Our recommended reading order is as follows:
Harbin Hot Springs -> Ecstatic Living -> The Haven -> International Holistic Centers Gathering -> Findhorn Foundation -> GEN/GAIA -> Ark.
Ecstatic Living (Needs expansion on all 6 locations mentioned):
According to their own website, Ecstatic Living offers “Love & Ecstasy Training” that “will change forever your experience of sexual loving, and give you the opportunity to explore how your sexual energy can heal your body, open your heart and expand your spirit to states of unity and bliss” (EL.1). According to his own blog posts, Logan Rose, the Director of Ecstatic Living, is an advocate for early childhood sexual education, such as the system in place in the Netherlands, arguing “they grow up associating their sexuality to love and play” (EL.3). He attributes “much of [his] own sexual development and fun during [his] teens and early adulthood to [his] mother’s liberated views on sex” (EL.4). Ecstatic Living offers Tropical Retreats to places like Costa Rica (EL.6). The blog post from (EL.3) about childhood sexual education is replicated on another website domain “constantcontact.com” where, underneath his own blog post, he writes an extra disclaimer not seen on his blog:
On a different note, we’re looking for men, women and couples who have participated in our past workshops and would now like to assist at some of our upcoming workshops. If you’re interested in assisting (in any workshop that you’ve previously taken), call our office at or email us. For our calendar, click here.” (EL.5)
Where are these workshops held? At the bottom of their own website (EL.7) is a graphic that says:
“Since 1999, places we’ve taught at include…” and proceeds to provide links to:
Mount Madonna Center – http://www.mountmadonna.org LINK
Breightenbush Hot Springs – http://www.breitenbush.com LINK
Harbin Hot Springs – http://www.harbin.org LINK
Esalen – http://www.esalen.org LINK
Omega – http://www.eomega.org LINK
the haven – http://www.haven.ca LINK
The “constantcontact” domain lists multiple events at Harbin Hot Springs, seemingly in 2015 (EL.5).
We currently have some documentation on all but 2 of these. Omega has ties to Clinton, Esalen has ties to military/Findhorn, and little is known about Mount Madonna/Breightenbush.
Ecstatic Living [EL] {
1. http://www.ecstaticliving.com/let
https://i.sli.mg/jqExM9.png – from website
3. http://www.ecstaticliving.com/blog/sex-education-love
4. What is Ecstatic Living – http://www.ecstaticliving.com/blog/what-is-ecstatic-living
5. Harbin – Schedule http://campaign.r20.constantcontact.com/render?ca=14bfd7d5-4a74-42cb-9364-fc404b18dea2&c=30912f50-8260-11e4-b7b9-d4ae52844372&ch=30d69cc0-8260-11e4-b7d9-d4ae52844372
6. Retreats – http://www.ecstaticliving.com/retreats
7. http://www.ecstaticliving.com/
- THE BEGINNING Survivor Speaks Out #pizzagate
- HARBIN Survivor Speaks Out {part 1}
- ECSTATIC LIVING Survivor Speaks Out {part 2}
- The Haven Survivor Speaks Out {part 3}
- International Holistic Center Gathering. Survivor Speaks Out {part 4}
- FINDHORN FOUNDATION Survivor Speaks Out {part 5}
- GEN/GAIA Survivor Speaks Out {part 6}
- Ark Survivor Speaks Out {part 7}