Findhorn Foundation, Teens & Toddlers, Psychiatry, Global Sustainability & Eugenics


Previously..     https://archive.is/Kb2x7

http://www.findhorncollege.com/docs/Well%20Being.pdf [] https://archive.is/STdmx

Findhorn Press

4 x FindPress Children’s Books https://issuu.com/wildcatscot4/stacks/648f68e9c73d441da4ad0ac82957f86c  https://archive.is/bTCBt

Findhorn on ISSUU  https://issuu.com/search?q=findhorn  https://archive.is/Fy7fY

Findhorn Foundation College

St Leonard’s Rd Forres IV36 2RD  

The programme was originally conceived by Laura Huxley, widow of the writer Aldous Huxley, in the late 1970s in California, USA. Laura developed deep concerns for disadvantaged children, their capacity to fulfill their human potential and their earliest relationship experiences.   

Huxley ‘preventing the sub normal from breeding’: https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2005/mar/29/health.comment https://archive.is/3LBNT

more info

Whilst the original Teens and Toddlers programme was the brainchild of Laura Huxley, it was her friend and mentor, Lady Diana Whitmore, who brought the programme to the UK and has been the driving force behind the its growth ever since.

Diana founded the Psychosynthesis Trust over 25 years ago and has served as President ever since. With this experience, Diana has been able to draw upon a deep understanding of positive psychology and the flourishing effect it can have upon young people.

After moving to the UK and seeing the social exclusion of young people in London, Diana realised that the Teens and Toddlers programme could address this issue.

children our ultimate investment was founded by Lady Diana Whitmore in 2001 to address the social exclusion of disadvantaged young people in London. In 2011, we changed the name to Teens and Toddlers in line with our flagship programme. We now run a range of programmes, which inspire disadvantaged young people to achieve the life skills, qualifications and self belief they need to succeed in school, work and life.

Our ultimate aim is for all young people to feel valued, included and inspired to contribute to their communities. Since our launch we have reached over 16,000 children and young people, with plans to reach many more.  

https://www.teensandtoddlers.org/our-history  http://archive.li/mkK50  

http://archive.c4eo.org.uk/themes/families/files/presentations/guest_speaker_birmingham_diana_whitmore_children_our_ultimate_investment.pdf   https://archive.is/CEK3I


Charity Number: 1099782.  92-94 Tooley Street SE1 2TH

Teens & Toddlers Sustainability Replication Programme eugenics supporters https://www.scribd.com/doc/33892777/069-Teens-and-Toddlers-Sustainability-Replication-Programme-eugenics-supporters  https://archive.is/CdcDS

T & T PARTNERS & SUPPORTERS    https://www.teensandtoddlers.org/our-partners-supporters https://archive.is/ejMIa

(click on images)



CRIPPLEGATE  https://archive.is/fjDCc

Masonic Charitable Foundation https://archive.is/DLPde

Sigillum Commune Su Salvatoris means COMMON SEAL, IT’S SAVIOUR.

Common Seal? Is that a wee bit like Common Porpoise? {i know! i’m sorry!}

Children Our Ultimate Investment http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php/Children_Our_Ultimate_Investment  https://archive.is/e7XKf

    1. Children: Our Ultimate Investment: home page, Laura Huxley: http://www.children-ourinvestment.org/  https://archive.is/zUrXq 
    2. Teens & Tods report PDF https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/184059/DFE-RR212.pdf
    3. Teens and Toddlers & ‘The Dream Mill’ http://sheu.org.uk/sites/sheu.org.uk/files/imagepicker/1/eh261sc.pdf  https://spidercatweb.files.wordpress.com/2017/01/eh261sc.pdf
    4. Teens & Toddlers Sustainability Replication Programme http://www.tameside.gov.uk/localinnovation/personal/teensandtoddlersprogramme.pdf   https://archive.is/1R5FA
    5. http://www.impetus-pef.org.uk/mentoring-with-a-twist-the-teens-and-toddlers-story/#.WH6EyBuLTIU  https://archive.is/Wl3xL
    6. Project Caressing in the US http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/12/14/AR2007121401997.html  https://archive.is/VMpGL
    7. T & T  Accounts for 29 Feb 2016 http://apps.charitycommission.gov.uk/Showcharity/RegisterOfCharities/CharityWithPartB.aspx?RegisteredCharityNumber=1099782&SubsidiaryNumber=0
    8. Charity Commission http://apps.charitycommission.gov.uk/Showcharity/RegisterOfCharities/registerhomepage.aspx
    9. ARK funds Children: Our Ultimate Investment: http://www.guidestar.org.uk/gs_activities.aspx?CCReg=Q0qEsgir8f%2fxD%2bOcJ%2bZUYQ%3d%3d&strQuery=children%20our%20ultimate%20investment

T & T address is given as  92-94 Tooley Street. But on Google  you see its the


Roberto Assagioli (27 Feb 1888 – Aug 1974) an Italian psychiatrist and pioneer in the fields of humanistic and transpersonal psychology. in 1965 he founded of the psychological movement known as Psychosynthesis, which is currently being run by President Lady Diana Whitmore. The Trust is affiliated with Humanistic and Integrative Psychology Section of the United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP), and European Association for Psychotherapy (EAP), and is a founding member of the European Federation of Psychosynthesis Psychotherapy (EFPP). At present time, the group consists of a large group of Psychosynthesis practitioners who mediate students.which is still being developed today by therapists and psychologists, who practice the psychological methods and techniques he developed. His work, expounded in two books and many monographs published as pamphlets, emphasized the possibility of progressive integration, or synthesis, of the personality

  1. Assagioli a trustee of Alice Bailey’s Lucis Trust http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alice_Bailey
  2. Alice Bailey on Aryan’s and involvement with Lucis Trust: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alice_Bailey
  3. Lucis trust renamed from the Lucifer Trust: http://www.barruel.com/info.html
  4. Lucis Trust  http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/esp_sociopol_lucytrust.htm

http://psychosynthesis.net/  http://archive.li/Q6s2p

Assagioli was not the first to use the term “psychosynthesis”. The earliest was by James Jackson Putnam, who used it as the name of his electroconvulsive therapy.

ASSAGIOLI’S SEVEN CORE CONCEPTS FOR PSYCHOSYNTHESIS TRAINING PDF https://www.synthesiscenter.org/PDF/Seven%20Concepts.pdf  http://archive.li/bGJE1

The essentials of psychosynthesis http://synthesiscenter.org/articles/0122.pdf  http://archive.li/qB1Q2

 https://spidercatweb.blog/2015/12/05/dr-donald-ewen-cameron/  http://archive.li/LqxbI

The Association for the Advancement of Psychosynthesis (AAP) was formed in August 1995, as a non-profit organization in the United States, with approximately two-hundred members across the country. Members of the AAP run programs, workshops, and conferences to discuss Assagioli and Psychosynthesis, and publish a newsletter to discuss new topics related to the field. 

The Will Project Wiki[7]was created in 2007, and was based on the Will Project proposed by Assagioli when he was alive.

The Will Project consists of over 63 articles based on Assagioli’s published book The Act Of Will http://www.illuminatiorderoto.com/resources/THE-ACT-OF-WILL.pdf  http://archive.li/mneZP

Lady Diana Whitmore (aka Di Witless)

http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/author/lady-diana-whitmore  https://archive.is/MzmOk

Diana is the Chief Executive and a founding Director of Teens and Toddlers UK, a charity founded in 2001 to address the social exclusion of young people and, in doing so, reduce the number of young people not in employment, education or training (NEET), as well as reducing teen pregnancies.

Teens and Toddlers runs a range of early intervention programmes focused on inspiring young people to achieve the skills, qualifications and self-belief they need to succeed in school, work and life. The original vision for the programmes was conceived in the US in the late 1970’s by Diana’s friend and mentor Laura Huxley, widow of Aldous Huxley

https://archive.org/details/AldousHuxley–TheUltimateRevolution–ABlueprintToEnslaveTheMasses  http://archive.li/UbCd0

MORE INFO http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php/Lady_Diana_Whitmore  https://archive.is/bQrc8

Lady Di Witless has her fingers in A LOT of pies..

  1. Patron, Wyse International
  2. CEO of Children our Ultimate Investment UK (COUI)
  3. Founder, President and Co-chair of the Psychosynthesis & Education Trust
  4. Founder children our ultimate investment
  5. On the trustee board of Findhorn Foundation
  6. Chief Exec & a founding Director of Teens & Todds
  7. British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy Accredited Supervisor
  8. Accredited member of UK Council for Psychotherapists
  9. She teaches positive psychology and transpersonal coaching for Performance Coach MSc in Coaching and Development ()
  10. She has a PhD in Education from the University of Surrey
  11. is the author of two books, Psychosynthesis Counselling in Action and Psychosynthesis in Education: A Guide to the Joy of Learning  

{click on images}



2nd logo is very hippy trippy mind control like & is very like the LGBT logo. the 3rd logo (AAP) reminds me of  the MK Ultra survivors drawing of the pendant worn by Antony Kidman https://spidercatweb.blog/2015/08/28/antony-kidman-satanic-vipaedo/  https://archive.is/nbqHT the 2nd last pic… the  Order of the Eastern Star

STEM three parent babies

& then I stumbled upon this THIS WEE GEM…


http://www.ecologia.org.uk/  http://archive.li/Nq8We   Charity No SC023976  

child protection policy http://www.ecologia.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Child-Protection-Policy-Sept-2014.pdf    http://archive.li/R5A6U

growing2gether http://archive.li/xkfqK

It’s Teens & Toddlers just by another name! & they have roll it out as of January 2017. IN THE SCOTTISH HIGHLANDS?!  wtf?http://www.ecologia.org.uk/projects/growing2gether/growing2gether-what-we-do/  http://archive.li/r6Wnh

The Early Years Taskforce – Vision and Priorities http://www.gov.scot/Resource/0043/00437802.pdf  http://archive.li/PxQs3

http://news.gov.scot/news/charities-receive-147-million-funding  http://archive.li/baL6m


& OF COURSE Witless is pals with the Royals (we knew they were gonna pop up sooner or later!)

Enter a caption

Randy Pandy meets Di Witless  12 Jan 2016 http://thedukeofyork.org/patronages/teens-and-toddlers-charity-reception/attachment/the-duke-of-york-meets-young-people-on-the-teens-and-toddlers-programme-at-st-jamess-palace/  http://archive.li/9GA5D

Diana advised the Cabinet Office’s Behavioural Insight Team for a paper on interventions in 2009 and presented at the ‘Behavioural Change in Public Health’ conference in February 2012. She is a member of the trustee board of the Findhorn Foundation. source

Funnily enough Richard Lochhead MSP – (who was Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs, Food & Environment  2007~2016 & has been SNP Member of the Scottish Parliament for Moray since 2006) – made this speech the very same year (Sep 17, 2012)

Health, Wealth & Innovation: An International Conference on Digital Health Scotland & Digital Health: Moray Leading the World http://www.ecovillagefindhorn.org/presentations/docs/Richard_Lochhead_Speech_Digital.pdf  https://archive.is/4OXUi


The James Hutton Institute http://www.hutton.ac.uk/  https://archive.is/DtZpl

3rd Digital Behaviour Change Conference 2017 http://www.ucl.ac.uk/behaviour-change/cbc-events/con-17-hold-date  https://archive.is/CzXzn  

22-23 Feb 2017  Mary Ward House  Tavistock Place, London

http://www.ucl.ac.uk/silva/behaviour-change/images/conf-17-hold-date-flyer.jpg?hires  https://archive.is/m4wcB

2nd Behaviour Change Conference https://www.ucl.ac.uk/behaviour-change/CBC_Conference_2016 

Mary Ward House    http://www.marywardhouse.com/  http://archive.li/oJwCt  


Web http://gaiaeducation.org/index.php/en/  https://archive.is/lXC90https://archive.is/JjCN9

At the bottom of the findhorncollege web page you get thisFollowing is from partnerships & links page http://www.findhorncollege.org/college/links.php  https://archive.is/7UicO

(Please note Heriot Watt is first on the list, as it will pop up again!)

ORIGIN research partners

Findhorn College is currently developing courses in partnership with:

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Findhorn Gaia Search on Linkedin 

The company was founded in 2003 by and now operates in over fifty countries worldwide with a group of twenty-five consultants. The headquarters are in North East Scotland near to the village of Cummingston,   In 2012, Gaia Earth Sciences was awarded the Queen’s Award for Enterprise in International Trade. This is the United Kingdom’s most prestigious award for business performance.  www.gaia-earth.co.uk

The HQ, It’s called Phayrelands so, that will be FAIRYLANDS then?! Its also a wee bit Egyptian like,  PHAYR~PHAROAH

http://www.zoopla.co.uk/property/phayrelands/cummingston/burghead/elgin/iv30-5xz/11506988  https://archive.is/K8kL8 

According to  STUART LINDSAY HUYTON was born in 1957 & went to Gordonstoun between 1974 & 1976 & then on to Heriot-Watt!

Rotary Club of Elgin 

 Jan 13, 2017

Highland Council Planning PDF Trust – Highland Council


International Association for the Advancement of Ethnology and Eugenics https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Association_for_the_Advancement_of_Ethnology_and_Eugenics

IAAEE was founded in 1959 and has headquarters in Edinburgh, Scotland. According to Russ Bellant, it was later also incorporated in the United States through the personal agency of Lord Malcolm Douglas-Hamilton, a member of the British Cliveden Set which supported appeasement of Adolf Hitler prior to World War II.[1][2] Other historians, including Bruce Minton, give differing evidence.[3]

READ MORE Dr Ewen Cameron, Hess, The Douglas-Hamilton’s & Hobgoblins  http://archive.li/k2kLT

A. James Gregor was a founding director of the IAAEE which was, according to Gregor, established to restore “an intellectual climate in the U.S., and throughout the Western World, which would permit a free and open discussion of racial … problems.”[4] Gregor would later assert that his association with the organization was based on his concerns about congenital birth defects and the reproduction of the mentally retarded, as opposed to racial matters. Other members included Senator Jesse Helms and the oil billionaires William Herbert and Nelson Bunker Hunt.

The IAAEE’s main benefactor was Colonel Wickliffe Draper, a segregationist who opposed the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s and sought to fund research that would provide scientific justification for segregation and revive the concept of racial hygiene which had been discredited as a result of the Nazis. In the 1970s Gregor was criticised for accepting grants from the Pioneer Fund which had been established by Draper to advance his views. IAAEE received $82,000 in grants from the Pioneer Fund between 1971 and 1996.

In the 1960s, Stanley Porteus served on the Executive Committee of the IAAEE.[5]Henry E. Garrett, professor emeritus of psychology from Columbia University, was president of the IAAEE and one of the editors of Mankind Quarterly. Other key figures included Robert E. Kuttner and Donald A. Swan.

http://www.scotsman.com/news/opinion/eugenic-policies-of-the-past-teach-sobering-lessons-1-3486562  http://archive.li/vGMXf


The shaming of big, poor families smacks of eugenics   11 Jul 2015  http://www.heraldscotland.com/opinion/13416701.The_shaming_of_big__poor_families_smacks_of_eugenics/  http://archive.li/rlTDK

Social Darwinism, eugenics & Lennox Castle http://www.secretscotland.org.uk/index.php/Secrets/LennoxCastleHospital#t2.2_Social_Darwinism_and_eugenics  http://archive.li/jrOqb

Nineteenth century reformers combined their new medical diagnoses with a concern to tackle what they saw as the social causes of cruelty and incapacity. Two theories dominated: social Darwinism and eugenics.

Social Darwinism drew on Darwin’s ideas of natural selection and emphasised the contribution of the fittest and most superior individuals to the survival of the human species. The social Darwinists, who included some of the most prominent thinkers of their time, believed that social ‘engineering’ or the control or manipulation and improvement of social conditions would do away with, or weaken, the effect of nature’s shaping forces. The result would be uncontrolled breeding and weakening of the genetic pool and hence the deterioration of the race and swamping of the higher types within society. Eugenicists took these ideas further, arguing that those who were weaker, ‘degenerate’ or ‘defective’ in some way should not be allowed to breed or interbreed at all as their offspring would inevitably degrade the quality of the race. Poverty, ignorance, mental defectiveness as well as lack of moral values were seen as evidence that British society needed to purify its genetic stock and deal with what were seen as poisonous environments in the slums and factories. Great emphasis was placed on parenthood and procreation.

The influence of the eugenics movement in this country was strong and had a particularly pernicious effect on the care of children with learning difficulties. Ideas based on notions of racial purity led to demands for compulsory sterilisation of young people with learning difficulties and the application of a condemnatory morality which saw unmarried mothers locked away in mental handicap institutions. Their custodial care came largely to be accepted by the medical and educational establishments and their situation largely invisible to wider society (Hendrick, 1994, p. 92).

These ideas sustained segregation as a form of provision of care: segregation from society and segregation of the sexes within institutions (Williams, 1989, pp. 160–1).

Eugenicist ideas flourished well into the twentieth century and, some argue, are still alive today, with concern about reproduction a persistent thread as these quotes and the cuttings opposite demonstrate:

The unnatural and increasingly rapid growth of the feeble-minded classes, coupled with a steady restriction among all the thrifty, energetic and superior stocks constitutes a race danger. I feel that the source from which the stream of madness is fed should be cut off and sealed up before another year has passed.

– (Churchill, a proponent of forcible sterilisation, in a private letter to Prime Minister Asquith at the time of the Royal Commission on the Care and Control of the Feeble-Minded, 1904, quoted in Ponting, 1992, p. 23)

[It is] not the very severe cases which are the most dangerous: it is the mild cases, which are capable of being well veneered, so as to look, for a time at any rate, almost normal, against which there is most need to protect society.

– (Mary Dendy, proponent of segregation, writing in 1910, quoted in Jackson, 1996, p. 166)

Let us assume that we could segregate as a separate community all the families in the country containing mental defectives of the primary amentia type. We should find that we had collected among them a most interesting social group. It would include everyone who has extensive practical experience of social service would readily admit, a much larger proportion of insane persons, epileptics, paupers, criminals (especially recidivists), unemployables, habitual slum dwellers, prostitutes, inebriates and other social inefficients than would a group of families not containing mental defectives. The overwhelming majority of the families thus collected will belong to a section of the community which we propose to term the ‘social problem’ or ‘subnormal group’ … If we are to prevent the racial disaster of mental deficiency we must deal not only with the mentally defective persons but with the whole subnormal group from which the majority of them come … The relative fertility of this (subnormal) group is greater than that of normal persons.



Wise Goose Brochure – Wise Goose School of Coaching 2017/2018 http://wisegoose.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/Wise-Goose-Brochure-2017-18.pdf  https://spidercatweb.files.wordpress.com/2017/01/wise-goose-brochure-2017-18.pdf  https://files.acrobat.com/a/preview/4e0706d1-66b9-4723-8cc0-6a5fbc308b4f

