HARBIN Survivor Speaks Out  {part 1}

Harbin Hot Springs -> Ecstatic Living -> The Haven -> International Holistic Centers Gathering -> Findhorn Foundation -> GEN/GAIA -> Ark.


Harbin Hot Springs is “a non-profit hot spring retreat and workshop center at Harbin Springs in Lake County, Northern California. It is located about two hours northeast of the San Francisco Bay Area, in the United States… As of 2012, the clothing-optional retreat center was known as an outdoor spa with a New Age ambiance, where Watsu was developed” (Harbin.1). 

Harbin Hot Springs was owned by Donald Hamrick (AKA Zeera Charone) in the 1960s (Harbin.2).

Donald Hamrick had a large event called “The Celestial Synapse” in 1969 (or 1968 – the date is disputed) where the Grateful Dead played for hours and a large crowd of naked hippies took acid that was provided for the event free of charge (Harbin.2,9). On both sites (Harbin.2,9) and an official Harbin Youtube video (Harbin.10), there are comments that imply Donald Hamrick was a CIA operative:

In response to an excerpt of praise by Hamrick’s wife, Jennifer: 

“Curious. Where is the info that “hubby” had worked with the CIA and mind control, that HARBINGER COMMUNE was an experiment conceived by the CIA under “OPERATION CHAOS” using a prolific amount of drugs provided by them to the commune and HAMRICK was at the center of their OPERATION? Hubby abandoned his 4 children to be raised by his ex with NO support ever from him (HAMRICK) in a seedy section of OAKLAND where both his very young daughters were vulnerable to various sickos, one of which worked at a military institution and repeatedly beat up the youngest daughter and used her as his sex object from age 11. This was, of course, while “hubby” the “loving and loveable hip hippy” was screwing every young girl he could “charismatically” get in bed. What a sanitized version Jennifer presents. HAMRICH was often heard to tout the 3rd REICH and HITLER as a great leader and whose political program (read: world conquest and death program) only needed greater world-wide support. What do you wanna bet that Lennon, the DEAD, Guthrie, Ritchie Havens, Bowie and all the rest knew NOTHING of any of this?” (Harbin.9)

In response to the Califias Blogspot:

Comment by beersheva on November 8, 2015 at 6:33 PM:

“I know of personally, that Donald Hamrick was a CIA operative, his “handler” was LOU MOBLEY, ex IBM Vice-President, and that Hamtick frequently saw Marion Pettie (of the FINDERS) at the Harbinger Commune. Hamrick was NOT independently wealthy but was provided all the money he needed, along with any and all drugs used at the commune, as part of the ongoing CIA operation known as CHAOS.

Hamrick took me to a remote area one day, in an area I believe was close to San Luis Obispo, where a silo existed. He took me to the entrance, where another CIA agent and Don injected me with drugs which allowed them to control me, I was taken underground where I observed many young human children and animals, in cages, where they were being experimented on, primarily MIND CONTROL experiments. My memory was concealed from me by some type of Mind-Control technique that kept me from knowing what had occurred for most of my life until recently. Anyone who has information regarding Hamricks’ secret CIA connections, MIND-CONTROL projects, and his vast sexual diversions while parading himself as some great guru, please leave any info here. Also, John Wester knows about all of this, as Wester was Hamricks’ right hand man at that time, who went with Hamrick in his plane trips to meet secretly with CIA handlers. But, John will not talk, and took his very curious “poem” about Harbinger down from it’s website years ago. I have a copy of that poem that spells out what HAMRICK, the secret pervert, was really up to” (Harbin.2)

In response to Harbin YouTube video:

“My name is Eleazar Solomon at mizrach612 at HOT, if anyone wants to contact me.  I knew Donald James Hamrick (AKA Zeera Charnoe) personally. His private psychotherapist was Dr Joseph G(r)oss in NYC. Hamrick was an agent of the CIA, and was part of an orchestrated CIA experiment with middle class youth involving a commune (HARBINGER HOT SPRINGS) with free sex and drugs supplied by the CIA. The operation was called CHAOS and also PROJECT ONE. Rooms had two-way mirrors installed, and all phones were tapped to provide direct input into the CIA controlled OP.

Virtually no one knew, or was even aware of the Project, except possibly John Wester, who was HAMRICKS’ closest aide for a number of years, and who knew HAMRICKS’ CIA contacts were and the nature of the MK-ULTRA experiment. The Vice President of IBM, LOU MOBLEY was Hamricks’ CIA handler, and MARION PETTIE, the head of a CIA front org, known as THE FINDERS, was a frequent visitor to the HARBINGER COMPOUND. The whole experiment involved a secret GOVERNMENT GROUP called the 5412 GROUP. Hamrick was deeply involved in this experiment, and clearly knew of the CIA providing drugs, providing money for many things, including the drugs” (Harbin.10).

Hamrick sold Harbin to Robert Hartley (AKA Ishvara) and two others in 1972 to be a Gestalt Center. It is unclear what happened to the other 2 buyers, but Hartley and ~15-30 others lived in Harbin from 1972 to 1975. Visitors still came to Harbin. In 1975, according to their 40th anniversary document, a group of residents, including Hartley, “met together to try and decide what they wanted to be and were surprised at the extent they had agreement. That agreement became the principles of Heart Consciousness Church,” a creation of Hartley’s as well. “Heart Consciousness Church was formed in February of 1975, and the ownership of Harbin Hot Springs was transferred to it” (Harbin.7,14). Since being bought by HCC, Harbin Hot Springs has been a not-for-profit entity. Harbin/HCC operates as an intentional community where approximately 150 residents live and operate the Retreat Center for outside visitors. Harbin/HCC maintains a more specifically religious organization, the New Age Church of Being, incorporated in 1996 (Harbin.1).

****Insert info on New Age Church of Being and Human Potential Movement*****

In the summer of 2015, three wildfires destroyed 170,623 acres and 20,78 structures of California – including Harbin Hot Springs. Harbin’s “dozens of buildings burned to the ground” and have been working to rebuild it since. They expect the rebuild can be done by 2018 (Harbin.7). According to Harbin’s own website in the “Upcoming Workshops” section, Harbin notes that due to their current closure, no workshops are currently scheduled. They then go on to say “Many of the organizations that conducted workshops at Harbin before the fire are continuing to offer their classes at new locations. Please check their websites for current schedules.” It then has links to two organizations: Human Awareness Institute and Ecstatic Living (Harbin.11). 

Human Awareness Insitute:

Stan Dale created The Human Awareness Institute in 1968. Since then more than 75,000 people have attended the Institute’s workshops and seminars in various parts of the United States, Russia, Europe, Australia and Japan (Harbin.5). The HAI has it’s primary “Love workshops” held at Harbin Hot Springs (Harbin.1 , HAI.1). 

****Expand on HAI****

Harbin Hot Springs [Harbin] {

1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harbin_Hot_Springs


2. http://califias.blogspot.com/2014/12/harbin-hot-springs-and-heart.html


3. Poem – http://web.archive.org/web/20050317125308/jwester.cts.com/harbin.html

Comment by beersheva on November 8, 2015 at 6:33 PM:

I know of personally, that Donald Hamrick was a CIA operative, his “handler” was LOU MOBLEY, ex IBM Vice-President, and that Hamtick frequently saw Marion Pettie (of the FINDERS) at the Harbinger Commune. Hamrick was NOT independently wealthy but was provided all the money he needed, along with any and all drugs used at the commune, as part of the ongoing CIA operation known as CHAOS.

Hamrick took me to a remote area one day, in an area I believe was close to San Luis Obispo, where a silo existed. He took me to the entrance, where another CIA agent and Don injected me with drugs which allowed them to control me, I was taken underground where I observed many young human children and animals, in cages, where they were being experimented on, primarily MIND CONTROL experiments. My memory was concealed from me by some type of Mind-Control technique that kept me from knowing what had occurred for most of my life until recently. Anyone who has information regarding Hamricks’ secret CIA connections, MIND-CONTROL projects, and his vast sexual diversions while parading himself as some great guru, please leave any info here. Also, John Wester knows about all of this, as Wester was Hamricks’ right hand man at that time, who went with Hamrick in his plane trips to meet secretly with CIA handlers. But, John will not talk, and took his very curious “poem” about Harbinger down from it’s website years ago. I have a copy of that poem that spells out what HAMRICK, the secret pervert, was really up to.

Heart Consciousness Church:

4. http://harbin.org/community/church/


Stan Dale (mentioned in Califias article) and HAI: 

5. http://w11.hai.org/stan/


6. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stan_Dale

Tribe Posts:



MSM articles:

7. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/may/30/harbin-hot-springs-resort-california-mountains


Steve Carter Death Articles:

8. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3265920/Gun-discovered-case-tantric-yoga-guru-randomly-murdered-three-drifters-walking-dog.html


    – Kevin Sp comments on Oct 7, 2015 1:47 pm:

As an Eastern Tantric practitioner I will give you one guess why a male Western “Tantra” instructor got murdered. Here is a clue Western “Tantra” is about sex and sexuality while Eastern Tantra is about “spiritual growth” meditational Tools.

Judy Bowles Yes, I meet him. And yes, I know some things from behind the scenes. But how would you now that? Unless you personally know the situation maybe you should hold judgement

After saying that, yes I get little heated over the Western version vs to the true Eastern version. This comes from Western Tantra having no respect for the true Tantric believes of the creation (which is why Western Tantra don’t get respect from the Eastern style Tantra) and lack of putting into practice the true hard work of Tantra as the Tools (If you know Eastern Tantra or even paths that use their modified version of these tools then you would understand this). It is one of the reasons that I don’t get involve into the “Eastern” practices within Marin Co. anymore.

9. Deadhead Account of Celestial Synapse: http://deadessays.blogspot.com/2011/01/mystery-of-61968.html


10. Youtube Video (w/ comments):


11. Harbin Upcoming workshops (Ecstatic Living and HAI): http://harbin.org/workshops/upcoming-workshops/


12. Harbin’s History: http://harbin.org/community/history/


13. Heart Consciousness Church: http://harbin.org/community/church/


14. 40th Anniversary PDF: http://www.harbin.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Harbin_40th_anniversary.pdf

Halloween Party Pics (w/ children):






What ya thinkin?