Named Person News: Mon 11th – Fri 16th Sept #no2np


16th Sept

John Swinney pledges to tackle public mistrust in the controversial ‘named person’ scheme


15th Sept

  Christian Institute

Your chance to demand that John Swinney listens to parents

The Deputy First Minister John Swinney told a Holyrood Committee yesterday that his ‘public consultation’ on Named Persons would NOT involve speaking to NO2NP, but only with those who support Named Persons.

Having told Parliament last week that he would engage with parents, including “those who have concerns” about the policy, he has now announced that he will only talk to people who basically agree with him.
He admitted again that the public have lost confidence in the scheme. But he refuses to do the only thing that has any hope of earning confidence, which is to listen to – and act on – the concerns of the very parents who are most affected by his policy. Parents whose concerns were recently vindicated by the Supreme Court. Read in full HERE

Andrew Denholm: Swinney & the conundrums facing councils, teaching profession & parents

Agenda: Efforts to improve Holyrood committees are insufficient 


14th Sept

John Swinney says he is minister responsible for named person


 The Herald

13th Sept

How will the SNP versus Tory battle at Holyrood play out?

As Brexit and austerity continue to play out, will Scots now follow the yellow brick road to independence with the SNP, go beyond the blue horizon with Ruth Davidson’s Scottish Tories or choose to put the red back into politics with Labour? 

12th Sept

Scotland’s state of neverendum must end The Courier: Letters & Comments

11th Sept

Tackling poverty before independence: that’s something all Scots can celebrate





