Who We Are The Fresh Start Foundation
(FSF) is an Independent Peoples Enquiry into all forms of Child Sexual Abuse in Scotland. Having witnessed the failures of existing authorities to protect the children of this nation, and having seen the loss of confidence in the official inquiry, we have concluded that ordinary Scots must stand up to this challenge. The resignations from the official inquiry, and the governmental interference cited as reasons for those resignations, were the last straw. We, the people, will investigate what has happened and what is happening. Our governments, and those institutions charged with delivering justice, have failed. We will no longer endure that failure. We have decided to act.
This investigation will not be limited only to abuse within an institutional context but will look at every form of abuse that has occurred and is occurring. Thus we are determined to address abuse within institutions, Satanist Ritual Abuse, trafficking and abuse for commercial gain in the sex industry, abuse by informal networks, multi-generational abusive families and any other form of sexual abuse reported by victims and survivors. In acting we seek the truth. We investigate to discover the truth. The truth, it has been well said, will set you free.
How We Operate
We are an all-volunteer group. We give our time freely because it is right that we do so. Where funds are required, these are raised from public donation and private voluntary contributions. We accept no money from government agencies in order that our complete independence from any party tainted with child abuse, its cover up, or its toleration may be unquestioned.
Our organisation is dedicated to bringing truth and justice to the victims of Child Sexual Abuse and Satanist Ritual Abuse in Scotland, with the firm belief that this will do more than any other single action to heal our nation and protect future generations of children from suffering similar horrors. And we wish to be explicit about our understanding of what victims and survivors seek. In our experience, they want:
- The truth to come out – this releases them from a world in which they have suffered but where they, and maybe a few family and friends, are the only ones who know. Hence they suffer in secret.
- They want justice to have the wrongs against them made right.
- At present the state overwhelmingly tries to avoid exposure and justice and buy them off with compensation – they want truth and justice before the money they deserve.
Our programme
We have a step by step programme for the investigation. It is as follows:
- Making contact
- Gathering testimony
- Informing the nation
- Conducting Investigation
- Testing the evidence
- Pursuing prosecution
- Leaving a memorial
Each step has a fixed time-line and defined outcomes and items to be delivered. This programme is to deliver for the victims and survivors, it is not to make them promises only to disappoint once again. So many of our countrymen and countrywomen have a lifetime of betrayal by those who should protect and help them. We are determined that we shall not add to that.
Making Contact
A series of 36 road show events will be conducted across Scotland. These will be located: One in each of the 32 local authority areas One extra in Glasgow, Edinburgh, Dundee and Aberdeen. The roadshows will be split into two batches of 18; one in 2018 and the second in 2019. They will run at fortnightly intervals from April to October each year. The Road Shows will comprise the following:
- Leafleting the public
- Meeting with victims and survivors from the area
- Meeting with groups and organisations dealing with victims and survivors in the area
A formal presentation to the public involving:
- An expert guest speaker. Topics will include Child Sexual Abuse (CSA), Satanist Ritual Abuse (SRA) and Child Trafficking.
- A report on the history of CSA and SRA in that area, as known from published sources
- A presentation from the FSF detailing the help we require.
- Music from volunteer artists who support our cause. The presence of music may seem surprising to some; let us explain the reason this is an integral part of our events. Any work or initiative to investigate child abuse is often a very difficult emotionally draining and dark subject. The proposal is to introduce music especially where survivors are directly involved to help lift emotions and bring in some happiness, light and companionship to those seeking justice and those working to help. There are few things that can lift the heart and bring people together more effectively than music.
The aims of the roadshows are to
- Make contact with victims and survivors.
- Develop a map of abuse in Scotland.
- Establish links with all organisations and groups who will support our work.
- Raise funds for the FSF programme.
- Make contact with people who have the skills we need to advance the investigation.
Gathering Testimony
We will commence gathering testimony from victims and survivors in June 2018 and continue until June 2020. The information will be recorded on video and will be transcribed into a written record. This will be reviewed and developed so that it can be presented in the form of a signed affidavit.
All information will be securely stored and its use and release will be controlled by the victims and survivors decision as to the status of their evidence. Three categories of evidence are defined as follows:
- Testimony may be given on the basis of complete confidentiality, with no names released and data used only in anonymised form to inform the nation as to the scope of the abuse.
- Additionally the information may be placed before grand-juries, courts and other tribunals, used in investigations and forming part of the broader drive for justice, but without any general or public release.
- Finally, when so determined by the victim/survivor, the information may be made available publicly to communicate the reality of the abuse to the people of Scotland.
Informing the Nation
Based on the affidavits, we will develop an anonymised report for publication. This will be published in March 2021. The report will communicate to the people of Scotland what we have discovered about Child Sexual Abuse and Satanist Ritual Abuse in Scotland. It will reveal the scope, extent and type we have discovered, and name institutions where abuse occurred. It may name individual abusers where evidence is great and the victims are deceased. It will not detail areas where prosecution is possible
Conducting Investigation
Where affidavits provide corroborating evidence, such as when two unconnected people independently name an abuser, or where other corroborating evidence seems likely to be obtained, we shall conduct formal investigations to assemble evidence for potential prosecution. The evidence gathering will be by trained and paid professionals in the private sector. It will not use state resources. The timing of investigation work will depend to some extent on the nature of the testimony gathered, however we expect to start this work in June 2019. Investigation work will be complete by June 2021
Testing Evidence
When the affidavits of victims and survivors and the corroborating evidence is deemed robust, it shall be tested by presenting it before a Grand Jury made up of ordinary Scots. Accused persons will be invited to respond to the evidence and offer a defence.
Grand Juries are long established common law courts where the jury decides whether to bring criminal charges (an indictment) against a potential defendant. The common Law is the traditional law of Scotland, England and the former British Empire and colonies. It embodies the ancient laws of our people and developed slowly over the centuries. It is the basis of our system of law and predates statute and parliamentary acts. Grand Juries will be conducted up until October 2021
Pursuing prosecution
Where the Grand Jury considers that there is a case to answer, the matter will be passed to Police Scotland and the COPFS who shall be given an opportunity to prosecute the case. As the grand jury has already concluded it should proceed, they will not be given scope to not proceed. Should they fail to bring any cases to trial, then the Fresh Start Foundation would seek to initiate a private criminal prosecution. The decision on prosecution will be made by the Grand Jury, no other party may overrule this.
Creating a Memorial
By public subscription, we intend to create a memorial to those who have suffered. In part this will be an on-line archive of testimonies and accounts; in part it will be the public report; in part the evidence considered by Grand Juries; in part the records of the prosecutions and convictions. We aim to find a permanent home for this archive, so that it will not be forgotten, or repeated.
Our Guiding Principles
“The truth shall set you free”
“Let justice be done though the heavens fall”
“So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.”
DOWNLOAD https://spidercatweb.files.wordpress.com/2017/10/fresh-start-foundation-final11393.pdf
- Welcome & Opening Address – MR STUART DINNING
- On behalf of Fresh Start Foundation – Mr DAVID SCOTT
- Satanist Ritual Abuse Expert – MR WILFRED WONG
- From WellBeing Scotland – MRS JANINE RENNIE
- Hollie Greig Campaigner – MR ROBERT GREEN
- Q & A
Speakers Power Points
Mr David Scott
Mrs Janine Rennie
PART 1 https://youtu.be/IMedUtcNsxM
PART 2 https://youtu.be/mh67I3Xgwgg
PART 3 https://youtu.be/ys-cRkXyhI4
The following is Mr Wilfred Wong’s research which made up part of his speech
(Note: this is not an exhaustive list)
1. On 9th November 1982, Malcolm and Susan Smith and Albert and Carole Hickman, were convicted in Telford, Shropshire for a series of sexual and physical assaults against children during the course of satanic rituals.Malcolm Smith carved an inverted cross on one child’s abdomen and branded her genitals with a red-hot altar knife.
2. On 23rd July 1987 Brian Williams was convicted at London’s Central Criminal Court for the sexual abuse of 15 girls and boys. He assaulted his victims on an altar dedicated to Satanand forced them to abuse each other.The rituals were performed with a Satanist pentagram drawn on the floor in blood.
3. On 8 August 1990 Reginald Harris was convicted at Worcester Crown Court after admitting to two specimen charges of unlawful sexual intercourse with a 15 year old girl and her younger sister. Harris told his victims he was a satanist high priest. The children were terrified into submission by Harris’s satanist rituals. He had drawn up a satanist “coven contract of marriage” to the older girl.
4. On 3rd July 1992 a 57 year old satanist was sentenced at Liverpool Crown Court to 12 years in prison for sexually abusing his niece. He had raped his victim two or three times per week between the ages of 10 and 12. The Court also heard details of a “black magic room” where the abuser kept an altar and ritual equipment. When the child was 12 she became pregnant and was required by her uncle to give birth in that room. The victim was terrified by her uncle’s satanist rituals. He threatened to rape her younger sister and kill her pets if she ever spoke of the abuse. On one occasion he snapped the neck of one of her pets in front of her and drowned another.
Judge Dennis Clark told the man: “Your fascination with the occult or devil-worship played a part in impelling you towards this evil behaviour.”
5. On March 11, 2011, Colin Batley, the leader of a Satanist coven, was convicted at Swansea Crown Court of more than 20 sexual offences against children including 11 rapes.
He and other satanists had ritually abused children in Kidwelly, Wales, where their coven was based. The children, some as young as 11, were subjected to “organised and systematic” abuse by Batley, his wife and two women coven members.
Jacqueline Marling, 42, was jailed for 12 years for aiding and abetting rape, causing prostitution, indecency with a child and inciting a child to engage in sexual activity. Batley’s wife Elaine, 47, was jailed for eight years on three charges of indecency with a child and sexual activity with a child. Shelly Millar, 35, was jailed for five years for indecency with a child and inciting a child to engage in sex. A fifth defendant, Vincent Barden, 70, admitted assaulting an under-age girl.
6. Two members of a Witches’ coven in St. Ives, Cornwall, were convicted at Truro Crown Court in December 2012 for their “ritualistic, sickening” sex abuse of young girls. Jailing Jack Kemp for 14 years and Peter Petrauske for 18, Judge Graham Cottle told them: “The offences range from the extremely serious to the truly horrifying.”
The judge said that the scars left on the victims were so obvious “that it would seem extremely unlikely that either of them have any real prospect of recovery.” Petrauske was convicted of rape, aiding and abetting an attempted rape, and indecent assault. Kemp was convicted of 10 sexual offences.
7. On February 9, 1989, Winchester Crown Court sentenced a sixty-year-old engineer to twelve years’ imprisonment on two charges of incest with one of his five daughters. The man, who was described in court as a practising Satanist had fathered several children by his own daughter. To one of them, to whom he was both father and grandfather, he later committed acts of gross indecency and indecent assault. He made his daughter pregnant no less than five times. She had two miscarriages, a still-birth and a normal child. Another was profoundly mentally and physically handicapped. He claimed to have been “instructed by the spirits” to have sex with his daughter. When police arrested the man at his home in Fareham near Portsmouth they found a small room in the bungalow that he described as his “magic room”. There were occult symbols on the floor and on the walls, and occult and witchcraft books. They also found a black priest’s robe and an altar. On it were phials of oil used in sex rituals. He pleaded not guilty to charges of incest with his four other daughters.
8. On 25 July 1988, Hazel Paul, a 28 year old mother of three, was jailed for 5 years at the Old Bailey. Paul was convicted of falsely imprisoning a 15-year-old girl and inflicting on her grievous bodily harm during satanic rituals. She also hypnotised the girl and encouraged a male friend to sexually abuse her.
The jury heard a 15-year-old boy describe how Paul had ordered him to cut and carve the girl during rituals which also involved placing lighted candles on or around the victim’s vagina. Two other defendants were convicted with Paul of the assaults. The jury heard, and accepted by convicting, the explicit details of Paul’s satanic rituals.
9. In 1987, Andrew Newell was sentenced to seven years in prison for killing his best friend in what was regarded by the police as a Satanist ritual. Newell stabbed Philip Booth five times around the heart. A murder charge was later reduced to manslaughter. Books on the occult and occult symbols were found in his room, with the words Lucifer, Leviathan, Satan and Belial. Timothy Barnes QC, told the court that Newell’s record box had been used as a makeshift black magic altar. It was covered with bloody fingerprints and a smear of Philip Booth’s blood.
“When police opened the box they found a lot of material associated with the supernatural,” he said, “including candles that had been lit and a white-handled knife.”
10. Peter MacKenzie was sentenced at St. Albans Crown Court in August 1989 to 15 years in prison for 4 rapes and 17 other sexual assaults against 13 juvenile girls. His victims were as young as 6. An accomplice, John Baxter-Taylor, pleaded guilty to one charge of indecent assault and was sentenced to 15 months in prison. The court heard how MacKenzie told his victims he was ‘Asmodeus’, an historic satanic name principally associated with 19th century French Satanism, and made them recite prayers dedicated to him. MacKenzie had sexual intercourse with girls aged 6 and 7 by promising them magic powers. MacKenzie said they could become witches in his magic circle. He terrified his victims by warning them that unless they took part in the rituals and kept silent about the abuse they would die. All the children had to undergo counselling and psychiatric help, which was expected to last for several years.
The following stats I put together & they were a small part of the press packs