WORLDWIDE #Pedophilia & #ChildTrafficking: #UK #US #Govt #EU #Royals & #VIPaedo {Part 2}

Part 2 of  WORLDWIDE Satanism, Pedophilia & ChildTrafficking  

The information below is intended to convey the reality of the fact that, criminal networks exist and provide access to children for the purposes of sexual exploitation and child pornography to elite clientele in the political and business worlds. These networks often target the most vulnerable populations of children, especially those in state institutions. Oftentimes, these networks are protected by security forces and the legal system because they are a valuable source of blackmail/intelligence, and because the revelation of their clients would be politically problematic. When they are exposed, the full story is almost never told. These sections are presented in no particular order.



Pedowood images,rfxRCA1,KF2fCVy,xF27aIa,ZQVDJbl,v1YfrPk,2aVlyoH

Excerpt from ‘Hey Rube’

Programmed to Kill – Project MONARCH

Why People Might Defend Such Corrupt Organizations
Operation Earnest Voice
Operation Earnest Voice – Project PM
There ARE Paid Disinformation Techniques and Agencies
Revealed: US spy operation that manipulates social media
The Real War on Reality
Revealed: Air Force ordered software to manage army of fake virtual people
U.S. Military Launches Spy Operation Using Fake Online Identities
US Military Caught Manipulating Social Media, Running Mass Propaganda Accounts
Military’s ‘persona’ software cost millions, used for ‘classified social media activities’


In the 1980s, banker/politician Lawrence King used the Omaha, NB Franklin Credit Union as a cover for many criminal activities, including child trafficking and pimping to elite clients in Washington DC. Children were prostituted at parties hosted by gay-pimp Republican lobbyist Craig Spence. The credit union failed due to King’s embezzlement and a NB State Senate investigation turned up massive evidence of large-scale child abuse, but the FBI shut down the investigation and two sham grand juries attacked the accusers. Several witnesses and an investigator were murdered or died mysteriously. Former CIA Director Bill Colby went on record stating the case had merit before dying in a “canoe accident”.

The Franklin Death List;

Bill Colby – ‘canoeing accident’
Ted Gunderson – complications from cancer – what was on Wiki, now says due to arsenic poisoning like syndrome, video on youtube explains – search Ted Gunderson poisoned
Troy Boner – completely whacked off the grid, no records of death/autopsy found. Look in DeCamp’s book.
Gary Caradori – the investigation ruled the plane ‘fell apart’ in the air
Caradori’s son – in the plane crash
Johnny Gosch – who knows

“What you have to understand, John, is that sometimes there are forces and events too big, too powerful, with so much at stake for other people or institutions, that you cannot do anything about them, no matter how evil or wrong they are and no matter how dedicated or sincere you are or how much evidence you have. This is simply one of the hard facts of life you have to face.”
-Former CIA director and Cercle member William Colby giving advice to his friend senator John DeCamp, urging to quit his investigations into the Franklin child abuse affair and to write a book about his experiences (The Franklin Coverup, 2nd edition, foreword). Decamp’s life has been threatened many times (chapter 4 is a good place to begin)

Troy Boner’s Affidavit
Victim Paul Bonacci’s Testimonial Transcripts
Nebraska Leadership Conference Report on Franklin Abuse Scandal
Interview w/Rusty Nelson, blackmail photographer for Lawrence King
Michael Aquino, Responsible for Kidnapping of Johnny Gosch and More

Newspaper Reports of the Franklin Accusations from Time Period

Johnny Gosch, Jeff Gannon, Hunter Thompson and the unraveling of a Troubling Tale

Phone call to Larry King
Larry is still employed by Moorehead. It’s is believed that he works at the dealership anymore but at Moorehead’s home as his personal assistant.

Conspiracy of Silence: The Franklin Cover Up
Franklin Playlist (there’s some tinfoil)
– Elite’s pedophile playground

Prophecy Club Ted Gunderson chronicles

(Lawrence King Sex Abuse Scandal)

(3:00min mark). Bryant clarifies how grand juries were controlled to cover-up the child abuse

Boner and the interviewer, Gary Caradori, were both later murdered

Rusty Nelson in 2009

. Owen was sentenced to 27 years for perjury because she would not withdraw her story of being abused


“The Finders” were a cult organization investigated in the late 1980s for child abuse and trafficking. A US Customs Service report from that time states that the organization was trafficking and abusing many children but the investigation was shut down by CIA. If the Finders still exist, no information exists about their activities after the early 1990s.

Finders Cult Information (many people mentioned talking, especially page 130)

“The investigation into the activity of the FINDERS had become a CIA internal matter”

Treasury Department Document on Finders Cult

A contemporary US News report confirms the Customs Service investigation happened

Interview with Finders leader Marion Pettie, in which he admits he has had connections with intelligence agencies dating back to the Office of Strategic Services in WWII
Black up of interview


In the 1996, Belgian criminal Marc Dutroux was arrested for kidnapping several young girls, holding them for months and murdering them. Dutroux had previously been released from prison despite raping women and the police “missed” numerous, obvious opportunities to stop him while the girls were still alive. Dutroux and his surviving victims maintained in court that he was just a functionary for a network of criminals that provided children and child porn to businessmen and politicians across Europe. Multiple witnesses were murdered or “committed suicide”, judges resigned from the case citing fear for their lives, evidence was suppressed and the mismanagement of the case led to protests with hundreds of thousands of people in the streets of Brussels. The government still claims Dutroux was not part of any network

Regina Louf (X1) described how she and others were sometimes raped by German shepherds or even how snakes were inserted into the vaginas of the girls. It sounds bizarre, but take a look at some of the pictures. These have been confiscated from a child abuse network and appeared in the Dutroux dossier, DVD 3, 47073774-1 to 4.pdf. There are hundreds of children on these (low quality) pictures, making you wonder where all of them are today and how they are doing (or if they’re alive in the first place). Judging from these pictures (and there are many more), sex with dogs and other animals is very common in child abuse networks.

“Père forced me back on my knees, pushed me with my face on the cool table surface, and the other tied my left- and right wrist to the bed… I was unable to move in any direction and was forced to stay in this humiliating position… Everything is set ready, the lamps are pushed in the right position, the light intensity is measured – what is about to happen, I don’t know, but the tension is building in my stomach. What’s the deal with those dogs?… I feel how the claws of the rough-haired dog are pressing into my sides. I feel how he’s panting in my neck, drool from his tongue is dripping on my back. I scream as I feel how he enters me, how his paws clasp me, his nails press into my skin. ‘Get him off me’, I scream… My cries are lost in an enthusiastic cheer when the dogs lets something wet run down my legs… It was the first photo shoot with dogs in a long line.” (55),_1235_pages,_2005
“It is an unfortunate publication because the documents come from a dossier that is still covered by judicial secrecy,” the prosecutor general from the Belgian town of Liege, Cedric Visart de Bocarme, told state broadcaster RTBF

Transcripts of witness/victim testimony in Dutroux case
Testimony of Regina Louf is important because it shows how the criminal ring worked on a practical level when interacting with clients

Another Belgian serial killer, Michel Fourniret, was convicted in an almost identical case involving young girls kidnapped, sold into prostitution for elite clients, and murdered. In Fourniret’s case as well, multiple witnesses and investigators (including a police detective) were killed or intimidated, and police misconduct was rampant.
History/Summary of the case [LONG, go to pg. 7 for critical info]

A French serial killer from Tolouse, Patrice Alegre, alleged that he murdered prostitutes on orders from city and police officials who he had supplied with prostitutes and drugs for sado-masochistic orgies. His allegations were supported by several prostitutes, although no one was ever convicted. Alegre worked in a police canteen.

Private Organization links Top European and US Personnel, Ties with Dutroux and CIA
Beyond the Dutroux Affair: The reality of protected child abuse and snuff networks in a world ruled by psychopaths
History/Summary of the case [LONG]
Mark Dutroux – Belgian Serial-Pedophile


Female MP abused boy in care
Pedophile scandal: Convicted North Wales care home boss is working in family-friendly hotel
MP Geoffery Dickens made similar claims in the 1980s that are now being vindicated

British Orphanages have been used as sources of children to prostitute for decades on a massive scale

Even former Prime Minister Ted Heath is implicated

BBC leadership has suppressed information on elite pedophiles in Britain on more than one occasion

Panic among UK leaders as high-level pedophile network is covered up: BBC Newsnight program suspended for naming senior Conservative pedophile

The Pedophile Ring That Encircles British Politics
Dead Body Found on Queen’s Estate Identified as Teen Missing Since August
British Premiere Gordon Brown is a Pedophile
British pedophile ring ‘protected by Parliament and Downing Street’

Aangirfan UK Child Abuse Timelines



There is abundant evidence that pedophile rings are prevalent among the elite of British politics in both parties and have been for decades. The recent Jimmy Savile scandal is just the tip of the iceberg; the problem stretches far beyond Savile and the evidence is now so preponderant it is undeniable.

Jimmy Savile is the Tip of the Iceberg [this is a blog but it contains solid citations, it explains how Savile was far more than a lone predator]
Revealed: how Jimmy Savile abused up to 1,000 victims on BBC premises
Celebrity arrests could soar after horrified police discover Jimmy Savile’s secret lair at record shop
Jimmy Savile Abuse Scandal
New Allegations: Other Members of BBC in the Wake of the Savile Accusations
Police Protection of Celebrity Criminals Prevented Savile Being Brought to Justice

There’s some good information in these threads. Make up your own damn mind.

UK and Savile
Savile Timeline


An investigation by ICE revealed that thousands of Defense Department computers and email addresses had been used to view or purchase child pornography, dozens of which were used by people with the highest-level security clearances. Only a few, low-ranking individuals were tried and convicted, and thousands of names were never investigated further, before the investigation was closed.
(news coverage from Fox)
(2:00 min mark CNN coverage),0YYKyrf#0
Project Flicker
Why Was Pentagon Child Pornography Investigation Halted?
Investigation ties military workers to child porn

The Pentagon’s Pedophile Problem

Senator Charles Grassley’s letter to Defense Secretary Robert Gates
Senator Charles Grassley’s letter to the Inspector General of the Defense Department
Response of Inspector General of the Department of Defense to Senator Charles Grassley

FBI & Pentagon officials purchased and downloaded child porn – 5,200 employees caught


DynCorp is one of the world’s largest defense contracting companies. It has been deeply involved in DOD and CIA operations in the Mideast and elsewhere for years and its management is largely composed of former military and intelligence figures. DynCorp and its employees have been implicated as pimps and customers of child prostitutes in Bosnia, Iraq and Afghanistan. In some states, DynCorp is hired by Child Protective Services to take children from their parents.

Wikileaks cables reveal DynCorp employees purchased child prostitutes in Afghanistan and the US State Department helped cover it up

More DynCorp Sex Abuse Ring Information


Corey Feldman Says: #1 Problem with Hollywood is Child Sex Abuse
Corey Feldman and Todd Bridges’ Bill to Protect Child Actors
Corey Feldman’s ‘Coreyography’ Details Sexual Abuse He, Corey Haim Faced
Recent Pedophile Bust: “Just the Tip of the Iceberg”
Hollywood Producer Pleads Guilty to CP Possession
Lou Pearlman – Pedophile who traded Sex for Fame
Pedophile Cases in Hollywood Attract Attention
Hollywood Pedophile Dead in Montreal
Possibly Largest Cheese Pizza Bust ever (Commiefornia)
Hollywood SFX Artist Charged With Sexual Assault
Karen Mulder (Model) Speaks Out


While directing Clownhouse, Salva, then 29, molested one of the film’s actors, who was 12 years old at the time. The sexual acts were videotaped by Salva, who pleaded guilty to one count of lewd and lascivious conduct, one count of oral copulation with a person under 14, and three counts of procuring child pornography. Salva was sentenced to three years in prison. He served 15 months of the sentence before being paroled, and is registered as a sex offender.
>3 years for raping a kid and videotaping it
>Close friends with Roman Polanski, who paid for his bail
>next job after getting out is for fucking DISNEY

Victor Salva
>At the age of 29, Salva sexually molested a 12 year old who had a part in one of his films. Salva pled guilty to one count of lewd and lascivious conduct, one count of oral sex with a person under 14, and three counts of procuring child pornography.

‘Jeepers’ bad enough without creator’s bad rap
Former Lostprophets Vocalist Ian Watkins Pleads Guilty To Child Sex Charges
Ian Watkins Lostprophet Singer Pleads Guilty in Attempted Child Rape & Sexual Assault
Ian Watkins, Lostprophets Frontman, Pleads GUILTY To Two Charges of Attempting To Rape a Baby
Child Sex Abuse Scandals Shake Hollywood
Hollywood Monsters

 (2 min mark)


Hot mama is kink link to rich: DA
Revelations of an Elite Family Insider
Penn State child sex abuse scandal
A massive collection of well-sourced information on elite-protected-and-patronized pedophilia rings in the US and Europe

First District Attorney to investigate Jerry Sandusky disappeared without a trace in 2006
These documentaries aired in 1981 so they are pre-Franklin but they cover the same territory but with a focus on the boy prostitution problem in Dallas Texas specifically and in the South and Southwest among elites like politicians. It featured 2 journalists, Tom Philpott and Mark McKinnon, who had been investigating the matter. Philpott was non-lethally shot at home within a short time of the show being aired and he then went on to “commit suicide” under dubious circumstances. McKinnon went on to work for George W Bush;

A History of Silence: Child Trafficking in the United States by David Shurter
The Case Of the Campus Crusader
This wiki article goes on to catalogue the ongoing career of Mark McKinnon that involves extensive contact with the very elites that he was momentarily exposing with Philpott.


Child Porn Will Get You Into Legal Hot Water (Unless You Work For The Feds?)
Child Pornography Found on Assistant U.S. Attorney’s Computer, Attorney was also Viewing Adult Content on Taxpayer Dime
Former FBI Agent Ted Gunderson on Government Abuse Experiments
To Catch Government Workers With Ties to Child Porn, Call the IRS
Law Enforcement Reactions to Satanic Abuse Cults
Jeff Gannon
(CIA caught Soliciting)
(hour long)

CHILD TRAFFIC Investigator Monica Petersen Found Dead In Haiti-Investigating The Clinton’s


When Pedophile Judges Fear Exposure
A Tale of Two Lawyers or Who Needs Fiction?
Canada House of Commons Hearing on Sex Abuse


‘House of Horrors’ investigated – child abuse ring in Dublin led by police saw 50-years of sexual abuse
Ferdinand Mitterrand, Fmr. French Cabinet Minister under Sarkozy and nephew of sex-scandal ridden French President Francois Mitterrand openly admits soliciting young boys for sex in Thailand
Former French Minister Admits to Soliciting Underage Male Prostitutes under Sarkozy

Trial proves that hundreds of children were prostituted in Portuguese orphanages, to clients that included top media personalities, diplomats, and bureaucrats
Green party in Germany to investigate backing for pedophiles in 80s

European Parliament member promotes pedophilia as part of the sexual revolution
Dutch Whistleblower Faces Prison, Pedo Walks free
How the German Left Took the Sexual Revolution Too Far  (Children)

Norway pedophile scandal: POLITICIANS & POLICE reportedly among 20 arrested suspects. MORE ARRESTS EXPECTED



(Hour and a half)

MKULTRA Documentary CIA Mind Control Research Human Experiments in the United States

Human Trafficking & Modern-day Slavery
Trafficking in Persons Reports 2009    2007 Report
Amnesty: Israel failing to deal with white-slave trade
Israel a Human Trafficking Haven
Slavery in Israel?
Jews And White Slavery
Zionist occupied Israel failing to deal with white-slave trade
Thousands of slaves in Israel, global study finds
Modern slavery in Israel: It’s all politics
Israel’s sex trade is booming
Israel women trafficking soars
Modern Slaves
Sex slaves in the Holy Land, then and now
Israel Cracking Down on Human Sex Slave Trade for Fear of losing American Aid
Abuse Whistleblower Battling Both Haredi Community, DA
Jewish child molesters that are never on the news

The sources they provide are from
‘The Awareness Center, Inc. is the international Jewish Coalition Against Sexual Abuse/Assault (JCASA). We are dedicated to ending sexual violence in Jewish communities globally.’ However, most of the links to JCASA might be dead, so you’re going to have to do your own digging;

The Child-Rape Assembly Line

Neonatal Genital Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 Infection After Jewish Ritual Circumcision: Modern Medicine and Religious Tradition
“Biblical sources dictate routine ritual circumcision at 8 days of age for Jewish boys. This procedure is widely accepted, and 60% to 90% of newborn boys of the Jewish population in the United States undergo this procedure,1,2 which also has an important cultural and historical role.”

On the Rabbi’s Knee
Sexual Abuse in the Jewish Community, Is There a Double Standard?
Roy Naim, the ‘Jewish Face of the Immigration Reform Struggle’ featured in Time magazine, arrested on child porn charges and denied bail
Arch Pedophile Jimmy Savile was a devout Zionist and an Israel supporter
Canada: Jewish leader jailed for child pornography
City Questions Circumcision Ritual After Baby Dies
Two-week-old baby who died of herpes ‘contracted disease through circumcision’
Advocacy group: Israel is a pedophile’s paradise
Police break up pedo ring
Yeshiva teacher admits to sexually abusing boy

The Billionaire Pedophile’s Sex Den
Jewish French deputy, Daniel Cohn-Bendit admits to pedophilia
Billionaire Pedophile Goes Free
JIDF in action
Shomrim (neighborhood watch group)

Roman Polanski, Zionist Pedophile
In September 2009, Weinstein publicly voiced opposition to efforts to extradite Roman Polanski from Switzerland to the U.S. regarding 1977 charges of unlawful sexual intercourse with a 13-year-old, to which Polanski had pled guilty before fleeing the country. Weinstein, whose company had distributed a film about the Polanski case, questioned whether Polanski committed any crime, prompting Los Angeles County District Attorney Steve Cooley to insist that Polanski’s guilty plea indeed qualified his action as a crime, and that several other more serious charges were still pending.
Harvey Weinstein

Interesting video about a famous French-Jewish politician and… pedophile

Jewish Bris
Child Pornography, Exclusively A Jewish Business


James Bond and the killer bag lady
Russian Child Snuff Videos
Saved Thread Discussing Michael Aquino, CIA/Military Pedophile
Masonichip Stats
NSW Education Department covers up teacher’s alleged 18-year child sex abuse spree
NSW police protects alleged Tweed Heads pedophile ring
Satanic ritual abuse; Evidence
A Particularly Heinous Mod: The Doxxing of Aatrek


Kincora Boys’ Home
On 3 April 1980 three members of staff at the home, William McGrath, Raymond Semple and Joseph Mains, were charged with a number of offences relating to the systematic sexual abuse of children in their care over a number of years. All three were later convicted and jailed. Mains, the former warden, received a term of six years, Semple, a former assistant warden, five years and McGrath was jailed in December 1981 for four years.

Recording of interview w/former MP & London Mayor Ken Livingstone admitting Mi5 allowed boys to be abused in Kincora Boys Home so that they could film it to blackmail politicians

How Child Protection Services Buys and Sells Our Children

CPS Institutional Abuse of Children in America

Missing: 78 children from Oklahoma Department of Human Services custody
Judge Who Sold Children to Private Detention Centers

These Adults Were Paid $1500.00 each month per child of your tax dollars to Abuse These three children they adopted through Foster Care
State says 1,000 care facilities match sex offender addresses

The Hollywood Baby Snatcher: The sinister story of the woman who stole children and sold them to the stars
> For 30 years, Georgia Tann made millions selling children. A network of scouts, corrupt judges and politicians helped her steal babies. She also targeted youngsters on their way home from school, promising them ice cream to tempt them away from their homes. Legal papers would be signed saying they were abandoned – most would never see their families again. Now, her story has been revealed in a new book. After painstakingly contacting her surviving victims and a forensic search through the archives, Barbara Bisantz Raymond calculates that Tann sold more than 5,000 children – and killed scores through neglect. During the time she ran her ‘business’, the infant mortality rate in Memphis was the highest in the country. Tann molested some of the girls in her care and placed children with pedophiles. She charged fees to couples desperate to be parents. Some victims were sold as underage farm hands or domestic skivvies. Others were starved, beaten and raped. The lucky ones were sold to wealthy parents, with Hollywood stars, including Lana Turner and Joan Crawford – who adopted twins Cathy and Cynthia – lining up for babies. Some of the children were featured in magazine articles. A number were placed with families in Britain.

Georgia Tann

Large playlist concerning abuse and criminal activity against children

Pedophile ring used boys home
Take the McMartin preschool incident, for example. Read up on it if you haven’t, here’s an excerpt from Programmed to Kill, which again, I can’t recommend enough. Fantastic work by David McGowan.
> “Experts have noted that the victimized children showed a level of knowledge that defies rational explanation if the kids have not experienced what they claim to have experienced. For instance, these children can accurately describe the look, smell, texture and colors of human viscera (internal body organs). This is an ability, it has been argued, that very few adults possess, other than those trained as surgeons or coroners. These children also display a remarkable level of knowledge of a wide variety of unconventional human sexual practices, including many acts that, again. most adults do not have knowledge or awareness of. If these children did not experience these things firsthand, then how did they gain such knowledge?”

Scottish Paedophilia: Institutions, Children’s Homes, Schools & Paedo Rings


Child porn bust: Anatomy of an international child pornography investigation
Hundreds arrested as Canadian police smash worldwide pedophile ring
Hundreds arrested worldwide in child pornography case, 386 kids rescued
Massive online pedophile ring busted by cops

Joseph E. Duncan III
John Geoghan
John Wayne Gacy
Westley Allan Dodd
Henry Lee Lucas
Henry Lee Lucas: Prolific Serial Killer or Prolific Liar?


1977 Join Hearing on MK-ULTRA
MK-ULTRA Final Report to the 94th Congress of the United States of America 

CIA v. Sims – 471 U.S. 159 (1985)

Chapter 3: Use of Drugs

Respected Psychologist Speaks on Hypnosis and MPD Ritual Abuse Text of Speech

Former FBI Agent Ted Gunderson on Satanic Abuse Cults in America

The Ted Gunderson Files

#ChildSexualAbuse & Missing Kids Statistics UK & USA {2014}

Majority of the above info came form PASTEBIN although i have added many more links




