The following is down to the pure genius that is Aangirfan

The SNP (Scottish National Party) has made its first official visit to Israel.
The visit was led by depute leader Angus Robertson MP.
“Mr Robertson, the party’s Westminster leader, was accompanied on the week-long visit by Kirsten Oswald MP, whose constituency is home to more than half of Scotland’s Jewish community…”
In 2016 a group calling itself SNP Friends of Peace in the Middle East was established by a former Israeli soldier, Sammy Stein.
A leading member of the Scottish Jewish community last year called it “a front group for the interests of the Israeli government.”
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Below is what we wrote in 2012:

In the UK parliament, in 2012, Angus Robertson is the Scottish National Party leader and the spokesman on Foreign affairs and Defence.
(Angus Robertson is currently the Deputy Leader of the SNP)
He and his colleagues supported the ‘no-fly’ zone over Libya, which involved the bombing of Libya and the killing of civilians.
Robertson was born in London and his mother is German.
Robertson speaks fluent German. ()
He worked as a foreign and diplomatic correspondent in Central Europe for the BBC.
The BBC is believed to be run by MI6 and is believed to employ people from MI6 as foreign and diplomatic correspondents.
Robertson is a participant in the Parliamentary Armed Forces Scheme.
This gives Members of Parliament ‘experience of the armed forces’.
It is sponsored by arms manufacturers.
Robertson has confirmed that an ‘independent’ Scotland would join UN and Nato-led military operations abroad, if sanctioned by the UN.
Scottish National Party (SNP) sources say that the SNP is scrapping opposition to Nato membership.
An ‘independent’ Scotland could thus be a tool of the Pentagon.
SNP leader Alex Salmond is suggesting that an ‘independent’ Scotland would:
1. Keep sterling and the Bank of England as its central bank, by forming a currency union with the rest of the UK.
2. Keep the monarchy.
3. Keep the BBC as a Scottish broadcaster.
Military analysts believe an independent Scotland may have to retain Trident nuclear weapons as a price for defence co-operation with the UK.
So, an ‘independent’ Scotland would not really be independent.
Rupert Murdoch is supporting Salmond.
This explains why the SNP government in Edinburgh has:
1. Defended the guilty verdict in the ‘rigged’ Lockerbie trial
2. Appeared to be part of the cover-up in the Hollie Greig child-abuse case
3. Appeared to support the establishment of al Qaeda in Libya.
4. Appeared to turn a blind eye to CIA rendition flights.
5. Obtained the warm support of Rupert Murdoch!