Ex-Provost John Letford (81) Reveals His Childhood Abuse

Former Lord Provost of Dundee John Letford today revealed for the first time a secret he has held for more than 70 years.


In an exclusive interview with the Tele Mr Letford bravely talked about the sexual abuse he endured as a child.

The 81-year-old said the assault had left an “indelible mark”, and he wanted to encourage other victims of abuse not to suffer in silence.

He said: ““If other people could come forward and speak about this because I have inspired them to do so, I will be very happy.

“It might give them a sense of relief and acceptance to talk as I have done.”

Read the full interview in tonight’s Evening Telegraph.

If you have been affected by any kind of sexual abuse, here are some organisations that offer support and advice.

One confidential support service is 18 and Under — contact them via text or Whatsapp on 07707 531976, or by phone on 0800 7314080.

Another service that can offer support is ChildLine. To get in touch, call 0800 1111.

The NSPCC can offer advice to adults concerned about a child’s welfare on 0808 8005000, and for adults affected by abuse in childhood, the best point of contact is the NAPAC — they can be contacted through their support line on 08088 010331.

Evening Telegraph, uploaded May 30 2016


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