DAVE SHARP: Christian Brothers abuse survivor wins five-figure payout #FIFE

Dave Sharp is the first person in Scotland to win a payment from the Catholic order – decades after he was abused at St Ninian’s residential school in Fife. 




An abuse victim has won a 40-year fight to secure compensation from the ­notorious Christian Brothers monks.

Dave Sharp was awarded a “significant five-figure sum” decades after he was repeatedly raped and beaten at St Ninian’s residential school in Fife.

He is the first person in Scotland to win a payout from the Catholic order, who ran residential schools for children across the world.

The payment is likely to allow hundreds of other Scottish victims to win compensation for historical abuse at various organisations.

Dave, 59, said: “I hope my payment is the first of many the Christian Brothers are forced to make to those men whose lives have been wrecked because of the treatment they received as children in ­Scotland’s residential homes and schools.

“There are dozens of victims out there who have far stronger cases than mine.


Dave Sharp is the first in Scotland to win a compensation payout from the Catholic Church and he hopes other survivors will come forward 



“In some cases their abusers are still alive, while in others they have already secured victories and convictions in the criminal courts.

“If I can win, then so can they. They must come forward and tell their stories. There is help and support out there for all survivors, regardless of the institutions they were abused in. They will be believed and helped.

“It’s time that all institutions, regardless of religious ­denomination or background, are held accountable for the crimes of their staff.”

Boys at St Ninian’s, in Falkland, were all in need of care as a result of being orphaned, neglected or outwith parental control.

Pupils were sent by social work departments across Scotland but the school catered mostly for ­children from the old Strathclyde and Tayside regional council areas.

It housed up to 45 boys at a time and was run by members of the Christian Brothers between 1952 and 1983.

Dave’s tormentor, former headteacher Brother Gerry Ryan, has since died. Dave, 59, told how he was tied up, abused and hung by the neck in a freezing basement shower room repeatedly between the ages of 10 and 16.

Dave Sharp staged a protest outside St Andrew’s cathedral in Glasgow last year
Survivor Dave Sharp (centre) with Patrick McGuire from Thompsons Personal Injury Solicitors and abuse care worker Sandra Toyer 


He said: “Even now, years later, I still get flashbacks of being hung by a piece of rope round my neck on to the shower, and my hands tied behind my back, and him beating me with a belt.”

Dave was forced to seek justice in an English court because in Scotland, abuse victims have just three years from the date of their injury – or from their 16th birthday – to bring a civil court action.

That time bar will be removed under a key change in Scots law to come into effect in November.

Victims will be able to seek compensation as long as they were under 18 at the time of the abuse.

The Scottish Government believe it will allow about 2200 people abused since September 1964 to seek justice in civil courts.

Dave works with support group Wellbeing Scotland and has set up his own team called SAFE – Seek And Find Everyone – to track down victims.

Dave’s victory comes after ex-St Ninian’s headteacher John Farrell, 74, and colleague Paul Kelly, 65, were jailed for a total of 15 years for abusing and sexually assaulting six boys in the 70s and 80s. 


Patrick McGuire, lead partner on historic abuse at Thompsons ­solicitors in Glasgow, welcomed the decision to move the time bar.

He said: “The public are fully behind the survivors. The law is now on their side and with strong solicitors by their side, survivors will receive the compensation to which they are entitled in law.”

An independent Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry into historical abuse is under way, led by judge Lady Smith.

More than 60 institutions, including several private schools and church bodies, are being ­investigated.

Alastair Gillespie, who acted for the Congregation of Christian Brothers (CCB) in Dave’s case, said: “Mr Sharp alleged that he was sexually abused by a teacher while a pupil of St Ninian’s during the early 1970s, and that as a result, he has suffered injury and loss.

“The CCB and its legal ­representatives reviewed Mr Sharp’s allegations and decided it was appropriate to seek to resolve the claim before it became formally litigated in the courts.

“Any claim that might be made is considered very carefully on the facts and evidence which are unique and specific to that claim.”

When pressed on why Dave has yet to receive a full apology from the Christian Brothers, Mr Gillespie added: “The CCB has already expressed regret regarding Mr Sharp’s ­allegations and ­reiterates that expression of regret.”

The Catholic Church in Scotland said: “Compensation payments or ­counselling arrangements made by ­religious orders are entirely a matter for them.

“Since the details of any such ­agreements would not be shared with other parties, it is not possible to comment on them.

“Between 2001 and 2015, the Catholic Church issued a number of apologies to anyone who had ‘suffered any form of abuse at the hands of those representing the Catholic Church’

Archbishop Philip Tartaglia offered the service to the people of France following the terrorist attacks in Paris
Archbishop Philip Tartaglia offered a profound apology to those who have suffered abuse by anyone within the Catholic Church

“Most recently, in August 2015, Archbishop Philip Tartaglia offered a profound apology to all those who have been harmed and who have suffered in any way as a result of actions by anyone within the Catholic Church.”

Yesterday, Dave thanked the Daily Record for supporting his fight for justice.

He said our hard-hitting reports on the Christian Brothers were key to a positive outcome and added: “The thing these ­organisations hate the most is negative publicity and people shining a light on how they work.

“The Daily Record never gave up on me and gave me the voice I needed to take on the Christian Brothers and the ­Catholic Church.”

If you are an abuse survivor & want advice or support visit www.wellbeingscotland.org

http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/scottish-news/abuse-survivor-wins-five-figure-11042039     https://archive.is/UpWge



De La Salle, St Ninian’s, FIFE. 55+ Articles (2001-2016)
De La Salle: St Joseph’s School, Tranent, Edinburgh https://spidercatweb.wordpress.com/paedo-monk-82-jailed-for-7-years-for-abusing-boys-at-st-josephs-school-tranenthttps://spidercatweb.wordpress.com/de-la-salle-st-ninians-csa        De La Salle Brothers ‘failed’ abused boys  https://spidercatweb.blog/2017/06/16/de-la-salle-brothers-failed-abused-boys/    

Scottish Paedophilia: Institutions, Care Homes, Schools & Paedo Rings https://spidercatweb.blog/2015/11/02/scottish-paedophilia-institutions-care-homes-schools-paedo-rings/

The incredible Mr Dave Sharp!


Liam Fee social worker feels she has been blamed for the toddler’s murder

A former social worker involved in the case of murdered Gateshead two-year-old Liam Fee said she feels as if the blame for his death has been placed on her.

Lesley Bate was removed from the register in 2016 after the Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) upheld 12 charges raised during her work at Fife Council.

They included a failure to record a number of visits, assess risks and refer cases to other support teams.

Liam died at his home near Glenrothes, Fife, on March 22 2014 following a prolonged campaign of abuse spanning more than two years at the hands of his mother Rachel Fee, also known as Rachel Trelfa, and her civil partner Nyomi Fee, both originally from Ryton, Gateshead.

In the BBC Scotland documentary Fife’s Child Killings: The Untold Story, to be aired on Wednesday, (watch here) the former social worker claims the blame for his death has been placed on her.

She said: “For any child to die in those circumstances is horrible. To have had any part in that, it’s a horrible feeling. But I don’t think the blame lies with me.

At the end of the day the parents killed that child and nobody else did. But, they seem to have made much of my involvement with Liam Fee, albeit that it was a year before he died.

I never gave a statement to police, I was never approached by the police to give a statement and I was never called to the trial of Rachel and Nyomi.

Yet all the blame seems to have been placed on me and nobody else has been held accountable.”

During her misconduct hearing, she denied multiple charges relating to the care of 15 children during her work at the local authority. Liam’s mother and her partner were both jailed for life in July 2016 for murdering Liam.

He had suffered fatal heart injuries similar to those found on road crash victims and spent the last few days of his short life in agony from an untreated broken leg and fractured arm.

The Gateshead pair were also behind a catalogue of cruelty against two boys in their care, one of whom they tried to blame for Liam’s death.

Trisha Hall, the manager at the Scottish Association of Social Workers, stressed those working in child protection “have a very very complex and demanding job”.

READ MORE Prison bosses block private visit between toddler’s killers

She also told BBC Radio Scotland’s Good Morning Scotland programme that there had been “significant improvements” since the time of Liam’s death.

Ms Hall said: “I’ve spoken to some of our members in Fife who commented only yesterday to me that they feel they are working now in a better environment than possibly may have been the case before.”

But she added: “The reality is the majority of social workers work with quite a large case load still, under great demand, there is not much time for reflective practice.”

READ MORE Gateshead toddler Liam Fee’s murder could not have been prevented experts rule

She continued: “The reality is that local authorities have seen their budgets cut and I have to stress child protection services in Scotland have not been cut.

However, there are lots of things that impact on child protection services, that have made a significant difference, where the budget is no longer there to do the preventative work in the way that we want to do.

Fife is a large local authority with lots of areas of multiple deprivation so the context also needs to be taken into account.”








What about the fact Leslie Bate was social worker to BOTH MIKAEEL & LIAM

What about the NINE social workers sacked for raking through Mikaeels files??

What bout the fact police scotland MURDERED mikaeels dad’s best mate SHEKU BAYOH

What about the links to secret serviced?!!



What about Hayley for example?

THIRD DEATH AT PRESTONHILL QUARRY as Teacher dies in dive accident. 

WTF is wrong wi Fife?!  https://spidercatweb.blog/2016/05/07/fife

PrestonHills Quarry, Inverkeithing, Dalgety Bay & Fife’s Dead Children. https://spidercatweb.blog/2017/03/24/too-many-kids-drowning/

2 year old killed in freak accident https://spidercatweb.blog/2017/03/24/fife-boy-killed-accident/

WHAT’S GOIN ON IN DALGETY BAY? https://spidercatweb.blog/2016/03/13/what-goin-on-in-dalgety-bay/


Revealed: Cancer chemicals and arsenic found in ash clouds over #Fife


LARGE clouds of coal waste blown over Scottish communities are from dumps contaminated with poison and toxic metals, according to a monitoring report obtained by the Sunday Herald.

Millions of tonnes of ash from Longannet coal-fired power station have been disposed of over decades at Valleyfield in west Fife. However, since April angry residents have been complaining that dust whipped up from the dumps has been smothering their homes and harming their health.

Now a report released by the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (Sepa) reveals that the dumps are polluted by arsenic, cadmium, chromium and other metals known to cause cancer, birth defects, lung damage and other health problems.

The “dust nightmare” has been condemned as a “major environmental disaster” by local residents and environmentalists. Politicians have demanded “full transparency” and the dumps’ owner, Scottish Power, has said sorry.

Until it closed in March 2016, ash from Longannet power station was mixed with cooling water and disposed of in a series of lagoons at Valleyfield on the coast of the Firth of Forth. According to Scottish Power, the lagoons are now larger than 35 football pitches.

But over the past few weeks they have dried out, and winds have blown clouds of dust over the villages of Valleyfield, Culross, Newmills and Torryburn. NHS Fife has advised villagers to try and avoid breathing in the dust by staying indoors and closing their windows.

After complaints from residents, Sepa sent inspectors to the site, and slapped two legal enforcement notices on Scottish Power forcing the company to urgently spray water to suppress the dust. This seems to have prevented more dust clouds in the last few days.

Despite concerns as to what toxins the dust might contain, no official information has been provided. But now in response to a request from the Sunday Herald, Sepa has released a detailed scientific report by experts for Scottish Power on monitoring of the Valleyfield lagoons.

The report discloses that traces of eight potentially hazardous pollutants from burning coal were detected in lagoon water in 2016. These include arsenic, a poison toxic to wildlife and people and blamed for causing cancer.

Cadmium, a heavy metal that causes cancer, birth defects and reproductive damage, was also found. A few samples were in excess of agreed environmental “trigger levels”.

Other hazardous pollutants present were antimony, boron, chromium, manganese, selenium and vanadium. In most cases concentrations were said to be low.

Residents say the dust clouds triggered asthma attacks, had children coughing up dust and forced families to move away. They have organised a public meeting in High Valleyfield to raise their concerns with the authorities.

“This serious incident is a major environmental disaster for west Fife villages,” said the chair of the West Fife Villages Community Council Forum, Donald Campbell. “Who knows what health implications this could have for the residents, not to mention those with pre-existing bronchial conditions and the very young and elderly.”

The local SNP MSP, Shirley-Anne Somerville, demanded publication of all monitoring results. “People are concerned about what they have been breathing in,” she said. “They need to know what’s in the dust and what the health implications are.”

She has written to Sepa, NHS Fife, Scottish Power and Fife Council asking for monitoring data. “It is utter mismanagement and unforgiveable to put villagers through this,” she said.

Friends of the Earth Scotland accused Scottish Power of being a “terrible neighbour”.

“Cadmium and chromium are among the last things you want blowing about in dust,” said the environmental group’s director, Dr Richard Dixon.

“While most of us have been8 able to get out and enjoy the sunny weather of the last few weeks, local residents have been trapped in their homes, not even able to open the windows.”

Sepa’s southeast area manager, Iain Cruickshank, promised to be tough on Scottish Power. “This was a very significant event and we take this very seriously,” he told the Sunday Herald.

Submitting a report to the Procurator Fiscal was “one of the options open to us”, he warned. “We will not tolerate a further breach of the permit conditions. We will take any regulatory action needed to ensure there is not a repeat.”

Scottish Power pointed out that the area had less than a tenth of average rainfall in April. “We apologise for the recent dust lifts from the Valleyfield ash lagoons,” said a company spokesman.

“We have been working hard to put measures in place to significantly reduce the possibility of dust lifting from the site. The lagoons are sizeable but the entire site is covered by mitigation measures.”

NHS Fife reiterated its advice to stay inside with windows and doors closed when it’s dusty. “Breathing in dust can be bad for your health, especially if you have heart or lung disease, or asthma,” said public health director, Dr Margaret Hannah.


                   TABLE: What’s in the contaminated ash

Antimony – inhalation can cause heart or lung damage

Arsenic – toxic to humans and wildlife, could cause cancer

Boron causes eye, nose and throat irritation, may damage male fertility

Cadmium – causes cancer, linked to birth defects and reproductive damage

Chromium – can damage lungs, liver, kidneys and stomach

Manganese – high levels can cause hallucinations, headaches & behaviour changes

Selenium – high levels can cause dizziness, fatigue and digestive irritation

Vanadium – can cause lung irritation, sore throat, wheezing, chest pain and asthma


“I could taste the grit in my teeth” – Residents’ stories

Robert McKenzie, vice chair of High Valleyfield Community Council: “Our community has been blighted by the clouds of ash dust for three weeks. Children have had to be kept indoors at school, residents have had to put up with layers of ash on their cars, on washing, and getting blown into their homes. Residents are very angry. They feel that they are due recompense from Scottish Power.”

Jill Steele, Longannet Ash Lagoons Community Action Group: “The cloud rising from the ash lagoons completely engulfed my house for days. I have a six month old baby. I was unable to take her into the back garden, for a walk or even open my windows. She developed a cough. Scottish Power has shown no respect and is fully responsible for this disaster. It has potentially put our lives and health at risk.”

Claire Rodgers, a bank worker from High Valleyfield: “I used to have asthma but haven’t had any trouble in a long time. But every time I drove into the village I could just feel a heavy feeling on my chest and struggled to breath properly. I got to the doctor and she prescribed the inhaler. I could actually taste the grit in my teeth. At children’s football games, they were all coughing up dust.”

Jemma Far, from Torryburn: “My daughter who has never suffered from asthma or chest problems has been coughing for weeks. Friends have been hospitalised because of their asthma and one was even told it would be better if she could live elsewhere until it was sorted.”  http://www.heraldscotland.com/news/15284747.Revealed__Cancer_chemicals_and_arsenic_found_in_ash_clouds_over_Fife/?ref=ebmpn

Scott Chirashi

 Police investigation launched after boy, 5, is found dead at house in Alva 05-12-2014

Tragic father mourns his five-year-old son at funeral while mother faces murder charge 

  • Schoolboy was found dead at his home in central Scotland last month
  • Five-year-old’s mother has been charged with murder over the death
  • More than 200 mourners come together for boy’s funeral today
  • Reverend says the youngster ‘loved life’ and was ‘very happy’ 
  • Mourners led out of the church by Scott’s father, Tichakunda Chiriseri

Richard Spillett for MailOnline  9 January 2015

The funeral has taken place of a five-year-old boy whose mother has been charged with his murder.

Scott Chiriseri was found injured at his home in Alva, central Scotland on December 5 and pronounced dead at the scene. 

Around 200 people who gathered at a service in the town today were told about his love of motor racing and how he was an expert at the Mario Kart computer game.

Mourners were led out of the church after the service by Scott’s father, Tichakunda Chiriseri, and his sister, Natasha.

Scott Chirashi, five, was found injured at his home in Alva, central Scotland, last month and later died

Scott Chirashi, 5, was found injured at his home in Alva, central Scotland, last month & later died

The five-year-old's coffin is brought into the Alva Parish Church in the town near Stirling today

The five-year-old’s coffin is brought into the Alva Parish Church in the town near Stirling today

Scott was found dead with what police described as a ‘significant injury’ at his home. His mother, Farai Chirashi, 32, has been charged with his murder and detained at a psychiatric unit. 

Rev Fraser said today that family and friends had come together to celebrate the young boy’s life.

‘We remember the life of Scott. You know that Scott loved life; if you close your eyes and you picture Scott, there is the young man we will see again. He loved life, he enjoyed his life,’ he said.

‘So happy on the first day of primary one. So happy. Well loved by all of his friends.’

He added: ‘He would come into the room and it was like “I’m here now”. Running along, in our church, in the Baptist church down the road, the sound of life when he’s present.

‘He excelled at his work and he was happy to do well. Did you know that he loved motor racing? Like his dad. Sitting alongside watching that sport.’

He told them Mario Kart was Scott’s ‘expert hobby’ and that was why a picture of the character was on the front of the order of service below a photo of the smiling five-year-old.

Scott's father Tichakunda Chiriseri and his daughter Natasha leave the church after the funeral

Scott’s father Tichakunda Chiriseri and his daughter Natasha leave the church after the funeral

Locals wept as the small, white coffin was brought from the church after the service

Locals wept as the small, white coffin was brought from the church after the service

Rev Fraser added: ‘It was his fun pursuit that he would have beaten anyone in the room at. When they brought out a new game and the adults were trying to figure it out, there’s this little boy saying “Here’s how it works, let me show you”.

‘He loved his church. This is the boy that we are remembering, the fullness of life pouring out of him.’

The hymns What A Friend We Have In Jesus and Jesus’ Love Is Very Wonderful were sung before the coffin was carried from the church to the sound of Jerusalem Our Home, sung in the national language of Zimbabwe.

A collection was also made in aid of the Children’s Ministry of Alva’s Baptist church, in memory of Scott.

Floral tributes were left outside the church, with one message reading ‘from the Alva community’.

Flowers from the family were accompanied by the message: 'Beloved Scott. You are missed by all of us'

Flowers from the family were accompanied by the message: ‘Beloved Scott. You are missed by all of us’

Mourners lined the streets of the small town as the funeral cortège made its way along the main road

Mourners lined the streets of the small town as the funeral cortège made its way along the main road

After the service, many stood silently in the town’s Stirling Street as the funeral procession made its way to Alva Cemetery. Farai Chiriseri, also known as Chirashi, was charged with murder and assault following the child’s death. The 32-year-old was held under mental health legislation following a hearing at Alloa Sheriff Court on December 9. She appeared in the same court in private last week where the sheriff made a treatment order. No further court date was set. dailymail

Scott Chirashi: Mum who killed her five-year-old son and ripped his heart out at their Scots home is declared insane 7 Apr 2015 Chris Clements

FARAI Chirashi was due to stand trial over the murder of her son who suffered a “sickening, violent death” but prosecutors today accepted her not guilty plea after lawyers lodged a special defence of insanity.

A MOTHER who killed her son, Scott Chirashi (5) and ripped the heart from the child’s body has been declared insane.

Farai Chirashi was due to stand trial over the murder of Scott, five, who suffered a “sickening, violent death”.

She was alleged to have struck him on the head, neck and body with knives during an attack at their shared home in Alva, Clackmannanshire, on December 4 or 5.

However, prosecutors today accepted her not guilty plea after her lawyers lodged a special defence of insanity.

It comes after psychiatrists diagnosed the 32-year-old as suffering a “schizophrenic form psychotic illness”, similar to schizophrenia.

The High Court in Glasgow also heard evidence from consulting forensic psychiatrist John Crichton, who said she suffered delusions and hallucinations of “abnormal religious content”.

His report also said Zimbabwean-born Chirashi believed she was on a “mission from God” when she killed her son.

Judge Lord Burns placed a treatment compulsion and restriction order on the mother-of-two without limit of time. She will be treated at the medium security Orchard Clinic in Edinburgh.

The Record reported in December how shocked paramedics discovered the youngster with his heart removed.

Detective Inspector Martin MacLean, who led the investigation, said:

“This was a tragic incident which deeply affected the local community, and I would like to extend my sympathies to Scott’s family and all those touched by this little boy’s life. A key strand of this emotionally difficult investigation was to establish whether others were at risk or if any other person or organisation might have had any involvement in or influence over what happened. They did not, and others were not at risk. The investigation was able to eliminate the influence or involvement of others in these events. Any speculation to the contrary is inaccurate and distressing for the family who continue to receive support at this difficult time. I would like to personally thank my officers who carried out thorough and professional enquiries in such sad circumstances, and also colleagues from our partner agencies who helped enormously with this investigation.”

Source dailyrecord

Church member: he demonised sick mum

THE killer mum of tragic five-year-old Scott Chiriseri was a member of Agape before falling out with Masocha.

Farai Chiriseri stabbed her son to death and cut out his heart in a sickening attack at their home in Alva, Clackmannashire.

The 32-year-old was charged with murder but was acquitted last month after a judge heard she was suffering from a mental illness at the time of the killing.

When she killed Scott, she thought she was on a “mission from God”.

One ex-church member claimed that Chiriseri was “demonised” by the preacher when she left his church. Friends have said that she was left on her own when Masocha encouraged Scott’s dad Tichakunda, who was also a church member, to go off with another woman.

The woman said: “Everyone who left the church was said by him (Masocha) to be mentally unstable, a witch, possessed.

“She (Chiriseri) left the church and, as with many couples where only one person went to the church, he would say to her husband, ‘You need to cut this person off’.

“He said she had the devil inside her.

“He gave Tichakunda to another woman member.”

Other Blogs



My Opinion

*IF* what has been written in MSM is true, here’s what I think!

I personally have had no dealings with Masocha nor the Church/Cult so perhaps have a limited understanding. But as a mother…

Although my heart breaks for poor wee Scott, I feel there’s several victims of this atrocity. His mother being one of them, she was CLEARLY not in her right mind. She was manipulated, emotionally tortured & treated abysmally by those who were meant to care. That does not excuse her but it does make it easier to understand what lead her to do what she did. She will have to live with her actions for the rest of her life, a horrific punishment in itself. In my opinion, she should not have been the only person in the stand for Scotts murder. His father has some responsibility in all of this, as does the Scottish social work department & the government, WHERE WERE CHILD PROTECTION? WHERE WAS NAMED PERSON?
As for Masocha, again, just my opinion, he should carry a fair whack of the responsibility here, If it wasn’t for him, this more than likely would never have happened. The man is an animal, he plays with peoples lives for his own gain & he fuks with their heads. He is a paedophile and a sex abuser. He is the lowest form of low & I hope he & those who have suffered at his hands get the justice they they rightfully deserve.



PrestonHills Quarry, Inverkeithing, Dalgety Bay & Fife’s Dead Children


CAMERON LANCASTER  {18}     9pm Sun 24th Aug 2014   


An 18-year-old has died after allegedly tombstoning into a disused quarry in a new take on the ‘ice bucket challenge’.

Cameron Lancaster was found in Preston Hill Quarry in Inverkeithing, Fife, after a four-hour search in the deep water.

Police were called to the disused site shortly before 5pm on Sunday, where the teenager is thought to have spent the day with friends.

It is claimed he jumped feet-first into the water in response to the internet craze that has seen people around the globe pour buckets of ice water over their head for charity.

Mr Lancaster was believed to be from Burntisland, around seven miles from the scene.

YUIThe quarry is a popular site for ‘tombstoning’, an activity where people jump feet-first off a cliff into shallow water.

In a statement released by Police Scotland, his family said: ‘Cameron died in a tragic accident. His death is such a great loss.‘During his short life, he touched so many people with his friendliness, kindness and thoughtful generosity of spirit. He will be hugely missed by his family and friends.‘The family are finding it hard to come to terms with this sudden loss and would ask for privacy at this sad time.’

A police spokesman said: ‘Inquiries are under way to establish the full circumstances of what happened and Police Scotland’s thoughts are with the family at this very difficult time.’

SNP councillor Alice McGarry, who lives just 150 yards from the quarry, said she knew a number of new tombstoning videos had been posted on YouTube this week.

They show youngsters plummeting up to 80 feet into the water.

The councillor added that she had seen numerous youngsters in the area over the weekend.The tragedy comes two years after the Coastguard condemned tombstoning in the quarry, branding it ‘foolhardy and dangerous’.

Mrs McGarry said: ‘Because we live so close to the quarry we were aware of what was going on. In fact my husband and daughters had just been picking brambles nearby before it all kicked off. There were fire tenders, ambulances, the police helicopter. At first we heard someone had broken their back and someone had jumped in to save him. But then we just heard it was a teenager.There have been one or two incidents. It’s 30-plus years since there was a fatality at the quarry. Whatever happened, it’s really awful. Really upsetting.’

Fred Caygill, of the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA), said then: ‘Jumping from height into unknown depths of water from cliffs, from a quarry face, bridge or harbour wall is foolhardy and dangerous. Tributes were paid by Cameron’s school, remembering him as a dedicated musician and member of a local sailing club who had only left school in May.Iain Yuile, headteacher at Cameron’s former school, said: ‘Everyone at Inverkeithing High School is shocked and saddened by the news. Cameron was a very popular pupil who had a great passion for drama and music. Most recently he performed at our Annual School Awards Ceremony in June.’

READ IN FULL  http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2733622/Teenager-dies-drowning-disused-quarry-Scotland-Bank-Holiday-day-trip.html   https://archive.is/a3sxF



Cameron Lancaster, 18, died after disappearing under the water at Preston Hill quarry in Inverkeithing, Fife, on Saturday.

Emergency services were called to the scene and his body was recovered about 9pm.

While the exact circumstances remain unclear, it has been reported that the teenager “tombstoned” – jumping feet first into deep water – into the quarry as a new take on the ice-bucket challenge.

The family of Lancaster, from Burntisland, Fife, remembered his “friendliness, kindness and thoughtful generosity of spirit”.

In a statement released by Police Scotland, his family said: “Cameron died in a tragic accident. His death is such a great loss. During his short life, he touched so many people with his friendliness, kindness and thoughtful generosity of spirit. He will be hugely missed by his family and friends. The family are finding it hard to come to terms with this sudden loss and would ask for privacy.”

The ice bucket challenge is a social media craze aimed at raising awareness and money for the neurodegenerative disease ALS (Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) or motor neurone disease. Participants have a bucket of cold water poured over their head, donate to charity and nominate others to take the challenge. 

READ IN FULL  http://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2014/aug/25/teenager-death-ice-bucket-challenge-cameron-lancaster  https://archive.is/992YE

NUMBER 2    

JOHN McKAY {18}    10pm Thurs 18th June 2015  



The emergency services had been at the quarry since around 10pm on Thursday when other teens who were at the quarry phoned 999.
McKay is thought to have jumped into the quarry pool from high up. When it became obvious something had happened two of his friends risked their own lives to jump in after him. They were unable to save him, but managed to get to safety
A Police Scotland spokesman said: “Inquiries are ongoing to determine the full circumstances surrounding this incident.”
Although circumstances of what happened on Thursday night are still unclear, it has been reported locally that a group of teens had organised to meet at the quarry through social media.
After reports of police and ambulances heading to the quarry started to filter through to parents in the town, many rushed to the quarry to try and find their own children.
Locals reacted with anger that two lives had been lost in the space of ten months.
A petition calling on the council to drain and fill in the quarry had been signed by over 1,500 people within 24 hours. Many took to a Facebook group to demand action.
However, The National understands that the quarry is owned by Letham Bay Development Company, and Fife Council are unable to take any action unless they enforce the new Community Empowerment Act.
Alice McGarry, councillor for Inverkeithing, Dalgety Bay and Aberdour, told local press that McKay’s death was tragic and added:
“The only saving grace is the other kids got out and it wasn’t a multiple tragedy as it could have been.”  She continued:
“Parents didn’t know where their kids were and they were running around the quarry looking for them.The response from the emergency services was incredible. I have never seen so many fire engines, ambulances and police cars in my life, but ultimately it was too late.”
The councillor agreed that urgent action needed to be taken:
“Two deaths in less than a year is something you can’t dismiss. The quarry is treacherous. There have been three other deaths at the quarry in the last 10 years.”
http://www.thenational.scot/news/police-find-teenagers-body-in-quarry-pool.4287  https://archive.is/lqxIp


A BODY has been recovered today from a Fife quarry during a search for a teenager reported to have been in the water. The 18-year-old – named locally as John McKay – went missing at Preston Hill Quarry in Inverkeithing  Police confirmed a male body had been found at the site. Officers said enquiries were ongoing to confirm his identity and determine the full circumstances surrounding the incident.   

Rescue teams were at the quarry since 9.20pm last night   The horror comes just 10 months after Cameron Lancaster, 18, died when he leapt off the cliff as part of an ice bucket challenge. By noon today it had more than 3,300 signatures. http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/scottish-news/body-found-fife-quarry-search-5911649  https://archive.is/BmQpj


2 year old twins   RHYS & SHAUN     Sat  Mar 12th  2016 

TWIN toddlers have drowned after apparently falling into a fishpond yesterday morning.  

Emergency services were called to the scene in Dalgety Bay, Fife, at around 8.20am after the two-year-old boys were found.

They were taken to a hospital in Kirkcaldy but medics were unable to save them and they were pronounced dead a short while later.

Officers were last night supporting the boys’ stricken family and working to establish the full circumstances of the tragic incident. It is not known how the two youngsters ended up in the pond in the garden of the house on Breakers Way.

A police spokeswoman announced the heartbreaking news in a statement shortly after 6.30pm last night.

She said: “We received a call at around 8.20am yesterday following a report of concern for two children at an address in Dalgety Bay, Fife. Two male twins, aged tow-years-old, had reportedly drowned in a fish pond and officers attended with the Scottish Ambulance Service. The children were taken to the Victoria Royal Infirmary in Kirkcaldy where they sadly died. Officers are supporting the family at this time. Inquiries to establish the full circumstances are ongoing.”

Last night the coastal community on the north shore of the Firth of Forth was reeling from the tragedy.

Colin McPhail, chairman of Dalgety Bay Community Council, said the close-knit town, which is home to around 12,000 people, was in a state of shock. He added: “It’s a very tragic story and a very sad loss for the parents of these twin boys. Our deepest condolences from the entire community go out to the mother and father and the entire family.”

Local MSP Alex Rowley said: “This is awful news and is every parent’s worst nightmare. The loss of two young lives from the same family is just heartbreaking. My thoughts and prayers, and those of the whole community, are with the family.”

Users of social media also reacted with horror with people taking to Twitter and Facebook to express their sorrow.

Ann Forte wrote on Fife Police Division’s site: “My deepest sympathy and condolences go out to the family. RIP little ones.”

Chelsey Watts added: “Horrific, just babies.”

It is not the first time tragedy has struck the quiet street of modern, detached homes. In 2014 teenager Cameron Lancaster died carrying out an ‘ice bucket challenge’ at Prestonhill Quarry, near Inverkeithing. The family had lived in the street for 14 years before moving away just 10 weeks before he died at the age of 18.

http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/652151/tragedy-twins-drown-fish-pond-Kirkcaldy-toddlers-Dalgety-Bay   https://archive.is/G0jHc

READ MORE about twins Rhys & Shaun



16 Mar 2017    Inverkeithing man jailed for buying alcohol for two underage girls

An INVERKEITHING man has been jailed after buying alcohol for two teenage girls who claimed it was for their grandmother.

Instead, they downed vodka and other spirits at Prestonhill Quarry () and became very drunk, with one of the girls then walking into “an extremely dangerous stretch of water”.

William Cameron, 44, of Fraser Avenue, appeared for sentencing at Dunfermline Sheriff Court on Wednesday.

He had previously admitted buying alcohol on behalf of the girls – aged 15 and 16 – from a shop in Fraser Avenue on July 6 last year.

He was also sentenced for a charge that he neglected two children in a manner likely to cause unnecessary suffering or injury to health by keeping them in filthy conditions and exposing them to insecure controlled drugs and weapons on February 5, 2015.

Cameron had bought a bottle of vodka, a quarter bottle of vodka, a bottle of Mad Dog 2020 and a bottle of apple sourz for the girls, who had told him they were buying it for their grandmother.

The girls then went to Prestonhill Quarry, consumed the alcohol and became very drunk. One of them, apparently feeling suicidal, went into the water at the quarry up to her neck.

A friend managed to get her out.

The police and an ambulance were called and she was taken to Victoria Hospital in Kirkcaldy.

Defence solicitor Chris Sneddon said buying the alcohol was a “stupid offence” and, at least, his client had turned a blind eye.

Sheriff Charles Macnair said sentence in the earlier case had been deferred for Cameron to be of good behaviour.

“You were not and you provided alcohol to two children, one of whom got so drunk she went into what is known to be an extremely dangerous stretch of water,” he said. “The offence was not only committed when you were on deferred sentence for good behaviour but also when you were serving the second half of a previous sentence from Kirkcaldy Sheriff Court. In my view, the only proper sentence is a custodial sentence.”

He jailed Cameron for a total of 277 days which included 63 days for the previous sentence from Kirkcaldy  www.dunfermlinepress.com/news/innverkeithing/15161611.Inverkeithing_man_jailed_for_buying_alcohol_for_two_underage_girls/




22.09.16  WORK on a “long-awaited” large housing development on the outskirts of Haddington could finally get under way in the new year.

More than 800 new homes – 642 houses and 167 flats – are expected to be built on farmland at Letham Mains by CALA, Mactaggart and Mickel, Taylor Wimpey and Classhappy Ltd A new primary school will also be built at the development, on the western edge of the town. 

A spokesman for CALA told the Courier: “We anticipate commencing development in early 2017.” 

Councillor Tom Trotter said: “It has been on the backburner for some time. Haddington has a responsibility to take more of the houses allocated for the county. This will be the start of that happening.”

His ward colleague Ludovic Broun-Lindsay added: “I am, of course, delighted that this long-awaited development is finally due to begin. It will hopefully reduce the pressure from opportunistic developers, and deliver on much-needed housing in all sectors. It may also be a sign that the economy is picking up a bit.”

READ IN FULL http://www.eastlothiancourier.com/news/14759389.Work_on_long_awaited_major_housing_development_could_start_in_the_new_year/  https://archive.is/e6Hac


2 year old Fife boy killed in freak forklift accident

RIP: Stuart Nelson was killed in Fife

15th Feb 2017


A BRITISH boy was killed by a reversing forklift on a farm in what has been described as a “freak” accident.

The youngster – named locally as Stuart Nelson – suffered “fatal injuries” in the incident which happened just days after his third birthday.Emergency services were called to the scene in Crossgates, Fife shortly after 5pm yesterday.  ()

He was later pronounced dead and an investigation has been launched.

“There’s been an accident with a forklift where it has backed up and the child has come round the corner in the blind spot”      Relative

A relative who did not want to be named said:

“It’s very early to say what they’ll be doing as a family. As far as I’m aware it’s just a tragic accident. From what I’ve been told, there’s been an accident with a forklift where it has backed up and the child has come round the corner in the blind spot. It’s just one of those freak things.”

Farm in Fife, Scotland

FARM: Police were in attendance at the scene

A Scottish Ambulance Service spokesman said in a statement:

“We did received a call at 5.17pm yesterday evening over an incident at Crossgates in Fife. We sent out multiple resources and the first unit arrived at 5.21pm.”

And a Health and Safety Executive spokesman said:

“I can confirm HSE is aware and making initial enquiries.”

http://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/latest-news/588408/British-boy-killed-tractor-death-Crossgates-Fife-Scotland-investigation  https://archive.is/2doT7




5 month old Hayley Davidson’s murder: MAN IN COURT

Originally published Feb 19th 2016  last updated 17 Mar 2017

17 Mar 2017

http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-edinburgh-east-fife-39308238  https://archive.is/99fAM

GORGEOUS wee Hayley Rose Davidson.

Battered to death just after midnight {approx} on valentines day. {Feb 14 2016}

She had 20 FRACTURES?!! Her poor wee body couldn’t cope & she had a heart attack.

Hayley died 3 days later on Wed 17th Feb 2016 here

She was only 5 months old

Copper said: “Police in Fife were called to an address in West High Street, Buckhaven, around 12.30am on Sunday following a report of concern for a child” here


Hayley’s Mother – Catherine Davidson {25} / Dickson? {pictured below}

Catherine’s ma – Maureen {Hayley’s Granny} 

Hayley’s Siblings – Brooke 5   Rebekah 3

Brooke & Rebekah’s father – Ross Davidson {27} ex husband- {not divorced}


Gordon ‘Gogsy’ Mckay {36}

Neighbour, Catherine’s on/off boyfriend & Hayley’s “alleged” murderer

Hayley’s Father – Kevin Flood {25}

wp-1465908004482.jpgAlso lived in West High St.

In prison for  “domestic incident” Was apparently stalking Catherine. here Has committed a couple of petty crimes, Dundee mainly. Nowt major. here 

I’m surprised he was given jail.. In my opinion {assuming there is nothing else I just haven’t found} His crimes really didn’t warrant jail.

Kevin’s mother – Leah Wilkie.  lives across from Hayley’s home

Prisoner father of murdered tot Hayley Davidson makes mercy plea to judge after breaching restraining order  23 FEB 2016 updated 15 APR 2016 

KEVIN Flood, 25, is serving a 14-month prison sentence for a domestic incident, but has won an appeal to postpone sentencing on his latest offence until his release.

THE dad of murdered baby Hayley Davidson made a mercy plea to a sheriff yesterday after admitting he breached a restraining order.

Kevin Flood was told not to approach his former partner, the tot’s mother, after a stalking conviction but pleaded guilty at Kirkcaldy Sheriff Court to flaunting the ban last month.

The 25-year-old, from Buckhaven, Fife, is serving a 14-month prison term for a domestic incident and his lawyer Gary Foulis pleaded with Sheriff James Williamson to postpone sentencing on the latest offence until his release.

Foulis said: “He is the father of the five-month-old baby whose murder accused appeared in front of your lordship this week.”

Sheriff Williamson accepted and deferred sentencing until Flood is eligible for release in August.  Gordon Mckay, 36, also from Buckhaven, made no plea or declaration to charges of murdering and severely assaulting Flood’s daughter on February 14. He is due to reappear next week DailyRecord

Hayley’s home & next door, McKay’s flat, where Hayley was murdered –   Buckhaven   Fife 



Feb 16th

Baby in critical condition after ‘serious’ incident sees Fife street cordoned off by police

Darren Wemyss who lives nearby told The Courier: “They (the police) taped off the scene and all around the back, and the white suit men were there for a while as well. The police were there all last night and again this morning. They haven’t been to my door but they were chapping on the door upstairs.”

Feb 17th

McKay was also taken to hospital after the incident. here

Baby at centre of police inquiry dies in hospital – Fife Today

Chief Inspector Adrian Annandale, Local Commander who is based at Levenmouth police station, added: “This is an extremely tragic and sensitive case and I’d like to reassure Hayley’s family as well as the wider community that we’re conducting a robust investigation and appreciate the assistance provided.”

  1. Baby, victim of serious assault left fighting for life 
  2. Baby Hayley Davidson ‘fights for life in coma’

Feb 18th

Five-month-old baby girl dies in hospital after ‘serious incident’ in her mother’s home 

It is believed Hayley’s mother and Mr McKay had kept a vigil at the baby’s bedside

A spokesman for Police Scotland said: ‘We can confirm that a five-month-old baby girl from Levenmouth has sadly died. Hayley Davidson passed away on Wednesday afternoon within the Royal Hospital for Sick Children in Edinburgh. She had been under the care of medics since Sunday after local police were called to a property in West High Street, Buckhaven, around 12.30pm following a report of concern for a child.’

Tributes online. Relative Kimberly Macartney wrote: ‘Just had a phone baby Hayley Rose Davidson died today. Fly high angel you will never be forgotten.’

Amanda Doig-Sands wrote: ‘Poor wee princess. RIP little one.’
  1. Five-month-old baby who is believed to have been attacked in her own home has died
  2. Hayley Davidson: Five-month-old baby girl dead

Feb 19th

Hayley’s horror injuries at mum’s lover’s home

Medics allegedly found the nth old unconscious after a heart attack when they arrived at the home of her mum’s lover. Police were yesterday guarding Gordon Mckay’s flat as they continued to probe the discovery in Buckhaven, Fife.

A source said: “Hayley never regained consciousness. She suffered over 20 fractures and had a heart attack before the alarm was raised. Hayley was rushed to hospital and kept alive by machines until doctors prepared her family for the worst.”

Tributes laid at floral shrine in memory of tragic Fife tot Hayley Davidson

DOZENS of bouquets of flowers, teddies and balloons were placed outside the family home of the five-month-old baby in Buckhaven, Fife.

Hayley died in hospital on Wednesday, three days after she was seriously injured in an apparent attack at the flat.

One touching message tied to a cuddly bear at the shrine read: “RIP Angel. Always in our heart, Daddy, Granny and Pops. xx xx.”

Relative Kimberly Mccartney left flowers with a card saying: “Sleep tight, little angel. Love from Kimberly, Rab and kids xxx.”

Feb 20th

Man charged with murder of baby in Buckhaven – Fife Today

The 36-year-old is scheduled to appear at Kirkcaldy Sheriff Court on Monday, February 22.

  1. Man charged with murder of baby Hayley Davidson
  2. Man charged with murder of five-month-old Hayley Davidson
  3. Man arrested and charged with the murder of five-month-old Hayley 

Feb 22nd


Man (36) appears in court charged with murder of baby in Buckhaven

Gordon McKay appeared on petition alleging murder and assault to severe injury. McKay made no plea or declaration and the case was continued for further examination. He was remanded in custody.


Feb 27th

Man in court charged with Murder of 5month old Hayley 

March 2nd



The following are screenshots found   here

Feb 18th


March 14tha4Aug 18th




  1. Man admits threatening to cut couple’s throats July 23 2014
  2. Tiny baby fighting for life


Baby girl found dead in Fife is named. R.I.P Violet-Ivy Turnbull

Cops probing ‘unexplained’ death of three-week old baby girl found still and lifeless at home  26th Oct 2016

No arrests have been made but police have questioned baby Violet’s mother and her partner

A THREE-WEEK-OLD baby girl was found lifeless at home in circumstances police are calling “unexplained”.

The mother of little Violet and her partner were quizzed by cops, but they have failed to contact the man understood to be the baby’s father.

Baby Violet with her mother Claire Turnbull

Claire Turnbull and little Violet, who was found dead on Saturday morning

Police are now keeping guard outside the first-floor flat of the family in Cupar, Fife.

Claire Turnbull, 34, and her partner Ryan McLachlan, 40, have been spoken to by police after the baby was found dead on Saturday morning, but no arrests have been made.

In a statement released through Police Scotland, the family of Violet today said: “We as a family are devastated by the loss of our beautiful daughter, granddaughter and sister Violet-Ivy Turnbull. We wish to be left in private to mourn at this time.”

Fife Council said that they could not confirm if there had been social services involvement with the family, as the police investigation as ongoing.

Neighbours to the family say they moved in, with a toddler and Violet, weeks ago to the temporary council accommodation.


Ryan McLachlan, the partner of Violet’s mother – who police have questioned over her death

They said there is usually a high turnover of residents.

One said: “There are always different people living there. We have no idea who the couple are – no one knows them around here – but we saw some local, well-known, drug addicts up at their flat a couple of times.”

This is not the first time police have been in contact with Claire. In May she was reported missing while five months pregnant. She had missed a hospital appointment but was found safe and well the next day.

Neighbours were woken up by the activity on Saturday morning and described it as “tragic”.

A police spokesman said: “The death is being treated as unexplained pending further inquiries.”

Ryan, Claire and a toddler the pair lived with as well as tragic Violet

Ryan, Claire and a toddler the pair lived with as well as tragic Violet

Laurie Matthew, from charity 18-and-Under, told the Daily Mirror:

“I know very little about what happened to this poor child but there needs to be a full inquiry into the unexplained death of such a young baby. Police and social services will, I hope, be thoroughly investigating this child’s short life and subsequent death. Such a young child, particularly if the parents needed any extra support, should have been closely monitored. I hope this family had the support they needed. It is really sad that this child died. I only hope an inquiry finds out the causes so lessons can be learned to prevent further tragedies.”  SOURCE

Mysterious death of tragic three-week-old baby girl found dead at home sparks calls for full inquiry

Little Violet was discovered still and lifeless on Saturday morning in a tragedy police describe as ‘unexplained’.

Now a leading child protection campaigner has called for a full inquiry into the horrifying demise.

Police have questioned her mother Claire Turnbull and partner Ryan McLachlan and officers have kept guard outside their first-floor flat in Cupar, Fife.

It is understood officers are still trying to contact Thomas Nicol, who says he is Violet’s father. He separated from Claire earlier this year and now lives in Kirkcaldy. Last night, police confirmed Violet’s death was still being treated as “unexplained”. They said no arrests had been made. Fife Council said that while the police investigation was ongoing, they could not confirm whether there had been any social services involvement with the family.

Violet lived in a flat with Claire, 34, Ryan, 40, and a toddler.

Neighbours described it as temporary council accommodation with a high turnover of residents. They said the family had only moved in a few weeks ago.

Yesterday, Laurie Matthew, from award-winning children’s charity 18-and-Under, said: “I know very little about what happened to this poor child but there needs to be a full inquiry into the unexplained death of such a young baby. Police and social services will, I hope, be thoroughly investigating this child’s short life and subsequent death. Such a young child, particularly if the parents needed any extra support, should have been closely monitored. Babies can be very demanding, especially if there are other young children in the family. And families need all the help they can get, either from close family and friends or from health and social services. Every child born in Scotland deserves the best possible care and support. Occasionally, families need additional help. I hope this family had the support they needed. It is really sad that this child died. I only hope an inquiry finds out the causes so lessons can be learned to prevent further tragedies. Every death of a young child is a tragedy and as a civilised society, we need to do all that we can to prevent these tragedies from happening.”

Ryan’s Facebook page is littered with drug references and posters supporting the legalisation of cannabis. He posted photographs of Claire and Violet that were taken in hospital soon after the baby was born.

Thomas replied to one of them, saying: “Beautiful wee gitl (sic) and it’s good to see you doing well Claire so when you going to let me meet my little girl seeing as. I do want to.”

Last night, his brother Liam, from East Wemyss, said: “Tam is Violet’s dad. She is Tam’s first bairn. He’s lost bairns before through miscarriages and that. CID were at the door looking for him on Saturday. He was going with Claire for about four or five months. They used to live in Methil. We never got to meet Violet.”

Police launched a hunt for Claire after she was reported missing in May, when she was five months pregnant. She had missed a hospital appointment but was found safe and well in Methil the next day. Yesterday, a neighbour told how the family moved into the flat in about six weeks ago.

They said: “It is just so tragic. We were all woken up by the activity on Saturday morning. The police turned up and were taking loads of stuff out of the flat in bags. The worst bit was when the undertaker turned up. He went into the house with a baby’s Moses basket and came out a short time later. It was absolutely heartbreaking to watch.”

Another neighbour said the property was a council “scatter flat”. They added: “There are always different people living there. We have no idea who the couple are – no one knows them around here – but we saw some local, well-known, drug addicts up at their flat a couple of times.”

A police spokesman said: “The death is being treated as unexplained pending further inquiries.”   SOURCE

Newborn baby found dead at house in Fife named by police

A baby who was found dead at a house in Fife has been named by police.

Violet-Ivy Turnbull, who was three weeks old, died at the property in Kinloss Crescent, Cupar, at the weekend.

Police were called to the scene at around 5am on Saturday morning.

Police released a statement on behalf of her relatives on Wednesday.

It said: “We as a family are devastated by the loss of our beautiful daughter, granddaughter and sister Violet-Ivy Turnbull. We wish to be left in private to mourn at this time.”

The death is still being treated as unexplained. SOURCE

  1.  Daily Record
  2. Cupar family “devastated” by loss of baby girl Violet-Ivy  The Courier
  3. Cupar baby death: Family’s devastation over loss of little Violet-Ivy  Evening Telegraph

Post mortem results awaited as police investigate Cupar baby death The Courier 5pm 25th oct 2016

Police are awaiting the results of a post mortem examination as they continue to investigate the death of a newborn baby in Cupar.

Officers are still treating the discovery of the three-week-old girl’s body as “unexplained” after being called to a flat in Kinloss Crescent on Saturday morning.

A strong police presence has remained in the area as officers attempt to ascertain the cause of the youngster’s sudden death, an incident that has shocked the close-knit community.

The post mortem is understood to have taken place on Tuesday, with details of its findings expected in the coming days. 

Meanwhile, floral tributes and teddy bears have continued to be left outside of the upstairs flat where the baby lived with her mother, named locally as Claire Turnbull.

It is understood that she had only moved to the property several weeks ago, with local residents telling The Courier that they had seen very little of their new neighbour since she arrived.

Police Scotland said that it is continuing to investigate the sudden death, as is standard practice in such circumstances.

Cupar baby death: police await post mortem Evening Telegraph – 1.35pm 25th Oct 1016

Police were today awaiting the results of a post mortem on a three-week-old baby who died at a property in north-east Fife.

Officers were called to a house in Kinloss Crescent in Cupar in the early hours of Saturday following the youngster’s death.

It emerged yesterday the girl’s passing was being treated as unexplained.

Today, a police presence remained outside the property, where floral tributes have been left by shocked locals at the bottom of stairs leading to the front door.

A spokesman for Police Scotland told the Tele the death was still being treated as unexplained — and officers are now awaiting the results of the post mortem.

Neighbours today said the family had only lived in the street for a number of weeks.

They were said to have originally been from the Methil area.

One neighbour told the Tele: “It’s an absolutely shocking thing to happen on your own doorstep. This has always been a quiet street. I didn’t really know the couple myself but it’s just so sad.”

Another neighbour said: “As far as I know they have only been here for about eight weeks. They tend to keep themselves to themselves. It’s nice to see the flowers being put down but just awful that something like this has happened.”

One other local added: “You don’t expect to wake up to the news that something like this has happened. My heart goes out to the family.”

It comes after one friend of the family said she believed that the incident had been a “tragic accident”.

The friend, who asked to remain anonymous, added: “Obviously there are rumours starting up but what people don’t know they make up instead.”

A police spokesman said: “Police in Fife were called to an address in Kinloss Crescent at around 5am on Saturday following the death of a three-week-old baby girl. The death is currently being treated as unexplained pending further inquiries and a report will be submitted to the procurator fiscal.”

Three-week-old baby’s death ‘unexplained’  24 Oct 2016

Police are investigating the “unexplained” death of a three-week-old baby girl in a house in Fife.

Police Scotland said it had been called to an address in Kinloss Crescent, Cupar, following the death of the newborn in the early hours of Saturday morning.

A spokesman for the force said the death was being treated as unexplained pending further inquiries.

He said officers had been called to the house at about 05:00 on Saturday. SOURCE

  1.   Daily Record 24th Oct 2016

#FIFE social work team send vulnerable child’s details to wrong address and fail to fix blunder

Scandal-hit social work team send vulnerable child’s details to wrong address and fail to fix blunder

SANDRA Gallagher was shocked when she received classified details about a five-year-old schoolgirl by mistake. 

AN under-fire social work team sent sensitive case details about a vulnerable child to the wrong address – and have failed to collect them five months after being told of the blunder.

Sandra Gallagher was shocked when she received classified details about a five-year-old schoolgirl by mistake.

But despite raising the alarm with Fife Council chiefs within minutes of opening the mail in May, no one has collected the file.

The 49-year-old, who still has the document, said:

“It beggars belief that they could send something like this in error. What’s even more alarming is that no one seems to be bothered. I was told someone would be in touch – but no one has been near me.”

Sandra received a four-page file, known as a “child wellbeing minute”, which provided details of care issues surrounding the girl and her family.

The girl was considered as being at risk and also subject of an investigation into physical abuse claims. It was alleged she had been attacked by her mother who was described as battling a drink problem.

Sandra with the letter she was sent by mistake

According to the paperwork, her parents denied she had been the victim of an assault during a Child Protection Investigation.

The error emerged after the council’s social work department were heavily criticised over the case of tragic infant Liam Fee, who was murdered by his mum Rachel Trelfa and civil partner Nyomi Fee in 2014.

Liam’s social worker Lesley Bate was removed from the care register after a hearing into her handling of his case. A Scottish Social Services Council conduct sub-committee struck her off – but said “systemic failures” at Fife Council had also played a part in the “pattern of misconduct that developed”.

Sandra, from Burntisland, Fife, whose own family have had involvement with Fife Council’s social work team, said she opened the mail after recognising the department’s stamp.

She was looking after a property owned by her daughter when the documents arrived. The family say neither of the child’s parents have ever lived at the address.

She said: “It was only when I started reading that I realised it couldn’t be meant for my family. The letter was marked for the attention of the girl’s dad. It was an innocent mistake. I phoned up Fife social work department and explained what had happened and suggested that correspondence like this should surely be sent recorded delivery. But a woman claimed they couldn’t afford to do that. She said someone would be in touch but I’ve heard nothing since.”

Fife Council are looking for a new £116,000-a-year head of children’s services after the previous head, Craig Munro, resigned earlier this year.

Steve Hopton, the council’s service manager, said: “We can reassure the public that Fife  Council take the confidentiality of our clients very seriously and we are investigating this issue. The report was correctly sent to the address we held on file for our client at that time and should not have been opened by anyone other than who it was addressed to. Our client confirmed they had lived at this address.”

The Scottish Conservatives’ Liz Smith said: “This is a major error and could have caused considerable damage. Surely extra care must be taken with sensitive documents.”          dailyrecord

Fifers outraged to learn Liam Fee killers returned to Glenrothes

Hundreds of outraged Fifers have signed a petition to prevent Liam Fee’s killers from returning to Glenrothes.

Liam’s mother Rachel Trelfa and her partner Nyomi Fee are serving life sentences for murdering and inflicting a catalogue of horrific physical and psychological abuse on the two-year-old.

But they were seen back in the Fife town for a social work meeting last week.

An  demanding the pair are never allowed back has already gathered more than 1000 signatures.

James Alexander, who launched the petition, said the news that Trelfa and Fee had been seen in the town came as a shock.

“We were under the presumption that when they were sentenced they would serve the respective time in separate prisons and not see each other,” he said.

“The aim of the petition is to bring attention to the fact that the people of Glenrothes don’t want either Trelfa or Fee in the town and to ask that any meetings they have are done so in the respective prisons and that any visitation between them both is kept to a minimum.”

Councillor Neale Hanvey, the local SNP spokesman for health and social care, has raised the issue with Fife Council chief executive Steve Grimmond.

Mr Hanvey recently called for Fife’s social work department to be subject to an external review in the wake of Liam’s murder.

“This is a troubling and upsetting development for the Glenrothes and wider Fife community,” he said.

“I am writing to the chief executive today on related matters and I will be raising this concern with him then. Clearly we need to understand and better judge the sensitivity needed for the community going forward.

“The leader of the Labour administration has stated that I should not question the word of officers in social work, but I profoundly disagree.

“This latest development demonstrates clearly the strength of feeling in this case and illustrates why my call for an external review is not just important, but essential in rebuilding a trusting relationship with the community and moving the service beyond these recent challenging events.”

A spokesman for the Scottish Prison Service said no comment could be made about individual offenders.

However, he added: “Prisoners from time to time are required to attend various legal processes such as children’s panel hearings.

“If people are required to attend such events, it is our obligation to make sure they attend and escort them there and back again.”

Fife Council confirmed the meeting attended by Trelfa and Fee was not organised by the authority and said it had no jurisdiction over the control and movement of prisoners.

Local authority leader David Ross recently hit back at Mr Hanvey and told him to stop undermining social work staff.

Mr Hanvey had said serious question marks hang over the quality of social work services following Liam’s murder in March 2014.

He called for action after a report stated systematic failures may have had a role in the misconduct of struck-off social worker Lesley Bate.

Mrs Bate, who was involved in Liam’s case, was described as “disorganised and chaotic” during a Scottish Social Services Council hearing.

March 22 2014 – Police find Liam Fee dead in a flat in Donald Crescent, Thornton, after responding to a 999 call made by Nyomi Fee.

March 24 2014 – Post mortem carried out as police continue gathering evidence

March 27 2014 – Police officially confirm Liam’s identity to the media. Rachael and Nyomi describe him as a happy-go-lucky little boy who was much loved and would be deeply missed.

August 22 2014 – Five months after Liam’s death Fee and Trelfa are accused of murdering him and make a private appearance at Kirkcaldy Sheriff Court before Sheriff Graeme Warner.

March 21 2015 – Prayers are said at Markinch and Thornton Parish Church in memory of Liam on the anniversary of his death.

September 3 2015 – Fee and Trelfa deny eight charges against them when they appear at the High Court in Glasgow. The full extent of the horror is revealed as charges include the torture of two other boys as well as the abuse and murder of Liam.

September 8 2015 – Fee and Trelfa are hounded out of a village they had been staying in in Tyne and Wear after locals learn of the charges against them.

April 9 2016 – The trial against Fee and Trelfa begins at the High Court in Livingston.

May 31 2016 – Fee and Trelfa found guilty of Liam’s murder. The jury returned a majority verdict.

July 6 2016 – The pair are handed like sentences. Trelfa told she will spend a minimum of 23.5 years in jail and Fee a minimum of 24. SOURCE

Hayley Davidson WAS ON Fife social services “radar” when she was beaten to death on 14.02.16

Hayley’s horror injuries at mum’s lover’s home  feb 19th 2016

DEATH horror baby Hayley Davidson had more than 20 fractures when she lost her
fight for life, it is claimed.

Medics allegedly found the five-month-old unconscious after a heart attack
when they arrived at the home of her mum’s lover.

Police were yesterday guarding Gordon Mckay’s flat as they continued to probe
the discovery in Buckhaven, Fife.

A source said: “Hayley never regained consciousness. She suffered over 20 fractures and had a heart attack before the alarm was raised. Hayley was rushed to hospital and kept alive by machines until doctors prepared her family for the worst.”

Floral tributes lay yesterday outside Hayley’s home a few doors away. She lived there with mum Catherine Davidson, 25, and sisters Brooke, five, and Rebekah, three.

Sources claimed the family was known to social services.

A resident said Catherine had dated Gordon on and off since Hayley’s dad Kevin Flood was jailed last year. They added:

“Catherine was always falling in and out with Gordon. This is devastating.”

Cops say a post mortem is yet to be held. A spokesman said: “Inquiries are ongoing.”

Fife Council did not comment.

The tot died on Wednesday, three days after being admitted to Edinburgh’s Sick Kids Hospital  SOURCE 



  1. 5 month old Hayley Davidson, Fife
  2. Brutal Murder of 2yr old Madison Horn ‘could not have been anticipated’ #Fife
  3. Sheku, Mikaeel & Liam & GOD DAMN FIFE
  4. Fife Social Worker Lesley Bate STRUCK OFF
  5. *NINE* Fife Council workers sacked for spying on Mikaeel’s files 
  6. Liam Fee Murder Trial Day 33+2
  7. WTF is wrong wi Fife?!
  8. Social work at ‘tipping point’ in wake of Liam Fee Trial
  9. When The State Ignores Narcissism
  10. Council had chance to save #LiamFee just 24hrs before tragic tot died


  2. The Murder of Isabelle Cowley (4)

What is Scotland’s Problem?

originally published 22.04.16 3.09am  | last updated 01.01.17  7.04 pm



Docherty family

  1. STOLEN: FOUR SCOTTISH CHILDREN. Docherty Interviews & Transcript
  2. Here’s how YOU can help the Docherty Family
  3. Joining Dots
  4. Docherty Transcript: #GiveBackTheDochertyKids
  5. *PLEASE WATCH* #UKColumn 13th Aug 2016
  6. Gordon Jeyes, Tusla, Dunblane, Cover Ups & Docherty Family #GiveBackDochertyKids
  7. The Nominated Perjuror. #GiveBackTheDochertyKids
  8. How LOW can you go?
  9. The strange case of Shaun Ritchie MISSING for TWO YEARS #Fraserburgh

Your chance to demand that John Swinney listens to parents #no2np








Your chance to demand that John Swinney listens to parents #no2np

  1. Teacher appointed first Named Person state guardian struck off  (paedo!)
  2. What can happen when a Named Person reports on your children
  3. Nicola Sturgeon ‘misleading parents over state guardians’ #Sco 
  4. Pupils face HOME QUIZZES under SNP’s Named Person 
  5. By Aug 31st 2016, EVERY CHILD IN SCOTLAND will have a Named Person LIKE IT OR NOT
  7. 23% Of Scots Back Named Person Scheme. #Sco
  8. The named person will safeguard children from abuse. REALLY??
  10. Highland education chief ‘pleased’ with Supreme Court rulinG #NamedPerson
  11. #NicolaSturgeon’s spy charter created huge dossiers on kids vulnerable to criminals
  12. Lady Anne Mather Smith to Head #Scotland’s #CSAinquiry. Hmm…
  13. #ScotGov legislative programme: Welcomed by Law Society and Faculty
  14. Sturgeon warns opponents over #LiamFee ‘named person’ EXCEPT IT’S NOT JUST LIAM! #no2np
  15. Call to cut older teens from named person scheme remit
  16. Named Person News: Mon 11th – Fri 16th Sept #no2np
  17. Maggie Mellon: An open letter to John Swinney on #NamedPerson #no2np
  18. Being ignored by #JohnSwinney during his 3months of “intense engagement?” You can still make your voice heard #no2np






Sheku, Mikaeel & Liam & GOD DAMN FIFE



  1. ScotCops STILL Gettin Away Wi Murder: 13months & STILL NO CAUSE OF DEATH 
  2. ScotCops & Sheku’s Murder: 1 year on, Scotland hasn’t forgotten #JusticeForSheku
  4. Sheku Bayoh ‘fought with Mikaeel Kular’s father’
  5. Sheku Bayoh death: Mikaeel’s father denies fight
  6. Mikaeel Kular’s dad sends fifth birthday message to tragic
  7. Mikaeel Kular’s dad on his lost friend: Sheku was always
  8. Dad of tragic Mikaeel Kular reveals double heartbreak


  1. Lesley Bates: #LiamFee & Mikaeel Kular’s Social worker
  3. Council had chance to save #LiamFee just 24hrs before tragic tot died. #no2np
  4. Daily Account Of #LiamFee Murder Trial: updated 01.06.16
  5. #LiamFee Murder Trial Day 33+2: Killers held in cells yards from each other (updated 02.06.16)
  6. The Murder Of Liam Fee. Fife

WTF is wrong wi Fife?!

  2. R.I.P Wee Hayley.. Fife mourns loss of murdered 5 month old.



  1. ScotCops STILL Gettin Away Wi Murder: 13months & STILL NO CAUSE OF DEATH #Justice4Sheku
  2. ScotCops & Sheku’s Murder: 1 year on, Scotland hasn’t forgotten #JusticeForSheku
  4. WTF is wrong wi Fife?!



Fife Social Worker Lesley Bate STRUCK OFF



Liam Fee: Child protection department where murdered two -year-old ‘fell off the radar’ looking to hire £116,000-a-year boss

The job, advertised by Fife Council, was posted just one day before their former social worker was struck off for failure and neglect

The child protection department where tragic Liam Fee “fell off the radar” before his murder is now looking to hire a new £116,000-a-year boss.

Fife Council advertised the job on Monday – the day before one of their former social workers was struck off for a catalogue of failure and neglect in the cases of Liam and other children, the Daily Record reports.

The panel of experts who condemned Lesley Bate, 60, said her managers could have done more to stop her “pattern of misconduct”.

They also accused some of the council’s most senior social workers of being defensive and evasive in their evidence to the hearing.

One boss, Karen Pedder, admitted she kept track of cases in her head.

And the panel heard that the Glenrothes child protection team where Bate worked was “dysfunctional”, with some members reluctant to talk to others they disliked.

The council’s new executive director of education and children’s services will have ultimate responsibility for the Glenrothes team and others.

He or she will have to cope with the aftermath of the Fee case.

The council’s advert says they are looking for a proven “strategic thinker and change leader”, who can deliver a service with “a clear focus on the complete needs of every child”.

EVIL BITCHES Rachael and Nyomi Fee

The winning candidate will earn £116,627 and report directly to council chief executive Steven Grimmond.

Liam, two, was murdered in March 2014 by his mother Rachel and her civil partner Nyomi Fee. He had suffered horrific abuse at their hands for much of his life, and the Fees also brutalised two older children.

Pedder, who led the Glenrothes team, admitted at the trial that Liam had “fallen off the radar” of the council.

Before they struck Bate off, the Scottish Social Services Council heard how her bosses asked her to investigate after Liam’s childminder raised concerns about injuries he had suffered.

Fife council is advertising for a new Executive Director of Children’s Services with a salary of £116k

The Fees told Bate he had hurt himself by accident, and she believed them. The panel upheld 12 charges against her involving Liam and 14 other children and said her misconduct amounted to neglect.

Charity NSPCC Scotland said after the hearing: “Children like Liam Fee suffer the most when the systems set up to protect them fail to function properly.”

The council have also been criticised by the father of three-year-old Mikaeel Kular, who was beaten to death in 2014 by his mum Rosdeep Adekoya, for their dealings with the family.

A council spokeswoman denied the job advert was linked to either case. She added that children’s services in Fife
were evaluated “very positively” after an official inspection this year.

Previous head of children’s services Craig Munro resigned earlier this year. Shelagh McLean is now acting boss. source


screenshot_20160921-063251Murdered toddler Liam Fee’s social worker Lesley Bate struck off

Liam Fee was beaten to death by his mother and her lesbian lover in 2014

Hearing today heard how Lesley Bates misconduct put him at ‘actual risk’

She failed to follow up on reports he had bruising to his face and sore neck

Committee also slammed employer Fife Council for ‘systematic failures’ 

The social worker in charge of murdered toddler Liam Fee’s case has been struck off due to ‘serious misconduct’ that amounted to neglect of 15 children.

A watchdog panel today sacked Lesley Bate, who had worked for the Fife Council team when Liam was found beaten to death with more than 30 injuries by his mother Rachel Fee and her partner Nyomi in March 2014.

The watchdog heard how Bate, who was overseeing his case, had ignored reports that the boy was bruised on numerous occasions, before his case then ‘dropped off the radar’.

She was found guilty of 12 charges of misconduct relating to 15 children including Liam, who a judge said was subjected to a ‘cruel and pitiless regime of ill-treatment and neglect,’ when he jailed Rachel and Nyomi for life in July.

The council also tried to cover up its mistakes and the committee branded staff, including Bates’ boss Karen Pedder, ‘defensive’ and ‘evasive’ in giving evidence to the hearing. It said the council was ‘less reliable than might reasonably have been expected’ when failures were being investigated.

Fife Council tonight said the findings of the sub-committee ‘do not reflect our current practice or the high standard of professionalism we expect from staff’.

During his Rachel and Nyomi Fee’s trial, the court had heard how defenceless Liam died from ‘car crash-style injuries’ including a ruptured heart as a result of severe blunt force trauma to his body. SOURCE

  1. Liam Fee social worker Lesley Bate struck off
  2. Liam Fee social worker struck off over catalogue of misconduct charges …


Liam Fee hearing urged to find charges against social worker proven

A hearing into a social worker accused of failing murdered toddler Liam Fee has been urged to find every charge against her proven.

Lesley Bate was assigned to some of the most serious child abuse cases in Fyfe, Scotland.

The 60-year-old faces 13 misconduct charges relating to 16 at-risk children including two-year-old Liam.

Ms Bate is accused of not following up properly concerns about injuries he’d suffered and failing to minimise the potential risk of harm to the youngster.

Liam’s mother Rachel Trelfa, 31, and her partner Nyomi Fee, 29, originally from Gateshead, were found guilty of murdering the toddler in March 2014.

Rachel Trelfa was ordered to spend a minimum of 23-and-a-half years in jail and Nyomi Fee, a minimum of 24 years.

The solicitor acting for the social services watchdog urged the Scottish Social Services Council hearing to find her guilty of misconduct.

Gary Burton said that by not progressing cases properly she has failed to protect children from the danger of harm.

The hearing previously heard that Lesley Bate was erratic, disorganised and chaotic.

She has not appearred at the hearing but denies the charges.

The committee will deliver its findings at a later date. SOURCE

  1. Liam Fee hearing: Charges against social worker ‘should be found proven’
  2. Hearing ends on social worker accused of failing murdered tot Liam Fee and other at-risk children
  3. Social worker did put murdered toddler Liam Fee at risk, hearing told


Liam Fee social work boss admits she kept track of cases ‘in her head’

KAREN Peddar also told how a team meeting descended into chaos after one social worker shouted, ‘I have never worked with such a crowd of bitches’. THE BOSS of the social work team responsible for murdered toddler Liam Fee admitted today she kept track of cases “in her head.”

Karen Pedder also told how one team meeting she chaired ended in chaos when a junior social worker shouted: “I have never worked with such a crowd of bitches.”

The evidence was heard at the professional conduct hearing of Liam’s social worker, Lesley Bate at the Scottish Social Services Council conduct sub-committee over her work for the authority between December 2011 and August 2014.

  1. Murdered toddler Liam Fee was ‘failed’ by his social worker, hearing told
  2. Liam Fee was ‘failed’ by his social worker, case hears


Liam Fee’s social workers weakened by ‘personality clashes’

A team of social workers charged with ensuring the wellbeing of Fife toddler Liam Fee — later murdered by his mother and her partner — were beset by “personality clashes” and were “split into two camps”, a probe into the conduct of one of its workers has heard.

Lesley Bate was a member of Fife Council’s child protection team in Glenrothes and faces a string of charges at the Scottish Social Services Council conduct sub-committee over her work for the authority between December 2011 and August 2014.

The hearing was earlier told that Ms Bate had chosen not to intervene after Liam was found badly bruised in January 2013 – and failed to follow up on reports he had suffered a neck injury weeks later.

Rachel Trelfa and Nyomi Fee tried to blame other children for the death.

Liam Fee murderers Rachel Trelfa and Nyomi Fee.

Senior social worker Sharon Barr, who worked with Ms Bate for three months in early 2013, today told the tribunal of other cases Ms Bate had worked on.

In one, Ms Bate, 60, left a child “at risk of harm” by failing to follow up on reports the child’s parents were “living in squalor”, Miss Barr told the hearing.

In another she recommended a girl be given back to her mother – who had assaulted her – despite managers ordering her to change her recommendations ahead of a case conference.

Miss Barr, a former police officer, said the team had left a child, identified only as AA, “in a very risky and vulnerable condition” because of Ms Bate’s failures.

She said: “The parents were living in squalor. There were dirty nappies lying around and ingrained dirt. There were blind cords hanging that posed a danger. There was no record of Lesley Bate carrying out any visits or of tasks being done. We had left a child in a very risky and vulnerable condition. No-one was monitoring the situation. Her practise was not good and in my opinion it left that child, AA, at risk of harm. It was like the AA case had fallen off the radar.”

Speaking of issues within the child protection team, she added: “There were personality issues in the CPT and I didn’t want to become embroiled in any of it.

“I took the personality clashes not to be work-based issues. There was a split in the team – almost like they were in two separate camps.”

The hearing is examining 16 charges involving 13 children that Ms Bate was involved with over the course of almost three years.

Two of the charges relate to Liam Fee – identified in SSSC papers only as FF.

Those charges allege that Ms Bate failed to follow up on a referral regarding serious bruising Liam suffered in January 2013, and that she didn’t follow up claims he suffered a neck injury weeks later.

Earlier, an official who investigated Ms Bate’s conduct during her time in the child protection team told a hearing of her involvement with Liam and his parents, Rachel Trelfa and Nyomi Fee.

Tracey Burke told how Liam’s childminder Heather Farmer – referred to at the hearing as HF – had raised concerns in January 2013.

Despite that, and subsequent concerns about a neck injury he suffered weeks later, Ms Bate failed to follow up on the case or make notes relating to it on council computer systems.

Instead, she blamed “pressure of work” for her failures – despite other workers saying her case load was not excessive.

Miss Burke said her failings were “not acceptable” and that she should have followed up allegations of child abuse “in a robust manner”.

The hearing, at the SSSC headquarters in Dundee, continues. SOURCE 


Murdered toddler’s social worker did not pass on concerns to child protection experts 

TRAGIC toddler Liam Fee’s social worker decided child protection workers should not intervene after the tot was found badly bruised, a probe into her conduct has heard.

Lesley Bate faces a string of charges over her work including the circumstances of her involvement with the youngster. 

The two-year-old was murdered by his mother and her civil partner in April 2014 in one of the most shocking child abuse cases ever in Scotland. 

Bate was a member of Fife Council’s Child Protection team and yesterday the official who investigated her case gave evidence to the hearing. 

Tracey Burke said Liam’s childminder, Heather Farmer, had raised concerns about his treatment and condition in January 2013. 

But despite this and subsequent concerns about a neck injury which Liam suffered weeks later, Bate failed to follow up on the case or make notes relating to it on council computer systems. 

She subsequently blamed “pressure of work” for her failures despite other workers saying her case load was not excessive. 

Miss Burke said Bate’s failings were “not acceptable” and that she should have followed up allegations of child abuse “in a robust manner”. 

The hearing in Dundee was told Liam’s mother, Rachel Trelfa, 31, had set up home with Nyomi Fee, 29, in Thornton, Fife. 

The witness said the boy had been referred to the department with unexplained bruises. 

Liam was described as being “unsteady on his feet and with bruising on his back. He also had a black eye” which his Trelfa claimed had happened when he fell while playing. 

On another occasion, the childminder reported that the child had a “massive bruise” on his forehead and bruising on both legs, prompting her to raised concerns about whether the child had been knocked unconscious. 

But Bate claimed to find Trelfa’s account “plausible” and only recommended that a school health visitor be contacted. 

Miss Burke was also taken through a series of other cases allocated to Bate where despite being reminded by senior managers to complete projects, the social worker had failed to follow up on cases. 

Fee's roomBate was a member of Fife Council’s Child Protection team

Some of those included allegations of sexual abuse towards young children and instances of physical abuse including one child who alleged she was being kicked and struck by her own grandmother. Despite home visits with police officers, it was claimed that Bate failed to record information on the outcomes of such cases. In earlier evidence Bate’s one-time manager described her as “the most erratic person I’ve worked with”. The hearing continues.  SOURCEMORE FRM MSM
  1. Murdered Liam Fee’s social worker decided against intervention
  2. Murdered toddler’s social worker did not pass on concerns to child …
  3. Liam Fee social worker failed to take action over tragic toddler’s bruises, …
  4. Liam Fee social worker failed to take action over tragic toddler’s bruises, hearing told




LESLEY Bate, who was part of the team responsible for the little boys’ welfare, faces 13 charges of failing to properly handle the cases of children aged from one to 15. A SOCIAL worker involved with Liam Fee and Mikaeel Kular in the months before they died has been accused of bungling the cases of 16 children.

Lesley Bate was part of the Fife social work team responsible for the little boys’ welfare shortly before both were killed by their parents.

Liam, two, was murdered by his mother Rachel and her sadistic civil partner Nyomi while three-year-old Mikaeel died two days after being beaten by his mother Rosdeep Adekoya.

Bate, 60, faces 13 charges of failing to properly handle the cases of 16 children aged from one to 15. The charges relate to the period between December 2011 and August 2014, when she was employed by Fife Council in the child protection team in Glenrothes and the children and families team in Dunfermline as a social worker.

Killer mother Rosdeep Adekoya

One of the charges claims Bate failed to follow up concerns raised by a childminder about a one-year-old boy, labelled FF.

It alleges that despite the carer raising concerns on January 15, 2013, “regarding bruising to the face” of the baby – and the next month that “he had a sore neck” – Bate did not act.

During the Liam murder trial, childminder Heather Farmer told the court she contacted the Scottish Childminding Association in January 2013 after he turned up with scratches and bruises to his face.

In a separate incident, she raised concerns about the toddler’s neck after he was dropped off at her home on February 18, 2013.

The charges against Bate also include failing to properly assess sex abuse claims involving a girl aged three and allegedly staying for tea at the family home of a vulnerable child.

She is accused of not minimising the risk of harm to children, not maintaining accurate records and disobeying management instructions.

On another occasion she allegedly left confidential paperwork in the street.

Rachel Fee

Bate is due to appear before the Scottish Social Services Council in Dundee later this month. The hearing is expected to take two weeks.

In June, we reported how the former BA air hostess – who did not give evidence in the Fees’ 34-day murder trial – had been suspended.

The news was revealed by a Fife Council whistleblower, who highlighted details of the authority’s controversial handling of Liam’s care.

Senior social workers claimed at his trial that the tot inexplicably “fell off the radar” but insiders said Liam was still under the care of Fife Council’s Glenrothes social work team.

Bate left the specialist child protection team on long-term sick leave. It is understood she moved from Cupar and resettled in Spain.

The brutality of Liam and Mikaeel’s deaths shocked Scotland.

Nyomi Fee

Rachel, 31, and Nyomi, 29, murdered Liam in March 2014 by inflicting blunt force trauma on his abdomen with such force that it burst his heart.

They were also found guilty of horrific neglect and abuse of Liam and two older boys in the house near Glenrothes.

The women were given life sentences.

Mikaeel died after being savagely beaten by Adekoya at the family’s flat in Edinburgh in January 2014.

She dumped his body behind her sister’s house in Kirkcaldy, before telling police that he had disappeared from her flat.

Adekoya was later jailed for 11 years after admitting culpable homicide.

A Fife Council spokesman said yesterday: “These allegations of misconduct do not reflect the high standard of professionalism which we expect and receive from our social work staff.

“Fife Council’s children’s services were subject to a joint inspection earlier this year by the Care Inspectorate, Education Scotland, Healthcare Improvement Scotland and HMI of Constabulary for Scotland, who evaluated services in Fife very positively.

Social worker who handled Liam Fee and Mikaeel Kular cases Mirror – 17.06.16


  1. When The State Ignores Narcissism #LiamFee #no2np
  2. Council had chance to save #LiamFee just 24hrs before tragic tot died. #no2np
  3. WTF is wrong wi Fife?!
  5. Brutal Murder of 2yr old Madison Horn ‘could not have been anticipated’ #Fife
  7. #SocialWorker & #ScotGov advisor accused of faking qualifications just “panicked”
  8. Remembering the children who died at the hands of those who should have protected them
  10. ScotCops STILL Gettin Away Wi Murder: 13months & STILL NO CAUSE OF DEATH #Justice4Sheku
  11. ScotCops & Sheku’s Murder: 1 year on, Scotland hasn’t forgotten #JusticeForSheku
  12. What is Scotland’s Problem?
  13. De La Salle, St Ninian’s, FIFE. 55+ Articles (2001-2016)
  14. #Fife #Paedophile WILLIAM KING Jailed for five years after preying on young girls
  15. Mark Armstrong jailed for raping girl aged 15 in a 32-hour, depraved abduction in FIFE
  16. Daily Account Of #LiamFee Murder Trial:
  17. #LiamFee Murder Trial Day 33+2: Killers held in cells yards from each other
  18. Social work at ‘tipping point’ in wake of Liam Fee murder sentencing
  19. The Murder Of Liam Fee. Fife
  20. Appeal against #LiamFee murder convictions
  22. Sturgeon warns opponents over #LiamFee ‘named person’ EXCEPT IT’S NOT JUST LIAM! #no2np

Not Fife But Pretty Damn Close!

  1. ALVA, Clackmannanshire
  2. Scott & Farai Chirashi: Masocha, Tichakunda & Named Person.
  3. Masocha, Paedophilia & Sexual Assaults
  4. 30 “Historic” Newspaper Articles on Thomas Hamilton & Dunblane
  5. QVS Dunblane: Military school investigated by police amid claims of paedo ring
  6. QVS, Dunblane, VIPaedo, Cover-Up (updated)
  7. GORDON BROWN: Dunblane, Maddie, Harry Potter & P.I.E


STOLEN: FOUR SCOTTISH CHILDREN. Docherty Interview, Transcript & PDF File



Brutal Murder of 2yr old Madison Horn ‘could not have been anticipated’ #Fife

first published Jul 8, 2016 | updated Aug 3rd 2016

Madison Horn murder: Toddler’s death ‘could not have been anticipated’ 6pm 02.08.16

Madison Horn

Madison Horn died after being taken to hospital with massive brain and internal injuries

A review into the case of a Fife toddler murdered by her mother’s boyfriend has concluded her death could not have been anticipated.

Two-year-old Madison Horn was beaten to death by Kevin Park while he was babysitting her at her home in Kelty in April 2014.

A significant case review found there were no social work or health service concerns for Madison before her death.

NHS Fife records described her as being a well-adjusted child.

The records also said Madison was meeting all her developmental milestones.

However, the report also notes Park, 27, was a known domestic abuser with a history of violence.

It recommends the criminal justice system should share such information with child protection agencies.

Park pulled Madison’s hair, lifting her up and repeatedly striking her head against a wall. He also repeatedly hit the toddler.

He was found guilty of murdering Madison in November 2014 and jailed for life.

He must spend at least 22 years in jail before he can apply for parole.Kevin Park

Alan Small, independent chairman of Fife’s child protection committee, said: “The review has concluded that Madison’s death could not have been anticipated. There was no evidence to suggest that any agency was aware of any concerns about her well-being and neither she, nor her mother, were known to social work services.

“The report published today also states that certain aspects of this case could have been managed more effectively and identifies some learning points.

“One of the learning points relates to the management and sharing of information.

“There are robust information sharing procedures to help us share and manage information across agencies in Fife. The review found that in this instance more could have been done to ensure that these procedures were fully understood by all involved and that the information available was considered and fully analysed in respect of the potential risk posed by Kevin Park.”

The report also said lessons could be learned about continuity in the management of offenders, he said.

‘Protected and safe’

The Care Inspectorate, which regulates and inspects care services in Scotland, said it would examine “this significant case review in detail”.

Chief executive Karen Reid said: “Where things go wrong, it is essential that the right lessons are learned, and changes in practice are made and then embedded.

“Learning must be directed at reducing the risk of future tragedy. It is everybody’s responsibility to make sure children are safe, and the Care Inspectorate expects all services to work closely together to protect vulnerable people.

“We expect appropriate information to be shared and that rigorous assessments and care planning are undertaken to make sure people are protected and safe.” Source bbcnews

Madison Horn   FIFE

Madison Horn: Mum finally accepts the truth as full horror of tot’s murder emerges in court 13 Nov 2014

ANN Marie White previously defended boyfriend Kevin Park, but later said that justice had been served when he was found guilty of the tot’s murder.

MADISON Horn’s mother sobbed in court yesterday as the man she brought into her home was found guilty of murdering her daughter .

Ann Marie White said justice had been served – but she had previously defended boyfriend Kevin Park to the hilt.

Within hours of Madison’s murder, Ann Marie was on Facebook, saying he was “not a bad person”.

The mum, who was at a friend’s birthday party when her daughter was killed, wrote :

“I suppose everyone knows I lost my precious little girl last night and I know what everyone is saying, especially about Kevin. I just want to say that he would never hurt her. This was just an accident. It would have happened if I was in the house.” Ann Marie, 22, added: “He wouldn’t let anything happen to his own kids so I’m pretty certain that he wouldn’t hurt Madison. He loves her to bits. He will miss her.”

In court, Ann Marie heard the harrowing details about how monster Park battered the two-year-old to death.

And she finally had to accept the horrific truth.

Read in full dailyrecord.

Wicked beyond belief: Monster who savagely battered to death a toddler he was babysitting is attacked by judge as he’s jailed for at least 22 years 

  • Madison Horn suffered 65 separate injuries at the hands of Kevin Park
  • Her mother had left her in his care while she went out to a friend’s birthday
  • Judge says no sentence can reflect ‘sheer awfulness’ of Park’s crime 
  • Park has 38 previous convictions – including domestic violence 
  • Social workers had no involvement after Park moved in with child’s mother
  • Madison’s father said today that Park had ‘taken away his wee angel’
  • Fife Council announced a significant case review to examine if Madison could have been better protected

A man who murdered his girlfriend’s two-year-old daughter while babysitting has been jailed for life.

Kevin Park must serve at least 22 years for his savage attack on toddler Madison Horn, who suffered 65 separate injuries.

He battered her head off a wall, punched and stamped on her and is even believed to have used a broken pool cue during the terrifying assault.

Madison Horn, who was punched and stamped on, and had her head battered against a wall, in a savage and inexplicable attack by her mother’s boyfriend as he babysat her one evening

The officer in charge of the investigation said Madison’s injuries were the ‘most horrific’ he had ever seen.

The brutal attack came after the little girl’s mother, Anne Marie White, left Park to babysit while she went to a party.Only hours later, Madison died in hospital after suffering a fractured skull, internal bleeding and tearing to her liver. 
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Appeal against #LiamFee murder convictions

Rachael Fee and her civil partner Nyomi Fee (R) are to appeal their convictions for murdering two-year-old Liam Fee

Appeal against Liam Fee murder convictions

Maureen Ferrier  Friday 15 July 2016

The two women convicted of murdering two-year-old Liam Fee have started an appeal against their convictions.The boy’s mother Rachel, 31, and her civil partner Nyomi, 29, have lodged papers initimating their intention to appeal at the High Court in Edinburgh.

This is the first stage in the legal process before an appeal against conviction can be considered.

The pair were sentenced to life imprisonment earlier this month for the toddler’s murder and abuse of two other boys at their home near Glenrothes in March 2014.Rachel Fee, was told she would spend a minimum of 23-and-a-half years in jail and Nyomi Fee, a minimum of 24 years for the murder and ill-treatment of Liam Fee.

The couple denied killing Liam, and instead blamed his death on one of two other young boys, who cannot be named for legal reasons.


Children’s hospice nurse struck off over indecent images #Fife

Stephen McCusker: The 49-year-old downloaded 1740 images. 

Children’s hospice nurse struck off over indecent images  4pm 12th july 2016

Stephen McCusker from Glenrothes worked at Rachel House in Kinross for eight years.

A children’s hospice nurse who was caught downloading indecent images of youngsters has been struck off.

Stephen McCusker, who worked at Rachel House hospice in Kinross, admitted downloading 1740 images at his home in Glenrothes, Fife, after he was arrested in 2013.

The 49-year-old avoided being struck off by the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) last year but he has now been banned from the profession. No children there came to any harm from McCusker. He had worked there for eight years before the offences came to light.

At a hearing in Kirkcaldy Sheriff Court in 2014, McCusker’s lawyer said he had quit his job at the hospice as soon as the charges came to light.

He had told police he was “interested in viewing males and females aged ten to 16” when he was arrested.

When asked to explain his actions during a police interview he said “no excuses, it’s not sexual, curiosity mixed with wine”.

He admitted downloading 1740 indecent images over a four-year period at his home in Glenrothes.

Sheriff Derek O’Carroll placed him on the sex offenders register for three years and ordered him to carry out 250 hours of unpaid work.

At an NMC hearing in 2015, he avoided being struck off and was given a year-long suspension from nursing.

His case was reviewed by an NMC panel last week.

Panel chairwoman Ilana Tessler said: “The panel concluded that Mr McCusker has disengaged from the regulatory process and has therefore provided no evidence of any reflection, remediation, insight or remorse.”

She added: “Mr McCusker has been convicted of a serious crime and has chosen to disengage with the NMC.

“In light of all these factors the panel determined to impose a striking-off order.” Source

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