Named Persons to receive only ONE DAY training?! #no2np

If you still support or are undecided over Named Person, then PLEASE watch this very short video.

Having watched it, I challenge ANYONE, to honestly be able to say that they still think NP is a good idea… 




Revealed: The YOONS ~ Twitter trolls who shame Scotland


UNIONIST politicians have been told to stop cosying up to social media “trolls” who carry out foul-mouthed abuse and intimidation of independence supporters online.

Politicians who promote accounts which have engaged in racist and misogynistic abuse have been accused of “hypocrisy” by the Scottish Green’s external affairs spokesman Ross Greer MSP. SNP MSP Christina McKelvie, Convener of the Scottish Parliament’s Equalities and Human Rights Committee, added that threats must stop.

McKelvie, who has been attacked by unionist trolls as a “f*****g bam and a “c**t”, said: “I had to get the police involved just before the 2016 election as the abuse and threats where becoming a tsunami with hundreds of posts…a day. Many of these people, including some elected members, are blocked by me…on police advice.”

Ross Greer, who has called out trolls among Yes supporters, said: “Many unionist politicians like to demand the Yes movement cleans up its act, but they don’t see the hypocrisy of making this call while interacting with, following and promoting some of the nastiest trolls on their own side. They act like the abuse is all one way but everyone knows that’s not the case. Any party whose representatives give these trolls legitimacy through their interactions have no place calling out others until they get their own house in order.”

Last month MEP Alyn Smith proposed a new online code of conduct for the SNP as a first step to cleaning up Scotland’s social media wars. There seems to be no moves to tackle problems on the unionist side of the debate, howver.

A Tweet sent last week by former director of the pro-union Better Together campaign, Blair McDougall, said: “Mainstream SNPers who mocked us when we complained about abuse and now find themselves on receiving end of monster they created: no sympathy.”

The Sunday Herald has collated examples of some of the most vile trolling which pollutes Scottish cyberspace. Much of the vitriol is misogynistic. Pro-union Twitter user has described SNP MP Mhairi Black as a “nasty little f**k”;

SNP minister Roseanna Cunningham as a “bitter shovelled old c**t”;

Scottish independence supporter and actress Elaine C Smith as a “thirsty c**t”.

The identity of the person (or people) behind the account is unknown, but high-profile, pro-union Twitter users, including author JK Rowling and Labour Hame editor Duncan Hothersall, regularly engage with the account.

MP Mhairi Black was also a target of the ‘historywoman’ account run by Jill Stephenson, an historian. She said in 2015 Black was a “foul-mouthed slut”.

Twitter user @500_mrg recently posted an image of former SNP MP Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh speaking to a group of children and said she was a “slut” who was “dressed like a common street whore”.

Edinburgh-based tweeter – who is followed by Tory MSPs Miles Briggs and Dean Lockhart – surmised that SNP supporters must be “rapists” because “they just don’t seem to understand that no means no”.

Graeme Orr, who tweets as , said SNP supporters are “worse than rapists”.

SNP Councillor Julie McKenzie, who has been a target of unionist trolls, said: “It’s about time tangible measures were put in place to tackle it head on. Instead of sweeping this form of harassment and it’s associated behaviours under the carpet we all have a duty to call it out for what it is. A good starting point may be an open register of convicted online abusers.”

An account named – which has now been removed – tweeted to SNP minister Humza Yousaf “people like you are just as much a threat to the UK as those killers in France”.

Another Twitter user who went by the name of before his account was suspended suggested terror group Isis “missed a turn” and should have targeted #marchforindy, a pro-independence demonstration.

He also described Nicola Sturgeon as “A F*****G prostitute”.

Former Tory councillor Gordon McCaskill was later suspended from the party after tweeting he would like to see members of Islamic State infiltrate Sturgeon’s home.

The account ’s tweeted in June 2016: “I’d love to kick that c**t right in the face”. By putting an @ symbol before Sturgeon’s name he ensured the First Minister’s account received the threatening message.

Steven Burgess’s account , followed by Tory councillor for Forfar Braden Davy, posted a tweet in October last year which said: “The only way to protect Scotland is for these nationalists to be anaesthetised.”

There are dozens of tweets likening the SNP to Nazis, its leaders to Adolf Hitler and the party logo to a Swastika from accounts including , and .

The account lifted a video of a little girl giving a pro-independence message and posted it publiclyurging the NSPCC to investigate whether the child had suffered “abuse”.

In 2016 accused “SNPers” of constantly “touching kids”. She is followed by Tory MSPs Jamie Greene and Liam Kerr, Labour peer Lord Foulkes, and Scottish Ukip leader David Coburn MEP.

The SNP said: “Political arguments should be made with courtesy and respect at all times.” A Scottish Tory spokesman said: “There is absolutely no excuse for abusive and threatening language online and all political parties have a duty to make it clear this behaviour is totally unacceptable. We have taken swift and decisive action in response to incidents involving party activists or members and would expect all other parties to do the same.”

A spokesman for Scottish Labour said: “Any form of abuse is unacceptable.” The Scottish Liberal Democrats did not respond to a request for comment








Hollie Greig, Head Teachers & Child Sex Abuse #no2np

Considering the HUGE number of Scottish teachers arrested & or convicted of child sexual abuse crimes,



A couple of examples of English paedo head teachers






DOT JOINING: Scottish VIP Paedophile ring







ESTHER RANTZEN: She has links to LOTS of paedo. But it’s ok, she’s here to HELP Scottish kids.

Abuse campaigner: I told Esther Rantzen about paedo Jimmy Savile 18 years ago

Moira Anderson, Gallogley, Gartshore, Willie McRae & The Untouchables



HANDS UP ALL THOSE WHO ARE DEAD! Ian Brady, Myra Hindley, The Glasgow Godfather, Savile, The Krays, Robert Black & More

ROBERT BLACK: What happened to innocent until PROVEN guilty?

Could Robert Black Be Innocent Of Murder?



Paul Ferris & The Krays

Ferris, Massey Guns & MI5


THE KING RAT: The Godfather, The Krays, Massey, Domenyk & Paedophiles

Glasgow’s gangsters: Arthur Thompson – the Godfather

Circles & Rings: Major, Minor & Magic


Fred & Rose West: Documentaries, News Reports & Interviews

Satanic Cover Up: Fred & Rose West – Occult connection?

What was the REAL meaning of Fred & Rose West’s postcard to their paedo pals?


30 “Historic” Newspaper Articles on Thomas Hamilton & Dunblane

McRae, Gallogley, Paton, Ibrox, Celtic’s Jock Stein & Kevin Kelly, The Catholic Church & Savile all over the damn place!




Named Person #no2np


Child Sex Abuse Evidence Lost By ‘Equipment Breakdowns’

16th Jan 2017




Plea from headteacher to 3,000 former pupils: Did you suffer child abuse at Gordonstoun?

A prestigious school rocked by child abuse allegations has contacted more than 3,000 former pupils in an effort to uncover historic offences.

Allegations of Gordonstoun pupils being abused first became public two years ago. A number of ex-pupils at its junior school, Aberlour House, claimed they were preyed on by teachers during the 1980s and early 1990s. 

Since then, staff have been helping police with their investigation.

And now it has emerged the school has been in touch with thousands of former pupils to ask them to report any abuse they may have suffered while studying there.

Principal Lisa Kerr said it was important to “learn the lessons of the past” in order to ensure the abuse never happened again.

She said: “We have been incredibly proactive in contacting our alumni and saying ‘if you had a bad experience please come forward’.

“If things happened which were criminal, we want them reported to the police, and investigating officers have been very supportive.”

Gordonstoun – where several members of the Royal family have studied – is one of several independent schools in Scotland named by judge Lady Smith, who is conducting a national inquiry into historical abuse.

Writing in the most recent alumni magazine, the school’s chairwoman, Eve Poole, expressed her support for the Scottish abuse inquiry and included its contact details.

Historic sex abuse allegations were first made against the school on a private Facebook page set up by former students, and became public in 2015.

One student claimed she was raped as a 12-year-old on a school camping trip, while another claimed he was assaulted in his dormitory at Aberlour House in 1990 after getting injured in a rugby game.

Now school bosses say there are measures in place to ensure any evidence of bullying or abuse will be immediately detected.


But Ms Kerr said that its leaders needed to know about events of the past to ensure they were not repeated.

She added: “There is not an organisation in the country that could not put its hand on its heart and say things had happened in the past which they wish did not.

“That’s a matter for sadness and regret in society as a whole.

“What we are doing here is giving as much attention and care to people who did not have a happy time in the past as pupils in our care do today.

“For us, it’s not about trying to brush anything under the carpet, it is quite the opposite.

“We cannot give the kind of care we have here today if we try to pretend that the past did not happen, we have to be open about it.

“I am determined to do that, and I hope it will give people the confidence to come forward.”

Ms Kerr, who was appointed last year as Gordonstoun’s first female principal, said she is proud of the support and care given to students at the school today.

A computer system allows information to be shared about any pupil who may be showing signs of distress or “unusual behaviour”.

Each pupil is assigned a staff supervisor, a group leader, a child protection officer and student counsellor – a system that has been approved by the Care Inspectorate.

The school, founded in 1934, taught Prince Charles and brothers Andrew and Edward, along with other members of the royal family.

Former pupils also include Lossiemouth’s Olympic gold medal-winning rower Heather Stanning.

PRESS & JOURNAL 26th June 2017

‘Systemic failures’ let priests abuse boys at Fife school


The Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry heard safeguarding measures put in place by the Christian Brothers at St Ninian’s school in Fife fell “well short” of what would be expected today. 

Last year two former teachers were jailed for a total of 15 years after being convicted of the physical and sexual abuse of boys in their care.

Appearing before the inquiry in Edinburgh on behalf of the Christian Brothers, Michael Madigan said the congregation acknowledged with “deepest regret” that children had been abused. 

Mr Madigan said priests had been allowed unaccompanied access to boys despite a warning in the “Chastity” section of a 1946 report which discouraged Brothers from spending time alone with children. 

He said dormitories at the school were often supervised during the night by just one Brother and said the disappearance of log books for the period 1976-83 – when much of the abuse took place – was “mystifying”. 

One priest, now dead, had been removed from the school and later relieved of his vows in the 1960s because he “could not be trusted with children”. 

The inquiry, before Lady Smith, heard that 858 boys passed through the school between 1958 and its closure in 1983.

A total of 35 former pupils came forward with allegations against five members of staff ahead of last year’s trial, but only two men were convicted. 

Former headmaster John Farrell was jailed for five years and Paul Kelly for 10 years for abusing boys aged between 11 and 15 between 1979 and 1983

Mr Madigan said the congregation acknowledged there had been “systemic failures” and had not done enough to protect children. 

He added: “By today’s standards, certainly, we would have fallen well short of what was deemed desirable.” 

Mr Madigan, who was asked by the Christian Brothers to compile a report for the inquiry, said log books detailing physical punishments at St Ninian’s were held in the congregation’s archives in Dublin. 

But he said the records were “scant” for the period 1973-76 and non-existent for the period 1976-83. The inquiry heard a constitution published by the Christian Brothers in 1946 had discouraged priests from spending time alone with children in their care. 

Asked why that was the case, Mr Madigan said: “The risk of temptation to molest the pupils. Unfortunately, a lot of experience would have borne that out.” 

The inquiry continues.



Scottish Paedophilia: Institutions, Care Homes, Schools & PaedoRings






Child abuse cover up – call youself women? The Death of Democracy in Scotland



Child abuse cover up – call youself women?

June 14, 2017

 UK Privy Council Members collude to cover up state child abuse in Scotland

When the Scottish Government stated it would set up an inquiry into state child abuse in December 2014  – Nicola Sturgeon then dragged it out – first taking 6 months to appoint a chair of the independent panel – whom 2 religious orders objected to – delaying it further until October 2015.

The independent panel of three people were finally appointed to lead the inquiry,  Professor Michael Lamb, Susan O’Brien QC and Glenn Houston.

Despite Scottish Goverment claims this would be one of the most wide reaching inquiries Scotland has ever seen, by 25th November 2015, survivors accused Hollyrood of now being complicit in the cover up after the inquiry remit was restricted to mainly abuse in residential care – blocking many survivors from giving their testimony in one fell swoop.

The Charity supporting the survivors stating

““This decision resulted in many victims, who had suffered grievous abuse, being excluded from the inquiry. We are of the view that this decision has enabled institutions and organisations, who have covered up criminal activity, to escape public scrutiny, and possible prosecution. The failure to extend the remit of the inquiry has effectively resulted in the Government becoming complicit in a cover-up of abuse.”

And as well as blocking many survivors from giving evidence, survivors soon realised why as it was revealed the Charity spokesperson

“also hit out over what he claimed was the Government’s failure to properly address the issue of compensation payments.

“At meetings with officials about redress, it became clear that they had instructions to shut down any discussions about compensation or interim payments for sick and elderly survivors.

This has caused considerable distress amongst survivors as they feel that they had been failed yet again by the establishment”

Seven months later, in June 2016 we learned

“Professor Michael Lamb resigned from the panel, stating that the inquiry was “doomed” due to government interference.”

“Mr Lamb, who headed a research unit at the US National Institute of Child Health and Human Development in Washington DC for 17 years, said “repeated threats” to the inquiry’s independence had undermined its work and left it “doomed before the first witness has been heard”.

He said the government had delayed or prevented the appointment of members of staff and said the inquiry had to wait for prolonged periods before making key decisions.”

Then just a week later, on the 5th July 2016 we discovered the Chair of the Inquiry, Susan O’Brien had been “asked to go” with a report revealing

“The Scottish Government says she was asked to go after she made “inappropriate comments” during a training session in February. But in her resignation letter, O’Brien insists threats to oust her were being made as early as January.

There are reports that friction was caused by O’Brien’s desire to use junior counsel as opposed to in-house officials to take testimony. Education secretary John Swinney says junior counsel would have cost £100 an hour.”

Susan O’Brian is now suing the Scottish Government for £500,000 as a result with a report revealing fellow panel members opposed this move by the Scottish Government Ministers to effectively sack the independent chair of the inquiry with the report going on to say

“First Minster Nicola Sturgeon told the Scottish Parliament:

“We don’t accept Professor Lamb’s comments about the independence of the Inquiry.”

The legal papers state:

“She (Ms O’Brien) considered that she had a duty to inform the public that the Inquiry’s independence was being actively undermined by the defenders (Scottish government).”

“Ms O’Brien also argues ministers lacked any legal right to remove her and seeks damages for loss of earnings and damage to her reputation.”

So who made the accusations against Ms O’Brien QC, 11 weeks after she is meant to have overhead O’Brien making so called inappropriate comments – an SNP candidate making money from the inquiry.

“At the centre of the controversy is child abuse expert Claire Fyvie, from the Rivers Centre for Traumatic Stress, which was funded to provide three months of support to those taking evidence. It was Fyvie who overheard O’Brien’s comments and reported them to ministers. Fyvie had been an SNP candidate in the North Lanarkshire council elections.

The third panel member, Glenn Houston, chief executive of the Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority of Northern Ireland, who has not resigned, wrote a letter in support of O’Brien.”

The inquiry then “commissioned” Professor Lorraine Radford of the University of Central Lancashire, to undertake a review of evidence of the prevalence of child abuse in Scotland  –.

The UK Privy Council controls universities too – and NSPCC is the charity accused of exaggeration and fabrication of facts and research as its peculiar brand of anti-parent propaganda to promote itself – using Tory party favourite PR company Saatchi and Saatchi to run expensive NSPCC promotion campaigns. 

With the 2004 story headlined

“A danger to the nation’s children The NSPCC’s new ‘Someone To Turn To’ campaign will poison family relations, says the author of Paranoid Parenting”.

Weeks after the chair of the inquiry was pushed out by the Scottish Government Nicola took the opportunity to appoint a “judge”, Lady Anne Smith  to “head the inquiry” as the new Chairwoman.

While John Swinney claimed

“It is in the nature of Lady Smith’s background as an experienced judge that the inquiry will be taken forward without fear or favour to identify how individuals and institutions failed many of Scotland’s most vulnerable children.”

Now we are told judges are independent of government, politicians and political parties.

What Nicola, Lady Smith and John Swinney did NOT say is that Lady Smith is in the UK Privy Council for life with Nicola Sturgeon – where they both swear an oath of secrecy to become members – to keep all state secrets together for life.

Does this include blocking state secrets about state child abuse?

Lady Smith soon showed her intentions as to survivors horror in January 2017 they found out under Lady Smith’s chairmanship the inquiry had now decided

“that if any perpetrator of abuse were mentioned in evidence, he or she would be informed.”

Not only would those who stand accused of abuse be told – Lady Smith decided all the alleged abusers would be given a list of names of every survivor who pointed the finger at them for what they had done.

The BBC adding

“The charity said this could deter many survivors from coming forward – so it was vital that they had access to legal advice to support them in giving evidence.”

On 20th February 2017 BBC revealed the inquiry had moved to block 1,058 survivors getting the legal assistance, financial support required to give evidence and to deny them the ability to cross-examine witnesses.

Lady Smith achieved this by refusing to give the Charity, Wellbeing Scotland, offiicial status despite the charity supporting 1,058 survivors and is

“the largest organisation in Scotland specialising in historical child abuse cases so it was imperative that it could give evidence to the inquiry”

with the BBS stating the inquiry (Lady Smith) felt

“the organisation did not meet the criteria to play a significant role.”

This after the Scottish Government, in August 2016, refusing to provide the charities supporting the victims with £13.5 million in funding required and meant to provide further support to survivors over 5 years.

Instead the Scottish Government set up their own survivor support service to get the money instead and then

“asked for information about their cases to be transferred to a new support service for abuse survivors.

The clients of Open Secret” (now Wellbeing Scotland) “and the In Care Survivor Service say the move risk breaching their confidentiality, despite the fact that the government says data will by anonymous.”

This move a blatant attempt for the Scottish Government to get their hands on all the victims files and their personal details. 

Would Lady Smith provide those details to those who standaccused too – before the victims have a chance to give evidence to the inquiry?

This move forced Wellbeing Scotland, to block the Scottish Government “request to work with the new initiative” (as planned?) as the Scottish government claimed their new

“In Care Survivor Support Fund Service” funded with £13.5m over 5 years

“aims to direct people to the help they need, and could send them back to Open Secret, which would be paid for each case they take on.”

“But the charity’s chief executive Janine Rennie said she would rather shut than risk the privacy of clients.”The Scottish Government has asked for details of vulnerable survivors to help them “transition” to a new service. We have said under no circumstances will we be passing on any confidential information, even if that means our service comes to an end,” she said.”

The day before a report revealed

“Civil servants have told the charity running In Care Survivors Service Scotland that funding could be at risk if it refuses to hand over details of its work.

Some abuse survivors say there could be suicides if the counselling service, which has been run by Falkirk-based charity Open Secret since 2008, is stopped.

It has worked with more than 1000 people who suffered sexual or physical abuse, or both, while in care, and offers one-to-one counselling, group work, befriending and advocacy.

The Scottish Government provides £200,000 of funding per year.”

Not long after the Scottish Government removed the funding to bankrupt the charity so survivors of state child abuse would be left with no support.

Then on 21st Feb 2017, the day after we learned the Charity supporting the victims was being blocked by Lady Smith – the last remaining independent panel member announced he had been given two public sector jobs and he resigned to go collect the money from two public sector jobs, where he said

” a “change in priorities” in his working life meant he had applied for positions at the Northern Health and Social Care Trust and the Disclosure and Barring Service.”

“I have now been successful in those applications and the appointments have been made”

With the BBC revealing

“A successor to Mr Houston will not be appointed to the inquiry so Lady Smith will continue as the sole panel member.

The Scottish government said this brought it in line with other public inquiries established in Scotland under the 2005 Inquiries Act.

All this has ensured this leaves Nicola Sturgeon’s fellow UK privy councillor for life in sole charge of the four year Inquiry.

When the state defendant interferes with due process to remove independent panel members to replace them with a hand picked Judge with a conflict of interest with Nicola Sturgeon – both sworn to keep state secrets together – this is not an independent inquiry but a blatant cover up as survivors tried to warn – and a blatant abuse of position and power by Sturgeon, Swinney and Smith.

But the story does not end there as abuse survivors are being told the state and the residential institutions have lost their files or there is no record of them being in care at all.

Well I say – time for the survivors to pick women they know and can trust and the Scottish Nation demands survivors and a team of volunteer women are given complete access to all files and archives of the state, councils, social work and these residential institutions – and I bet we will find those so called missing files.

And as for Sturgeon abusing her power to order civil servants to remove the funding from the charity supporting 1,058 survivors – in a blatant attempt to get her hands on all the victims files – that alone should be cause for a police inquiry – tampering with an inquiry and a jail term.

What sort of women are Sturgeon and Smith – the sort of women the Royal family want in their UK Privy Council for life – just as they wanted Thatcher and May.   


For some reason I couldn’t archive it or turn it into a PDF. So, instead I did so using the 

Please Show Your Support To All Victims Of Child Sexual Abuse By Sharing This Widely.



Please Show Your Support To All Victims Of Child Sexual Abuse By Sharing This Widely

Child Protection Officers *FAILED* – Liam Fee case review finds ‘MISSED OPPORTUNITIES ACROSS SERVICES’



  1. Fife Social Worker Lesley Bate STRUCK OFF
  2. The Torturous, EVIL Murder Of Liam Fee
  4. Daily Account Of Liam Fee Murder Trial
  5. Liam Fee Murder Trial Day 33+1: Whistleblower Had Gut-Wrenching Feeling
  6. Council had chance to save #LiamFee just 24hrs before tragic tot died
  7. Fifers outraged to learn Liam Fee killers returned to Glenrothes
  8. Sturgeon warns opponents over #LiamFee ‘named person’ EXCEPT IT’S NOT JUST LIAM
  9. Social work at ‘tipping point’ in wake of Liam Fee murder sentencing
  11. R.I.P Wee Hayley.. Fife mourns loss of murdered 5 month old

When The State Ignores Narcissism



  1. Madison Horn              FIFE        04/2014
  2. Hayley Davidson         FIFE         02/2016
  3. Liam Fee                        FIFE        03/2014
  4. Scott Chirashi               FIFE        12/2014
  5. Mikaeel Kular               FIFE        01/2014
  6. Zaiidyn Burke               FIFE        10/2012
  7. Daniel Perry                 FIFE         07/2013 (Supposedly suicide but links to paedophilia)
  8. INAYAH AHMED          CNTRL     05/2016
  9. Isabelle Cowley            HLND      07/2011
  10. Clyde Campbell            HLND      02/2015 (neglected & died, NOT murder)

Scotland’s children are Scotland’s future

UK Privy Council Members Collude To Cover Up State Child Abuse In Scotland.




Child abuse cover up – call youself women?

June 14, 2017

 UK Privy Council Members collude to cover up state child abuse in Scotland

When the Scottish Government stated it would set up an inquiry into state child abuse in December 2014  – Nicola Sturgeon then dragged it out – first taking 6 months to appoint a chair of the independent panel – whom 2 religious orders objected to – delaying it further until October 2015.

The independent panel of three people were finally appointed to lead the inquiry,  Professor Michael Lamb, Susan O’Brien QC and Glenn Houston.

Despite Scottish Goverment claims this would be one of the most wide reaching inquiries Scotland has ever seen, by 25th November 2015, survivors accused Hollyrood of now being complicit in the cover up after the inquiry remit was restricted to mainly abuse in residential care – blocking many survivors from giving their testimony in one fell swoop.

The Charity supporting the survivors stating

““This decision resulted in many victims, who had suffered grievous abuse, being excluded from the inquiry. We are of the view that this decision has enabled institutions and organisations, who have covered up criminal activity, to escape public scrutiny, and possible prosecution. The failure to extend the remit of the inquiry has effectively resulted in the Government becoming complicit in a cover-up of abuse.”

And as well as blocking many survivors from giving evidence, survivors soon realised why as it was revealed the Charity spokesperson

“also hit out over what he claimed was the Government’s failure to properly address the issue of compensation payments.

“At meetings with officials about redress, it became clear that they had instructions to shut down any discussions about compensation or interim payments for sick and elderly survivors.

This has caused considerable distress amongst survivors as they feel that they had been failed yet again by the establishment”

Seven months later, in June 2016 we learned

“Professor Michael Lamb resigned from the panel, stating that the inquiry was “doomed” due to government interference.”

“Mr Lamb, who headed a research unit at the US National Institute of Child Health and Human Development in Washington DC for 17 years, said “repeated threats” to the inquiry’s independence had undermined its work and left it “doomed before the first witness has been heard”.

He said the government had delayed or prevented the appointment of members of staff and said the inquiry had to wait for prolonged periods before making key decisions.”

Then just a week later, on the 5th July 2016 we discovered the Chair of the Inquiry, Susan O’Brien had been “asked to go” with a report revealing

“The Scottish Government says she was asked to go after she made “inappropriate comments” during a training session in February. But in her resignation letter, O’Brien insists threats to oust her were being made as early as January.

There are reports that friction was caused by O’Brien’s desire to use junior counsel as opposed to in-house officials to take testimony. Education secretary John Swinney says junior counsel would have cost £100 an hour.”

Susan O’Brian is now suing the Scottish Government for £500,000 as a result with a report revealing fellow panel members opposed this move by the Scottish Government Ministers to effectively sack the independent chair of the inquiry with the report going on to say

“First Minster Nicola Sturgeon told the Scottish Parliament:

“We don’t accept Professor Lamb’s comments about the independence of the Inquiry.”

The legal papers state:

“She (Ms O’Brien) considered that she had a duty to inform the public that the Inquiry’s independence was being actively undermined by the defenders (Scottish government).”

“Ms O’Brien also argues ministers lacked any legal right to remove her and seeks damages for loss of earnings and damage to her reputation.”

So who made the accusations against Ms O’Brien QC, 11 weeks after she is meant to have overhead O’Brien making so called inappropriate comments – an SNP candidate making money from the inquiry.

“At the centre of the controversy is child abuse expert Claire Fyvie, from the Rivers Centre for Traumatic Stress, which was funded to provide three months of support to those taking evidence. It was Fyvie who overheard O’Brien’s comments and reported them to ministers. Fyvie had been an SNP candidate in the North Lanarkshire council elections.

The third panel member, Glenn Houston, chief executive of the Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority of Northern Ireland, who has not resigned, wrote a letter in support of O’Brien.”

The inquiry then “commissioned” Professor Lorraine Radford of the University of Central Lancashire, to undertake a review of evidence of the prevalence of child abuse in Scotland  –.

The UK Privy Council controls universities too – and NSPCC is the charity accused of exaggeration and fabrication of facts and research as its peculiar brand of anti-parent propaganda to promote itself – using Tory party favourite PR company Saatchi and Saatchi to run expensive NSPCC promotion campaigns. 

With the 2004 story headlined

“A danger to the nation’s children The NSPCC’s new ‘Someone To Turn To’ campaign will poison family relations, says the author of Paranoid Parenting”.

Weeks after the chair of the inquiry was pushed out by the Scottish Government Nicola took the opportunity to appoint a “judge”, Lady Anne Smith  to “head the inquiry” as the new Chairwoman.

While John Swinney claimed

“It is in the nature of Lady Smith’s background as an experienced judge that the inquiry will be taken forward without fear or favour to identify how individuals and institutions failed many of Scotland’s most vulnerable children.”

Now we are told judges are independent of government, politicians and political parties.

What Nicola, Lady Smith and John Swinney did NOT say is that Lady Smith is in the UK Privy Council for life with Nicola Sturgeon – where they both swear an oath of secrecy to become members – to keep all state secrets together for life.

Does this include blocking state secrets about state child abuse?

Lady Smith soon showed her intentions as to survivors horror in January 2017 they found out under Lady Smith’s chairmanship the inquiry had now decided

“that if any perpetrator of abuse were mentioned in evidence, he or she would be informed.”

Not only would those who stand accused of abuse be told – Lady Smith decided all the alleged abusers would be given a list of names of every survivor who pointed the finger at them for what they had done.

The BBC adding

“The charity said this could deter many survivors from coming forward – so it was vital that they had access to legal advice to support them in giving evidence.”

On 20th February 2017 BBC revealed the inquiry had moved to block 1,058 survivors getting the legal assistance, financial support required to give evidence and to deny them the ability to cross-examine witnesses.

Lady Smith achieved this by refusing to give the Charity, Wellbeing Scotland, offiicial status despite the charity supporting 1,058 survivors and is

“the largest organisation in Scotland specialising in historical child abuse cases so it was imperative that it could give evidence to the inquiry”

with the BBS stating the inquiry (Lady Smith) felt

“the organisation did not meet the criteria to play a significant role.”

This after the Scottish Government, in August 2016, refusing to provide the charities supporting the victims with £13.5 million in funding required and meant to provide further support to survivors over 5 years.

Instead the Scottish Government set up their own survivor support service to get the money instead and then

“asked for information about their cases to be transferred to a new support service for abuse survivors.

The clients of Open Secret” (now Wellbeing Scotland) “and the In Care Survivor Service say the move risk breaching their confidentiality, despite the fact that the government says data will by anonymous.”

This move a blatant attempt for the Scottish Government to get their hands on all the victims files and their personal details. 

Would Lady Smith provide those details to those who standaccused too – before the victims have a chance to give evidence to the inquiry?

This move forced Wellbeing Scotland, to block the Scottish Government “request to work with the new initiative” (as planned?) as the Scottish government claimed their new

“In Care Survivor Support Fund Service” funded with £13.5m over 5 years

“aims to direct people to the help they need, and could send them back to Open Secret, which would be paid for each case they take on.”

“But the charity’s chief executive Janine Rennie said she would rather shut than risk the privacy of clients.”The Scottish Government has asked for details of vulnerable survivors to help them “transition” to a new service. We have said under no circumstances will we be passing on any confidential information, even if that means our service comes to an end,” she said.”

The day before a report revealed

“Civil servants have told the charity running In Care Survivors Service Scotland that funding could be at risk if it refuses to hand over details of its work.

Some abuse survivors say there could be suicides if the counselling service, which has been run by Falkirk-based charity Open Secret since 2008, is stopped.

It has worked with more than 1000 people who suffered sexual or physical abuse, or both, while in care, and offers one-to-one counselling, group work, befriending and advocacy.

The Scottish Government provides £200,000 of funding per year.”

Not long after the Scottish Government removed the funding to bankrupt the charity so survivors of state child abuse would be left with no support.

Then on 21st Feb 2017, the day after we learned the Charity supporting the victims was being blocked by Lady Smith – the last remaining independent panel member announced he had been given two public sector jobs and he resigned to go collect the money from two public sector jobs, where he said

” a “change in priorities” in his working life meant he had applied for positions at the Northern Health and Social Care Trust and the Disclosure and Barring Service.”

“I have now been successful in those applications and the appointments have been made”

With the BBC revealing

“A successor to Mr Houston will not be appointed to the inquiry so Lady Smith will continue as the sole panel member.

The Scottish government said this brought it in line with other public inquiries established in Scotland under the 2005 Inquiries Act.

All this has ensured this leaves Nicola Sturgeon’s fellow UK privy councillor for life in sole charge of the four year Inquiry.

When the state defendant interferes with due process to remove independent panel members to replace them with a hand picked Judge with a conflict of interest with Nicola Sturgeon – both sworn to keep state secrets together – this is not an independent inquiry but a blatant cover up as survivors tried to warn – and a blatant abuse of position and power by Sturgeon, Swinney and Smith.

But the story does not end there as abuse survivors are being told the state and the residential institutions have lost their files or there is no record of them being in care at all.

Well I say – time for the survivors to pick women they know and can trust and the Scottish Nation demands survivors and a team of volunteer women are given complete access to all files and archives of the state, councils, social work and these residential institutions – and I bet we will find those so called missing files.

And as for Sturgeon abusing her power to order civil servants to remove the funding from the charity supporting 1,058 survivors – in a blatant attempt to get her hands on all the victims files – that alone should be cause for a police inquiry – tampering with an inquiry and a jail term.

What sort of women are Sturgeon and Smith – the sort of women the Royal family want in their UK Privy Council for life – just as they wanted Thatcher and May.   


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Biggest schools shake up in 50 years as Swinney hands control to teachers














Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry {regularly updated}

2nd JUNE 2017


31 March 2017

Opening submissions PDF Transcript HERE or HERE





Inquiry Hearings – Phase 1 May to July 2017

Week 1: (31 May – 2 June)

Opening statements Expert witnesses:

  • • The legislative and regulatory framework governing children in care in Scotland up to 1968
  • The early development of care services in Scotland
  • Societal attitudes towards children
  • The nature and prevalence of child abuse in Scotland

Week 2: (6 – 9 June)


  • The State’s areas of responsibility for children in residential and foster care in Scotland.
  • The relationship between the Bishops Conference and the Conference of Religious and religious orders and role in the provision of residential care

Week 3: (13-16 June)

History and governance of religious institutions:

  • Daughters of Charity of St Vincent de Paul
  • Sisters of Nazareth
  • Good Shepherd Sisters
  • De La Salle Brothers

Week 4: (20 – 23 June)

History and governance of religious institutions:

  • Christian Brothers
  • Marist Brothers
  • Benedictines
  • Church of Scotland / CrossReach Page 1 of 2 A17562325 Version 1.0

Week 5: (27 – 30 June)

History and governance of major care providers:

  • Quarriers
  • Barnardo’s
  • Aberlour Child Care Trust

Week 6: (4 – 6 July)

Establishment and work of survivor groups:

  • In Care Abuse Survivors (INCAS)
  • Former Boys and Girls Abused in Quarriers Homes (FBGA)
  • Campaigning for the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry

Week 7: (11-12 July)

Closing submissions

Download PDF


Watchdog is accused of failing victim of child abuse #CSA #Scotland


SCOTLAND’S social care watchdog has been accused of failing a victim of historic child abuse amid weak attempts to investigate his case.

When 48-year-old Richard Tracey asked the Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) to take action against the worker who left him to be abused in care 35 years ago, it deliberated for a year before telling him it would not act against the man – who is still working.

The SSSC said it would not only have to prove Hugh Quinn did not protect Mr Tracey, but also that his actions “fell short of the standard expected” of social workers at the time.

The Dundee-based watchdog said:

“We have been unable to obtain any polices or procedures that were in place at Strathclyde Regional Council during the period in question.”

However, research by The Herald has found otherwise.

A phone call and visit to the City Archives at Glasgow’s Mitchell Library, were all it took to view a series of documents setting out the standards required of social work in the 1970s and 1980s.


Mr Tracey said he and other abuse survivors had been routinely misled and deceived by public bodies.

“The SSSC should be hanging their heads in shame that you were able to find so quickly what they didn’t want to find,” he said.

Former Scottish Labour leader Johann Lamont, MSP, who is familiar with Mr Tracey’s case, said the SSSC had failed to do the basics.

“They don’t appear to have looked at the evidence,” she said.

“Their response feels dismissive as if they have put this in a box marked ‘too hard’. But if it is not their job, then whose is it?”


Dropping Mr Tracey’s complaint, earlier this month, SSSC solicitor Iain Martin said:

“We are unable to prove what standard Mr Quinn should have met and cannot establish that any action he did take… fell below what any other social worker might have done in the same situation.”

But Strathclyde Regional Council’s social work policies manual for 1977 was current in the early 1980s when his social work records note Mr Tracey was being “leathered” and regularly beaten by his foster father, running away from home and regularly expressing distress.

It states that if children suffer non-accidental injury social workers must interview their parents or other carers, visit the child and record any injuries, and ensure they are checked over at hospital if necessary.

They should consider whether the child needs to be taken to a place of safety and, if the child is still in the family home, decide whether it is safe for the child to remain there.

Another document

“Child abuse – The manual of procedures for staff in the social work department, Strathclyde Regional Council”

was published in March 1983, when Mr Tracey was regularly running away and cutting himself because he was unhappy at home.

The council’s policies set out rules in cases where child abuse is suspected, such as the need to consider a place of safety order, alerting the police and the need for a child abuse case conference.

The document explicitly reminds social workers:

“It must be remembered that child abuse can occur not only to children in their own homes but also… in substitute care.

“The same degree of diligence must be applied in all cases.”

It says any deviation from the guidelines must be justified fully and countersigned by a senior manager. Many of these rules appear to have been regularly ignored in Mr Tracey’s case.

An SSSC spokesperson said the earliest child abuse procedures it had been able to obtain were for 1989.

“We were advised that this was the earliest version available. We were not aware that the documents were in the Mitchell Library archive and will now take steps to recover and review them.”

Scottish CSA survivors want own inquiry after being REPEATEDLY let down by ScotGov. #FreshStartFoundation


Survivors are planning to hold their own independent inquiry into historic child abuse in Scotland.

Some victims’ groups have lost faith in the Scottish Government ’s under-fire probe and held a summit in Perth yesterday to discuss staging their own inquiry.

Andy Peacher of the Fresh Start Foundation, set up to help child sex abuse victims achieve justice, said:

“Many survivors want to give evidence but are scared – there is a lack of confidence in the system. How can the inquiry claim to be independent when it’s government funded?  We want to get all survivors together and launch our own, fully independent inquiry.”

The Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry has already cost over £3million and is due to begin hearing testimony this month. But it has been beset with problems, with three of the original four-person committee resigning.

It is now being led solely by supreme court judge, Lady Anne Smith.

A spokesman for the SCAI stressed it was independent of the Scottish Government.

He added: “The inquiry is committed to ensuring that the experiences of survivors are central to its work.”



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