Winnie the Pooh, Hitler, James Bond 007 & The Beatles Yellow Submarine

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Book contents


26 April-4 May 1945  SOURCE

With the use of doppelgangers, Hitler’s entourage were specialists in deception, deceiving each other, themselves, the staff and any witnesses. Any witnesses they failed to control were either killed, ordered to suicide, suicided or wore the dreaded Holy oath of silence on penalty of death to themselves and their entire family. Such was the depth of their oath, secrecy and in-house revenge.

The Germans have Teutonic brains and always planned everything three years ahead and right down to the last detail. On 22 April 1945 Hitler announced to General Alfred Jodi (adviser on strategy and operations) and General Karl Koller (Chief of Luftwaffe Staff), among others, that he was intending to suicide.

Field Marshall Wilhelm Keitel chief of Armed Forces High Command), General Alfred Jodi (adviser on strategy and operations) and Albert Speer (Minister of Armaments) then left the Bunker, with some impetus, and spread the news to the wider world. Once the ‘secret from no greater source’ got out, everyone was expecting Hitler to suicide and it was a big relief when he evidently did.

Hitler and his entourage had been in the Bunker from 16 January 1945, and from 21 April 1945 there were many permanent escapes out of the Bunker. These occurred on 21, 22, 23, 29, 30 April and on 1 May 1945. The Allies knew about them and did little to stop them, except when there was agreement with the Germans to stop them.

Operation WINNIE THE POOH deals with Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun’s escape from the Bunker on 30 April 1945 and their flight out of Berlin between 4 and 5 pm on 2 May 1945.

On 30th April 1945, there were ample opportunities for Adolf and Eva Hitler to escape from the Bunker. As cover for this, no less than six Hitler doppelgangers were terminated around the Chancellery Bunker. These were later found by the Red Army’s mopping-up squads.

As the Intelligence version of history is studied more and more, Hitler’s death reveals itself as a ‘canned meat’ operation. Stalin would have recognised this immediately as he had enacted the same thing on 2 January 1911, some 44 years earlier, during his escape out of the Sidney Street siege.

Both ‘canned meat’ operations came with Churchill’s active complicity.

Many histories have exposed the burnt Hitler and Eva bodies as fake. Anomalies in the bodies prove this well enough. The dead Hitler had no gunshot wound to the skull, although it was first reported that he had shot himself through the mouth. Eva was supposed to have died from poisoning, although the autopsy showed the female body in the blue dress died of shrapnel wounds, was bleeding from the breasts and had abundant dental cavities. If this had been allowed to happen to the Führer’s mistress there would have been courts martial and trips to the wall for everyone involved.

According to the Spymaster: “The use of the blue dress was a case of ‘sheep dipping’. It was a key part of the cover story that Eva Braun was to be wearing a blue dress during the escape, just as the Soviet undercover told the Red Army … There were also two skulls of Hitler, one found in the crater/grave attached to the body and another presented prior to autopsy.”

If anything, this points to a higher level of cover-up and the possibility and probability of complicity from all sides.

No war is ever finished and each portion of unsolved war leads to the next war.

From the point of Hitler and Eva’s bodies being brought out of their rooms there was no positive identification. Hitler was identified from his trousers and boots and Eva from her blue dress. In preparation for the exhausted Russians this was a classic case of ‘Keep It Simple Stupid’ in this case, the KISS of death.

Once Hitler and Eva Braun had faked their deaths in their quarters, Goebbels went in followed by Reich Youth leader Artur Axmann. Axmann had ascended to the heights of the Hitler Youth on the basis of the loss of an arm in combat at the exact time that the previous director’s wife Baldur von Schirach had embarrassed Hitler. The one armed Director of the Hitler Youth was hardly a man to be trusted and more a man to comply with any and every deception.

With Goebbels having himself killed 29 hours after Hitler, Axmann became the most unreliable witness testament could provide.

The German name for Hitler’s escape plan was “Testament” named after Hitler’s will and those sections of the Bible the Nazis were enacting to make the Bible prophesies come true. For the British it was “Winnie the Pooh”. Neither carried the prefix ‘Operation’ and little of these combined operations ever appeared in writing. As such, both plans could be spoken about openly without raising suspicion.

Sometime after Hitler and Eva’s doppelganger deaths, the three doors to the Bunker-Chancellery bulkhead passage were locked. (See page 311.) These bulkhead doors separated the Bunker and the bulkhead passage, the bulkhead passage and the Chancellery, and the bulkhead passage and the Foreign Office. This provided ample space for Adolf Hitler, Eva Hitler nee Braun and their escorts, SS Chancellery commandant Wilhelm Mohnke and five Hitler doppelgangers to hide while the mourners attended their Viking funeral pyre. This was Plan A.

There was also a 10-minute window for the same group of eight to climb up the round concrete watchtower, out the 0.6 x 0.6 metre (2 foot x 2 foot) opening, onto the reinforcing bars 1.4 metre (4% foot) below, dropping the same distance to the ground and then making their way east, while all the focus was on their funeral on the southwest side of the building. This was Plan B.

Thus two clear exits were provided after the faked Hitler and Eva suicides. To assist in this, the guards had been ordered out of the Bunker and out of the Chancellery. The telephone exchange workers and the secretaries (Gerda Christian, Gertrude Junge, Elizabeth Schroeder, Johanna Wolf and Else Krueger) were relieved of their duties and took fresh air whenever it was offered. The Goebbels’ were locked in their room, spending their time with their children and mourning their impending murder-suicides. The ordered exit of all the guards, police guards and mourners attending the funeral provided a clear exit through all the Bunker passages.

This was the basic scenario, now let’s look at it in detail.

On 26 April 1945 Hanna Reitsch and her partner Field Marshal Ritter von Greim flew into Berlin and landed at Gatow Airport in West Berlin amongst heavy Russian small arms fire. The Russians were deliberately taught to fire at anything that flew over that wasn’t theirs, as opposed to the Americans that fired at anything that flew. While landing in Berlin, von Greim’s ankle was injured quite seriously and he was unable to fly any great distance, but they managed to change to a small plane and flew into central Berlin landing on the main East-West Axis the same night.

At their meeting that night Hitler ‘officially’ repeated his suicide plans to them, but this was cover talk. To add weight to this, Goebbels strode about the bunker ranting, “We are teaching the world how men die for their honour” and Hitler talked incessantly about General Wenck freeing Berlin and saving him. This was a message through his radio teeth to the ever-listening British. Meanwhile Bormann documented Hitler’s every word creating a false history of his impending doom.

Hitler then stripped Goering of his post and made Field Marshal Ritter von Greim ‘General of the Luftwaffe’ and Hanna Reitsch ‘Commander-in-Chief of the German Air Force’. Hitler then spent much of the next three days consulting with them in infinite detail over his escape flight out of Berlin.

Later that night, 26/27 April 1945, the first heavy barrage of Russian artillery hit the Chancellery and the details for Hitler’s flight plan out became more and more pressing. On the night of 29/30 April, less than 15 hours before Hitler’s show suicide, Reitsch and Greim flew out of Berlin in the tiny two-seater plane they had hidden near the Brandenburg Gate. Hanna Reitsch was a daredevil pilot and one of the few woman to win the Iron Cross during WWII. Von Greim was injured and she did the flying.

WWII was coming to an end and thousands of Berliners were injured, exhausted, desperate and hungry. Along with their nursing staff they took shelter in their cellars, in tunnels and in the underground railway, which was clearly marked under the Red Cross as a hospital. When the Russians broke into the subway tunnels Hitler ordered (27 April) the locks of the River Spree to be opened (28 April) and the tunnels flooded. Thousands of wounded drowned along with their nursing staff and Russian soldiers.

This was not the first time the wounded had been deliberately killed in the name of the Führer. A military hospital full of wounded soldiers on the Eastern Front had been blown up earlier in 1945. As it was, the River Spree was ready to become a floating mortuary stained red with blood.

Around 6 pm on 29 April the locks to the Upper River Spree were closed and the waters were allowed to recede enough for kayak travel. At midnight on 29 April, Major Bernd Freytag von Loringhoven (aide to army chiefs) and his aide-de-camp Rittmeister Gerhard Boldt (Boldt was also General Krebs’ aide-de-camp) and Leutnant-Colonel Weiss left the bunker, got a number of kayaks out of storage, placed them in preparation for the escape teams, then paddled through the tunnels and dead bodies, killing any and all survivors. They then secured the exit and waited for the next escape team. Two groups of three bodies were then tied together and retained near the exit.

The Last Days of Hitler (repeated in ) reports that Boldt’s escape was down the East-West Axis towards the Kantstrasse under Russian fire and then to the Reich Sports Field where he met up with the adjutants Loringhoven and Weiss and continued south along Kaiserdamm (under more Russian fire), where at Pichelsdorf bridge they jumped in sailing boats (under heavy Russian fire) and sailed down Lake Havel (where the Russians would have seen their sails). But this was another lie for cover. It was a ruse and a nearly impossible ruse at that.

Leutnant-Colonel Nicolaus von Below (Hitler’s Luftwaffe adjutant) and his batman Heinz Matthiesing (a resourceful barman) were the next to escape (just short of midnight 29 April). They each used a group of tied bodies as cover and floated down the River Spree using snorkels between the bodies to breathe. They made it to the west bank of Lake Havel by the morning of 30 April. Officially von Below was carrying Hitler’s will and was supposed to deliver it to General Keitel, but he left before the official will was finished and only carried Hitler’s ‘cover will’.

They sent word back confirming their survival, equipment in place, and the best route to take. As such, von Below and Matthiesing were the scouts for Hitler’s entourage the following night.

With confirmation of safe passage, at 2.30 am on 30 April Hitler said goodbye to about 20 people in the conference passage, but hardly moved. He mumbled to each individual and then said goodbye en masse, once again announcing that he was going to commit suicide. He mentioned this so many times to so many people that this has to be viewed with suspicion. When someone talks about suicide, they rarely do it, and it is usually a show suicide.


Hitler honours the Hitler Youth outside the Chancellery on his 56th birthday, 20 April 1945.


Hitler and Eva in the last photos taken in the bunker.


The Bunker watchtower (Plan B escape), with the reinforcing bars noticeably removed.


Chancellery Bunker

  1. Hitler’s Bedroom
  2. Hitler’s Study
  3. Hitler’s Anteroom
  4. Hitler and Eva’s Bathroom
  5. Eva’s Bedsitting Room
  6. Eva’s Bedsitting Room
  7. Map Room
  8. Guards’ Rest Room/Dog-Bunker
  9. Drawing Room
  10. Dr. Ludwig Stumpfegger’s Rooms
  11. Dr. Ludwig Stumpfegger’s Rooms
  12. Dr. Joseph Goebbel’s Bedroom
  13. Telephone/Secretary/Guard Room
  14. Emergency Telephone Exchange
  15. Diesel Generator
  16. Toilets
  17. Switchboard for Electric Lights
  18. Lumber Rooms (Timber)
  19. Lumber Rooms (Timber)
  20. Magda Goebbels’ and Children
  21. Magda Goebbels’ and Children
  22. Magda Goebbels’ and Children
  23. Magda Goebbels’ and Children
  24. Servant’s Quarters
  25. Servant’s Quarters
  26. Kitchen Area
  27. Kitchen
  28. Kitchen
  29. Kitchen
  30. Bunker-Chancellery Bulkhead Passage
  31. Butler’s Pantry


Goebbels squeezed and SS Chancellery commandant Wilhelm Mohnke.

Between 2.30-3.15 am 30 April 1945, Hitler and Bormann conspired in Hitler’s rooms. Bormann had already arranged his rescue via the British some four months earlier and Hitler had been a British agent since his training at Tavistock from February to November 1912, some 33 years earlier. They were discussing their codes to alert the British to assist their exit and who could be trusted to support their British rescuers in their escape. Goebbels did not know of this plan, so his telegrams were not in full code.

The pressure of three months in a bunker brings out a lot of cabin fever and cabin fever expresses all sorts of suspicions. Since Bormann had sold out to the British (1 January 1945) and since the Bunker had been occupied (16 January 1945), Bormann had been particularly unpopular. In three months he had made no friends and spent his time documenting Hitler’s every word – creating a false history of Hitler’s impending doom as final cover.

Bormann’s official records of what Hitler said were largely a fabrication so people would believe Hitler was desperate, sick and suicidal and would die even if he had survived the Bunker.

As further cover for this, all the bunker staff were allowed to get regularly drunk. This stopped them noticing anything strange, like an escape plan that excluded them and Bormann’s notes being a literary version of Dr Morell.

At 3.20 am 30 April 1945, Bormann sent a telegram to Admiral Doenitz at Ploen near Hamburg in North Germany, but sent it through the Gauleiter of Mecklenburg rather than through ordinary communications. This was picked up by the signals officers on both the German and British sides and alerted the British. The double send meant that the British were especially alerted.

The telegram read:

“Doenitz! – Our impression grows daily stronger that the divisions in the Berlin theatre have been standing idle for several days. All the reports we receive are controlled, suppressed, or distorted by Keitel. In general we can only communicate through Keitel. The Führer orders you to proceed at once, and mercilessly, against all traitors. – Bormann.

PS. The Führer is alive, and is conducting the defence of Berlin.”

This was in Open Code, Reverse Code and Aesopian language combined. Open Code meant that it could be understood by knowing the events that were to unravel and with a few key words, like “Testament” meaning Hitler’s escape plan. The British version of “Testament” was “Winnie the Pooh”, and “Rabbit” for Hitler and “Ms Rabbit” for Eva Hitler nee Braun. (They had married at midnight on 29 April 1945.)

Reverse Code meant that one could say, “conducting the defence of Berlin” and it meant, “escaping to save one’s arse”. “Against all traitors” meant, “pro-war traitorous Allies would assist their escape” and “Lead the way” meant, “the leader was on his way, play your part.”

Aesopian Code was a background and refers to family structure and common literary works like Winnie the Pooh, Peter Rabbit or Wagner’s writings. “Our cousins are all too quick” would mean “the Russians are advancing on the Bunker. Advance on them and they will fire over the top.”

So “Testament against all traitors defending Berlin” would mean “Hitler is escaping with the Swiss Bank accounts and the secrets the Nazis had gathered from 1933-45 with the assistance of Ian Fleming, Chris Creighton, Anthony Blunt, Hanna Reitsch and his primary concern is his own welfare. All positions covered and all equipment functioning. Hitler in position for evacuation.”

It is interesting that the Soviets have never released this information before. Stalin, having been through British deconstruction, was the Soviet expert in unravelling Aesopian messages, but ensured the rest of this department was full of babushkas so only he got the message.

To the Gauleiter of Mecklenburg, Doenitz at Ploen and the British linked with Operation JAMES BOND, Bormann’s 3.20 am telegram translated as:

“The British are ready and waiting to complete the rescue and are set up in all their locations. German protection has been in place for several days with no shots fired. The escape route has been tested successfully and is secure. Anthony Blunt has the protection of Keitel and the Russians for Hitler’s escape. Keitel is our man on the inside who will obfuscate till the end. Provide flak as cover and flares to light the way. Berlin has been sufficiently compromised for the escape. All doppelgangers and traitors are in place.

[Anthony Blunt, Ian Fleming, Chris Creighton – Bormann’s evacuation team and Hitler’s evacuation team]. The Führer has announced his death and all suspicions have been covered. He is ready to escape into the open from midnight.

The criminal Goebbels and his family will really die.

PS. Despite reports of death, Hitler is alive and ready to kayak through the tunnels, which have been cleared of all survivors. Destination Fireworks Island [Pfaueninsel Island] and flight out.”

On 30 April 1945, Hitler took lunch at 2.30 pm. Eva was not present. It is hard to get briefed for such a mission in the wee hours and take it on board for action. Eva was being briefed for her escape and waited for the arrival of her new signature blue dress. After lunch, around 3.10 pm, the secretaries were relieved of their duties.

“In the morning [of 30 April] the guards had been ordered [by an SS Escort officer] to collect all their rations for the day, since they would not be allowed to pass through the corridor of the Bunker again.”- They were also given arms. This stopped the guards from checking anything going on in the Bunker or from using the Bunker-Chancellery passage. Their focus was to be on external protection and not on the internal workings of the Bunker.

Since their quarters, the “dog-bunker” or “guards’ rest room”, linked the conference passage with the stairs to the concrete watchtower (Plan B escape), it was essential that this passage be kept free of any witnesses. The watchtower had never been finished and the external protruding reinforcing bars allowed people to climb out of the tower window and onto the Chancellery garden, as was commonly done.

Hitler’s personal SS adjutant SturmbannFührer  Otto Giinsche never let Hitler out of his sight. At 2.40 pm Otto Giinsche telephoned Hitler’s personal chauffeur SturmbannFührer Erich Kempka to send 200 litres of gasoline to the Chancellery garden. This gasoline had been carefully hoarded and guarded for months just for this purpose. Kempka went to the Chancellery and managed to locate 160-180 litres.

On his return, he passed through the Chancellery-Bunker passage doors, which were still open at 3.38 pm. At Hitler’s door he was greeted by Kempka who said “The Chief is dead” and then made a gun with his right fingers and pointed them into his mouth. It was 3.40 pm.

Kempka carried the jerricans to the emergency exit of the Bunker. All of the remaining guards in the Chancellery were then ordered to leave the Chancellery and stay away from the Bunker. This removed any witnesses capable of defending themselves and opened up the Bunker- Chancellery passage as an escape route (Plan A), as well as the escape route from the watchtower over the Chancellery garden and into the Chancellery (Plan B).

After lunch, Hitler went back to his room, spoke with the newly briefed Eva and emerged for another farewell ceremony (3.10 pm) to his inner circle Martin Bormann (Hitler’s secretary and head of the Nazi Party Chancellery), Joseph Goebbels (Propaganda Minister), Werner Naumann (Goebbels assistant and State Secretary in the Propaganda Ministry), General Hans Krebs (the last German Chief of Staff), Vice Admiral Erich Voss, General Wilhelm Burgdorf (Army adjutant) . . . and to Ambassador Walter Hewel (Foreign Office liaison officer and old-time Nazi), BrigadeFührer Johann Rattenhuber (RSD head and chief bodyguard for Hitler’s private police SS guards), Chief Inspector Peter Hoegl, SturmbannFührer Otto Giinsche (Hitler’s personal SS adjutant), Heinz Linge (Hitler’s SS Orderly and personal valet), Konstanze Manzialy (Hitler’s Austrian cook) and Hitler’s secretaries Gerda Christian, Gertrude ‘Traudl’ Junge, Elizabeth Schroeder, Johanna Wolf and Else Krueger (Bormann’s secretary). Magda Goebbels remained in her rooms with her children the whole day.

Everyone was then dismissed to their rooms with the doors closed as they mourned the imminent death of their leader. This provided ample opportunity for Hitler and Eva to simply walk through the bulkhead door into the Bunker-Chancellery passage with the door closed behind them, but they returned to their room at 3.20 pm.

At their door stood Bormann and Goebbels. Bormann was a British agent and Goebbels had agreed to kill his family, himself and his wife the following day. Goebbels was in an emotive state, something approaching complete denial and there was no way he was a threat as a witness. Nor was Goebbels in a state to tell the difference between a real Hitler and a doppelganger Hitler with a bullet through the back of the skull.

Hitler is said to have shot himself through the mouth with a 7.65 mm Walther pistol and Eva is said to have taken poison. Neither were true. The red carpet in Hitler’s room hid the blood and the blood found was of a different type from Hitler and Eva’s. Of the two Hitler skulls found, one had no bullet wound and the other had a 10.5 mm hole signifying a SS-controlled state-sanctioned killing. Eva had apparently taken poison, but the autopsy showed that she had died of shrapnel wounds. The Eva corpse had been removed from the streets and bled from the breasts. This made it a ‘canned meat’ operation.

As if on cue, straight after the complicitly timed shooting, the one- armed Hitler Youth director Artur Axmann arrived at the Bunker and was admitted straight into Hitler’s rooms where Goebbels sat with the two bodies, no doubt torn over the apparent Hitler and Eva deaths, his own impending death and that of his family. It was the Goebbels family deaths that would make the whole scenario appear real. Without them, Hitler and Eva’s deaths would have been exposed as fake in the weeks that followed. This would have led to a results-oriented hunt for Hitler, rather than the wild-goose chase that followed.

The wild-goose hunt for Hitler was the beginning of the Cold War. It allowed all sorts of British and American spy agencies to set themselves up in whatever country they chose to suspect. These were countries where there had been Nazi influence and the locations Hitler had chosen as options to escape to. These included South America, Norway, Greenland, south-west Africa, New Zealand, Antarctica and Spain. Spain was where Hitler went to, so the search teams stayed well away from there and the press always treated Spain as a joke location and diverted attention elsewhere.

If you had a Nazi problem you automatically received the cure whether you wanted it or not. Many of the repatriated Nazi spies went to South America followed by G-Men and to New Zealand followed by MI-6 retirees who posed as Rolls-Royce salesmen and wore cashmere coats and bowler hats up and down Queen Street at to-the-minute lunch hours. We used to watch them as kids, kick their umbrellas and stand on their heels so their shoes came off. “Frightfully …”

Antarctica was the place where the most advanced Nazi experiments were held, including their medical experiments, a eugenics society (dead at 45), Foo-Fighters and the attempt to create a new master race more or less Homo sapien 1.52, that is, a race of technocrats – so Nazi and American military scientists went there … say it isn’t so.

The communist Russians planned to take over a third of the world and did the same thing with Eastern Europe, although with a different excuse. As communists, they fought fascists and became fascists.

Politics is like a big ship and big ships have big rudders. The ship’s gearing is never strong enough to move the big rudder so they have a smaller rudder behind which moves in the opposite direction and this moves the big rudder, which moves the ship of nations. Politics is first guided under the direction of the small impetus and against the direction of the big impetus.

Germany, under fascist leadership, became a socialist country, as was planned. Russia, a totalitarian communist country, became a fascist country (that taught the world the value of freedom) and directed Russia to socialism for the masses and fascism for the oligarchy. This is now the model of America – a fascist oligarchy controlling socialist masses. This too was planned.

Goebbels left and Axmann remained alone with the bodies for a short while, giving the latest briefing to the still alive Hitler and Eva who were hiding in cupboards in the room. He told of von Below and Matthiesing’s successful escape down the River Spree, the tunnels loaded with bodies for cover, the kayaks and submarine in position, and Boldt, Loringhoven and Weiss ready to assist the kayak journey to the submarine.

Hitler had been exchanging his life with his doppelgangers ever since the mid-1930s “Gau doppelganger contest” and was used to hiding Eva less so.

Hitler’s SS Orderly Heinz Linge then entered the room and wrapped doppelganger Hitler’s body in a blanket, completely covering the head, but showing his familiar trousers, the same ones every doppelganger wore. Two other SS officers then carried the body up the stairs. The exchange occurred at the intersection of the conference passage and the guards’ rest room so that it could be seen by the guard in the concrete watchtower.

Bormann (Hitler’s secretary) then entered the room and picked up the Eva doppelganger body and carried it to the passage where he handed it to Kempka (Hitler’s personal chauffeur) who took it to the foot of the stairs and handed it to Giinsche (Hitler’s personal SS adjutant who never let Hitler out of his sight) who then gave it to another SS officer who carried it up the stairs to the garden.

Hitler’s orderly, personal chauffeur and personal adjutant were chosen because they were physically closest to Hitler and their ID testimonies were the most likely to be believed. This commotion was seen from the watchtower by police guard Erich Mansfeld who became very intrigued.

The only people to enter Hitler’s room after the gunshot were Goebbels, Axmann, Linge and Bormann – none of whom could be trusted to reveal anything of Hitler’s Operation TESTAMENT.

Goebbels was dead within 29 hours. Axmann gave the latest briefing to the very much alive Hitler and Eva. Hitler’s SS Orderly Linge was familiar with the doppelganger scenario and had long sworn the Holy oath to secrecy. Still, he was sorry to see one of them go. Bormann was a British agent who planned his escape parallel with that of Hitler and Eva and had been a British agent for the last four months. As such, the immediate witnesses to Hitler and Eva’s deaths were all completely unreliable.

As the bodies were taken upstairs, Hitler and Eva had two escape options. Plan A was into the Bunker-Chancellery bulkhead passage to wait for clearance into the Chancellery. This had a four-hour window. Plan B was up the watchtower and down the outside assisted by the reinforcing bars midway, and then into the Chancellery. This had a 10-minute window.

For Bunker security, only the bulkhead door between the Bunker and the Chancellery passage needed to be locked, but the bulkhead door between the bulkhead passage and the Chancellery (southeast), and the bulkhead passage to the Foreign Office Garden (northwest) were also locked. This kept people out, but it also kept the people inside hidden as long as the air lasted. The bulkhead passage was easily capable of holding eight people for four hours, from 3.50 pm to 8 pm.

The moment after Police Guard Erich Mansfeld left the watchtower (3.50 pm) Hitler and Eva left their room with SS Chancellery commandant Wilhelm Mohnke and five doppelganger Hitlers providing cover.

They made their way through the Bunker passages, through the bulkhead doors, into the bulkhead passage, locked themselves in and waited for the wake, which never came. It turned very quickly into a party. The bunker occupants smoked, drank and danced and the whole atmosphere was very happy.

Once security was lax and there was some promise of darkness Hitler’s entourage made their move.

What joy Hitler could detect shamed him somewhat. It is always British practice to humble their agents on their war exit. It reduces the need to make phone calls and write letters to friends and relatives while under exiled house arrest.

In some ways Hitler’s escape was reminiscent of the capture of Napoleon in 1815 and the escape of the Kaiser to Holland after WWI. These were also managed by the British, but the biggest British signature was the James Bond movies that were to come – always leaving with the girl, massive destruction behind them. That’s Hitler and Eva and it kind of makes Hitler the original James Bond character. Hitler was the best double agent the British ever had.

Hitler’s entourage of eight then left the Chancellery, escaped through vaults and tunnels, to the underground station at Wilhelmsplatz and walked along the underground tracks to the Friedrichstrasse and then into the semi-flooded tunnels.

Around 10.30 pm the tunnel’s exit floodgates were opened. This let many of the bodies out into the River Spree and would provide advanced cover further down stream.

Hitler’s entourage then met up with Boldt, Loringhoven and Weiss (11 pm) who assisted Adolf and Eva Hitler into tandem kayaks. As the tunnels continued to drain, they travelled swiftly with the current.

With the bodies surrounding the kayaks, providing cover and distraction, Boldt, Loringhoven and Weiss then assisted Adolf and Eva Hitler up the conning tower and into the half-sized submarine (11.30 pm), less than 0.5 metres of the which was above the waterline.

With four crew on board, as well as Adolf and Eva Hitler, Major Bernd Freytag von Loringhoven (aide to army chiefs), his aide-de-camp Rittmeister Gerhard Boldt and Leutnant-Colonel Weiss, the submarine submerged (11.40 pm), motored out into the current (11.55 pm) with minimal engine power and then cruised down the River Spree under cover of the recently drowned hospital bodies. Flares lit their pathway from just before midnight.

At the beginning of the kayak journey, SS Chancellery commandant Wilhelm Mohnke waited for the signal that the passage had been successful then marched the five doppelganger Hitlers back to the Chancellery and executed them around the Chancellery using a variety of guns including the 10.5 mm SS state-sanctioned signature gun on a doppelganger Hitler whose dental work best matched Hitler’s.

SS Chancellery commandant Mohnke then returned to the Bunker at 1 pm to take word back to Hitler’s secretary and former head of the Nazi Party Chancellery, Martin Bormann, that the Testament was in force the fully laden submarine escape was under way.

With no lights and without using sonar, which at the time, went ‘beep’ rather loudly, they waited until the flares lit the way from 11.55 pm. At midnight, using the engines to start and then principally for direction, they coasted down the River Spree as quietly as possible, using their three-tone grey paintwork and the mass of floating hospital dead as cover. They coasted down to Lake Havel at the same speed as the bodies and directed themselves into the middle of the lake, using their engines when the lake was wide and slow-flowing to catch up to more bodies in front.

By 4.30 am they had positioned themselves off the Schwanenwerde Peninsula and stationed themselves in the shadow of the morning light. From here Boldt, Loringhoven and Weiss were offloaded under cover of darkness and no flares, to be used as the eyes and ears of the submerged submarine. They were also used as decoys and sitting ducks on the water.

By morning the submarine with Adolf and Eva Hitler and four crew lay between the east of Schwanewerde Peninsula and the east bank of Lake Havel. In the afternoon they followed the shadows and moved several hundred metres to the northwest of the peninsula towards the middle of Lake Havel.

Private German boat builders began constructing submarines in 1891 and Germany established a submarine service in 1906 with the U-l. In 1942, the English built the X-craft, a two man mini-sub, part of the X5-X10 series. Even the British WWII magician Jasper Maskelyne built a mini-sub which sunk a German cargo ship carrying heavy water to their A-bomb laboratories. The same year the Germans built a mini-sub called the WK202 and by 1944 they were using Hydrogen Peroxide as an additional fuel source, providing more oxygen for greater combustion (as in the U-791). At the time many people did not believe mini-subs existed, including much of the British Navy.

“During the advance through Southern Holland a German one- man submarine was found washed up on the beach at Walcheren [Westkapelle, after the RAF bombing had turned the dykes into a lagoon]. Ralph Izzard inspected it and then excitedly telephoned Admiral Bertram Ramsay, Naval Commander-in-Chief of the Allied Expeditionary Force. ‘Nonsense,’ said Ramsay, ‘there is no such thing as a one-man submarine.’

“‘Very well, sir,’ said Izzard. ‘I’ll have it sent round to your headquarters immediately [early November 1944].’ And he had the submarine loaded onto a tank transporter and shipped off like a tiny tin whale. It arrived as the Admiral was finishing breakfast. He was still unimpressed. ‘The thing’s a toy,’ he said.

‘“I suggest, sir,’ said Izzard, ‘that you have a look down the periscope.’

“The Admiral did so, and staring at him from the other end was the still open eye of the dead German submariner who had been killed when his vessel foundered.”

Germany’s 1942 WK202 mini-sub was 36.5 metres long, 6 metres deep, 3.6 metres wide and painted various shades of grey, doing its best to look like a shadow. The conning tower added another 2.6 metres and the breather pipes another 2.3 metres, which could be made retractable. The main chamber was 24 metres long and 3.6 metres high with the cabin 10 metres long. The torpedoes were retained just in case they were required to terminate Operation JAMES BOND as they carried Martin Bormann further down the River Spree.

The WK202 looked like it was straight off the Beatles album and when the yellow, red and green flares and parachute flares exploded over the River Spree from 11.55 pm on 30 April 1945, the grey submarine shone yellow in the murky and bloody waters . . . but then the Beatles were a Tavistock-trained MI-6 cover band and the Intelligence community are not immune to making historical jokes, especially since their lives and work are sworn to secrecy. “Yellow submarine” was also a play on Hitler’s submerged Testament scout, Colonel von Below.

Spymaster: “I was told the ‘Beatles’ name was acquired from MI-6 and the name came from the Pharaohs who considered beetles significant.”

Oxford Reference English Dictionary: “Beetle – an insect of the order of Coleoptera [Cleopatra, the last Ptolemaic ruler]; a type of compact rounded Volkswagen [created under Hitler]; British useage, a dice game in which a beetle is drawn or assembled” . . . war has its jokes.

Spymaster: “MI-6 asked me if I was an accountant because they always need accountants.

“I said, ‘No, but if I said yes, you’d kill me when you’d finished with me.’

“They said, ‘That’s true.’

“MI-6 need accountants for transferring all the money away from the successful bands. They make ’em – they break ’em.”

The Beatles – Yellow Submarine. Original Animated Video  (1966)

Pfaueninsel Island was the perfect regrouping and evacuation point and many of the high-ranking Nazis headed there for RAPWI (Recovery of Allied Prisoners of War and Internees). It lay in Lake Havel and was surrounded by water wide enough to land a seaplane in any direction. It was also downstream from the Bunker. If the submarine had to go upstream against the current its turbulence and extra noise could have become a factor in detection and therefore survival. The submarine went in the opposite direction to Lake Miiggelsee and the flares lit its way.

The last German Chief of Staff, General Hans Krebs, had presented a ceasefire plea to the Russians but it had been unsuccessful. ETA on Pfaueninsel Island was just prior to dawn on 1 May 1945 and the first RAPWI plane was expected that night (1 May 1945) but was to be delayed. The flying part of the escapes would now have to wait until the Russians had taken Berlin and were celebrating.

Hitler had ordered SS General Felix Steiner to launch an all-out counterattack in the southern suburbs of Berlin in which “important prisoners were being moved”.6 Adolf and Eva Hitler were those important prisoners and General Steiner’s counterattack gave Hitler enough protection for his submarine not to be attacked, not to be detected, but to light its way down the winding River Spree. It was truly a Teutonic plan.

At 3.50 pm on 30 April 1945, Police Guard Erich Mansfeld was in the watchtower. Noticing the commotion and aware that no one was allowed in the dog-bunker (guards’ rest room), he climbed out of the tower window (southeast), onto the external reinforcing bars of the unfinished structure and walked to the southwest side of the building to the Bunker emergency exit. The scurrying of men, the shutting of apartment doors and the shutting of the bulkhead doors had raised suspicion, just as it was supposed to do for Plan B to be a possibility.

At the Bunker emergency exit, Mansfeld met the SS officers carrying the bodies up the stairs and saw the unmistakable trousers of Hitler and the unmistakable blue dress of Eva Braun. Behind the SS officers were Bormann (Hitler’s former secretary), Goebbels (the new head of the German government, also replacing Bormann as Reich Chancellor), General Burgdorf (Army adjutant), Giinsche (Hitler’s personal SS adjutant), Linge (Hitler’s SS Orderly and personal valet) and Kempka (Hitler’s personal chauffeur) but not the SS Chancellery Commandant Mohnke who was noticeable by his absence.

SS ex-adjutant SturmbannFührer Otto Giinsche shouted at the Police Guard Erich Mansfeld to get out of the way. He stood back, waited till everyone passed, took in what was about to happen and went inside the Bunker, down the two storeys of stairs (7.3 metres/24 feet), into the conference passage, through the guards’ rest room, then up three flights of stairs back to the watchtower (9 metres/30 feet). On the way up the stairs, through a loophole, he noticed black smoke rising from the burning bodies (4.02 pm). Mansfeld was out of the tower for at least 12 minutes.

This gave Hitler’s entourage ample opportunity to escape into the bulkhead passage and seal it off (Plan A), or up the watchtower from where everyone had been excluded and down the reinforcing bars, then to the Chancellery from where everyone had been excluded (Plan B).

Russian shelling ensured that the bodies were placed close to the Bunker emergency exit and that the mourners took shelter in its exit. This stopped them from seeing any activity to the east and there was no one in the watchtower. Giinsche lit a rag and threw it on the corpses (4 pm). The mourners gave the Hitler salute and then withdrew back into the Bunker as did the High Command who carried on with practical business as though they had just been to a service they knew was fake.

The Bunker-Chancellery bulkhead passage door was now locked and had been since 3.51 pm.

SS men were all reserve police by virtue of their SS rank, but not all police were SS. Historians sometimes refer to the Police Guard when they mean the SS. Such confusion was designed to thwart further investigation.

SS Hermann Karnau, a policeman from the Detective Guard, had been in the Chancellery canteen. Disobeying orders, he decided to go back to the Bunker. He tried to get through the bulkhead door into the Bunker-Chancellery passage, but it was locked. Against orders, he came past the watchtower, ducking the Russian shelling and walked around the corner (4 pm) just as SS adjutant Otto Giinsche had thrown the flaming rag on the bodies which combusted right in front of his eyes. “Possibly someone threw a match from the doorway.”

This reduces the timing available for Hitler and Eva’s Plan B escape out of the watchtower from 3.50-3.58 pm. This was still plausible. Karnau didn’t know at the time that Hitler was dead and if he had seen the entourage he could have been variously invited along for further protection, shot, or any scenario in between.

SS Detective Guard Hermann Karnau got to within a metre of the bodies and judged that the bodies were Hitler and Eva because he could recognise Hitler’s moustache, trousers and Eva’s blue dress. He also noted that Hitler’s head was “smashed” and “repulsive in the extreme” which stopped closer investigation, as did the flames.

Karnau then went into the Bunker by the emergency exit and down one flight of stairs where he found Franz Schedle, the commanding officer of the SS Escort distracted with grief: “The Führer is dead. He is burning outside” – but who would believe the word of an SS Escort commanding officer. These were crocodile tears with another successful doppelganger mission accomplished – three final ones – the death of one of the last doppelgangers; the first part of Adolf and Eva Hitler’s escape; and the impending deaths of a further five doppelgangers, whom he had come to know quite well.

This was also the fulfilment of Schedle’s mission and his own impending death. An injured foot prevented survivable escape and Schedle committed suicide in the Chancellery the following night (1 May 1945), along with many other officers.

Hermann Karnau then helped Schedle down the emergency stairs.

In the watchtower Police Guard Erich Mansfeld, looking west, watched the bodies burning and noted SS men pouring petrol on them from time to time. SS Detective Police Guard Hermann Karnau joined him, helped Police Guard Mansfeld climb out of the watchtower and then followed him down the tower to view the bodies at close range. By now the shin bones of the bodies were visible (5.30 pm). Mansfeld returned an hour later and was joined by another police guard, Hans Hofbeck, who came up the emergency stairs but quickly returned due to the stench (6.30 pm).

Later that night (30 April), BrigadeFührer Rattenhuber, the head of the Police Guard, went to the now packed guards’ rest room and requested the sergeant of the SS Escort to report to Schedle. When he returned, the SS Escort sergeant picked three men to bury the bodies who were sworn to Holy secret over the events of the day. Anyone talking about them would be shot.

The bodies were buried around 11 pm.

BrigadeFührer Johann Rattenhuber (Chief of Hitler’s private police SS Bodyguards) and Heinz Linge (Hitler’s SS Orderly and personal valet) claim to have buried the remains with the help of several policemen.

When Police Guard Erich Mansfeld returned to the watchtower just before midnight (30 April), he saw the graves had been dug on top of a bomb crater, that Russian shells were falling and the sky was lit with flares. This would be dangerous for surface travel, but essential for nocturnal submarine travel down a winding river.

In The Last Days of Hitler, Trevor-Roper reports many options for the demise of Hitler including that the bones of Hitler and Eva were never found and were most likely mixed with the bodies of soldiers killed in the defence of the Chancellery, and reports that Giinsche said the ashes were collected in a box and taken out through the Chancellery.

The latter was impossible and shows Giinsche as a complicit liar because the bodies were never reduced to ashes. Tests show that even 180 litres of gasoline would only melt the fat and drain the bodies of moisture and would not turn them into ashes. None of these stories were true, but they are important to history as they represent an everpresent cover-up.

Trevor-Roper states that the Russians never searched the Bunker properly, pilfered it for souvenirs and then neglected it. He also reports that Hitler’s engagement diary was left unobserved on his chair for five months. It is more likely, however, that a fake engagement diary was placed there to assist Trevor-Roper in a misdirected history.

Colonel W. F. Heimlich, an American military intelligence officer in their intelligence service enquiry admitted that it was unlikely Hitler had died in the bunker.

We should keep in mind that the combined British, German, American and Russian Intelligence forces were in on this scam and have supported it ever since.

Hugh Trevor-Roper was promoted and elevated to Baron Dacre of Glanton for writing The Last Days of Hitler. If he had got closer to the truth, his book would never have been published and he would have been shot for heresy. As it was, he survived, wrote eloquently and provided fantastic research material, some of which was a record of hoaxes. As such, he picked the nose, but couldn’t pick the face. Trevor- Roper failed to identify the scenarios as he had no magic training, little intelligence experience and he still trusted people on their word.

To write the grand war tale of our times, you have to trust the worst that training can bring out in people. WWII was an occult hit and one of its goals was to take the Western focus off Jesus and place it onto Hitler. It did that.

The secretary’s office and telephone exchange was right next to the diesel generator. Diesel fumes dulled the senses of everyone in the Bunker, but especially the sense of difference. Whenever the telephone and secretarial staff got a chance to get some air, they took it – although with cigarettes.

The secretaries had been dismissed from service at their last meeting with Hitler (3.10 pm) just prior to his death and had surfaced to witness petrol being thrown on the bodies and set alight (4 pm). When they returned from the emergency exit, the atmosphere of the entire Bunker changed, like a magic theatre before and after a trick.

With the deconstructed Hitler now removed, the Bunker moved into party mode. Despite the constant diesel fumes, all and sundry lit up cigarettes, started drinking and began dancing. Banning cigarette smoke is something that deconstructed double agents do.

It was most important that the secretaries were relieved of their duties and absent from their offices as their door looked out onto the conference passage (escape Plan A), diagonally to Hitler and Eva’s doorway and the guards’ rest room (the entrance to the watchtower), escape Plan B.

If the secretaries were in their office, they would have seen the doppelganger bodies of Hitler and Eva carried out and then the real Hitler and Eva scurrying out after them. Unlike the other doors, the secretarys’ doors could not be closed as they were adjacent to the diesel generator and the fumes would quickly make them ill.

Bormann, Hitler’s brown-noser for so long, now had no ministerial post, which removed some of the guilt from the British who rescued him.

Around 8 pm on 30 April Bormann sent a final telegram to Doenitz:

“Grand Admiral Doenitz, – In place of the former Reichmarshal Goering the Führer appoints you, Herr Grand Admiral, as his successor. Written authority is on its way. You will immediately take all such measures as the situation requires. – Bormann.”

Bormann did not mention that Hitler was dead, because he knew he wasn’t. He had colluded with Hitler over their escape earlier (2.30-3.15 am 30 April) and knew that Adolf and Eva Hitler were hiding in the room when he went in to view the bodies.

Bormann’s telegram translates as:

“The Führer’s death has been faked. Hitler has left the Bunker and is currently en route with the Testament. Assist where possible. I’m leaving in 24 hours. – Bormann.”

Officially Doenitz replied not knowing that Hitler was dead. In real terms, he knew that Hitler was en route and sent a reply to cover for this:

“I shall do everything possible to relieve you in Berlin. If fate nevertheless compels me to rule the Reich as your appointed successor, I shall continue this war to an end worthy of the unique, heroic struggle of the German people. – Grand Admiral Doenitz.”

This roughly translates as:

“Everything possible is being done to ensure Hitler’s safe passage. There is still some luck in it, but all countries are assisting. America is holding back. V-Mann Blunt has the Russians and a small German unit on his side. The Hitler escape takes priority before the Bormann escape and one may succeed the other at the last minute, but delivery of the Testament to the British is paramount. Hitler’s rule is over, but British rule isn’t. The excuses of this war will create the next British war so the British will assist.- Grand Admiral Doenitz.”

Through Hitler’s Tibetan occult practices and connections, he had utilised the Buddhist tradition and predicted the time and place of his reincarnation.7 His last actions in Berlin were an indication of the time and place and this was something the British occultists were interested in for their next cycle of war. So were the Russians, and even the Americans were prepared to counteract it with scholarships. As such it became imperative that Hitler’s escape out of Berlin remain secret.

By virtue of Hitler’s will and testament, Bormann and Goering were now members of the new government, although Bormann was considered to have no official posting. They could walk as a privileged envoy through the Russian lines and from there travel to the new German headquarters in Ploen, North Germany, but the war had challenged the Russians’ manners. They were unpredictable and unlikely to bother with such niceties.

On the evening of 30 April 1945 the remaining Nazi command worked on a treaty with the Russians, but had nothing to bargain with. Bormann, Goebbels, Krebs, General Burgdorf and Axmann were present. Mohnke hadn’t yet returned from Hitler’s escape and the murder of the five Hitler doppelgangers.

They made radio contact with the Russian headquarters and sent a messenger to enquire whether Marshal Zhukov would receive a representative of the new German government. Krebs, the last chief of the German High Command, had been a military attache in pre-war Moscow, spoke Russian, had once been publicly embraced by Stalin and was probably a graduate of the secret Reichswehr training camps.

General Hans Krebs left with a letter from Bormann and Goebbels at midnight. In the letter Bormann mentioned Hitler’s death, because he wanted to be sure the Russians would look for a dead Hitler. It also encouraged something of a ceasefire during Hitler’s escape down the River Spree and was supposed to provide a long enough ceasefire for Hitler to escape by plane that evening (1 May), but this didn’t eventuate and the flight out had to be delayed until Berlin was taken (2 May). This was the primary purpose of sending Krebs as a diplomatic envoy – to create a ceasefire for a few hours (the submarine journey) or permanently (the flight out).

Re: Winnie the Pooh Operasyonu

TurkmenCopur   19 Tem 2012, 10:37

General Krebs reached Chuikov’s headquarters around 4 am:

“I am authorised to inform the Soviet Command, and through them, the Soviet Government that yesterday on 30th April, the German Führer, Adolf Hitler, voluntarily left this world.

In his will the Führer appointed Grand Admiral Doenitz his successor, and Dr Goebbels is appointed head of the new German government. I have the honour to represent this new government, and am reporting to you with a personal message from Goebbels. The German government considers further resistance in Berlin useless and asks that the Soviet Union agree to a one-day ceasefire in order to prepare the conditions of our capitulation.”9

At the time, all but a few square miles of Berlin was in Russian hands. General Krebs had a second meeting with Chuikov around 6.30 am and asked that the Doenitz-Goebbels government be officially recognised. It was also important to the British that they were not assisting in the escape of the Führer, but the previous Führer and a dead one at that. Chuikov smelled a rat, rejected the ceasefire proposal, and resumed attacks on Berlin around 7.15 am.

Nevertheless, Krebs had achieved a partial success. The Russian ceasefire from 4 am-7.15 am on 1 May was perfect for Hitler’s escape. His path had been lit by flares followed by a short ceasefire. This allowed Major von Loringhoven, his aide-de-camp Rittmeister Boldt and Leutnant-Colonel Weiss to scurry out of the submarine, across Schwanenwerde Peninsula and onto Pfaueninsel Island.

Hitler’s escape from submarine into a plane was arranged for 1 May because this is the most significant day in the political, occult and social engineering calendar. But it had to be delayed from the 1st to the 2nd May and this really pissed off the occultists. It made them suspicious that this was not the perfect scam and Hitler was not their perfect agent, but merely the best they had developed so far.

By 11 am 1 May 1945 there was no reply back to the Bunker and Bormann agreed to telegram Doenitz that Doenitz was now running things. Once again, Bormann refused to mention Hitler’s death.

Another coded message, it read:

“Grand Admiral Doenitz, – The Testament is in force. I will join you as soon as possible. Till then I recommend that publication be held up. – Bormann.”

Translated it reads:

‘Everything according to plan. Hitler made it to the submarine and the skies were sufficiently lit up with German flares for him to make it to Schwanenwerde Peninsula. The eyes and ears have made it to Fireworks Island. I am leaving at 8.40 pm and surfacing at 9.30 pm. I have told the Russians Hitler is dead so they will be looking for a body. We have killed the doppelgangers around the Chancellery. Don’t tell the Germans yet, I still need their firepower for cover as my journey doesn’t have a submarine or the Russian protection that Hitler’s does. I’ll be paddling down the River Spree in open kayaks.’

An hour later, at noon, Krebs returned from Chuikov’s headquarters with the Soviet message demanding unconditional surrender. Another meeting was held in the Bunker and they decided on a massive exodus with smaller escape parties when in the open and to relay a message to Zhukov that negotiations were over. This would bring unprecedented Russian firepower towards their Bunker and hopefully bypass Pfaueninsel Island and the British and American zones where they were all headed.

At 3.15 pm on 1 May 1945, Goebbels (with Bormann’s coded assistance) sent the last telegram from the Bunker:

“Grand Admiral Doenitz – Most secret – urgent – officer only.

The Führer died yesterday at 15.30 hours. Testament of 29 April [the cover will] appoints you as Reich President, Reich Minister Dr Goebbels as Reich Chancellor … By order of the Führer, the Testament has been sent out of Berlin to you, to Field-Marshal Schoerner, and for preservation and publication. Reichsleiter Bormann intends to go to you today and to inform you of the situation. Time and form of announcement to the Press and to the troops is left to you. Confirm receipt. – Goebbels.”

Although Goebbels was not in on everything and was kept ignorant to maintain his status as ‘sacrificial lamb! this roughly translates as: “Hitler’s death was faked at 3.30 pm yesterday and we haven’t heard a disbelieving word from anyone who slept on it [the alcohol and hangovers helped]. The illusion was convincing so you can announce Hitler’s death as cover for our escape at the time arranged. Hitler is out of Berlin. Bormann has been officially downgraded to a nonexistent position and I am now in charge of the money and the government, but will be dead in five hours, an hour before British contact with Bormann, thus ensuring that at the time of the transfer of the Nazi money to the British, there is no Reich Chancellor and no head of the new German government. I take Bormann’s place in name only. Hitler is in position to be taken out of Berlin. Use the announcement of Hitler’s death to distract, create relief, grief and celebration to provide cover for all survivors.”

Goebbels had made no secret of his planned suicide since 4 March 1945 and had published this intention as an appendix to Hitler’s ‘cover will’ and retired with his family to his apartment opposite the guards’ rest room. Erich Kempka (Hitler’s personal chauffeur) and the one-armed Artur Axmann (Hitler Youth leader) visited, more or less to ensure the Goebbels family were preparing for their murder-suicide. This was essential for Hitler’s suicide to look authentic.

Frau Goebbels poisoned all six of her children then, at 8.30 pm 1 May, Frau and Herr Goebbels walked through the Bunker, up the emergency exit stairs and outside where they were immediately shot and burned without ceremony. The Russians found them charred and on the surface of the ground the next day, but still recognisable right down to Hitler’s Gold Party badge still pinned to Frau Goebbels’ dress- history’s greatest sheep dipping.

Spymaster: “Sheep dipping is when you attach something to encourage the other side to positively identify a person, something akin to a bull’s-eye drawn on the body. The Party badge on Frau Goebbels was history’s ultimate sheep dipping exercise.”

SS Chancellery commandant Wilhelm Mohnke, who had been in Hitler’s escape party the night before, hastily ordered the conference passage set alight. Everyone then left the Bunker at 8.40 pm on 1 May and walked through the bulkhead door, through the bulkhead passage and into the Chancellery under the nominal command of Hitler’s former secretary Martin Bormann, taking the same route as Hitler the night before.

General Hans Krebs (the last German Chief of Staff), General Wilhelm Burgdorf (Army adjutant) and Franz Schedle (Commanding SS Escort officer with injured foot) stayed behind at the Chancellery and shot themselves when the Russians made demands at the door. This also helped to limit suspicion and knowledge of Hitler and Bormann’s post-war survival.

The rest made their way through vaults and tunnels, drained of the bulk of their water, to the underground station at Wilhelmsplatz. From here they walked along the tracks of the underground railway station to Friedrichstrasse Station and to the surface around 9.20 pm.

Doenitz drew his radio announcement out for maximum distraction, effect, and escape timing. At 9.30 pm, 1 May 1945, Hamburg radio said “a grave and important announcement would be made”. At 10.20 pm Doenitz himself announced that Hitler was dead and that he was his successor. This brought 50 minutes of silence when people withdrew to listen to their radios, rather than fire bullets. They also listened afterwards for more news which was slow coming.

In Munich, Seymour Carmen got it right when he announced on radio: “There is some caution about accepting the German announcement as fact. It might be a trick. It might be a desperate effort by Hitler to disguise himself and escape.”

If Doenitz had announced that Hitler had committed suicide then every German soldier would have been relieved of their posts and the Russians would have advanced on the Bunker without resistance and all too quickly.

With Hitler announced dead at 10.20 pm on 1 May, there was still enough last-ditch German resistance to slow the Russians down and provide something of an escape corridor. Doenitz’ radio announcement also indicated that Hitler was in place ready to be evacuated by plane at the predesignated location.

The first radio announcement came 50 minutes into the Bunker escape (9.30 pm) and the second 100 minutes into the escape (10.20 pm). The Bunker party surfaced around 9.25 pm.

SS Chancellery commandant Wilhelm Mohnke headed the first party with Giinsche (Hitler’s personal SS adjutant), Ambassador Hewel (Foreign Office liaison officer), Vice Admiral Voss and GuppenFührer Hansl Baur (Hitler’s pilot), three secretaries and Konstanze Manzialy (Hitler’s Austrian cook). The entire German Wehrmacht was engaged in a mad scramble to the West to surrender to the Amis (Americans).

The flaming ruins of Berlin made surface travel a real danger for the lead group, so they went back underground and made their way through the recently drained tunnels that Mohnke was familiar with, to the River Spree, crossed it on a footbridge parallel to the Weidendammer bridge and reached Charite hospital. Mohnke, Giinsche, Hewel, Voss and the seriously injured Baur (Hitler’s pilot) were the only group to make it across the River Spree. They made their way to the Maikaefer Barracks and then underground. Vice Admiral Voss went missing but BrigadeFührer Rattenhuber (head of Hitler’s private police SS guards) was unexpectedly carried in wounded. The next day (2 May) the Russians demanded surrender of the bunker and the men offered suicide. The four women were set free and made their way to much preferable American surrender.

Former Reich Chancellor Bormann wanted as many people as possible around him to be picked off instead of him, the more the better. He was dead keen on living and was secure in the expectation of British assistance. The rest followed in groups of four or five, with Bormann placing himself in the middle. He carried the last copy of the much-valued Hitler Testament as protection, his part in the British RAPWI bargain. Bormann was an integral part of the Testament. He was its deliverance and back-up along with the Nazi Swiss Bank account numbers.

A second miscellaneous group containing Bormann (former Reich Chancellor), Axmann (Hitler Youth leader), Kempka (Hitler’s personal chauffeur), StandartenFührer Beetz (Hitler’s second pilot), Gunther Schwaegermann (Goebbels’ adjutant) and SS Colonel Alfred Rach surfaced from the Friedrichstrasse station at 9.30 pm, just as the first “important announcement” was made. It was here that Chris Creighton and Bormann’s doppelganger ‘Gunther’ joined them. Trevor-Roper refers to them as “and one other”.

Martin Bormann said to Chris Creighton: “The Führer is dead.” Chris Creighton was not convinced. His kayaks were parked very close to where the submarine had disembarked 2 P/2 hours earlier. Suspicions were further aroused 20 minutes later when Ian Fleming took a look at Martin Bormann, put Chris Creighton in charge of Operation JAMES BOND, then left the team.

Chris Creighton, Martin Bormann, doppelganger ‘Gunther’ Bormann and the others made their way along the blazing Friedrichstrasse to the anti-tank barrier at the Weidendammer bridge where they took refuge from heavy Russian fire. Chief Inspector Peter Hoegl, in another group, was killed here.

When German tanks came to the rescue they ran behind them reaching the Ziegelstrasse about 300 metres ahead. The Last Days of Hitler. “A Panzerfaust then hit one of the tanks, which exploded.” If this wasn’t Russian ordnance misreported, then this was German war sabotage and may have been prearranged.

Kempka was temporarily blinded. The one-armed Axmann was wounded as was Hitler’s pilot Beetz who was never seen again. (StandartenFührer Beetz may have been extracted for work in Spain.) Ludwig Stumpfegger, the Chancellery doctor who had poisoned Blondi, was thrown to the ground but not injured. Doppelganger ‘Gunther’ Bormann was severely injured as he protected the real Bormann from the blast. The real Bormann thanked his body double and virtually kissed him as he transferred the phial of potassium cyanide from his mouth into Gunther’s. Dr Stumpfegger was similarly poisoned.

Axmann later found doppelganger Bormann’s body lying face up with no apparent injuries and Dr Stumpfegger’s body close by. Russian fire prevented closer examination as to whether or not it was the real Bormann, but there were no obvious wounds. Both were cyanide assisted deaths.

Artur Axmann escaped to join the Hitler Youth in the Bavarian Alps for the next six months. Axmann’s exit was protected because he had brought the final Testament escape plans to Hitler and Bormann immediately after the death of Hitler’s doppelganger.

Axmann (Hitler Youth), Naumannn (Goebbels’ former assistant and Propaganda State Secretary), Schwaegermann (Goebbels’ former adjutant)
and SS Colonel Rach followed the railway tracks, or what was left of them, to the Lehrter station and went west towards Alt Moabit. Schwaegermann and Rach managed to avoid the Russians and made it into American captivity.

Kempka (Hitler’s personal chauffeur) crossed the river by footbridge and hid under a railway arch for all of 2nd May while the Russians celebrated the capture of Berlin. He then swam by night straight into American captivity. This was pretty much the difference between a short prison sentence with food, followed by employment opportunities, versus a long prison sentence without food, followed by endless interrogations.

The James Bond rescue package split up from the rest of the group taking the real Bormann to the banks of the River Spree where they met the rest of Op JAMES BOND and scaled down ropes on the flood banks and jumped into kayaks. As soon as Ian Fleming sighted Bormann and recognised him as the original, he left for Lake Miiggelsee and was briefed along the way. Martin Bormann also recognised Ian Fleming, knew something of Hitler’s escape plan and their separation ensured no familiar chit-chat.

By the morning of 2 May 1945, Pfaueninsel Island was crowded with escaping Nazis, British rescue teams and no Russians. Leutnant- Colonel von Below and his batman Matthiesing had arrived first, early in the morning of 30 April 1945.

Corporal Hummerich, SS officer StandartenFührer Wilhelm Zander (who had Hitler’s cover will designed for capture), Heinz Lorenz (Hitler’s Bunker news/inner circle) and Major Willi Johannmeier (who claimed to be their bodyguard) had arrived just before daybreak on the morning of 1 May 1945 on kayaks and by floating downstream under bodies. Boldt, Loringhoven and Weiss had stepped off the submarine at Schwanenwerde Peninsula and arrived around the same time. They met and briefed each other, but only claim to have been suspicious of each other’s presence. By evening, Operation JAMES BOND were close by on the Wannsee. Martin Bormann would have been aware of the planned positioning of the other seven German players.

Adolf and Eva Hitler and four crew remained on board the WK202 submarine waiting for protection and RAPWI. Boldt, Loringhoven and Weiss were their eyes and ears on the surface as well as their cork duck decoys.

They waited all the next day for a plane. Russian artillery positions were the main factor, hence the Nazi challenge for them to advance on the Bunker as quickly as possible. On the night of 1 May the Russians bombarded the island so Corporal Hummerich, Lorenz and Zander hopped into some kayaks (specially left there for escape groups), paddled out into the lake and boarded a moored yacht where they hid.

The Junkers JU52/3m gl4e rescue plane arrived a day late on 2 May. To break continuity, Boldt, Loringhoven and Weiss who had come off the submarine, remained on shore and Hummerich, Lorenz and Zander approached the rescue plane. Major Johannmeier remained on the moored yacht and acted as the signals officer for the plane to position itself over the submarine’s conning tower.

Of Hitler’s three pilots, Hanna Reitsch was the only one available. She was a test pilot and such a good one that she was the first person to fly a helicopter indoors. She made her famous name infamous by flying a Focke-Wulf Fw 61 helicopter inside the Deutschland Hall in Berlin in February 1938 with only three hours’ training. It took another 50 years for this to even make it to the movies.

At 4.15 pm on 2 May a Junkers JU52/3m gl4e landed on the water, just as requested from Doenitz. Zander motored out in a yacht and Lorenz and Hummerich went out in a slow-moving gaff-rigged yawl. Johannmeier remained on the moored yacht they had slept on and signalled the plane to position itself over the conning tower of the WK202 submarine – forward stop.

Zander, Lorenz and Hummerich drew their two boats up alongside the plane and attempted a last-minute bargain to take them also, or they might be dead in the water. Any vision of the three-tone grey submarine as it rose up (4.20 pm) was blocked by the Junkers’ 12-metre-long floats 0.5 metres above the water, the Junkers 1 metre trapdoors, the eight struts each side and the two boats. To complete the distraction away from the rising 6-metre-long conning tower, Zander upset his boat and Lorenz and Hummerich jumped into the water and onto the motor yacht. Hitler and Eva stepped out of the submarine’s conning tower at 4.21 pm and clambered up the clearance distance into the belly of the plane.

For a German soldier reporting this, it would be attributed to the methamphetamine that most soldiers took. For a Russian soldier, it would be attributed to his drunkenness as he celebrated the conquest of Berlin all day – the Russians had been stealing and hoarding alcohol on their way to Berlin.

Such ‘hilarity’ is an old escape trick of the British. It harks back to MI-6 agents like Bunny Aldon, most likely Jasper Maskelyne. Rather ironically, Jasper Maskelyne had designed and built a working submarine that had downed a cargo ship and could easily have been consulted to make this part of the plan work, not knowing that it was going to be used for Adolf Hitler, the British war machine’s most valuable agent. Through his illusions Jasper Maskelyne had been invaluable in winning the desert war for the British. He could make entire divisions disappear and painted materials look like a tank division.

Those Intelligence Officers who did see this realised it was above their station and the next part of their operation, so they were never going to say anything. It would have ended their careers with a bullet. Still it took Chris Creighton 51 years to publish his OPJB story, an essential lead to this.

What sun there was blurred the lines of definition for those on the west bank of Lake Havel. It was the last day of fighting, the war had exhausted everyone, and any soldiers who did see would rub their eyes in disbelief and then it would all be over. The witnesses did not believe what they had seen, let alone report it. No one did and no one survived who did. WWII was the most complete history of doppelgangers, double agents, cover-ups and ridiculous scenarios the world had ever seen.

StandartenFührer Zander, Lorenz and Corporal Hummerich all ended up on the motor yacht. The Russians were too far away to see any of this and had their view from the west bank of Lake Havel obscured by the plane’s struts, two boats, the boating incident and whatever sun refracted any outlines. As if on Anthony Blunt’s cue the Russians began shelling around the plane but never hit the plane, submarine or motor yacht. The Junkers JU52/3m gl4e flew off with Adolf and Eva Hitler on board and the submarine submerged and headed for the shadows. The vacated gaff-rigged yawl was blown to pieces giving the Russians, many of whom were drunk, a sense of win.

The RAPWI pilot was almost certainly Hanna Reitsch who had been Commander-in-Chief of the German Air Force for six days (26 April-7 May 1945). She then flew Hitler and Eva the 33 km to Lake Miiggelsee and landed on the water near the southwest shore (4.36 pm).

Adolf and Eva Hitler then climbed down the aluminium ladder onto the waiting British-held motor launch (4.41 pm) where they were greeted by two Britishers dressed as Russian Army Lieutenant Majors – 2IC of British Naval Intelligence, Ian Fleming and Caroline Saunders, later the first female head of MI-6.

Ian Fleming was fluent in German and the natural choice to accompany Adolf and Eva Hitler to the British safe haven in British Intelligence-controlled Fascist Spain. After all Hitler, with the help of Mussolini and MI-6, had installed Franco as Spain’s leader.

With Caroline Saunders as witness and piloting the boat towards shore, Ian Fleming greeted and briefed their passengers in perfect German without ever acknowledging who they were.

“Mr and Mrs Rabbit, congratulations on your marriage. I can confirm that Adolf Hitler’s successor, Joseph Goebbels killed himself yesterday and Admiral Doenitz is leading Germany into surrender.11 Doenitz announced yesterday that the Führer was dead.

[By the time the announcement was made at 10.20pm Goebbels had been dead for 110 minutes and six doppelganger Hitlers had been killed.]

“The Reich Chancellor is also dead.

[This meant Goebbels again and also referred to doppelganger Bormann’s death.]

“Germany has no Führer and no Reich Chancellor. In the last two days there have been two changes of command in Germany and there is now no trace back to the Führer of WWII. The airfare for the journey out of Berlin is the Testament of Adolf Hitler.”

Adolf Hitler, acknowledged only as Mr Rabbit, signalled to Hanna Reitsch who lowered the Testament down the undercarriage of the plane (4.45 pm). Ian Fleming and Caroline Saunders examined it noting some Swiss Bank accounts, some more with a few numbers missing and the promise of more to come. Like all wars it started and finished with a bank robbery.

Just before the end of WWI, Karl Doenitz was captured by the British (4 October 1918) and placed in a mental hospital in Manchester where he was ‘turned’ into a British Agent, to be activated when required. Once his training was complete (9/2 months) he was released (July 1919), seven months after WWI had ended.

After a few minutes (4.49 pm), Fleming confirmed that it would be good for two airfares out of German airspace to British Intelligence- controlled neutral territory and exiled permanent homestay until natural death. No status, nor acknowledgement of whether they were alive or dead, would ever be given to their two passengers. The two rabbits were never to have alive status as humans again. They were to live out their days in Intelligence-controlled purgatory.

Sure enough this did happen. After Adolf Hitler died in 1950 the West German Courts began meeting in 1952 after a request for Hitler’s official death certificate was issued. In January 1954 West Berlin’s Central Registrar Office reminded the world that:

Hitler was “not officially dead yet”.

In 1955 this task was passed on to the Berchtesgaden court and the decision was finally made in 1956:

“Adolf Hitler was dead”.

The whole process was drawn out long enough to lose all public interest, but it is interesting that the process started in 1952, two safe years after Hitler had died. Eva Hitler’s death was never an issue and no tribunals were set for her.

Ian Fleming and Caroline Saunders had been waiting at Lake Miiggelsee since 10 pm 1 May (the night before) and at 2 am on 2 May a British Westland Lysander IIIA had landed on a disused road near the southwest shore of Lake Miiggelsee.

These both served to confirm Operations WINNIE THE POOH/ TESTAMENT and saved Hitler flying out of Germany on a German plane with German markings or continuing his journey down the River Spree in the WK202 half-sized submarine and risking the narrow gap between Pfaueninsel Island and the shores of Lake Havel so fiercely dominated by the Russians.

After the pick-up on Lake Havel they could have flown directly to Spain, but for surety, witness confusion and the need for British cover they flew for 15 minutes in the torpedo hold from Lake Havel (southwest of Berlin), to their second pick-up point at Lake Miiggelsee (southeast of Berlin) where they were met by two British officers in Russian uniform.

Once they were safely loaded onto the motor launch, had been briefed as to the conditions of their journey and fulfilled their part of the British bargain (4.49 pm) they were driven to the shore and the motor launch was beached (4.52 pm). Ian Fleming then set explosive devices on the boat for 10 minutes and they scurried to the waiting Lysander which, to all intents and purposes was on a RAPWI (Recovery of Allied Prisoners of War). Their Allied prisoners were Rabbit and Ms Rabbit Adolf and Eva Hitler – the former Führer of Germany (retired for 48 hours, six times dead and replaced twice) and his new wife of 41 hours (who had also died).

When the Special Secret Intelligence Service sent a plane on a top- secret mission they would wax over the plane’s serial number and paint over it with another plane’s number. When the mission was complete, they would heat up the wax and the paint would drip off revealing the original serial number. Confusion over the identification of a plane, the whereabouts of that plane, and a plane with different markings before and after a mission, were all part of the cover.

The single-engined, high-winged Lysanders were British Intelligence ‘Moon Squadron’ aircraft with excellent low-speed handling and capable of short-takeoff-and-landings (STOL). The Mkl were built from 1936 and the Mklll built from July 1940. Their British markings gave them some protection from Russian and American fire. They had been used by the RAF’s Special Duties squadrons delivering and collecting Allied agents in occupied territory, usually in the dead of night, during full moon periods, when the mist rising over the lakes and boggy ground gave cover. These landings were minimally guided by three battery- powered hand torches in a 140m L-shaped pattern.

“These Lysanders differed from the norm in several respects. Their undercarriage spats no longer carried winglets for light bombs, all the machine-guns had been removed, and a streamlined 700 ltr fuel tank was carried under the fuselage which gave the plane a range of 1,780 km; however, it took 40 km/hr off the speed [reducing it from 370 kmph/230 mph to 300 kmph/190 mph with the time to reach 5000 ft a little over 4 minutes. Post 1940 some were produced with rear cockpit winches].

“German military opposition to the flights was negligible. The Luftwaffe had other overwhelming priorities, and the location and interception of low-level flights by single, slow, highly manoeuvrable aeroplanes did not figure large in their thinking … By the end of the European war, Lysander special operations had made 323 sorties, 1,074 passengers successfully transported to France or England.

“The main problems were betrayal (10%), pilots killed (6), being shot down (4) and landing in bog (2). In the last year of the war, operations were widely mounted to Germany for RAPWI, the Recovery of Allied Prisoners of War and Internees.”

The RAF’s Special Duties Lysander squadron was located about 100 km north of London at Tempsford in Bedfordshire (east of Milton Keynes) with a forward base for refuelling 130 km south, in Tangmere (15 km east of Portsmouth) on the south coast of Britain as it joins the English Channel. They were flown successively by No. 419 Flight, No. 1419 Flight, No. 138 Flight and No. 161 Squadrons in the UK, by No. 149 Squadron in North Africa and by No. 357 Squadron in the Far East. In September 1943, eight Westland Lysander Mkllls went to Portugal.

The Special Secret Intelligence Service Operation, JAMES BOND, operated out of a large country house near Birdham Military Camp, 10 minutes’ drive from Tangmere. The SOE (Special Operations Executive) agents were sent to Tangmere cottage for debriefing and SIS (Secret Intelligence Service) agents went 20 minutes northeast to Bignor Manor, the site of an old Roman villa, before being transferred 90 km to London for debriefing.

The pilot of the Lysander would have been an experienced pilot and one of the best. He would have spoken Spanish for landing in Spain, and probably French from previous multiple bail-outs in France. It was preferable that he did not speak German, to avoid any verbal contact with the German passengers during the last days of the war. He would have had a distinguished record and been above the rank of Squadron Leader and would have been retained in the RAF service after the war, most probably at a consultancy level.

Before the mission he would have been blackmailed, most likely for homosexual activities in a highly distinguished institution like Oxford University, as opposed to Cambridge University, which had already been compromised with the likes of Anthony Blunt and The Apostles. “At Cambridge it was estimated that a quarter of the students and a third of the staff were homosexual.”

Hugh Beresford Verity (b. 6 April 1921, Jamaica) was highly competent at mathematics and studied at Queen’s College at Oxford University from September 1937 – “having read French and Spanish at Oxford, he had proven language skills”.

RE: Winnie the Pooh

TurkmenCopur   19 Tem 2012, 10:37

Two months before the Battle of Britain (August-October 1940) in June 1940, Hugh Verity underplayed what was to come. When Lord Trenchard (nicknamed Boom) approached him and asked whether he would like a plane with cannons or machine guns, he replied “both”; however, it was not a question normally asked of the RAF’s version of a car washer.

Within four years, he was heavily decorated with the Distinguished Service Order (DSO) and the Distinguished Flying Cross (DFC) with Bar, meaning he was awarded the medal again for an additional mission. There were very few medals awarded at that time, except for the North Africa Star. The DSO was second only to the Victoria Cross (VC). His medals record acts of courage, service and gallantry that had placed him in a very elite club.

He rescued 97 people from France flying Lysanders by moonlight. When he was captured in early 1944, he was sent to the world’s cushiest POW camp in the neutral territory of Eire, in Southern Ireland. This was made popular by the movie The Brylcreem Boys. The POWs from both sides went to dances on Tuesdays and the horse races on Thursdays. Both sides were paid their military wages and were encouraged to bet on the race horses, buy drinks and lead a near-normal civilian life, dropping their hard-earned money in Ireland. (That’ll be the Irish for yer.) The only rule was that they had to be civil to each other. Fighting at the races or anywhere in public meant a loss of civil liberties.

There had been British POWs in Eire for five years, but when Hugh Verity arrived in early 1944, Britain’s Escape and Evasion Team (MI-9) mounted a rescue.

His medals and history show that the British took special care of him and even more care to downplay his role. He continued with the RAF until he was 47 (1968) when he retired with the rank of Wing- Commander, one rank above squadron leader. For his interview with Aeroplane magazine (2001) he wore a tie with parachutes revealing membership to the elite Special Forces Club which he frequently represented in retirement. He also kept in touch with former French

Resistance members.

If an RAF pilot of lower rank than ‘squadron leader’ piloted for OP WINNIE THE POOH they would have been swished to the colonies after the war; however, Hugh Verity remained in Britain.

When the V9673 Lysander was modified in the 1990s, it was repainted in satin-black (formerly matt-black with charcoal cloud-patterns) and the serial number was changed from V9673 to V9367, while still claiming 161 Squadron allegiance. Serial numbers do not usually change from the time the aircraft is made to the time it is scrapped as the serial number is keyed to all the maintenance records. It is usually only the squadron markings on the side of the plane’s fuselage that are changed.

All RAF aircraft have two letters and three digits. So this lysander was an anomally in 1945, just as it is today. The extra digit continues to mark this plane as “the one”.

At 4.50 pm on 2 May 1945, the camouflage net on top of the waiting Westland Lysander IIIA was removed and the plane was readied for takeoff. Hugh Verity, who spoke no German, but very good French and Spanish, recognised Ian Fleming and Caroline Saunders from the Birdham Military base 10 minutes from Tangmere, but not the other two passengers, Adolf and Eva Hitler. Rather than a leader of fifty-six, Hitler looked like a harmless dependent old man of seventy. His appearance had degenerated from nine years of excessive drug use and not even his German public could recognise him.

Under cover of some really crap weather the four of them scurried towards the Lysander, engines running, and climbed up the white- painted rungs into the rear cockpit (4.56 pm).

The German Junkers JU52/3m gl4e took off first in an effort to draw fire. Soon after the Lysander’s wheels left the ground (5.00 pm) the motor launch exploded (5.02 pm) and all evidence was destroyed. All decoys were important decoys. At 190 mph direct flight took 8 hours plus lift-off and landing. ETA in Barcelona was 1.30-3.10 am 3 May 1945 depending on wind and flight corridors.,

Hanna Reitsch, the Commander-in-Chief of the German Air Force, then flew the Junkers (with armourplated cockpit) below the Lysander in a predetermined pattern to alert all commands that this was a RAPWI not to be messed with. Neither planes were considered a threat. By 2nd May there was a ceasefire and all British planes were allowed to leave without being shot at. There was only sporadic street fighting, Berlin was taken and the Nazis were scarpering without weapons trying to find any capture other than Russian.

Hanna Reitsch then reported in code to her injured partner Field Marshal Ritter von Greim, General of the Luftwaffe – “Located warren but failed the rescue”. Von Greim reported the same code to Doenitz via a third party. The message meant the successful extraction of the two primaries and completion of the German part of Operation WINNIE THE POOH/TESTAMENT.

The submarine that transported Adolf and Eva Hitler then followed Martin Bormann and Operation JAMES BOND down the River Spree waiting for instructions to terminate them using their two torpedoes. The order never came because Ian Fleming refused to acknowledge “Rabbit” as anyone with any status, not even human status and he refused to take orders from a rabbit. In doing so he saved the life of his friend Chris Creighton and the rest of the James Bond team, a scenario repeated throughout Ian Fleming’s James Bond movies.

In OPJB Chris Creighton wrote that he sensed he was being followed down the River Spree from 2-10 May 1945.

After Adolf and Eva Hitler left, and knowing what Rittmeister Gerhard Boldt knew, he tried to commit suicide, but Major Loringhoven and Leutnant-Colonel Weiss forced him to vomit up his morphine. Boldt was the aide-de-camp to Loringhoven who was the adjutant to General Hans Krebs and Krebs had committed suicide the night before (1 May) just as he was programmed to do. Major Bernd Freytag von Loringhoven was the aide to army chiefs and he knew what was going on, so much so that he later became the German representative to NATO.

The group then moved westward dodging Russian patrols and were captured by Allies, non Russian allies though, and that was the minimum goal for all of them.

Major Johannmeier, StandartenFührer Zander, Heinz Lorenz (Hitler’s bunker news/inner circle) and Corporal Hummerich, now without Adolf and Eva Hitler, spent the next day on Pfaueninsel Island (3 May), then made their way to Potsdam, eventually found workers clothing, waited for the German surrender (7 May 1945) and for Churchill to declare the end of hostilities (8 May 1945) and then walked into the Western Allied area as foreign workers. Zander made it to Bavaria, told a few friends he was dead and began a new life as Wilhelm Paustin, having rather obviously buried Hitler’s ‘cover will’.

Leutnant-Colonel Nicolaus von Below (Hitler’s Luftwaffe adjutant) and his batman barman Heinz Matthiesing had scouted the path for Johannmeier, Zander, Lorenz, Hummerich, Weiss, Loringhoven, Boldt, the former Führer Adolf Hitler and his new wife . . . and left the west bank of Lake Havel on the night of 1 May, sick of waiting and being bombed by the Russians. Below and Matthiesing travelled by night and hid in remote forests by day. Eventually they met up with Sergeant Major Pardau who had escaped the Russian capture on 2 May when Mohnke, Giinsche, Hewel and Baur (Hitler’s pilot) were captured. Foreign Office liaison officer Ambassador Hewel died there.

Leutnant-Colonel von Below made his way to Bonn University and studied law. Heinz Matthiesing returned to his hometown. Both were eventually captured by the British, von Below with Hitler’s cover will.

Hitler’s inner circle newsman, SS Orderly and personal valet Heinz Linge fared worse and was captured by the Russians. His potential information was the most dangerous of all the captives (except for Himmler who was killed by the British in captivity) but he was sworn to the Holy oath and only ever gave out the believable cover scenario.

When the Lysander landed in Spain (1.30-3.10 am 3 May 1945) they were greeted by Ramon Serrano Suner, General Franco’s former 2IC. The pilot responded in perfect Spanish. The Lysander was then taken into a hangar and the markings were heated up so that the wax paint melted off. The Lysander was now where it was supposed to be, in Spain. The Junkers did not stand out amongst the Condor Legion’s Junkers and the Lysander did not stand out amongst the eight Westland Lysander Mkllls in Portugal from September 1943.

Spain had declared itself a ‘safe haven’ for war criminals in April 1945. This was immediately covered up by the Allies’ ‘Operation Safe Haven’ to recover gold and other assets stolen by the Nazis.

The operation to remove Hitler (OPWTP) was tacked onto the operation to remove Bormann (OPJB). If any M operatives knew about the planned removal of Hitler beforehand, they would never have accepted the mission.

Hitler carried with him all the Chancellery documents that Martin Bormann had. The James Bond mission was intended to fail as soon as Ian Fleming, Caroline Saunders and Adolf and Eva Hitler had reached Spain. The mission to pluck Adolf and Eva Hitler out of Berlin was tacked onto another mission so that no one could string it all together. Everyone in Operation JAMES BOND was supposed to die and all knowledge of the mission was supposed to die with them.

After Adolf and Eva Hitler were safely in Barcelona they had to cover all their tracks. The same day that Rabbit and Ms Rabbit escaped out of Berlin (5 pm, 2 May 1945), Admiral Doenitz, the new leader of Germany (1 May-7 May 1945) moved his head-quarters from Ploen to Flensburg (closer to the Danish border) and took Minister of Armaments Albert Speer with him. Himmler followed with his entourage of vanity.

Hanna Reitsch (Commander-in-Chief of the German Air Force) flew Adolf and Eva Hitler into British Intelligence-controlled Fascist Spain, to General Franco’s MI-6 handler, Ramon Serrano Suner. As soon as she had secured Adolf and Eva’s acceptance into British Intelligence safe haven, Hanna Reitsch left Spain late on 3 May 1945 and returned to Germany in the early hours of 4 May. (See Hitler’s Host for Hitler’s Ghost, Appendix 11)

Hanna Reitsch then met up with her injured partner, General of the Luftwaffe, Field Marshal Ritter von Greim and briefed him with Hitler’s latest wishes, just in time for a meeting with Himmler at Schleswig- Holstein the same day (4 May 1945). The two dressed him down as though they were the voice of Hitler from beyond the grave.

Himmler, long compromised by the British, failed to receive his promotion, was rejected by the others and relieved of all duties and postings. He was on his way to give himself up at an American outpost when he was intercepted by the British on Churchill’s orders and killed by ‘Mr Thomas’.


It is commonly thought that Himmler bit on his cyanide capsule during a doctor’s examination and committed suicide, but when he died his nose was broken and his cyanide capsule was still in tact. Churchill did not want Himmler interviewed by the Americans and refused to allow him to reveal what he knew at trial. This removed one of the most troublesome witnesses to Hitler’s survival and Churchill’s part in it._

[For more on the death of Himmler, read Captain Thomas Selvester, My Grandad]


The Junkers JU 52/3m gl4e. This was the final WWII production version of the Junkers. Only a very small and unknown number were built.

Westland Lysander IIIA, Serial No. V9673, modified in the 1990s with the serial number changed to V9367, while still claiming 161 Squadron allegiance. Note the drop tank.


Hanna Reitsch (29 March 1912-24 August 1979) Commander-in-Chief of the German Air Force (26 April-7 May 1945).


Ian Fleming in Room 10 of Royal Navy Headquarters and smoking rights.

After five days of independent negotiations with Hitler and Bormann regarding their new identities, plastic surgery, places of residence and where the loot was, Germany surrendered (7 May 1945). The same day Winston Churchill announced WWII would end at 0.01 am 8 May 1945, with the death of Hitler officially noted as 30 April 1945, and Martin Bormann’s as 1 May 1945.

This was a signature MI-6 act – one of their greatest ever. They are constantly into double-dealings that appear on the surface, and at depth, to be treasonous.

MI-6’s primary role is as an agent of war.

The same day (8 May 1945) Luftwaffe General Karl Koller visited General of the Luftwaffe Ritter von Greim and Commander-in-Chief of Luftwaffe Hanna Reitsch (both 26 April-7 May 1945) and they all said:

“No one would find Hitler’s corpse.”

They should know. They organised his flight out and covered all bases.

For all the month that Ritter von Greim was General of the Luftwaffe he was injured. He “committed suicide” on 24 May 1945 and his ‘suicide’ removed any chance of him being a witness.

Hanna Reitsch was captured in the summer of 1945. The death of her partner was enough to keep her quiet and her true confessions were either never ascertained or never made public.

Hanna Reitsch returned to Spain to live after the war. In Spain there was another attempt on her life as her plane caught fire, but she was a survivor.


Fieseler Storch

Leon Degrelle also headed to Barcelona flying a Fieseler Storch, a German VTOL (short takeoff and landing). This was the same plane the Germans used to fly Benito Mussolini (1883-1945) out of Italian captivity at Grand Sasso in northern Italy in 1943, and the same type of short single-engine aircraft Rommel used to fly around the African desert. The Fieseler Storch was a well-trusted plane, enough for German High Command intelligence work.

In Spain, Leon Degrelle, a Jesuit from father to son, Belgian Fascist, former Chief of the Belgian SS and father of seven daughters, was known as Dr Sanchez. Here, he and Hanna Reitsch crashed in his Fieseler Storch on a beach in 1945 with Degrelle suffering disfiguring burns to his face and body. They were both supposed to die after the testament mission was successfully accomplished.15

Hanna Reitsch had many world gliding records including the longest distance (305 km, 1936) and another for being the first to glide over the Alps. In 1952 she attained third place in the world gliding championships in Spain. Hanna Reitsch eventually died from a massive heart attack at the age of 67 (29 March 1912-24 August 1979).

In the early 1990s, Leon Degrelle (15 June 1906-1 April 1994) was commissioned by the US to write a revisionist history of WWII. He completed this, including his plane crash in Spain with Hanna Reitsch which left his face and body badly burned and scarred. Days after the book came out, he was killed (87) in Malaga (Spain) and the book was withdrawn. (Sometimes MI-6 go around and buy them all).

It was Ian Fleming, the future author of the James Bond series, and Caroline Saunders who flew out of Berlin with Adolf and Eva Hitler to their final destination in British Intelligence-controlled Spain.

M Section’s ‘shred, doctor and forge’ unit went into overdrive expunging every trace of Operation JAMES BOND to remove Bormann, thus removing any trace of the parasite Operation WINNIE THE POOH to remove Hitler.

Ian Fleming then became an alcoholic. His financial state was so bad by 1952 his bank manager insisted he write books in order to recover his debts. His first book Casino Royale appeared in 1953 and was based on actual events – the money followed and was shared with all of his James Bond team.

In the British elections immediately after WWII, Churchill was ousted and replaced at the Potsdam Conference (17 July-2 August 1945) by Prime Minister Attlee (July 1945-51). In this way, Churchill didn’t have to answer any of Stalin’s questions about Hitler’s whereabouts. At Potsdam the Soviets and the Allies quarrelled about everything. The only thing they agreed on was that:

Hitler should be left off the list of war criminals and not tried at Nuremberg or elsewhere.

A few weeks later General Eisenhower told Dutch radio that there was reason to believe Hitler had slipped away to freedom.

Russian and American officers who had been to the Chancellery Bunker agreed that Hitler had slipped out of the Bunker and that his body was not found. Berlin newsmen confidently announced that Hitler was still alive. In the United States, Gallup Poll 1:527 showed that 70% of Americans believed Hitler was still alive.

Stalin developed an obsessive suspicion that Hitler had escaped and was still alive. One Soviet report suggested that Bormann and Hitler left the bunker together, and this simple summation was reasonably close to the truth.

Hitler left the Bunker at 8 pm on 30 April 1945 and Martin Bormann left at 8.40 pm on 1 May 1945.

Stalin correctly implied that Hitler had backed General Franco’s forces and accused Franco of harbouring the fugitive Hitler. Frustrated by increasing distrust and paranoia, Stalin had every contact with Hitler Jailed. With them he jailed Russian, East German and Polish undercover personnel and plugged everybody for years about what they knew. The Russians did learn a lot but seemed to be baffled by an overabundance of bullshit which is the natural German reaction to major catastrophes.

In desperation Stalin ordered the infiltration of the Vatican, which produced even more bullshit. In 1953, not much closer to the truth, he had a stroke and died. “Now a new Hitler Youth Director, I mean Pope, presides over all.”

Retired Intelligence Officer on guarantee of anonymity:

“The difference between the CIA, the KGB and the Catholic Church is the KGB may shoot you, the CIA may shoot you full of drugs and the Catholic Church will guarantee to fuck you up the arse. This is why it has always been difficult to find couriers to the Catholic Church except for a certain breed of agent who doesn’t mind. The Russians have always treated the Catholic Church as another spy agency, and an odious one at that.”

MI-6 Officer: “Hitler’s death was a shonky load of shit. Doppelgangers may have died in the bunker for Adolf and Eva, but the real Eva Braun and Adolf Hitler were swished out of Germany by the British to Spain in the same manner the British swished the Kaiser out of Germany in 1918.

“Hitler returned to Spain where the Germans had been practising for WWII from 1936 to 1939 and was referred to as ‘the German Gardener’ for his own protection.

“He lived out his days in the Montserrat Monastery just outside Barcelona and in the Citadel overlooking Barcelona. He worked [in the Parc de la Ciutadella opposite the Natural History Museum] as a gardener, dying in early 1950 of stomach cancer. He died from radiation plates fitted into his mattress [six weeks to die], a favourite British method of getting rid of ‘sensitive alien allies from former warring countries’.”

The Montserrat Monastery is incredibly isolated and currently requires a funicular (cabled railway) to get to it. But it is a very beautiful building in a stunning isolated location. When you get there you are completely dependent on the monks. Above the monastery are two outbuildings where Adolf and Eva Hitler spent their time when things got really hot. Montserrat was built in 1592 and rebuilt in 1858 after being destroyed. Now 10,000 people visit there every day.

Spymaster: “Hitler was definitely in Spain. Circa 1949/50, a group of IRA were in Spain (about 15 years before they were needed) being billeted just outside the Citadel in Barcelona. One IRA billet went for a walk in the Parc de la Ciutadella on New Year’s Eve and met the ‘German Gardener! Adolf Hitler, and spoke with him about his roses, in English.

“When Spanish Intelligence heard about this they went berserk. They interviewed the billet and said, ‘How did you speak to the German Gardener? He doesn’t speak English’

“The young IRA man replied, ‘We spoke about the roses and he spoke English.’ He was pistol-whipped for his troubles.

“The same IRA soldier didn’t surface again until 1987 when he was around 60 years old, appearing on TV walking beside Ypres Road, one of the long straight roads below the Poelcappelle (Poplar trees) in Belgium. The British were accusing him of being a Quartermaster General in the IRA (head of the army department in charge of stores). He replied: ‘I am only a poor parish priest going about my business’ He was referred to as Father Ryan. A week later the British attempted to deport him to England, for trial, but failed, because he [too] could show that the British had removed Hitler to safety and Spain, and that the potential embarrassment of this was enormous, riotous and very unpatriotic for England.

“When I met Father Ryan, he showed me a vellum Vatican bull. It was written in English, French, German, Spanish, Italian and one other language I didn’t recognise. It read:

‘This Priest is on urgent mission work and whomever impedes or obstructs him will be instantly excommunicated from the Church.’”

Such a statement is quite comparable to that of Pope Gregory XIII (1958-63), formerly Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli, who in 1962 issued a confidential document to all Bishops, stating that they should:

“not move any claims of paedophilia to discussion” on penalty of being excommunicated.

Spymaster: “Father Ryan also said he had high blood pressure and if you live long enough, you’ll come down with exactly what I’ve got.”

Sure enough, every capable Intelligence Officer I’ve spoken to has had high blood pressure. Not surprisingly, it lowered when they found someone who would record their stories and lowered again when they read this. Recording these stories takes a certain IQ – bright enough to understand and dumb enough to write it down.

Hitler started learning English when he trained in the British Psych- Ops Schools in Tavistock and Ireland, when he lived in Liverpool for six months, and during his frequent visits to London. Not speaking English was part of his cover as a British double agent and speaking English (and not German) while living in Spain was also part of his cover. It gave him the edge, and helped to make the Austrian, ‘a trusted German’.

That the young Irishman was close to the same age as Hitler was when he was in Liverpool and Ireland (23) raised enough affinity, rapport, and longing for family, for Hitler to break cover. From this point on, “the curio that Hitler had become was not worth the risk that he posed”, and a decision was made to terminate him (3 January 1950).

Radioactive plates were slipped into his mattress (5 January 1950), as per the British, and he died of stomach cancer some six weeks later (19 February 1950).

Due to Dr Morell’s toxic thrice-daily medication during the war, Hitler looked 80 rather than 60 years, 10 months and 19 days old. Adolfs Will of 1938 was discovered three years later in 1953 and it left 60,000 marks to his half-brother Alois who was Hitler’s seconder. This disregarded the last will and testament Hitler and Bormann brought out of Berlin on 2 May 1945 which would have exposed operations JAMES BOND and WINNIE THE POOH as something akin to complicity to mass war crimes.

Alois Hitler was also Psych-Ops-trained and was encouraged to pick up the pieces immediately after Adolf s actual death. He didn’t have a hope in hell. He had gambled in Monte Carlo and was bankrupted in 1914. He continued setting up businesses and gambling in Monte Carlo and changed his name from Alois Hitler to Alois Eberle and then to Alois Hiller. He took up politics and became leader of an extreme right wing nationalistic movement in the early 1950s. This also bombed.

By 1953 he was selling portraits of Hitler signed by Alois, as though they were signed by Adolf. The seconder agent had become a spoof. To finish it off, all these records have been confused and it is only input from ‘living libraries’ and ‘talking dictionaries’ that cut the wheat from the chaff.

Like Martin Bormann, there was another story floating around that Adolf Hitler had died in 1958. Folklore ideas with serious consequences are usually introduced under the guise of non-reality, usually through part-fantasy, part-reality films. Sometimes the entire film is a front for a single statement.

This was repeated in 2004 when Professor Trevor Broom (sweep it under the carpet) as Head of America’s Bureau of Paranormal Defence and Research makes this statement in the action/fantasy flick, Hellboy: “1958 – the occult wars finally come to an end with the death of Adolf Hitler.”

Agent John T. Myers: “1945 … you mean Hitler died in 1945.”

Professor Trevor Broom: “Did he now? Oh, ah, Myers, this is Agent Clay. Take his lead. He’ll make the introductions.”

There was another more alive action/fantasy story floating around that Adolf Hitler was running a menswear store in Levin, a small drive- through town an hour north of Wellington, New Zealand’s capital. Through my research I met one of the two assassins who were assigned to kill this ‘Hitler’ in February 1964 (the same year Ian Fleming died). They were paid £1000 up front with another £2000 due on completion. One of the two assigned to kill this Hitler was good friends with the New Zealander Dan Davin, head of Britain’s M at the time – the same organisation that had brought Martin Bormann and Hitler out of Germany 19 years earlier.

Dan Davin (1913-1990) came from humble beginnings. He grew up in the small town of Oamaru where his father was a fencer and scrub cutter. He played rugby and cricket for the South Island and became a Rhodes Scholar, which is a diplomatic spy network using sporting intelligentsia as founded at All Souls College, Oxford University, England. He wrote The Gorse Blooms Pale (1947) and For the Rest of our Lives (also 1947), a strange book about New Zealanders in Greece and the Desert of Cyrenaica and Libya during WWII. He was the inspiration for Graeme Greene’s character ‘Smiley’, was an Oxford Don as a Classical Scholar, and held the Oxford Chair in Rare Classics, which meant he had no students. He became head of Britain’s MI-5 – the British Intelligence Council (some say he became ‘M’ after Major Desmond Morton) – and he did all of this without the New Zealand Government ever acknowledging him.

Two charismatic ruffians, John and Tom were having an innocent drink in the Regent Hotel lobby on Manners St in Wellington, New Zealand early in February 1964 when a respectable Jewish man approached them and said:

“I know you boys do bad things. I have found Hitler.

He works in a menswear store in Levin.

Heading north, it’s the one on the left.
I want you to kill him for me.”

The Jews were quite obsessed about Hitler and John and Tom were prepared to take advantage of this.

This Jew was the largest furrier (fur coat dealer) in the country and a very successful businessman. John and Tom considered him successful enough to be someone who should not be deluded, but as things have turned out, there were more Slavs gassed in the ovens than Jews.

Double checking this story in April 2005, John said to me: “More of mine got killed” and finished off with a joke:

“After all the kindness from the Germans paying for Israel, the Huns got sick of it and sent the Jews a gas bill.”

As soon as John and Tom got the £1000 down payment they jumped in a taxi and got as far away from the hotel as quickly as possible. They didn’t want the “obsessed Jew” to change his mind. Tom then suggested they’d better check this guy out, so the two assigned assassins went to see the supposed Hitler.

“He did indeed look like Hitler, right down to the height and the small moustache, but he was the wrong age … By then Hitler should have been 74, but this guy barely looked 60 …

So we went back to our employer and told him we had done the job and collected the other £2000.”

No Hitler and no Hitler lookalikes were killed, but it was a notable distraction that perpetrated the theory that Hitler was still alive, and it only cost £3000. The people chosen to do the job were white, believable and likeable charismatics. Their rumours would be believed, spread and misinterpreted throughout the pubs of New Zealand and abroad. The fee, the price of a house and section in those days, was never requested back. This was part of a deliberate and ongoing hoax. It was myth building.

The ‘Tom’ in this microcosm of history was Tom Stanford, also known as ‘Tom Ward’ and ‘Big Tom’. He had been the cook and bodyguard for Noel Coward in England and through an actor friend of Noel’s got work in the movies. He was 67” (2.1 m) and built well enough to be the loin-clad man who bashed the gong in the signature opening act for the J. Arthur Rank movies (later Pinewood Studios).
In New Zealand Tom was a croupier for church and bingo halls ensuring that the promoter got their cut. When Tom Stanford died in the late 1960s he was cremated at Karori in Wellington. Four years later Jockey John went looking for him and found an undertaker who was a drinking buddy of Big Tom’s. The undertaker had held on to Big Tom’s ashes for a couple of years waiting for someone to claim them. When Jockey John arrived he pointed out where, two years earlier, he had “released Tom Stanford’s ashes under these rose bushes here.” Jockey John assures me it was quite a nice spot.

Rather ironically, three years before the Hitler contract, Hitler’s assassin was cast in the leading role in the first James Bond movie Dr No (1962), but was replaced, due to a drinking problem, by the Scottish milkman and truck driver Sean Connery. He was, however, an advisor on the 1969 James Bond On Her Majesty’s Secret Service where he gave George Lazenby acting lessons.

Conspiracy theories amass in cover-ups and there were plenty around Hitler’s multiple deaths during his career, his many faceted escapes out of Germany and the many sightings of him after the war. At each level there is another theory and these are developed to occupy the minds of varying intellects and belief systems with varying amounts of research. To decipher these you have to understand that the groups behind Hitler were the most powerful and resourceful organisations in the world. For them, Hitler was an agent of war and as long as the focus was on him, it was not on them.

Operations JAMES BOND and WINNIE THE POOH were designed so that nobody would believe they ever existed and nobody could prove them. They left no evidence other than a Junkers JU52/3m gl4e that witnesses described as a Junkers/Junkers 52, a camouflaged submarine too small to be a submarine, a bombed-out motorboat and a Lysander with dummy wax-painted serial numbers proved to be elsewhere.

This was enough to discredit any witnesses. The mission was designed so that nobody would believe it and nobody could prove it, making Ian Fleming the star attraction to the end of the century.

It was essential for the British to suppress details and confuse the outcome of WWII for as long as possible. If those who fought, and those who lost parents and children during the war, discovered that Britain had taken many of the leading Nazis out of Berlin and given them safe haven in Britain, Spain, South America and New Zealand, then patriotic people would have rioted.

The British went to enormous trouble removing Martin Bormann and Adolf and Eva Hitler out of Germany, creating doubles for all of them in life and death, as well as doubles for their transport planes.

“It was rumoured that Hitler had perished, but nobody really believed this.”19 Hitler survived for another five years and Martin Bormann for another 14 years with doppelgangers operating for both.

Operations JAMES BOND was a success and a secret for the next half-century. Operations WINNIE THE POOH and TESTAMENT were a secret for the next 60 years.

There are jokes in Intelligence work and one of them is the number on the dates on which pertinent events occur. When the West bombed Tavistock Square as an add on to the London Tube bombing, under the guise of being oil-rich Syrians, they did so on 07.07.2005 – 007.0077.

The joke here is that the original James Bond characters pulled Adolf Hitler out of Berlin at 5 pm, 2 May 1945 or 1700 hrs on 02.05.1945, with the numbers being 007“\007” or (007“) – the ‘squared’ being another allusion to Freemasonry.

Ian Fleming left a lot of leads, just as in-house sabotage does today.

The old boys who laugh at history – the old Freemasons with nothing to make them radical and enough protection to make them feel like life’s a day’s fishing amongst friends they laugh and say the Spanish government were still making remarks about Hitler in 1965:

“Our soil is tilled by the smartest people of Europe” and “Our soil is tilled by the finest minds of Europe”.

From this they believe Hitler died in 1965 or 1975. That may be so for one of his doppelgangers, but there was cover upon cover and the real boy died on 19 February 1950.

On YouTube

Hitler Was a British Agent (Greg Hallett) part 1 / 6
Hitler Was a British Agent (Greg Hallett) part 2 / 6
Hitler Was a British Agent (Greg Hallett) part 3 / 6
Hitler Was a British Agent (Greg Hallett) part 4 / 6
Hitler Was a British Agent (Greg Hallett) part 5 / 6
Hitler Was a British Agent (Greg Hallett) part 6 / 6

Hallett Report Books Index

Greg Hallett Hitler was a British Agent

On Scribd  Hitler Was A British Agent PDF (extracts 55 pages)



James Bond is for real


Even the hand signs…




What ya thinkin?