Killer mother of tragic tot Mikaeel Kular is guarded by deadly duo in prison

Killer mother of tragic tot Mikaeel Kular is guarded by deadly duo in prison


HATED Rosdeep Adekoya, 35, was sentenced to 11 years in prison for culpable homicide after she killed her three year old son when the tot was sick.

Killer mother Rosdeep Adekoya

THE mum who beat little Mikaeel Kular to death is being guarded in jail by two other killers.

Sources say hated Rosdeep Adekoya gets protection in Cornton Vale from hit and run murderer Rona Mackenzie, who mowed down a mother of three in her car after a petty row over a dog.

Hit and run murderer Rona Mackenzie

And Adekoya also reportedly hides behind scumbag Charlene Wilson, who triggered a vicious knife attack outside a pub that cost a young man his life.

Charlene Wilson triggered stabbing

Former inmates say the three killers have become close friends who go in and out of each other’s cells whenever they want. They each have their own keys to their rooms.

One source told us: “Rona is a pure cow now and walks about like Rosdeep’s bodyguard.”

Adekoya, 35, killed son Mikaeel, three, at their Edinburgh home in January 2014 after losing her temper when the tot was sick.


Three year old Mikaeel Kular

She then hid his body and pretended he had gone missing, sparking a massive search.

She got 11 years for culpable homicide and is despised by fellow inmates in the Stirling jail because of her crime.

The Record told in December how staff had moved Adekoya to a “cushy” unit called Wallace House after she complained that threatening letters calling her a beast and a child-beater had been left outside her cell.

As well as a cell with an ensuite shower and her own key, Adekoya was also given a sought-after job in the prison kitchen.

It wasn’t the first time Adekoya was accused of getting special treatment. One ex-inmate said in 2014: “She’s protected by the officers, like all the beasts.”

Burly Mackenzie, 53, got life with a minimum of 15 years for murdering Margaret Borris, 39, in Paisley in 2008.

Margaret had children by Mackenzie’s boy-friend, whose dog got hurt while she was walking it.

Enraged, Mackenzie drove over Margaret in her VW Polo, leaving her with 73 injuries.

Wilson, 38, started a drunken row with customers at a pub in South Queensferry, then summoned her drug-dealing thug boyfriend Jack Mallon to attack them.

Mallon fatally stabbed joiner Jordan Mackay, 20, in the neck. He was jailed for life with a minimum term of 19 years.

Wilson was also caged, for nine years, for culpable homicide. The judge told her: “Your behaviour was the trigger for the events that led to the murder.”

The Scottish Prison Service said they did not discuss individual inmates. found here


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