Drinking, Satanic Rituals & The Genome Project #pizzagate
  15. Satanic Ritual Abuse #SRA
  16. Satanic Cover Up: Fred & Rose West – Occult connection?
  17. Satanic Symbols & Logos
  19. Satanic Scotland {updated 28.11.16}
  20. The Devils in Devon (& Cornwall!)
  22. What’s going on with young men in the North of Scotland?
  23. Celebrity Bloodbaths: Milo, Gaga, Kim Kardashian & Cliff Richard?!
  24. WORLDWIDE #Satanism #Pedophilia & #ChildTrafficking: #Clinton #Royals & #VIPaedo {Part 1}
  25. WORLDWIDE #Pedophilia & #ChildTrafficking: #UK #US #Govt #EU #Royals & #VIPaedo {Part 2}


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  1. Perhaps You Should Watch These? {Part 1}
  2. Perhaps You Should Watch These? {Part 2}
  3. Perhaps You Should Watch These? {Part 3}
  4. Perhaps You Should Watch These? {Part 4} Disney, Hollywood & Music
  5. Perhaps You Should Watch These? {Part 5} Holographic Disclosure
  6. Perhaps You Should Watch These? {Part 6}
  7. Perhaps you should watch these {Part 7} Simple Truth of #Psychiatry. P.Breggin MD
  8. Perhaps you should watch these? {Part 8} 
  9. Perhaps You Should Watch These? {Part 9} #VIPaedo. UK MP’s, Pop Stars, Royals etc
  10. Perhaps You Should Watch These? {Part 10} Esoteric Agenda  
  11. Perhaps you should watch these?? {part 11} #ChildrenOfGod Cult aka #TheFamily 
  12. Perhaps You Should Watch These? {part 12} SATANIC RITUAL ABUSE
  13. Perhaps you should watch these? {Part 13} The 9th Circle
  14. Perhaps you should watch these? {Part 14} Bill Cooper’s Mystery Babylon
  15. Perhaps you should watch these? (Part 15) THE TRUTH ABOUT SNUFF 18+
  16. Perhaps you should watch these? (part 16) Cliff Richard aka KITTY
  17. Perhaps you should watch these? (part 17)  Out of Darkness Into the Light
  18. Perhaps you should watch these? (part 18) THE BABY TRADE #ForcedAdoption #BabyFarming #ChildTrafficking
  19. Perhaps You Should Watch These (part 19) BEFORE YOU VACCINATE YOUR BABIES #Cancer #Virus #HPV #SIDS



LISTEN TO THE CHILDREN! #WhistleblowerKids #pizzagate

Hampstead Elite Cult Whistleblower Children Interviews

{The children’s videos first, The fathers PRIME TIME BBC INTERVIEW at bottom of page}

01_31 A____ and James was in it (2-58min)

02_32 Naming children and Social Services (2-16min)

03_33 Supply of babies (2-50min)

04_34 Sweets, schools (2-19min)

05_231 Papa kills babies (2-47min)

06_235 Starbucks Pizza Express (1-47min)

07_236 SS and Cafcass (2-24min)

08_241 Please Tell the Truth (-35sec)

09_243 Appealing to A (-55sec)

10_299 Sex on Wednesdays (2-29min)

11_301 Distinguishing Marks (1-min)

12_302 Distinguishing Marks (6-31min)

13_303 Killing babies (3-19min)

14_304 Tattoos (2-18min)

15_305 Baby skin shoes (1-03min)

16_306 Stars on shoes (1-30min)

17_09 Sep – Cutting heads off (13-18min)

18_09 Sep – School, women, Sheffield (7-02)

19_09 sep – Coming to kill us (8-39min)

20_P – 05 Sept part 1 (28 min)

21_P – 05 Sept part 2 (25 min)

22_Q – 05 Sept part 1 (28 min)

23_Q – 05 Sept part 2 (18 min)

24_P – 11 Sept part 1 (24 min)

25_P – 11 Sept part 2 (24 min)

26_P – 11 Sept part 3 (10 min)

27_Q – 11 Sept part 1 (25 min)

28_Q – 11 Sept part 2 (25 min)

29_Q – 11 Sept part 3 (25 min)

30_Q – 11 Sept part 4 (25 min)

31_P – 17 Sept part 1 (29 min)

32_P – 17 Sept part 2 (6 min)

33_Q – 17 Sept (24 min)



Christ Church ~ Tavistock Institute  


Image result for hampstead

International Holistic Center Gathering. Survivor Speaks Out  {part 4}

Our recommended reading order is as follows:

Harbin Hot Springs -> Ecstatic Living -> The Haven -> International Holistic Centers Gathering -> Findhorn Foundation -> GEN/GAIA -> Ark.

International Holistic Centers Gathering (Every location from the directory needs to be expanded on)


Findhorn Foundation, founded in 1962 by Peter and Eileen Caddy and Dorothy Maclean, “is a spiritual community, ecovillage and an international centre for holistic learning, helping to unfold a new human consciousness and create a positive and sustainable future” (Findhorn.1,9). 


Findhorn’s latest large production is a movie titled “A New Story for Humanity” where they detail an vision of interconnected global community focused on “interbeing-ness… and understanding that we are all one.”

In this video, we have: : “We are the secret world government” [1:10:30 in original video]

Nancy Roof, founder of Kosmos Associates Inc/Kosmos Journal says “This is going to happen in all our groups, because for real change, not just the small changes, but major changes, systemic changes, which are what we need now, are going to go through, like all transformations go through, there’s going to be chaos, opposition, anger, you know, but we get through, and on the other side is this tremendous joy, of creativity, experimentaition. It is such an exciting period to be born into”. 

Ousmane Pame, the president of GEN (Africa), is seen describing how Findhorn’s “ceremonies” helps people who may be struggling “recover because they feel loved and taken care of by the community” (Findhorn.10,11). “subtle beings” 

Nancy Roof again:

“We need to pay attention to our “inner lives” and that we have so much guidance from an ‘in’ that most people do not know about and it’s so important.” 

David Spangler:

“As a person who has been communicating with the subtle worlds for nearly 70 years, I naturally see this collaboration with non-physical beings as an integral part of any planetary story. Demonstrating the reality of this was one of Findhorn’s original purposes.”

Dorothy Maclean:

“Maclean is known for her work with devas, the intelligences overseeing the natural world. A deva in the New Age movement refers to any of the spiritual forces or beings behind nature… In the Findhorn material, the term refers to archetypal spiritual intelligences behind species, in other words the group soul of a species. Her book To Hear the Angels Sing gives an overview of this work and also provides autobiographical materials. A full-length biography, Memoirs of an Ordinary Mystic was published in 2010.

Dorothy Maclean left Findhorn in 1973 and subsequently founded an educational organization in North America with David Spangler” (Findhorn.13,14).

Spangler and Maclean “founded the Lorian Association as a non-profit vehicle for the spiritual and educational work they wished to do together” (Findhorn.15). The Lorian Foundation’s mission “is to advance the experience of wholeness in the world and in ourselves through an incarnated spirituality” (Findhorn.16).



“At the age of six, he moved to Morocco in North Africa where his father was assigned as a counterintelligence agent for U.S. Army Intelligence.

Sometime after Spangler’s arrival, he was offered and accepted joint directorship of the community along with Peter Caddy. He remained in the Findhorn Community until 1973. He then returned to the United States with a number of other Americans and Europeans, including Dorothy Maclean, where they founded the Lorian Association as a non-profit vehicle for the spiritual and educational work they wished to do together.

Also in 1974 Spangler helped William Irwin Thompson, the author of At the Edge of History, Time Falling Bodies Take to Light, and various other books on contemporary culture, science and spirit, to found the Lindisfarne Association” (Findhorn.15)

Findhorn {


2. Referencing Kitezh Community –

3. WL File ties Findhorn to Teens and Toddlers and ARK –,,_16_Dec_2008

4. Ties ARK to Findhorn –

5. Psychosynthesis Activity:

6. Employee Gabriele Wosien develops Sacred Dance alongside her father:

7. Gabriele Wosien hires Svetlana Bakushina –

8. Svetlana art collection:

9. Vision –

10. “A New Story for Humanity”:



13. Deva:

14. Dorothy Maclean:

15. David Spangler:

16. Lorian Foundation:

They run courses at Findhorn Foundation allegedly founded by people who were at the founding meeting of the OSS in New York city, which later became the CIA.

One of the founders of the Findhorn Foundation, is, Dorothy Maclean

And I quote :

(b. 1920 in Guelph, Ontario, Canada ) is a writer and educator on spiritual subjects who was one of the original three adults at what is now the Findhorn Foundation in northeast Scotland.

She obtained a 3-year Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Western Ontario. From 1941 onwards she worked for the British Security Coordination in New York. After being posted to Panama, she met and married John Wood, though the couple would divorce in 1951. 

When the Caddy’s were appointed to manage a hotel in Scotland, Maclean joined them as the hotel’s secretary.

According to Urantia OSS Timeline :

1940s — Sheena Govan and Dorothy Maclean, who will in the following decades help Eileen Caddy start Findhorn (see, 1962), a New Age community in Scotland, are actually working for British Intelligence while Ostensibly employed as secretaries at the British Embassy in New York. 

The two are present there when the OSS (Office of Strategic services, the forerunner of the CIA) was formed in New York with the help of British Intelligence (see, 1942). — During the 1940s OSS will begin “the first systematic effort to evaluate an individual’s Personality in order to predict his future behavior”.(John Marks’ The Search for the Manchurian candidate: hereinafter, “SEARCH”, online HERE  a must read for those who know little of the MKULTRA programmes) HERE  and HERE . HERE.

1942 — British Intelligence, in New York, helps America set up its own intelligence agency, the Office of Strategic Services (OSS).

c. 1942-1944 — Future URANTIA Book translator, Jacques Weiss, fights with the French Resistance. Thus, he is presumably in contact with the OSS, which during these years was helping the “Free French” Sooner or later Weiss would reportedly claim he followed invisible purported celestials whom he called the “hierarchy” (also see, 1980 and 1962).

1947 — The CIA is created out of the OSS. It begins some preliminary work with drugs, starts a mind-control drug project at BethesdaNavalHospital in Maryland, and investigates


So we can see intelligence agency affiliation here.

From 1941 onwards she worked for the British Security Coordination in New York City. After being posted to Panama, she met and married John Wood, though the couple would divorce in 1951.

Dorothy Maclean left Findhorn in 1973 and subsequently founded an educational organization in North America with David Spangler.

In 1972, with funding from Sydney and Jean Lanier, and later from Laurance Rockefeller, Thompson founded the Lindisfarne Association


Ark Survivor Speaks Out  {part 7}

Our recommended reading order is as follows:

Harbin Hot Springs -> Ecstatic Living -> The Haven -> International Holistic Centers Gathering -> Findhorn Foundation -> GEN/GAIA -> Ark.



Findhorn’s Ties to UN Via Ark and Lucis Trust:

Stacey Millichamp served on the Leadership Team at the Findhorn Foundation where she “collaborated on the design and delivery of coaching programmes for the personal and professional development of the 170 core staff members” (Findhorn.12). Currently, Stacey is one of the senior staff for Teens and Toddlers, “a programme originally conceived by Laura Huxley, widow of the writer Aldous Huxley, in the late 1970s in California, USA” with the hopes that ” ‘if [young people]  were to live in a loving state of consciousness, the benefit would be universal.’ … Whilst the original Teens and Toddlers programme was the brainchild of Laura Huxley, it was her friend and mentee, Lady Diana Whitmore, who brought the programme to the UK and has been the driving force behind the its growth ever since. Diana”, who is currently a member of the trustee board of the Findhorn Foundation, “founded the Psychosynthesis Trust over 25 years ago and has served as President ever since.” (TAT.1,2). 

What is psychosynthesis? It was founded by a man named Roberto Assagioli. “Psychosynthesis departed from the empirical foundations of psychology in that it studied a person as a personality and a soul but Assagioli continued to insist that it was scientific. He developed therapeutic methods beyond those found in psychoanalysis. Although the unconscious is an important part of his theory, Assagioli was careful to maintain a balance with rational, conscious therapeutical work” (Ark.4,5). Roberto Assagioli was a “disciple” of Alice Bailey, the founder of the Lucis Trust. “The activities of the Lucis Trust promote the education of the human mind towards recognition and practice of the spiritual principles and values upon which a stable and interdependent world society may be based” (Lucis.1). “The Lucis Trust has Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations (ECOSOC)  and  World Goodwill is recognized by the Department of Public Information at the United Nations as a Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO). As such the Trust and World Goodwill are part of a community of many hundreds of NGOs that play an active role in the United Nations, particularly in spreading information about the UN and fostering support for UN programs. Since their inception Lucis Trust and World Goodwill have given their support through meditation, educational materials and seminars, by highlighting the importance of the UN’s goals and activities as they represent the voice of the peoples and nations of the world” (Lucis.2). World Goodwill says this on their about us page: “Goodwill is one of the most basic spiritual qualities of the human being and the great untapped resource at the heart of every human community. This energy is potentially a powerful force for social change – yet its power remains largely unrecognized and underutilized. World Goodwill fosters understanding of this energy and the role it is playing in the development of a new humanity” (Lucis.3).

Ark, “an education charity that exists to make sure that all children, regardless of their background, have access to a great education and real choices in life” is the primary funder of both Teens and Toddlers and the Lucis Trust. Ark was co-founded by a group of hedge fund financiers including Paul Marshall and Ian Wace of Marshall Wace and *Arpad Busson* of EIM Group, who is founding chairman of its board of trustees (Ark.6). According to the WSJ, Arpad Busson, a major Clinton donor, and the EIM group have been investigated for laundering Terrorist Money, including Osama Bin Laden (Ark.7).

This 4chan post seemed to independently find a connection from Arpad Busson to Teens and Toddlers and Ark. Tavistock publishes info by Diana Whitmore, connecting Soros to Ark:

Ark {

1. WL File ties Findhorn to Teens and Toddlers and ARK –,,_16_Dec_2008



4. Roberto Assagioli founded psychosynthesis:

5. Psychosynthesis:

6. Ark Wikipedia:

7. Founders from EIM group Laundering Terrorist money:


Lucis Trust [Lucis] {

1. About Us –

2. Support of the UN –

3. World Goodwill –

great invocation..




Wiki on Psychosynthesis




Indy Media page on Ark

ARK online

Analysis on why ARK = Evil

Ark main page

Founder of Ark, Busson; 


Sources/links on ARK charity

Moses= ARK donors.



GEN/GAIA  Survivor Speaks Out  {part 6}

Our recommended reading order is as follows:

Harbin Hot Springs -> Ecstatic Living -> The Haven -> International Holistic Centers Gathering -> Findhorn Foundation -> GEN/GAIA -> Ark.


Looking back at Kitezh and it’s history we cited earlier. In (Haven.12) the Kitezh history given lists Kitezh’s website url as a source. That url is currently dead, but looking at the Wayback Machine for this url, it has activity leading all the way up to 2008 when it was deleted (Haven.13). According to the page that you get redirected to,, GAIA’s mission “is to promote a new, global consciousness which sees our entire planet as a living organism with Humankind as an integral part of the entity” (Haven.14). What you discover (via a link on GAIA’s site) is that Kitezh is one of many communites that is part of the “Global Ecovillage Network” (GEN), as seen in Findhorn’s video, which is “an internal network of ecovillages, administratively divided into three autonomous regions:

1) ENA: The Ecovillage Network of the Americas. ENA is further divided into 9 regions covering the Western Hemisphere from Canada to South America.

2) GEN-Europe, which is organized nationally with about 20 national networks active at this time.

3) GENOA, or GEN Oceania/Asia, which has national networks in Australia, New Zealand, Philippines and Sri Lanka and evolving networks in Japan, India and other countries of the region.

GEN’s primary purpose is information exchange among the thousands of projects across the world that are building and living in small intentional and traditional communities in harmony with nature, as well as information dissemination to the larger world. GEN does this with seminars, newsletters, educational programs at many ecovillages, and an active website with easily accessible contact addresses of members, resource lists, and links to related activities. GEN has consulting status with the United Nations agency ECOSOC” (Haven.15).

On GEN’s website, they list both the Gaia Trust and Gaia Education as two of their four main “partners” (Ecolise and Sircle Project being the other two). On Gaia Trust’s page on GEN’s website they give this description: “Gaia Trust, Denmark is a charitable entity supporting sustainabilty projects around the world. It was founded in 1987 on the initiative of Ross and Hildur Jackson, with the intention of supporting the transition to a sustainable and more spiritual future society through grants and proactive initiatives.

Two NGOs especially have been supported for many years and continue to be supported, namely the Global Ecovillage Network and Gaia Education. Many other smaller projects in the areas of local sustainability initiatives, permaculture, etc. occasionally receive supporting grants” (Haven.17). Gaia Education, of which Ross Jackson is also on the board, has this description on their own website:

“Gaia Education is a leading-edge provider of sustainability education that promotes thriving communities within planetary boundaries… This initiative was launched at Findhorn in October 2005 by a group of Ecovillage educators calling themselves the GEESE (Global Ecovillage Educators for Sustainable Earth.) The key program is a UNITAR-endorsed 4 week holistic introduction to designing sustainable settlements” (Haven.16). 


Relevant links (from [Haven]) {

12. Kitezh –

Since 1993 Kitezh has functioned as a non-government, non-profit home and school for orphaned Russian children in a community of foster families who live together on a large piece of land in a rural area 300km south of Moscow in Kaluga region near Baryatino.

KITEZH is a revolutionary eco-village community, providing a unique form of family-based care for homeless and orphaned children in Russia. Here they find a positive experience of family life which enables them to recover from the trauma of earlier years to become open, loving, valuable and contributing members of society. With the right kind of support, Kitezh is becoming a real and inspiring alternative model to the present state-run child-care institutions.

13. Gaia listed as a source in article above:

Wayback Machine history:

14. redirected to:

15. GEN –

16. Gaia Education:

17. Gaia Trust –






The Haven Survivor Speaks Out  {part 3}

 Our recommended reading order is as follows:

Harbin Hot Springs -> Ecstatic Living -> The Haven -> International Holistic Centers Gathering -> Findhorn Foundation -> GEN/GAIA -> Ark.

****The Haven****

Another location where Ecstatic Living teaches is called The Haven. According to their website, “The Haven is a centre for transformative learning, located on beautiful Gabriola Island… Founded in 1983, by psychiatrist Bennet Wong, and Jock McKeen, a western physician trained in Chinese medicine, The Haven continues to educate participants from all over the world through transformative programs based upon the central ideas, themes and models originally developed by Ben and Jock, embodied and taught by our renowned faculty…

In 2004, ownership of The Haven was transferred to a charitable organization, Haven Foundation. The Foundation’s principle focus is the raising and allocation of funds in order to enhance the quality of our programs and facilities and to provide financial assistance to participants who might otherwise be unable to attend. Our educational programs and daily operation of The Haven is the responsibility of our management team, led by Rachel Davey, Executive Director” (Haven.1,2). Haven’s programs “address life issues including axiety, anger, depression, sexuality, and addictions” (Haven.3).

Their website offers programs that promise to help individuals fulfill themselves. Of their many programs, one “extremely popular program” offers, for $875.00, to help children “learn about themselves and each other while working together on a creative musical production” or, more precisely, “Denise Goldbeck, with a team of youth interns, leads a multi-age group of children through a creative process that culminates in a special show. Participants of the program leave with: a better sense of self by seeing where they fit into the developmental spectrum; a mind well exercised after having explored their creativity and learning to cooperate; and strong connections to other participants and leaders of the program” (Haven.4). Kids in the Spotlight (formerly called Dances and Games) began due to “a love of children”; Children stay at The Haven with a parent or guardian who has scheduled time outside of programs to be with their children.

Personal anecdote after watching :

In a video posted to Youtube which, at the time of this writing currently has 108 views as well as the comments disabled, titled “KITS 25th Anniversary”, we see a montage of program pictures throughout the years interspersed with interviews of former KITS attendees. You don’t really get much more info about the program, aside from the play, as all of the dialogue is poorly edited to catch only pieces of the interviewees’ responses. Two girls, beginning at [1:42] in the video, are seen trying to hold back snickers as they describe their experiences at the camp. One of the girl attended 4 or 5 programs in total, and describes how she got to “make a wagon” as her friend cracks a smile and mutters “with a bridge on top” as both girls laugh and the first calls it “the highlight of her young life” while smiling. The second girl is talking again at [3:17] describing the lessons she learned from the program. She says looking back she learned a lot but doesn’t remember there being specific lessons. She says, “When I was a participant it wasn’t like ‘Oh I’m learning my boundaries right now'” as both girls break out in laughter. She continues “it wasn’t like that… like I don’t remember ‘learning’ anything but, um, boundaries definitely stuck most” as both girls giggle again. Immediately following is a group of children, seemingly not ammused, dancing in unison. The video continues with more experiences and testimony followed by, at [5:37], another woman who says “One of the really neat things about it was a, uh, activity that I did with, uh, my brothers” and the video quickly cuts to the same woman speaking later saying “and it’s just fun to have those memories and to see them, with their little rolls” with another cut to “so that’s really special to have that kind of activity that we did as a family. It’s rare – that’s rare” and her smile immediately retreats as she looks up past the camera. Later on, a montage of children smiling and making goofy faces includes an image of a child wearing a hat with a swastika on it (Haven.8 –

So what exactly is Kitezh? “Since 1993 Kitezh has functioned as a non-government, non-profit home and school for orphaned Russian children in a community of foster families who live together on a large piece of land in a rural area 300km south of Moscow in Kaluga region near Baryatino… There are 20 permanent resident adults, who care for 30 children as foster parents and teachers. Their goal is to provide for 50 families with 200 children with the long-term intention to create 50 Kitezh villages elsewhere in Russia” (Haven.12). Liza Hollingshead, founder of Ecologia Youth Trust, first met Morosov in 1992, just a year after he founded Kitezh. In 2012 on, Hollingshead writes “Over the past 20 years, through the vehicle of Ecologia Youth Trust, I became more and more involved in supporting this extraordinary experiment. In 1996 we took a group of our Youth Project teenagers to Kitezh where they camped in a field and learned to eat buckwheat and dill! The following year Dmitry brought a small group of children, all orphans, to Findhorn and they visited other parts of Scotland as well” (CG.3). 

The Haven [Haven] {

Located in Gabriola Island

1. Website –

2. History –

3. Canada Helps page:

4. Kids in the Spotlight :


Local Copy Downloaded.

6. Programs:

7. 10th Anniversary Booklet:

8. Nazi Kid:

9. Sryian Refugees:

10. Kitezh orphanage/children’s community –

11. Kitezh –

12. Kitezh –

Since 1993 Kitezh has functioned as a non-government, non-profit home and school for orphaned Russian children in a community of foster families who live together on a large piece of land in a rural area 300km south of Moscow in Kaluga region near Baryatino.

KITEZH is a revolutionary eco-village community, providing a unique form of family-based care for homeless and orphaned children in Russia. Here they find a positive experience of family life which enables them to recover from the trauma of earlier years to become open, loving, valuable and contributing members of society. With the right kind of support, Kitezh is becoming a real and inspiring alternative model to the present state-run child-care institutions.

13. Gaia listed as a source in article above:

Wayback Machine history:

14. redirected to:

15. GEN –

16. Gaia Education:

17. Gaia Trust –

Kitezh Children’s Community –

Ross Jackson: – Imagining an “Ideal world”

Ross Jackson connected to Maria Gomori:

Maria Gomori worked at Haven:

9217 – “Existentialist” is what these people call themselves according to Kay Griggs  (interview on youtube) – so where we might use the term Illuminati or w/e they would use the term Existentialist.

Maria follows on from this Satir woman – how?

Satir worked at haven and described herself as a magician –

Maria’s website – lists as a resource

Maria’s life is a testimony to the principles addressed by *existential philosophies**: freedom, authenticity, responsibility, and moral agency. With balance and courage, she also accepts the inevitable challenges of angst, loneliness, and paralysing uncertainties. Her mind is alive with ideas, concepts, and novel perspectives on human beings.

Kitezh Community {

Findhorn involvement in Kitezh Community –

Orovoz connected to Findhorn?

Orozov says: “However unusual conditions in Russia, and especially in Kitezh, may be, we have been able to develop methods and procedures for working with difficult children that can help not only professionals working in children’s institutions or foster parents, but also parents of ‘normal’, non-dysfunctional families. This book deals with how a child’s consciousness is formed and how we, as parents, can love our children in the right way: by preparing them for life in the real world.”

‘Kitezh, A Community Approach to Raising Children in Russia’ can be purchased through Ecologia (, t. 690995) or at the Phoenix Shop.


ECSTATIC LIVING Survivor Speaks Out   {part 2}

Our recommended reading order is as follows:

Harbin Hot Springs -> Ecstatic Living -> The Haven -> International Holistic Centers Gathering -> Findhorn Foundation -> GEN/GAIA -> Ark.

Ecstatic Living (Needs expansion on all 6 locations mentioned): 


According to their own website, Ecstatic Living offers “Love & Ecstasy Training” that “will change forever your experience of sexual loving, and give you the opportunity to explore how your sexual energy can heal your body, open your heart and expand your spirit to states of unity and bliss” (EL.1). According to his own blog posts, Logan Rose, the Director of Ecstatic Living, is an advocate for early childhood sexual education, such as the system in place in the Netherlands, arguing “they grow up associating their sexuality to love and play” (EL.3). He attributes “much of [his] own sexual development and fun during [his] teens and early adulthood to [his] mother’s liberated views on sex” (EL.4). Ecstatic Living offers Tropical Retreats to places like Costa Rica (EL.6). The blog post from (EL.3) about childhood sexual education is replicated on another website domain “” where, underneath his own blog post, he writes an extra disclaimer not seen on his blog: 


On a different note, we’re looking for men, women and couples who have participated in our past workshops and would now like to assist at some of our upcoming workshops. If you’re interested in assisting (in any workshop that you’ve previously taken), call our office at or email us. For our calendar, click here.” (EL.5)

Where are these workshops held? At the bottom of their own website (EL.7) is a graphic that says:

“Since 1999, places we’ve taught at include…” and proceeds to provide links to:

Mount Madonna Center – LINK

Breightenbush Hot Springs – LINK

Harbin Hot Springs –  LINK

Esalen – LINK

Omega – LINK

the haven – LINK

The “constantcontact” domain lists multiple events at Harbin Hot Springs, seemingly in 2015 (EL.5).

We currently have some documentation on all but 2 of these. Omega has ties to Clinton, Esalen has ties to military/Findhorn, and little is known about Mount Madonna/Breightenbush.

Ecstatic Living [EL] {


2. – from website


4. What is Ecstatic Living –

5. Harbin – Schedule

6. Retreats –

