HIV; Made At Ft Detrick? They Had The Cure For DECADES?
What about how the US planted HIV/AIDS into the World
More Evidence HIV Was Made At Ft. Detrick
From Alan Cantwell MD
I am a physician and AIDS researcher who has authored two books on the man-made origin of HIV/AIDS (“AIDS & THE DOCTORS OF DEATH: AN INQUIRY INTO THE ORIGIN OF THE AIDS EPIDEMIC” and “QUEER BLOOD: THE SECRET AIDS GENOCIDE PLOT.”).
On the eve of the Blue Moon of May 31, 2007, I was sent the most explosive email I have ever received concerning possible insider evidence pertaining to the man-made epidemic of AIDS. The communication was sent by Sue Arrigo, M.D., who claimed she was a physician licensed in California (G50197). Because her email (attached below) was so mind-blowing, I immediately googled Arrigo and found several entries including a note on one website in which Arrigo claimed to have been kidnapped, raped and threatened with death in 2004 (this was NOT mentioned in her email to me). In addition, I checked online and verified that she was indeed a licensed CA physician, although her license expired in December, 2006, and her current residence is in Canada.
In her email Dr. Arrigo asked if I would help her get the word out to interested persons. I would ask that anyone who receives this communication to do all they can to spread the word regarding her accusations that AIDS is a man-made disease.
Over the past two decades there have been only a handful of other physicians and health professionals who have had the courage to alert the public to evidence that AIDS is man-made (namely Robert Strecker MD, William Campbell Douglass MD, Eva Snead MD, and Leonard G Horowitz DDS) . In general, their research (books, videos, internet communications) have been ignored by the CDC, the NIH, the AIDS establishment, the major media, etc. — and merely passed over as “conspiracy theory” and “paranoia.” Dr. Arrigo has a long association with the CIA as an expert on biological warfare, and also has apparent ties to the highest powers (and presidents) in the U.S. government. Thus, her insider status makes her an extremely valuable witness to the truth about AIDS and its man-made origin.
Please do all you can to confirm or deny the truth of Dr. Arrigo’s accusations — and to publicize her plight — and to air her plea on behalf of the abominations of secret biological warfare experimentation and use against human beings.
I have attached the google references to “sue arrigo”, her email to me in it’s entirety, proof of her CA medical credentials, and a website note of her rape and torture.
In truth and justice,
Alan Cantwell M.D.
On May 31, 2007, at 8:32 PM, Sue Arrigo wrote:
Dear Dr. Cantwell,
Thank you for your courage and integrity in speaking the truth.
As an ex- CIA physician with high level access, I wrote a report for DCI Webster in about 1991 arguing for closure of all the US Bio-Warfare Labs. I did that after reviewing the Ft. Detrick and the CIA’s Langley Bio-Warfare Labs’s research, looking at their own documents. That review was authorized because Bush, Sr. had sold dangerous Bio-Warfare agents to Hussein, which I ended up having to recover from Iraq. Webster, as a former judge, willing to evaluate the evidence, allowed me to research the field and write a report for him of close to 100 pages and 1000 pages of supporting documents.
Although the focus of my report was why the Bio-Warfare Labs should be closed, the issue of the HIV virus developed by the Ft. Detrick lab formed about 18 pages of my report. At the time I wrote that report, the vaccine for HIV that had been developed in 6 months of work, had already been used by the Cabal since 1983.
It was a crime against humanity that the virus was unleashed on the world, and it continues to be a crime that the vaccine has been kept secret and for private use only. Meanwhile, the outer research to get to a vaccine is an exercise in how not to arrive at a solution before millions more die. The initial “hopes” for HIV per its designers was to be able to walk into Africa and take the resources from a ghost continent. They had hyped it as killing everyone there within a year, in their pre-release reports.The research at the Labs addressed the fastest way to make vaccines to Bio-warfare agents, both in labs, at a front, and impromptu on a battlefield. That was a pressing concern and one that was researched using millions and millions of dollars.
Briefly, the consensus at the time was that1) Any agent from a sick soldier left in a Waring Blender for 8 hours would be broken down well enough to not be infective in small doses ( ie. less than a 100 germs). The Labs had made an IgM set of antibodies to sediment out the human HLA antigens by centrifuging it. That allowed the supernatant to be used as a vaccine with little serum sickness problems. A physician in a war zone equipped with a Waring Blender, a blood specimen centrifuge, and a vial of the IgM could make a fast “fresh” vaccine and start inoculating soldiers. The labs tested that using a variety of agents and common cold agents. It was only if one wanted to store the vaccine in vials that one got into the problem of denaturing the proteins of the agent due to heat, chemicals,etc. That was where most of the problems of loss of effectiveness crop up.
2) The Labs found that causing a 1cm by 1cm abrasion until one got lymph and applying a drop of the “fresh vaccine” and a band aid, worked almost as well as an injection. The abrasion could be caused by three fast firm strokes of very fine sand paper over a template with a square of skin bulging through it. This method had much less serum sickness problem. The major problem was occasion keloid and scar formation and superficial infections.
3) The Labs also showed that it was possible to make a crude live vaccine as an emergency directly on the battlefield. The principle was that infection occurs when the body’s defenses are overwhelmed but that the body can usually fend off 10 to 50 organisms even of Bio-warfare agents. It was a simple dilution to get the agent into the right ballpark, starting with a secretion of a sick person. Then a drop of that dilute live agent would be placed on an abrasion. That was also tested during war games with colds etc. The diluted material can’t be stored for longer than an hour due to the risk of multiplying the agent. It was assumed that in the field it would not be known whether the agent was a virus or a bacteria. A bacteria that divided every 20 minutes could be 8 fold in quantity after an hour and risk causing the infection one was attempting to prevent. Of course, such a live agent could be extremely dangerous and except in an extreme emergency would not be used.
4) The issue of how to quickly sterilize a make-shift vaccine was also addressed in the research. The best method was to dry the agent, if time permitted. Second best was to preserve the agent in Vodka (40%), not gin, etc., and then to dilute it down to less than 2% alcohol before applying it to the abrasion.
That means that a simple vaccine for HIV can be made by virtually anyone in the world in a short period of time, though it would likely need to be repeated periodically to get and keep the titers up. But repeating it is a good idea anyway as that helps address the mutation problem. So, suppose one took 1 cc of secretions from each of 10 HIV patients in an area (without fungal infections preferably) and mixed them together to have a range of HIV agents. Then one could add 250 cc of Vodka and let it sit a week. Then one could remove a cc of that and add 20 cc of clean water to get a less than 2% alcohol solution. A drop of that could be applied to an abrasion. That, I believe, would give you about 60% protection. Repeating that at intervals of about 2 weeks to a month for 6 months and using new HIV secretions every 6 to 12 months, I think would give one fairly good protection in a person with a normal immune system to start with. Of course, that is a crude method and should be tested for efficacy etc. But it is simple enough to test on sex workers, if they were willing to volunteer. They are at such high risk that the likely benefits almost certainly outweigh the risks. The chief risk would still be sensitization with human HLA proteins. The beauty of using abrasions is that one can wash the vaccine off as soon as any untoward reaction is noticed.
If you know of people doing HIV research who are not controlled by the US govt, could you please pass this information on to them?
It would be good to get it out to those who could investigate this information with the intention of saving lives with it. Bio- warfare research is immoral and illegal. Unfortunately the US govt is accelerating that research and production of secret private vaccines.Sincerely, Sue Arrigo, MD
following found here
An American Already Tortured By Cheney’s Team in the US
Posted by: kunzangwangmo on Nov 11, 2005 10:16 PM
As a coerced CIA asset, I was asked by Cheney in Aug. 2004 to frame Iran as developing nuclear weapons. Because Cheney was afraid of CIA leaks, he gave me the assignment at a Chinese restaurant in DC after hours. It was not the first meeting that I have ever had privately with him as I acted as a negotiator between him and Tenet. Within the CIA I had been an outspoken critic of US wars of aggression, its nuclear first strike plans, and its breaking of nuclear arms control treaties. I spent most of my life as an operative risking my life as a remote viewing spy monitoring and recovering lost WMD.
I am a doctor and the assignment Cheney gave me was to go to Iran as a physician. Once in Iran, a camera crew would be filming when an Iranian agent would rush in to say that he knew a secret bunker where the Iranian govt. was developing nuclear weapons. Cheney admitted that the rest of the filming would occur in Hollywood with a mock up of said lab. Clearly, this was an immoral assignment. There was no way that I was going to have the blood of innocent Iranian women and children on my hands, so I refused. When I did so, Cheney threatened the life of my mother. Since my mother had recently told me she would rather die than have me be emotionally blackmailed in this way, I held to my no.
During the course of our about 40 minute talk, one of his secret service officers interrupted us twice. The next week when I was kidnapped in Virginia, raped and tortured for 4 days, I recognized the voice of that officer as one of the rapists.
It is an outrage that Cheney is advocating torture. He has already shown by his actions, that he will stop at nothing, not even the torture of American born CIA personnel in order to get his way. He has a clear conflict of interest in making money off these wars. Are we, as Americans, going to torture people just so that corrupt officials can line their pockets with oil and war profiteering revenues?
Please write your congresspersons to prevent others being tortured as I was. Cheney and Bush should be impeached for lying to force us into war. We are not winning the war on terrorism, torture is terrorism as anyone who had been through it knows. I was raped and subjected to three mock executions, when will this US reign of terror end?
Sue Arrigo, MD
California medical license G 50197
Every Church A Peace Church Speakers Bureau
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The assignment Cheney gave me was to go to Iran as a physician in a humanitarian gesture to treat … Sue Arrigo, MD California medical license G 50197 … sid=935c8b88071f6e893ab7650a3d92f492 – 62k – May 31, 2007 – Cached – Similar pages
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Subject: Sue Ann Arrigo, MD/ CA medical license information verification
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Dr. Alan Cantwell is a retired dermatologist; and the author of
five books on the man-made origin of AIDS and the infectious origin of cancer, all published by Aries Rising Press, PO Box 29532, Los Angeles, CA 90029 ( Email: . Abstracts of 30 published papers can be found at the PubMed website. Many of his personal writings can be found on by typing in key words “alan cantwell” + articles. His latest book is Four Women Against Cancer: Bacteria, Cancer and the Origin of Life. His books are available on and through Book Clearing House @ 1-]
Alan Cantwell M.D.
Bacteria, Cancer and the Origin of Life
MMR Vaccines and connection to autism
Whistle blower drops a bombshell in the United States
Vaccine-autism connection: US Congressman stonewalled by CDC, by Jon Rappoport, August 21, 2014
Posted on August 21, 2014 by Jean
With a CDC whistleblower standing in the shadows, claiming the CDC has known about the vaccine-autism connection for 10 years, the cover-up is threatening to blow sky-high.
And now Florida Congressman Bill Posey has sent me a statement about his experience with the CDC.
Posey has been trying to obtain specific data about a 2004 CDC study which claimed the MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine has no role in causing autism.
The CDC whistleblower (so far, anonymously) has been pointing to that 2004 study as a fraud, claiming vital data were omitted, data which would indict the vaccine.
So how has the CDC responded to Posey’s inquiry and request for all the 2004 data?
Here is what he wrote to me:
“The CDC has refused for more than six months to hand over documents I requested concerning this issue. That is not the type of response we expect from our government.”
A US Congressman wants research data from a federal agency and they flat-out refuse.
Nothing much is a stake here—only the health of the entire US population. Vaccines causing autism? And the CDC has the right to keep as many secrets as it wants to?
Did the CDC wake up one morning and decide it’s the CIA? On what grounds is it refusing to release the data? National Security?
Here is what the CDC whistleblower (a research scientist still employed by the CDC) states: intentionally omitted data from the 2004 study shows that: African-American boys who receive their first MMR vaccine before the age of 36 months have a 300% increased risk of developing autism.
Presumably, this is what Congressman Posey would learn if the CDC turned over the data to him.
And who knows what else he would learn?
My comment about the CDC thinking it’s the CIA isn’t entirely facetious. In 1987, I confirmed that, routinely, certain CDC employees are sent to Langley, Virginia, for CIA training, and return with top-secret classifications—meaning they can access data that are off-limits to the rest of the CDC and most of the federal government.
Data confirming extensive and ongoing damage caused by vaccines might indeed rate as “classified, National Security,” if by Security you mean “protecting vaccine manufacturers and their government allies.”
As opposed to protecting the public.
Jon Rappoport
The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at
End of article
I myself have exposed the HPV scam regarding the mass vacination of almost every highschool girl and now boy (Worldwide) whilst in their teens. This HPV vaccine is not only unproven but also higly unsafe with no proven data and in actual fact has actually killed more children that the very disease it is supposed to prevent… must also be noted that this same vaccine may lead to gross infirtility… which if true helps the United Nations/WHO acheive their own “Agenda 21 Mass Depopulation Plan.”
You decide
Peter Eyre – 25/8/2014
Middle East Consultant – Political Analyst – Investigative Journalist – Broadcaster
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