BUSTED: JO COX was “rescued” by DEAD MAN!


(Not exactly a shocker to some!!)

Reblogged from VETERANS TODAY

British MP was “rescued” by Dead Man Ian Greenhalgh June 21, 2016

Thus far, I have kept quiet about the Jo cox murder, preferring to take a wider view of events and leave the nitty gritty of pulling apart the official story to others as today, whenever a suspicious incident occurs, a veritable army of skeptics immediately arises to pore over every detail.

In this case however, very little painstaking analysis or dedicated research was needed to blow the lid off the official story and be able to declare with certainty that this is yet another fraudulent event.

The nail in the coffin for the official story has been provided in the form of a 77 year old supposed hero; however, when one learns that this hero has been deceased, ceased to be, became an ex-pensioner and began pushing up daisies three years ago, a massive hole is blown clean through the official narrative leaving nothing afloat, the whole thing has been obliterated, exposed utterly for the fraud that it is.

In an article written by Josh Halliday for the UK Guardian newspaper on June 20th, entitled Calls for man who intervened in Jo Cox attack to get George Cross, we find the official version of events:

Friends, neighbours and former miners have joined calls to award the George Cross medal to the pensioner who tried to save Jo Cox.

Bernard Kenny, 77, was stabbed in the stomach as he went to the aid of the Labour MP, who was fatally stabbed and shot last Thursday.

Kenny arrived home on Monday afternoon under a police escort, having spent four nights in Leeds General Infirmary.

There’s one problem with the above report and it calls into question everything we’ve been told about Jo Cox’s murder.

Bernard Kenny, the pensioner who allegedly intervened when Cox was attacked died in 2013.
Pictured below is a screenshot of his obituary in the Yorkshire Evening Post.

The following is a machine translation from a Dutch website that elaborates on this fraud:

BREAKING: helper Jo Cox, 77 -year-old man named Bernard Kenny passed away in 2013

Filed in NEWS ANALYSIS by Martin Vrijland on June 20, 2016

The 77 -year-old retired man Jo Cox would have helped according to testify against the attack of Thomas Mair , already appears to be deceased in 2013 . This is apparent from an obituary in the Yorkshire Evening Post . The best man can never have been on the scene of the accident . The myth of the saving hero is thus pierced at 1x . The myth of the murder of Jo Cox is thus also pierced.

Mr. Bernard Kenny would have been an ex- miner who would be in good condition and swimming every day . He was already a hero , because in 1973 he had been involved in a rescue operation in Lofthouse Colliery mine in West Yorkshire in England. Mr. Kenny would after his heroic act and attempt to save Jo Cox , were wounded and evacuated to a hospital in Leeds. But what now appears (& probably you will not even believe this, because it does not come from the mainstream media) These Bernard Kenny is already deceased on January 21 , 2013. The following ad speaks for itself.
Mr. Kenny now would indeed probably have been 77 , assuming that his birthday would have set the date of the alleged murder of Jo Cox. How likely is it that someone with the same name and the same age , from the same place?

This is hard evidence that the murder of Jo Cox is a hoax. Earlier evidence I reviewed all here, here and here It is fully put in scene , which now appears clear from the fact that a hero character was invented in the form of an old miners hero . Unfortunately, now comes out that this man already no longer alive.

This hoax bubble has been punctured !

Busted Jo Cox murder is completely fraudulent & faked 21/06/16


The following is an extract from  Aangirfan: Brendan Cox 

Brendan Cox attended , the London School of Economics 1997 – 2000, and London South Bank University 2002 – 2004.


Between 2008 and 2010, Brendan Cox served as Special Advisor for Africa and International Development to Gordon Brown, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.

The White Helmets ‘have been linked to the CIA, Mossad, MI6 and al Qaeda.’

Brendan Cox was the husband of Jo Cox. Brendan Cox is tweeting out a Go Fund Me link to his wife’s ‘favourite causes’ and one of those is the White Helmets.

The White Helmets is the military propaganda arm of the Allies attempt at regime change by destabilising Syria.”

“11 miles from Jo Cox’s own constituency, white children were falling victim to a large Muslim paedophile ring.”

Jo Cox “was reported by Haaretz in Jerusalem as being a campaign manager for Obama in 2008. “Her Wiki profile does not mention anything about her religion, but the tone of the Haaretz article suggests she was Jewish…”

READ IN FULL @  Aangirfan: Brendan Cox 

