Moira Anderson, Gallogley, Gartshore, Willie McRae & The Untouchables


My thoughts & opinions in PURPLE. Links are in BLUE & all else quoted from source

MOIRA MURDER CONFESSION A; Exclusive: Sunday Mail recovers hidden dossier about child sex abuse ring.  By MARION Scott

A SECRET dossier naming members of a paedophile sex ring responsible for the murder of Moira Anderson can today be exposed as a cruel hoax.

The 26-page file lists notorious killers Robert Black, Fred West and Thomas Hamilton as members of the SAME child sex ring as judges, senior advocates and police officers.

And it lists a dead Scots Tory MP (HIM? or HIM? so many 2 choose from!) and Labour MP and murdered SNP activist Willie Macrae as being part of the evil “club” known as The Untouchables (the mail MAY or MAY NOT have Macrae bit wrong)

It also includes claims about the identity of 60s killer Bible John.

Moira disappeared aged 11 in 1957 during a blizzard in Coatbridge, Lanarkshire, and her body has never been found.

Although no one was jailed over her disappearance, Sandra Brown the daughter of convicted paedophile Alexander Gartshore – is convinced her father murdered Moira.

Last night, Moira’s family reacted with fury after the document was handed to the Sunday Mail – and dismissed as a hoax by a senior policeman.

Moira’s sister, Janet Hart, who lives in Australia, said yesterday: This is a bombshell because we were putting a lot of weight on what was in this dossier. This has come as a big, big shock.”

Campaigners including Moira’s family – have been fighting to get the dossier released under the Freedom of Information act since it was handed over to police in 2003.

But the scrawled deathbed “confession” by paedophile James Gallogley was dismissed by the police chief investigating the case. 

Superintendent Alan Buchanan (Strathclyde police) said the only name missing was Yorkshire Ripper Peter Sutcliffe.

The document was written by paedophile Alexander Keil – who claims he was a prison pal of Gallogley – six months AFTER Gallogley died in Peterhead, in April 1999.

Keil has tried to tout the full dossier for pounds 20,000 – but handed it to a Sunday Mail reporter last week without any money changing hands.

Janet added: “We were hoping the information Keil had in his file was going to take Moira’s case forward. I am very disappointed. I’m very shocked about this. At the beginning, I suspected he was in it for money. But, after hearing about the first 15 pages, it seemed quite feasible and raised our hopes. This is 10 steps backwards. It is such a long time ago now but I’d hoped facts would come to light to locate my sister’s remains. But time is against us. We know Alex Gartshore did it but I do believe he was not the only one involved. There had to be more than one and the sighting at the time said there were two men involved. As far as I’m concerned, Keil is the lowest of the low.”

The “confession” amounts to a collection of politicians’ and killers’ names but no hard facts. It claims:

(Don’t know for sure but i’m assuming the redevelopment was after the Ibrox stadium,  “disaster” in 1971)

The Sunday Mail can detail the dossier’s contents for the first time. Keil, 58, of Boat of Garten, near Inverness, insists it was transcribed immediately after speaking to Gallogley in Peterhead.

Gallogley says in the document he and Gartshore, the last man seen with Moira, were responsible for the murder.

But, in an exclusive interview with the Sunday Mail, the senior detective responsible for the investigation into the dossier dismissed it as lies.

Strathclyde Police Superintendent Alan Buchanan said: “During our investigation, we received information from a paedophile who was a known friend of Gallogley in Peterhead Prison. He said when Gallogley received a letter from Moira Anderson’s sister asking if he knew anything about the case, Gallogley denied involvement. Gallogley told him nothing that wasn’t already in the public domain -either from newspaper reports or Sandra Brown’s 1999 book – that a person he used to work with, Alex Gartshore, was responsible. We’ll never know if Gallogley and Keil ever had a conversation in respect of Moira Anderson or any others. But Keil’s credibility is severely in question when you consider he tried to sell his story for what we believe to be pounds 20,000.”

The superintendent said during inquiries into whether Gallogley could have “confessed” to Keil, prison officers and other prisoners dismissed any close friendship between the two. 

Superintendent Buchanan said: “I asked Mr Keil why Gallogley hadn’t written the document himself and he claimed Gallogley was too ill. I know for a fact that Gallogley wasn’t too ill to write to his family.”

Gallogley “confessed” Fred West had killed a number of women and children, secreting body parts in jars.

The dossier said West’s first wife bus conductor Rena Costello, from Coatbridge – was killed after finding them.

But West was only 16 years old when Moira disappeared in 1957 and Gloucestershire Police say there is no evidence to suggest Fred West was in Coatbridge before November 1962.

Superintendent Buchanan said: “We know Fred West had an association with Coatbridge, but not at the time of Moira’s disappearance. We can find no link between West, Gallogley and Gartshore. Nor can we find any link between some of the other high-profile cases mentioned in this so called confession. The only person who hasn’t been named, it seems, is Peter Sutcliffe. My concern is that these sorts of allegations will cause great distress to the families of the victims named and described. We spoke to Moira’s sister at length about this issue as we were concerned she was being given false hope. Clearly, if Moira’s disappearance had been an incident happening today, Gartshore would have been a prime suspect. But there would also have been other lines of inquiry.”

Keil – who served six years at Peterhead – claims to be “afraid” for his life because of the high-ranking judges, Scottish and Crown Office officials, advocates, police and social workers named in the dossier.

He claims others were killed “because of what they knew”.

He said: “James Gallogley was the most devious, cunning person. I had nightmares over what he told me. I know he got two letters about the wee girl’s death (Moira Anderson). It haunted him.”

Keil claimed Gallogley told him at least three people were killed because they threatened The Untouchables.

The dossier details Gallogley saying he and Gartshore adbucted and abused 11-year-old Moira.

Gallogley, jailed for 10 years in 1997 for abusing five little girls, allegedly said of West: “We became good friends. Fred was always talking about a group of people who were into sex and things like making films. They called themselves The Untouchables because of their work. Fred reassured us these people we had met were from the Scottish and Crown Offices. If anything came up about us, we would be looked after and would never end up in court, that was a promise.”

The credibility is stretched further when Keil claims to know the identity of serial killer Bible John – who has never been linked to underage sex.

Last night, Keil insisted he was not involved in a hoax. He said: “The police would say that – they’re covering up. I spent many days speaking to Gallogley in the medical centre and that was what he told me. Those papers were written while I was still in jail.”

He also claimed he had been offered pounds 20,000 for the dossier, not asked for it.

Keil could produce no documents with Gallogley’s handwriting or signature on but said: “I did have Gallogley’s signature. I don’t know who has taken it.”

But Superintendent Buchanan added: “If the Freedom of Information Commissioner rules the dossier has to be made public, it will be a big disappointment to those pursuing it because there’s nothing there and no line of inquiry that we can pursue. if there had been anything at all we could have taken from this document, we would have acted upon it. We would like nothing better than to be able to give Moira’s family answers about what happened to her.” 

We found no link between West, Gallogley and Gartshore. The only person who hasn’t been named is Peter Sutcliffe  Supt. Alan Buchanan

SOURCE  SundayMail Oct 2006

Why we believe the file is dodgy

THE CLAIM: Willie Macrae. Solicitor and SNP activist Macrae was found dead. Keil claims Gallogley told him Macrae was killed because he was given photos incriminating The Untouchables.   (Macrae Murder: see below for more info)

THE DOSSIER: “Macrae made the mistake of telling somebody that he had them and he was going to reveal them on the Monday morning.”

THE {supposed} FACTS: Police sources insist it was suicide. Friends say Macrae was depressed

THE CLAIM: Fred West. Gallogley claimed he formed a friendship with the serial killer and they abused children including Moira.

THE DOSSIER: “Fred said, You guys have some catching up to do. I have done 57. That was before he went to England, and at his last count he had killed between 110 to 135.”

THE FACTS: West was just 16 when Moira was murdered (Can 16yr olds not be involved with a murder?)

THE CLAIM: Thomas Hamilton. Keil says Hamilton went to sex parties and was a driver for The Untouchables.

THE DOSSIER: “Hamilton got in too deep for his own good he was running about in a Granada belonging to a Crown Officer and thought he was untouchable.”

THE FACTS: Hamilton’s life has been dissected since the Dunblane tragedy and no links have been found.

THE CLAIM: Robert Black and Bible John.
The dossier claims serial child killer Robert Black was involved in the sex ring and that Gallogley knew Bible John – whose real name was John Gillespie.

THE DOSSIER: “Black was involved in 20 murders.” “Gallogley and Gillespie were very close I asked him who is John Gillespie and he replied, ‘The man police called Bible John.’

THE FACTS: Black was 10 in 1957. Bible John claims are not supported by evidence. 

SOURCE  sundaymail (oct 1st 2006)

Now to tear it apart!!

We KNOW West was neighbours wi Gallogley in Hospital Street where Rene Costello stayed here

We KNOW both Gartshore & Gallogley  worked for Baxter’s Bus Company “Gallogley, who worked alongside Gartshore at Baxter’s buses, was friends with West here | here

We KNOW Rena Costello was also a bus conductress  here | here 

Superintendent Alan Buchanan (Strathclyde Police!) stated “We found no link between West, Gallogley & Gartshore”

So we now KNOW Buchannan is a BLOODY LIAR. which discludes anything he said & it also makes me wonder why on earth would he lie? D’ya think he is hiding summat?!!

We KNOW Thomas Hamilton was both aided by & linked to numerous VIPaedo here | here here and strathclyde police (they’ve cropped up again!) had many links to Hamilton here

The Housemaster of QVS

“he said that in the evening they would see big fancy cars (sometimes chauffeur driven and displaying pennants, and badges of office) arrive with well known faces of politicians, judges and other celebrities who, when he enquired as to who they were, and what they were doing, was given the answer that these people were “Friends of QVS” who were taking certain boys out for a treat.” Hamilton was a “Friend of QVS” too!  here

We KNOW that in the UK, there is a HUGE paedo problem wi the so called “elite” here | here | here | here | here  (I could be here for a week just blogging links & STILL not scratch the surface! You get the idea)

I THINK Willie was murdered, There is certainly enough doubt to re open investigation, or for a Fatal Accident Inquiry, including evidence from Donald Morrison, a retired policeman but so far, many attempts have been denied here | here WONDER WHY??

So,  Where EXACTLY does that leave us with the validity of the dossier?!

Well, it appears to be DAMN BLOODY CLOSE to the truth!




WILLIE MCRAE INFO    JusticeForWillieMcRae

Thousands back petition for fresh inquiry into death of SNP activist Willie McRae

Petition For WILLIE MCRAE Fatal Accident Inquiry HERE

Willie McRae, a top Scottish National Party politician

Reportedly, the top SNP politician Willie McRae was murdered by MI5 because he had a dossier on the top pedophile ring that contained government ministers and others. 

McRae was found shot dead in his car in 1985.

McRae, who was gay, had worked for Lord Mounbatten.

McRae was the author of the maritime law of Israel and emeritus professor at the University of Haifa. SNP-activist-killed-over-child-sex-files



  1. 30 “Historic” Newspaper Articles on Thomas Hamilton & Dunblane
  2. I blame police sex ring for conspiracy of silence over the Dunblane massacre
  3. Savile isn’t the only obnoxious paedophile being covered up by the system. Thomas Hamilton
  4. Moira search sparks fears of Fred West’s hidden Scots victims
  5. Secrets From The Grave: The Disappearance Of Moira Anderson
  6. Moira Anderson: Prosecutors believe Alexander Gartshore killed schoolgirl
  7. Death of Moira’s ‘murderer’ April 5th 2006
  8. Moira Anderson suspect revealed facts ‘only killer could know’ about schoolgirl’s disappearance.. but never faced trial jan 13th 2013
  9. Retired police chief to probe case. Investigator believes bus driver is key
  11. Life and death of a good mother
  12. PDF Confession a cruel hoax? (emmm.. NOPE!)
  13. Five Westminster paedophile rings probed by Scotland Yard. Complex web of child abuse at the heart of government
  14. Robert Ewart Henderson QC
  15. Westminster Paedophile Network
  16. The British Establishment: Paedophiles EVERYWHERE scribd
  17. “SNP activist ‘killed over child sex files’  The Express  30th Nov 2014
  18. I will sign affidavit over MI5 involvement in Willie Macrae Murder
  19. PDF
  21. https://deeppoliticsforum.com/forums/archive/index.php/t-273-p-2.html
  22. https://deeppoliticsforum.com/forums/showthread.php?273-The-Power-of-the-Paedos-another-high-profile-case-hits-the-never-happened-wall#.V1Yqw86cG1s
  23. Fred West Chased from Glasgow by Razor Wielding Lynch Mob