Case dropped against B&B owner who ‘refused gay couple double bed’ and advertised hotel as ‘hetrosexual-friendly’​


Highlander stands his ground & refuses to let gay couples stay at his B&B.

2 thoughts on “Case dropped against B&B owner who ‘refused gay couple double bed’ and advertised hotel as ‘hetrosexual-friendly’

  1. “Phrases such as ‘heterosexual-friendly’ ”

    Such as? I am struggling to think of a phrase that isn’t actually the phrase “heterosexual-friendly”, but which is enough LiKE that phrase to fit that description.

    I don’t think of a hotel with no double beds as particularly friendly towards sexuality in general.

    It does strike me (and not just from this story either) that the ECHR employs people lacking in senses of humour, and of proportion.



What ya thinkin?