International Statistics on Child Abuse
40 million children subjected to abuse each year
Suicide is the third leading cause of death among adolescents worldwide.
30% of severely disabled children in special homes in the Ukraine die before 18 years of age.
Approximately 20% of women and 5–10% of men report being sexually abused as children
25–50% of all children report being physically abused.
Statistics indicate that 3 million young girls are subjected to genital mutilation every year.
Last Updated: Sunday, 23 March 2014
Child Abuse Statistics International & U.S.
Full Info on USA
Statistics compiled by Ark of Hope for Children Gainesville, FL hope
Child rape occurs every two minutes
1 in 3 girls will be sexually molested before the age 17
1 in 6 boys will be sexually molested before the age 17 (1 in 5 in Canada)
A sex offender will molest an average of 120 victims, most of whom do not report it
90% of molesters abuse children they know
Oftentimes, a sexually abused child is abused in other ways
Overall U.S. child abuse statistics
Every 10 seconds a child is abused or raped
3.3 million child abuse reports in 2010
For every report 2 more go unreported = many millions abused annually
61,000 reports to Child Protective services per week = 6 per minute
Of 1.5 million runaways 85% are fleeing some form of abuse
Only 10% of abusers do not know their abuser well
Abuse victims = about 48% male, 52% female
Every race and religion sees child abuse
The effects of UNTREATED child abuse
38% increase arrest rate for violent crimes
84% of all prison inmates had been abused as a child
59% more likely to be arrested as a juvenile
28% more likely to be arrested as an adult
30% more likely to commit violent crime
65%+ of people in treatment for drug abuse have been maltreated as a child
25% less likely to practice safe sex, putting them at a greater risk for STD’s
82% *CAN* grow up to be pedophiles themselves
80% meet criteria for at least one psychological disorder as adults
Long-term consequences such as chronic illness due to untreated wounds
Child death and suicide related to abuse
1,850 children die a year from some form of abuse = 7+ children PER DAY in the U.S.
80% of the children that die each day are under the age of four
TODAY 6 children will commit suicide due to child abuse
Estimated 60% of child deaths caused by abuse are not recorded as such on death certificates
- National and State Child Abuse and Neglect Statistics
- FBI Violent Crimes Against Children
- United States Department Of Justice
- United Nations Office On Drugs And Crime
Full Info On UK